Splash 14 ch05 All Time Heroes

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          all time heros

    welcome to a special part only
for this issue while we are slowly
leaving 1992.are you anxious about
what it is? i think you can under-
stand it from the title and my i-
nitial words.yes,in this part we
have the general charts of 1992.we
have passed one glory year of our
scene and of'course all groups ra-
ced with others in mostly friendly
behaviours to show their quality.
lots of magazines presented month-
ly charts,some guys-groups rised
while some of them left the scene
and fall down in the charts like
the falling of a dead-body  to  a

   but here i want to give you a
list of the FLASH names of 1992.so
i counted the charts of all  the
issues and i have prepared you the
charts for this year.sure i won't
say that they are  super,ultra,100
percent fair charts but this is a
good one according to me.i combi-
ned the charts of six issues  of
this magazine.hey,don't say that
'only 6 issues'.yes,the amount of
issues are not much as splash is
not a monthly magazine but it con-
sists of the charts of a very big
part of this year.we started  to
re-release this magazine in march
and for that issue we started to
collect votesheets in february.in
all coming issues the amount  of
filled votesheets increased like
hell and at the end i am now able
to present you a general charts.

    now,i know i have talked too
much but i wanna say a last thing
to you.in the charts there are so-
me names of dead-groups or the na-
mes of the guys who had left the
scene.but all of them were active
in some part of this year.so i to-
ok them inside as this is overall
year charts not monthly.ok,now i
think i must start with them.

  top 30 cracking groups of year

  place   group name   total pts.
 ------- ------------ -----------
    1)    LEGEND          3198
    2)    TALENT          2106
    3)    ENIGMA          1866
    4)    dominators      1727
    5)    illusion        1668
    6)    triad            874
    7)    success          774
    8)    arcade           752
    9)    hysteric         598
   10)    chromance        567
   11)    brutal           564
   12)    f4cg             557
   13)    fairlight        513
   14)    genesis          454
   15)    deadline         354
   16)    image            349
   17)    genetix          306
   18)    x-factor         272
   19)    acrise           270
   20)    vagabonds        263
   21)    faces            262
   22)    vision           229
   23)    censor           208
   24)    legacy           181
   25)    wow              173
   26)    varsity          166
   27)    x-rated          163
   28)    unicess          162
   29)    hitmen           150
   30)    red sector       148

    top 30 demo groups of year

  place   group name   total pts.
 ------- ------------ -----------
    1)    FLASH INC       2291
    2)    LIGHT           2276
    3)    CREST           1913
    4)    blackmail       1679
    5)    camelot         1199
    6)    faces           1189
    7)    censor          1138
    8)    oxyron           927
    9)    origo            781
   10)    beyond force     732
   11)    triad            641
   12)    antic            630
   13)    offence          543
   14)    topaz            535
   15)    paradize         517
   16)    horizon          387
   17)    spirit           332
   18)    cosmos d.        331
   19)    starion          234
   20)    graffity         207
   21)    x-factor         198
   22)    padua            150
   23)    panoramic d.     142
   24)    brutal           139
   25)    pretzel logic    108
   26)    genesis          106
   27)    sunrise          104
   28)    vision            98
   29)    wrath design      94
   30)    visual reality    88

    top single crackers of year

  place   cooliename   total pts.
 ------- ------------ -----------
    1)    POWERPLANT      2476
    2)    BOD             1584
    3)    DOC             1532
    4)    chrysagon       1212
    5)    xxx             1128
    6)    sauron          1052
    7)    dogfriend        791
    8)    antitrack        787
    9)    crossfire        586
   10)    tch              437
   11)    rockstar         352
   12)    benson           314
   13)    kingfisher       300
   14)    nme              293
   15)    fletch           285
   16)    burglar          268
   17)    ignorance        259
   18)    painkiller       241
   19)    dmc              202
   20)    syllinor         194
   21)    snacky           177
   22)    bacchus          156
   23)    elektor          145
   24)    derbyshire ram   128
   25)    arrogance        117
   26)    jack alien        96
   27)    fist              91
   28)    mao               85
   29)    mr.president      79
   30)    jihad             73

     top single coders of year

  place   cooliename   total pts.
 ------- ------------ -----------
    1)    ZODIAC          2215
    2)    FLAMINGO        2133
    3)    CROSSBOW        2023
    4)    yabba           1300
    5)    glasnost        1239
    6)    walt             852
    7)    tron             824
    8)    tts              632
    9)    d'arc            544
   10)    bob              446
   11)    yup              424
   12)    mc sprite        397
   13)    maduplec         381
   14)    depeh            332
   15)    vision           292
   16)    unifier          267
   17)    ses              251
   18)    gremlin          223
   19)    sam              205
   20)    syllinor         203
   21)    cellux           185
   22)    bx               179
   23)    rcc              166
   24)    alf              164
   25)    nyarlathotep     117
   26)    cruzer           114
   27)    kingfisher       109
   28)    dub 1             88
   29)    boogaloo          78
   30)    fat rat           74

    top single artists of year

  place   cooliename   total pts.
 ------- ------------ -----------
    1)    HEIN DESIGN     1987
    2)    OGAMI           1973
    3)    DRAGON          1487
    4)    creeper         1301
    5)    mirage          1276
    6)    electric        1147
    7)    redstar         1003
    8)    thunder          518
    9)    d'arc            509
   10)    ans              423
   11)    atte             391
   12)    redwiz           364
   13)    gotcha           357
   14)    bizzmo           310
   15)    crept            291
   16)    goblin           272
   17)    orc              267
   18)    joe              254
   19)    the sarge        252
   20)    death            239
   21)    pal              230
   22)    gbf              211
   23)    elegance         116
   24)    paladin          112
   25)    tmt              105
   26)    fox              102
   27)    kirk             100
   28)    tch               96
   29)    scrap             89
   30)    sensei            66

   top single composers of year

  place   cooliename   total pts.
 ------- ------------ -----------
    1)    JEROEN TEL      2604
    2)    GUY SHAVITT     1933
    3)    REYN O.         1817
    4)    danko           1802
    5)    drax            1651
    6)    a-man           1285
    7)    jch             1063
    8)    moon            1009
    9)    metal            539
   10)    syndrom          395
   11)    link             352
   12)    geir tjelta      330
   13)    page             325
   14)    evs              295
   15)    bappalander      291
   16)    griff            280
   17)    deek             262
   18)    laxity           223
   19)    scortia          175
   20)    msk              128
   21)    greg             116
   22)    ironcat          110
   23)    zyron            109
   24)    shade            101
   25)    avalon            93

      top magazines of year

  place    mag.name    total pts.
 ------- ------------ -----------
    1)    BRUTAL RECALL   3435
    2)    SCRIPT          2749
    3)    SHOCK           2101
    4)    internal        1350
    5)    hotshot         1285
    6)    addybook        1112
    7)    corruption      1039
    8)    bitmania         592
    9)    explorer         550
   10)    update           473
   11)    independent      437
   12)    emmanuelle       387
   13)    world news       368
   14)    genetic dreams   367
   15)    immortal flash   359
   16)    smooth criminal  291
   17)    miracle          249
   18)    flashback        222
   19)    awtb             185
   20)    network          178
   21)    slowpoke         169
   22)    raddings         164
   23)    propaganda       157
   24)    magascene        145
   25)    bild zeitung     141
   26)    soul news        123
   27)    newspress        111
   28)    epistula         101
   29)    moonlight         98
   30)    remark            92

    i think we also must have a
good place in this chart when  i
think about our efforts to bring
you a cool magazine.am i right or
am i just a megalomanian? your re-
actions will show this.ok,we came
to the end of this chapter.i hope
that i can also publish another
chapter like this in the  end  of
1993 too in your favourite magazi-
ne.but the most important thing is
that i wish new year brings more
glories to this lovely scene.best

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