The Link 11 VHS Review

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you have reached the VHS REVIEW chapter!

  this is LOGIC/TSR taking over this
chapter for the first time.  just sit
back and relax as we go through the
movie of the month, LETHAL WEAPON 3!!

  yes, mel gibson is back with danny
glover as the terrible twosome.  joe
pesci (home alone) is back too "ok-ok!".

  glover is in his last week of doing
his duty with the police force before he
retires.  all he wants is peace and
quiet, but then everything goes wrong..
  glover and his partner, gibson get
their badges taken from them becuse of
their renegade style to a certain situa-
tion (i wont give too much away here), &
must walk the streets a beat (foot)
patrol officers.

  being completely bored with this down-
grading of their status, they decide to
book a pedestrian for j-walking.  they
notice a cash security van robbery in
progress and immediately jump to action.

  in typical LETHAL WEAPON style, there
is heaps of car chases, gun shots, and
fist fights. (nothing new hey!)

  anyway, they are succesful and get
their badges back.

  the plot at the beginning was very
hard to follow.  i thought it tendered
to wander too much.  it didn't seem to
focus on any particular issue.

  things pick up when they discover an
ex-cop has turned bad.  this guy knows
police procedures inside-out, and as
such, has access to all of the police's
ammunition confiscations.
  a certain type of bullet known as:
"cop killer" is on the minds of everyone
in the force.  it takes the life of one
of the characters.

  gibson falls in love with an internal
affairs officer.  the two have a scar
showing competion which leads to, well..
as there are minors reading this, you'll
have to see it for yourself.

  things hot up when gibson and the int-
ernal affairs agent join forces to hunt
for the "dirty cop".

  she takes out about six bad dudes
gibson camely looks on with great admir-

  without giving too much away, i can
say that the last two-thirds of
LETHAL WEAPON 3 is better.

  gibson makes the movie, with his
natural, witty sense of humour.  glover
definitely should retire.

  this movie is really for leathal
weapon fans.

 on a rating of 1-10, LEATHAL WEAPON 3
scores: 1/10 originality

        7/10 special fx

        9/10 acting capacity



             (for leathal weapon fans)
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