The Link 07 Charts
From C64 Diskmag Wiki
;""""""""""""; # THE CHARTS # ;""""""""""""; 1. auzzie charts 2. n.z. charts 3. euro charts """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" AUSTRALIAN CHARTS """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" TOP OVERALL AUZZIE GROUPS 1. T.S.R. 1076 POINTS 2. the cure 822 with the huge 3. hype 535 reponse in 4. paralax 483 votesheets 5. battery 429 this month 6. offence 252 TSR has moved 7. lithium 235 to 1st position 8. msr 144 9. the force 99 10. wow 25 TOP AUZZIE GROUPS 1. THE CURE 231 POINTS 2. t.s.r. 222 THE CURE is 3. hype 174 still holding 4. battery 123 1st position. 5. paralax 101 6. offence 81 OFFENCE & 7. the force 63 PARALAX is on 8. lithium 56 the rise. 9. wow 14 10. msr 13 TOP AUZZIE SWAPPERS 1. RUSTLER/TSR 206 PTS 2. deb/battery 238 RUSTLER again. 3. erratic/paralax 125 congradulations 4. uptonogood/tsr 115 DEB and ERRATIC 5. cruze/lithium 64 great work. 6. wasted/battery 51 and a great master/tsr 51 result for 8. decoy/lithium 50 UPTONOGOOD. 9. deadbone/hype 41 10. gop/paralax 22 TOP AUZZIE CODERS 1. ICEMAN/THE CURE 192 POINTS 2. slash/the cure 130 THE CURE 3. incubus/tsr 107 as usual 4. tbh/msr 98 1 & 2. good 5. slice/tsr 93 to see 6. caine/hype 72 roadrunna in 7. quetzal/paralax 71 top 10!! 8. metro/hype 56 9. roadrunna/offence 32 10. slarti/battery 15 TOP AUZZIE GRAPHICS 1. DEADBONE/HYPE 75 POINTS 2. caine/hype 54 only two 3. metro/hype 47 groups in top 5 4. oracle/tsr 43 great to see 5. stalker/tsr 41 STALKER there! TOP AUZZIE COMPOSERS 1. ATOM/TSR 117 POINTS 2. patto/the cure 48 BAT has even 3. messiah/offence 25 dropped below 4. zorro/battery 27 others who 5. bat/msr 23 havent released anything for months. TOP AUZZIE IMPORTERS 1. RUSTLER/TSR 83 POINTS 2. erratic/paralax 61 RUSTLER 1st 3. uptonogood/tsr 40 for the 6th 4. deb/battery 22 month. 5. wasted/battery 21 TOP AUZZIE CRACKERS 1. ROADRUNNA/OFFENCE 95 POINTS 2. quetzal/paralax 87 its still a 3. cruze/lithium 22 fight between 4. gumby/the cure 17 ROADRUNNA and 5. max mix/illusion 6 QUETZAL!!! TOP AUZZIE MAGAZINES 1. THE LINK/TSR 133 POINTS 2. violation/cure 117 well we did it 3. vandalism/force 36 after 7 long 4. tainted/battery 21 months. thanks 5. epic/lithium 14 for your support!!! """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" NEW ZEALAND CHARTS """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" TOP NEW ZEALAND GROUPS 1. ROTEC 72 POINTS 2. tsr 56 ROTEC 3 months 3. system 46 running. 4. fury 18 SYSTEM is a 5. lithium 16 prediction for 6. ratpak 11 93!! TOP NEW ZEALAND SWAPPERS 1. THE ROGUE 49 POINTS 2. the hegg 31 this is the 3. blade 20 backbone of the 4. devil 14 n.z. scene. keep 5. machette 10 it going fellas 6. nighthawk 9 detonator 9 8. axe 7 9. optics 6 10. titanium 5 TOP NEW ZEALAND CODERS 1. MACHETTE 63 POINTS 2. the hegg 29 congradulations 3. devil 28 MACHETTE but it 4. hurricane 20 seems you have 5. genesis 17 some challengers TOP NEW ZEALAND GRAPHICS 1. THE ROGUE 53 POINTS 2. the hegg 48 great work ROGUE 3. blade 19 but watch out 4. titanium 16 THE HEGG is right 5. devil 11 behind you !!! """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" EUROPEAN CHARTS """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" TOP EUROPEAN GROUPS 1. LEGEND 62 POINTS 2. triad 104 3. illusion 68 4. crest 52 5. talent 40 6. light 30 7. success 26 camelot 26 9. arcade 22 faces 22 enigma 22 TOP EUROPEAN SWAPPERS 1. ALSIVE 26 POINTS CALYPSO 26 3. rcs 24 4. code 18 22 5. pacific 20 6. dr j 18 incubus 18 stephen 18 9. silver 14 10. clive 12 TOP EUROPEAN CODERS 1. ZODIAC 132 POINTS 2. crossbow 98 3. flamingo 80 4. tts 44 5. yabba 42 6. glasnost 40 7. kingfisher 32 8. yup 30 9. walt 28 10. tron 18 TOP EUROPEAN GRAPHICS 1. OGAMI 136 POINTS 2. dragon 62 3. hein designs 60 4. electric 54 5. gotcha 52 6. creeper 40 7. thunder 38 8. redstar 30 9. joe 24 10. jesus 18 TOP EUROPEAN CRACKERS 1. POWERPLANT 158 POINTS 2. bod 90 3. doc 96 4. xxx 50 5. crossfire 44 6. dmc 28 7. sauron 22 8. chrysagon 18 antitrack 18 10. exulans 10 TOP EUROPEAN RELEASES 1. REDSTORM 72 POINTS 2. 2 years 48 3. dutch breeze 38 4. wonderland 9 30 5. just in time 14 TOP EUROPEAN COMPOSERS 1. GUY SHAVITT 150 POINTS 2. 140 3. drax 56 danko 56 5. reyn owenhand 48 6. moon 44 7. jch 32 a man 32 9. deek 16 10. emil 10 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ;""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""; # fire button to return to main menu # ;"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""";