Skyhigh 01 ch01 Intro

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   yo and welcome to this first issue


         ...  S K Y H I G H  ...

    this is as you allready might now

       a mag under the OZONE label

 today is the 27.12.92 and the place is
        the aarsparty in denmark

   well a few hints before you go on.

   in this mode:

   joy :

 UP and DOWN     -  text up & down

 LEFT and RIGHT  -  text up & down fast

 FIRE            -  go to the menu.

   in memu mode:

 UP and DOWN     -  choose subject

 LEFT and RIGHT  -  toggles between
                    chapters and options

 FIRE            -  load chapter
                    or execute option

            ok enough for now

   press the firebutton to continue
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