Splash 17 ch08 Reactions
From C64 Diskmag Wiki
REACTIONS in this chapter you'll read the reactions from readers to our mag. so we'll know what the readers think about the mag,then try to improve it in that way. lets start with SPLATTERHEAD's reaction: this issue really kicked major arse!the intro was cool,especially the gfx!keep up the scene-puzzles, it rules! another four year?? ANSWER:thanx rene!that gfx in the intro was drawn by kadem,i agree that they were really cool. scene-puzzle will continue and another four year??why not? brain. another one from LEMMING: splash is my favourite mag for sure.two or more scene-puzzles would be great.keep up the good work! ANSWER:thanx for your interest. yeah,more puzzles would be great for you but not for me.just try to prepare one and see how hard it is,also i don't want splash to be a puzzle-book.one is okay! brain. one from CALYPSO: splash really kixx ass,and is worth my vote,but please,change the logo in the menu!the statue is cool though! ANSWER:dear terry,thanx for your react but i don't agree you,coz i think that logo fits the other gfx so no need to change,but if we find a better one,why not? brain. a short one from GIORGIO ARMANI: very professional mag.lots of interesting read.keep up the good work! ANSWER:thanx man!but it will be amateur this time coz i'm the new main-editor,hehe.. brain. hum,i've a huge reaction now. it's from FORBIDDEN CULT: dear splash staff! thanx for finally using my logo! couldn't be any better place for it than in the chapters.by the way i don't mind that you left the logo from DEATH upon the menu-gfx because i guess you did it because it fits better with them than mine i can just agree.don't know if it was my advise that made you improve the upscroller in the chapters but i'm glad you did anyway!the text is ok as usual, please try to hold that amount and the special things like the scene- puzzle,etc.and you'll for sure never get off the top position. fct/guilty ANSWER:dear marco,first of all thanx for your long reaction and your help to our mag.yeah,you're right that death's logo fits it better.the fast upscroller is wanted by everyone so we had no any other chance than fixing it! of course we'll continue doing our specialities,and will try to find new ones.keep supporting us.thanx. brain. now an interesting one for our votesheets from SPECTATOR: does everybody really fills in that top 10's on yar sheet?!how about making a top 5? ANSWER:hum,most people fills it but as you'll see i decreased the charts to top20 coz there are not much people left to vote so why not?i'll think it in our next votesheet(coming soon!).thanx. brain. and one from POEBA: very cool mag,lots of interesting text,keep it up,i'm waiting for the next issue. ANSWER:thanx.here it is. brain. a cool one from MR.ALPHA: cool mag!especially i like the personal identities!the music could be better!the text is %100 ok!keep this standard please! ANSWER:thanx mario!yeah this time music is better as it's exclusive for splash from BRIAN/TIA.i can't promise for the same text as that was written by falcon last time but i'll try my best! thanx. a long one from DR.KAOS is coming up: nice to see splash coming out again.i didn't like the logo in the text outfit.the rest was ok so far.but can you install a music on/off function?would be really cool.try to release splash more often.scene-puzzle is a cool idea (i think you're heard this before, hehe...) ANSWER:yep,after a long time we released splash again.hum,a muzak on/off function?i'll ask it to dj but i don't think so.better use your monitors volume button until we fix one..yes,we'll try to release it more often and scene- puzzle is a %100 splash trademark! thanx for your interest. brain. the last one is written by ANTHRAX: now splash is in my opinion the BEST mag on the scene!this isn't joke!but one problem:maybe i'm a fool,but i can't do one thing;how to do fast text display(forward& backward)-left or right joy or with fire up+down.please improve it!and keep two sides issue for ever! your fan from poland:anthrax ANSWER:thanx for your opinion.. well,i don't know if you're a fool or not but fast upscrolling is easier than breathing!you've to use left&right stick!that's all. hum,we think a regular releasing one-sided splash will be better than a huge delayed two-sided one (splash#16 was released at the first days of october 1993!) brain. yo dear fans reaction chapter is coming to the end.i want everyone to write his own reactions so we will know what you like and don't like.don't forget that if splash is cool,it's only because of you. keep on supportin'. mr.brain