Jamaica 11 ch03 Charts

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the charts                         iopop
 once again we welcome you to our chart-
chapter. as always a swapper chart with
about 100 entries.

 i've got many reactions that it is time
to expand our charts. what is the
opinion of the rest of the readers?

 tell me, and we'll see what we're going
to do about it.

 but now it's time to rock'n'roll....

            the swapper chart
01. (02) TABASCO ....................237
02. (--) SEBALOZ ....................187
03. (01) CALYPSO ....................167
04. (07) spermbird ..................127
05. (--) sailor .....................126
06. (05) splatterhead ................80
07. (03) derbyshire ram ..............78
08. (14) wozio .......................70
09. (08) styx ........................64
10. (12) acidchild ...................53
11. (60) glut ........................50
12. (12) starlight ...................49
13. (12) kbs .........................42
14. (11) cash ........................41
    (10) lemming .....................41
16. (--) druid .......................40
    (--) moonchild ...................40
    (77) nephelim ....................40
    (25) titanic .....................40
20. (09) merlin ......................39
21. (35) biz kid .....................37
    (67) razor ramon .................37
23. (47) dr.kaos .....................36
    (--) mav .........................36
25. (--) koras .......................35
26. (90) hangman .....................31
    (--) magic .......................31
    (20) mr.wax ......................31
29. (22) ibanez ......................29
    (85) slayer ......................29
31. (--) spy .........................28
    (--) techno ......................28
33. (22) jazzcat .....................27
    (49) scrapper ....................27
    (--) steve .......................27
36. (04) leech .......................25
37. (--) cresh .......................24
    (44) ned .........................24
    (--) stone .......................24
40. (64) mr.alpha ....................23
    (39) snooze ......................23
42. (77) antifan .....................22
43. (57) coda ........................21
    (--) jakel .......................21
    (64) volunteer ...................21
46. (--) aristocrat ..................20
    (--) big nose ....................20
    (--) gonzo .......................20
    (90) robocop .....................20
    (16) trooper .....................20
51. (--) fisher ......................19
    (25) mal .........................19
    (96) maverick ....................19
    (--) neccy .......................19
    (18) spark .. ....................19
    (99) zaoptek .....................19
57. (54) cat .........................18
    (--) darklord ....................18
    (--) rrr .........................18
    (39) spectator ...................18
61. (--) troll .......................17
62. (--) dr.who ......................16
    (--) fireball ....................16
    (57) gop .........................16
    (--) iceball .....................16
    (--) junkie ......................16
    (--) peter .......................16
    (--) shark .......................16
    (--) sly .........................16
    (--) woise .......................16
    (17) zyron .......................16
72. (29) apis ........................15
    (--) fatman ......................15
    (--) graba .......................15
    (--) pablo .......................15
    (--) rap .........................15
    (--) the ant .....................15
78. (--) almighty god ................14
    (--) dancin' homer ...............14
    (73) gigabyte ....................14
    (60) joker .......................14
    (--) kotas .......................14
    (--) lucas .......................14
    (--) syntax ......................14
    (--) thornchild ..................14
86. (32) avalanche ...................13
    (60) bacillus ....................13
    (--) blaze .......................13
    (--) company .....................13
    (54) cruze .......................13
    (--) daf .........................13
    (--) dr.zoom .....................13
    (30) luka ........................13
    (64) master s ....................13
    (--) the ninja ...................13
96. (64) red rock ....................12
    (73) saigon ......................12
    (57) therion .....................12
99. (--) aal .........................11
    (--) cleve .......................11
    (--) dave ........................11
    (--) devil .......................11
    (--) dolph .......................11
    (--) gavin .......................11
    (33) gorefest ....................11
    (47) syndrom .....................11
    (--) szikers .....................11
    (--) tris ........................11

 wow, what a refreshment in the chart
this time. and the best newcommer is on
place 2! SEBALOZ seems to have many
friends! is this chart really showing
what the scene looks like today or are
we seeing an invasion of voters from
poland. eventhough 45 fell out of the
chart since the last time. no one could
move TABASCO from the first place.

           the magazine chart
01. (02) INGENIOUS BRAIN  ...........477
02. (04) SKYHIGH ....................449
03. (01) THE PULSE ..................426
04. (03) nitro ......................409
05. (05) reformation ................269
06. (07) revealed ...................248
07. (06) update .....................146
08. (10) gamers guide ...............129
09. (09) news press .................119
10. (15) vandalism news .............115
11. (25) prawda ......................87
12. (21) controversial ...............84
13. (14) the tribune .................82
14. (33) always ......................79
15. (23) insider .....................77
16. (08) splash ......................74
17. (12) miracle .....................62
18. (--) anarchy .....................54
19. (22) metamorphosis ...............53
    (19) narcotic ....................53
21. (41) astoria .....................46
22. (13) propaganda ..................45
23. (18) chit-chat ...................41
24. (24) extacy land .................37
    (28) immortal flash ..............37
26. (32) earthshake ..................30
27. (16) internal ....................29
28. (11) network .....................28
29. (17) magness .....................27
    (27) outdoor .....................27
    (--) vitality ....................27
32. (40) mendip ......................26
33. (--) mish mash ...................25
34. (34) explorer ....................20
    (--) ok ob .......................20
36. (26) gossip ......................19
37. (31) dream .......................18
38. (--) obsession ...................17
39. (--) digital talk ................16
    (--) swap time ...................16
41. (--) mouse .......................13
42. (24) brainwash ...................12
43. (--) antidote ....................11

 INGENIOUS BRAIN on first place. the top
switch places. but it still remains.
THE PULSE will be deleted next time, no
need to vote for it now. the best
newcommer can be found at place 18.
anarchy is by the way the name of two
mags! one from slovakia and one from

         the swapper group chart
01. (01) EXCESS ......................88
02. (04) FAIRLIGHT ...................81
03. (10) CHROMANCE ...................63
04. (13) alpha flight 1970 ...........47
05. (05) equinoxe ....................46
06. (29) fatum .......................44
07. (05) avantgarde ..................40
08. (02) success+trc .................36
09. (03) triad .......................33
10. (08) elysium .....................30
11. (--) agony .......................28
12. (11) extacy ......................26
13. (--) keen acid ...................25
14. (09) amnesia .....................23
15. (07) motiv 8 .....................21
16. (15) accept ......................18
    (22) taboo .......................18
18. (--) airwolf team ................17
19. (--) atlantis ....................16
20. (--) oxyron ......................14
21. (19) bronx .......................13
22. (18) rebels ......................12
    (--) regina ......................12
24. (21) entropy .....................11
25. (--) legend .......................8
    (26) reflex .......................8
27. (26) dytec ........................7
    (--) f4cg .........................7
29. (--) aspheron .....................6
    (--) nipson .......................6
    (--) sun design ...................6

 EXCESS is still number one. some action
here too. best newcommer is AGONY on
place number 11. check out the mega
jump by FATUM!

         the coverdesigner chart
01. (01) ELECTRIC ...................274
02. (05) CRUISE .....................135
03. (09) DUCE ........................68
04. (02) junkie ......................60
    (13) stone .......................60
06. (03) dave ........................49
07. (07) zapotek .....................48
08. (25) astaroth ....................43
09. (11) earthquake ..................26
    (12) fazee .......................26
11. (17) met .........................20
12. (21) fx ..........................19
13. (16) bumboo ......................17
14. (15) d-signa .....................14
    (27) tristar .....................14
16. (14) mr. friese ..................13
    (--) secator .....................13
18. (--) appacz ......................12
    (06) cronos ......................12
20. (--) sebaloz .....................10
21. (--) draz .........................9
22. (27) pablo ........................8
23. (--) silver .......................7
24. (21) hangman ......................6
    (--) latifah ......................6
    (--) troop ........................6

 no one can move ELECTRIC. the voters
found out that it can be cool with
another extender in the chart and voted
DUCE up to the 3rd place. ASTAROTH made
quite a good jump.

        the swapper country chart
01. (01) GERMANY ....................300
02. (02) SWEDEN .....................221
03. (04) POLAND .....................191
04. (03) holland ....................177
05. (05) denmark .....................77
06. (07) norway ......................61
07. (06) finland .....................41
08. (09) hungary .....................37
09. (--) australia ...................21
10. (09) slovakia ....................13
11. (08) england .....................12
12. (--) austria ......................7
13. (--) switzerland ..................7

 i don't want to comment this chart. but
i can say that we've got new readers
from austria & switzerland as they
entered the chart for the first time.

 thanx to all who filled and spread the

           192  =  SQR(9000H)
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