Mamba 23 ch01 The Month in Brief

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  hye there...

  so, further 6 weeks passed (sigh),
  but that is not really a disadvantade
  as you will find the more interesting
  things in this issue.
  especially remarkable is the
  'news & rumours' section as we just
  passed quite an eventful month.

  have a look at this month's
  headliners on the following page

  . ikari dead, danes joined legend

  . excalibur back, x-factor returned

  . genesis project & victims in

  . terminal obsession, censor us hq,
    down, sysop prodigy caught by
    secret service

  . sorceress/victims admitted having
    phonesex with bod/talent

  . and more...

  around the 19th/20th of september
  it must have been, when swat-teams
  (special anti-terror forces in the
  states) visited the houses of
  murdock and grim reaper of nei.

  shortly before, two americans known
  in the c64 scene as skandle and thor
  called up the police and turned them
  (grim reaper & murdock) in for
  murder. the swat teams stormed their
  houses etcetc

  to horizon/nei they sent the fire-

  needless to say that something like
  that can only derive of the minds of
  creatures that are mentally sick!

  if you did not know yet how low
  humans can be, here you got the best
  example... thor & skandle ...

  it all started when the nei members
  were quarreling with the cure (same
  group like thor and skandle) on some
  us-board, that is why they decided
  to do it.

                       another topic...

             opinion poll

  71 boys and girls gave their opinion
  to the following question, asked on
  mamba< headquarter,the shaolin temple

  'when you see a girl for the first
   time, what do you notice first ?'

                            votes  %

  1) her face ?               43  60,5

  2) her breasts ?             9  12,6

  3) her butt ?                6   8,4

  4) her legs ?                9  12,6

  5) doesn't matter, i only    4   5,6
     look at boys anyway !

                            the charts+

  the first release charts

  check mamba issue # 21 for detailed
  rules, for any kind of questions
  or in case you find any wrong
  informations among the charts, simply
  contact us.


 ok here are the new look charts.
 as always we have tried to be as
 objective as possible where the lamer
 charts are concerned.

 check the lamer chart itself for more
 details of the way these games are
 judged. as you will notice both the
 charts will be separated and there'll
 be a section at the end for details of
 other releases. ie. previews and

 american importers (real chart)
   group                 points  month
 1.the shaolin monastery.  18     02
   empire................  18     01
 3.north east importers..  12     03
 4.mirage................  06     --
 5.excalibur.............  03     --

 suprisingly enough there has been lots
 of releases this past month. also the
 comeback of excalibur should make some
 changes in the charts. nice to see a
 change at the top for once.
 euro crackers (real)
   group                 points  month
 1.talent................  15     03
 2.action................  12     03
   legend................  12     03
 4.hysteric+insiders.....  06     --
 5.discovery.............  03     --
   enigma................  03     01
   trc+tbi...............  03     --
   verdict...............  03     --
  this months euro chart shows the 3
 most active euro groups. seems talent
 can survive on there own after all.
 explanations for real imports
 beatball                    h+i/mirage
 * by double density.

 dizzy panic         ikari & talent/tsm
 * by codemasters.

 hiskado                    verdict/nei
 * by kokomo.               (see later)

 square out            discovery/empire
 * by cosmos designs.

 stack up                    talent/tsm
 * by zepplin.

 shoikan                  action/empire
 * by double density.

 rodland                     legend/nei
 * by sales curve.

 miami chase                 talent/tsm
 * by codemasters.

 last battle                 legend/nei
 * by elite.

 tiffany                 trc+tbi/empire
 * by double density.

 hero quest 2                talent/tsm
 * by gremlin.
 mindbreaker                 enigma/tsm
 * by double density
 i want more diamonds        h+i/mirage
 * by double density
 swap                  legend/excalibur
 * by palace software
 rolling ronny               legend/nei
 * by starbyte
 lethal zone              action/empire
 * by double density
 slightly magic              talent/tsm
 * by codemasters
 stratego                 action/empire
 * by accolade
 the cycles               action/empire
 * by accolade

 usa cracker charts
  there were three releases this past
 month. the titles were as follows.

 arachnophobia                   mirage
 * by disney software.

 tlr ultimate baseball              nei
 * by ea/ssi.

 chips challenge usa                nei
 * by epyx/ubisoft.

  so this month nei are the #1 usa
 cracking group.

 lamer charts

 this is the new chart where all games
 from lamer groups are going to be

 also all releases from real groups
 that are considered lame will be
 placed in this chart.

 obviously some people will not like
 some of the following decisions.

 lame releases charts (ami's)
   group                 points  month
 1.burp..................  09     --
 2.lamers 'r us..........  07     03
 3.big...................  06     03
   crush.................  06     --  03     --
   empire................  03     03
   zippys lamer team.....  03     --

 lame release chart (euro)
   group                 points  month
 1.gkg...................  06     --
   medina................  06     --
   ultimate..............  06     04
 4.dominators............  03     --
   gulas.................  03     --
   insiders & hysteric...  03     --
   orion?................  03     --
   unique................  03     --
   success...............  03     --

 explanations for lamer charts
 coalminer                         /lru
 * by double density.

 sentence (pal)                  medina
 * by double density.

 killozap (pal)                  medina
 * by double density.

 memory                    ultimate/big
 * by ???.

 euro boss                 ultimate/big
 * by challenge software.

 banger racer                dom/empire
 * by kult.

 pertharion (german)                i+h
 * by magic disk.

 solix                              lru
 * by amok.

 suicide solution             orion/bmw
 * by ???.

 falcon class interceptor      gkg/burp
 * by ???.

 game master                   gkg/burp
 * by zzap 64.
 ranantat                    gulas/burp
 * by ???.

 the dater                        crush
 * by commodore disk.

 denga                            crush
 * by ???.

 space mania                 unique/zlt
 * by art concepts.

 the match                  success/lru
 * by ???

  there were many previews released
 this month. the titles are as follows.

 pp hammer preview               enigma
 * by demonware

 rodland preview (full game out) enigma
 * by sales curve.

 the old world preview        chromance
 * by ???.

 armada preview                    fart
 * by ???.

 turbo charge preview            legend
 * by system 3.

 terminator ii preview           censor
 * by ocean.

 lethal zone preview        (see below)
 * by double density.

 mechanicus preview           guess who
 * by double density

 starhope preview             hysterics

 enigma released the pal version of
 lethal zone, action (empire) released
 a pal/ntsc fixed version 4 weeks later
  black reign released hiskado 100% as
 there first import. both versions had
 the full 130 levels. the only thing
 different was a basic level editor in
 the g*p/black reign version. points
 were given to verdict/nei.

  empire released a 100% version of i
 want more diamonds. the only thing
 they claim is wrong with mirage's
 import was that it had a track and
 sector loader. points given to mirage
 and hysteric.

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