The Link 02 Cabbage

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  this column will be a regular issue
  of THE LINK for the average STIGS to
  voice his opinions on the world of

  have your dictionary ready!!!


 good evening everyone.
 it is i, STIGS!

       ie. STIGS it is!

i have been stupidly asked (quite
nicely too, i might add), by someone to
gently disgust the readers of this
here magazine (if any) with several
pseudo-elitist rants and other shit....

BUT WHY must it be so unfairly
accomplished (and rather feebly at that)
by such a loser as stigs??? the answer
apart from being strikingly UNcomplex
(and/or easy) lies in one simple word..
(which can rather UNcomplexLY be turned
into somewhat of a phrase (or indeed an
UNphrase!!???) by any person with a
relatively acceptable intelligence

quota. (AND maybe even by someone whom
so wrongly claims that indeed the
correct spelling of the word "RIDDANCE"
is, (as a matter of fact) spelt (or
hastily typed) as "RIDENTS".)) well?!
i now hear you all screaming indelibly
"what in the BLOODY HELL is this word
(or derived phrase) so indirectly being
referred to?" the ANSWER to this and

many other stupid questions (often
asked by complete KNOBHEADS) can be
found (and fucking will be found in the
current issue of THE LINK, and several
future issues whether you bloody well
like it or not!).
- indeed it is time to take a new line -
so without further delay (of any sort),
i will most definately take a new line..

an immensely interesting observation i
have made just lately, seems to be very
important, (to me anyway), and is most
fully concerned with the technological
unimportance of snot, bile, faecal
discharge, ear-wax, urine and computec
products. every single item found in the
aforementioned list appears to me to be
completely and utterly useless, cacky,

and nothing short of bloody repulsive,
and even bent! (ho ho ho!, he he he!,
ha ha ha!, !blac!blac!blac!). changing
the subject quickly to "ignorance". i do
not hesitate to accept the fact that
the "pocket oxford dictionary" never
lies. therefore this translates
very easily to "lacking knowledge, and
         <j  < (abstract).>

uninformed...". it is my understanding
that an elitist magazine editor whom
so quickly claims to be able to inform
the masses concerning the goings on in,
the existance of, or indeed the verve of
several (as yet) unrecognized groups
because he or she (most probably "she")
has his (her) (to use a shitty cliche-)
"finger on the pulse", because of the

(synonym for unfair) positioning of him
or herself in the charts is ignorant..
       i have never heard of them! does
this make me ignorant? well, when taking
the "pocket oxford dictionary" and its
clearly defined meaning of "ignorant"
into account, the plain answer is
simply "yes". and "yes" if you are the
(or one of the) aforementioned.

this so happily brings us (as in the
author (stigs), and the reader (you)) to
another abrupt and well deserved ending.

the link 3 shall be nothing more than a
haven for opinions, similar to watching
several episodes of donahue.
have a hare, hairy and hare krishna.
            spastic blubberknife/msr/orb

              ITS OVER!!

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