Splash 12 ch19 Movie Reviews II

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   hey,are you claiming that we a-
re reviewing a little old movies.
then you can be pleased because at
the last minute i got the a packa-
ge from pakistan and get some new
reviews  which were  again done by
shockwave of  accuracy.so i  will
publish it here.lets start with it
here.but no space here so next pa-
ge please.

        lethal weapon 3
    mel gubson,danny glover

   he's back and better than ever.
the story? well our two heros in
the start of the movie participa-
te in an attempt to diffuse a bomb
the result see by yourself.anyway
the  black cop(danny glover) has
got 6-7 days to go until his reti-
rement from the force and a lot of
confiscated  weapons is  disappea-

ring.it seems a former lt.of the
force  is responsible enter inter-
nal affairs  officer so starts a
romance between mel gubson and her
the film id filled with hilarious
and  action  packed sequences and
snappy one liners.mel  gebson is
great as the hot  headed cop.a re-
ally good movie for mel gubson lo-


       father of the bride
          steve martin

   another brilliantly funny movie
by steve martin in which he starts
as the father  of the bride to be.
this  movie  tells you about  the
problems encountered during a mar-
riage.steve martin plays the role
of the stingy dad to perfection.he
still can't beleive that his litle
girl has grown up and he resents

his  future son-in-law  for taking
his daughter  away from him.steve
martin is   imply hilarious whet-
her  whether he  is visiting this
son-in-laws parents or managing or
trying to manage the wedding party
this movie is in the first person
perspective  with dad  telling the
story.the expressions and actions
of steve are just great.steve mar-
tin at his best a must for fans.
infact it must be for everyone.


          passed away
          bob hobkins

   this is  another one of  those
mildy  amusing  movies  to watch
when you've got nothing to do.joe
(bob hobkins) is the eldest of the
family,so when his father a heart
patient dies because of a surprise
party throen by his brothher frank
he gets the responsibility of the
organizing of  funeral.but he has

also got family problwms to nego-
tiate.one of his sisters has been
divorced for 4 years but hasn't
told the family.the second sister
is a freedom fighter in some south
american country and she has bro-
ught an illegal alien into the co-
untry and the immigration people
are after her.then  their is  the
mysterious and beatiful woman ru-
moured to be his father's mistress
and to top it all frank's daughter
is having a baby ad no one adnits
to be its father.poor joe has got

to  keep it  all from his mother
and  still arrange the funeral.a
nice movie with a touching ending



   the story  of  this movie  was
written  by stephan king.there e-
xist a  special breed of monsters
known as sleep walkers.these are
shape shifters which feed on human

human virgins.also they have the
ability to become invisible.the
only thing they fear is cats.their
mortal enemies is said that a sc-
racthed from a cats paw sets their
flash of lame.so when two sleep-
walkers move  into this new town.
they set out to satisfy their hun-
ger.the mother and the son decide
to go for one  tania and they  go
after her in style but as you know
good and bad sides.this movie fea-
tures some nice effects and a good
story.plus same hot scenes between

the mother and son.all in all a
good horror flick.


           best shots
john clough,kim meyers,marc popins

   a nice movie about a young yup-
pie who has trust fund frozen by
his uncle so that he can do some-
thing  for hismself.so he  decides
to call on his cousin john,a stock

broker having a steady relation-
ship with kim meyers.what happens
in incredibly funny.marc poppins
ends up owing #200.000 to sum ho-
odlums and john loses his girl to
his boys. so they decide to put
all the wrongs right.this is a re-
ally good movie told in a first
person perspective in a lets say
sticky situation.highly recommen-
ded for people who want to have a
goof laugh.

   yes,thats enough for this month
i think.if you have good reviews
why don't you send it to us?

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