Splash 16 ch07 Red Rock Said

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   hello interview freax!this time
it's my job to make an interview
in this issue! well,i think this
interviews are very useful.you can
learn about the guests thoughts,
and you can have an idea about
them.so this parts are one of the
most readed parts in the mags!
   think that there're lotsof mags
and every of them try to make int-
erviews with the guyz who haven't
interviewed before,so sometimes
it's hard to find a cool guy to
interview! but we did it one more
   yeah,this is MR.BRAIN/ACY will
make an interview with a cool guy.
you know him as a cracker in
excess and the main-editor of
the mag nitro!
   yes,right!he's RED ROCK/EXCESS.

 i'll be the positive(+) and
 he'll be the negative(-).
(ed.he's not a negative person in
real life.this's just an int.!)

 yeah,let's start:

 +:first as usual,can you intro-
duce yourself to us?

 -:my real name is dennis,i'm 16
years old,1.85m tall and i have
blond hair.i visit the 10th form
of the school here.my hobbies are
playing tennis(and beating then
ourleader),badmington,good movies
in the cinema,video,venlo meetings
and other scene meetings,music,
long phone calls and my 64.

 +:when and how did you enter the

 -:i entered the scene around 1989
when my cousin quickx/wom told me
to buy a c-64 and no amiga,he gave
me some cool stuff and i began to
swap(mainly collecting games).
after many more or less lame
groups i built up EXCESS together
with sentinel,darkman and bigfoot
in november 91.in october 91,i
joined x-rated for 1 week,but i
rejoined excess,you see.

 +:what is your job in excess?

 -:my job is mainly cracking and
writing texts for nitro.as i had
fun to start swapping again,i took
over darkmans contacts in summer92
when he left the scene.i also have
a modem and try to have some fun
with it.i work on coding,too,but
all i can yet,is a simple scroller

 +:can you tell us,what are the
hard things in editing&releasing
a mag?

 -:the hardest thing is to count
the sheets(ed.sure!)you need days
to count our sheets(around 240
every issue).the hardest thing in
releasing a mag is getting all
chapters in time.that was no prob-
lem for us,when excess had only
local members.

 +:everybody says"there are a lot
of mags!".don't you think,reading
a mag is better than some other
things,like playing low-budget

 -:yes,reading mags is more inter-
esting,but there are too many
mags!when there were around 20
mags,when we started nitro,a mag
was for me to read news and find
adresses to contact.but now every
month 2 or 3 mags are starting and
hope to climb into the top.in all
mags are the same adresses,and if
each group has a mag,they get news
on the sheets and don't have to
read news out of other mags.the
much mags show,that too less
quality-games come out for spread-
ing.together with low-budget crax
the mags are the most spread thing

 +:what was the thing make you
release a mag?can you tell us it's

 -:when we planned to start a mag
in 1991,a mag was something really
cool.if i got a mag i read the
whole text and spend much time on
filling each sheet.and so we
thought about releasing an own mag
there's no story.

 +:what can you say about the mags
in scene?how do you qualify them?

 -:there are only a few really
cool mags,who really rule and
which i read complete.(splash is
one of them!).(ed.thanx!it was the
thing what i need!)there are also
some nice mags,which i like and
where i try to get every issue to
read all important text.but too
many mags have no chance to have a
big success,even when they're not
bad.a mag must be more perfect
then some years ago.the most
important is for me the text and
not the outfit.

 +:what's the reason that you're
still on 64-scene,because you know
everybody is going to some other

 -:as you perhaps don't know,i was
in 1991 on amiga,too.the scene is
full of lamer groups and too less
cool guyz.it's a lame-scene.i
don't like the demos on amiga.
lame digital-sound and routines,
which are possible on 64,too.the
64-scene is the best scene.the pc-
scene will be like the 64-scene,so
i will went to pc later but stay
on the 64 then.

 +:what do you know and what do
you think about turkish-scene?

 -:i know that all turkish sceners
are in turkish groups,except
flatline,when he was in excess
before he quitted.the turkish
scene is too far away from the
west-european countries,so a fast
swap isn't possible.but there are
a few cool groups in turkiye.

 +:what do you think about "elite"
&"lamer" words?

 -:nothing,i don't care about this
anymore,as it's too boring.
(ed.i feel the same!)

 +:what do you think,this scene
depends on?

 -:friendship is important,and
that i missed in the amiga-scene.

 +:can you tell us your favourites
 -:cracker group:success
   demo group   :oxyron
   mag          :shock+network
   coder        :tts
   graphician   :firelord
   cracker      :silversurfer
   swapper      :nightshade
   composer     :a-man+decoy
   demo         :dutch breeze

 +:after cracking,editing,swapping
going to school(or visiting!),
eating etc..maybe you've still
some free times!what do you do

 -:i play tennis and badminton.
long phone calls and watching mtv.

 +:what do you think about inter-
views?is it interesting?why?

 -:i like interviews,if they're
not with so lame questions like
"what is a lamer?".(ed.like this
one?!)interviews are interesting,
as it's not possible for a swapper
to give his contacts all facts
about him.

 +:at last you can greet some
friends and say your last words!
(ed.i mean the last words in this
interview,don't worry,you'll not

 -:free phonecalls to nightshade/
ron,jack alien/alphaflight,bigfoot
mic,dr.kaos,doc hollyday/trance,
and all in excess.
 thanx for the interview and much
luck with your cool mag.

   thanx,and another interview is
reached to an end.i hope to see
you all again with another inter-
view done by me.

 if you want to be interviewed in
this mag then just write to me:


   now,just load the other inter-
views as they are waiting for you
to read.

               mr.brain signs off.
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