Jamaica 05 ch06 Interview

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time for a interview this time with a
swapper from denmark called:


this interview where not done at tcc. as
he couldn't go cuz some boring school
?1:as always a itruduce of yourself,,
   whats your work in MECHANIX and tell
   us other intresting things.

!1:yoho iopop....well, my handle is as
   you all know,HEAVY HEAD and i work as
   a swapper in our crew....my real name
   is thomas and i'm 16 years old(i tur-
   ned 16 at the 18may) i am about 1.78
   cm. high and weighs about 60kg. my
   hair is blond and my eyes are blue...
   at the moment i havn't any girl, but
   that will soon change (hehehehe)....
   i work at a car shop where i clean up
   and i also work at our local radio
   called: RADIO CHARLIE....i use about
   3-5 hours at the moment with my commy
   as we are having our exams right now
   but normally i'm infront of the commy
   about 5-7 hours just to copy MECHANIX
   wares to all of you....

?2:how and when did you enter the scene.
   which groups have you been in.
   how did you get your first contact.

!2:well i entered the scene for about 1
   year ago, where i found an advert in
   the danish computermag called: DNC
   where a dude asked for some contacts
   that he could swop games with...it
   turned out to be my first contact and
   his name was: MUTANT MAGIC we founded
   our own crew called FIRST PRIORITY
   witch included me, m.m, and a dude
   called ball....well me and mutant had
   a great time swapping old games, and
   one day i got a game from x-factor
   and there were an addy for SPIDERMAN
   i called him and asked if he would
   send me some new hot games and he did
   and after that things went fast....
   i joined BRONX, 3 weeks later i was
   in ARCHAOS, then UNICESS and finally
   MECHANIX 2124 where i will stay for
?3:which group would you join if MECHA-
   NIX died.and which dudes should you
   have in your own group if you just
   could pick them up.
!3:if MECHANIX 2124 died would surely
   pick out these great dudes:

   crack:mason, xxx, bod, hercules
   code :king fisher, jfk, walt, sat
   music:jeroon tell, guy schawitt
   gfx  :s.m.d. d'arc
   swap :dishy, wingo
   board:lonely island, the studio

   i think it would be these dudes, but
   perhabs there would sneak a few dudes
   in, but i think this would become a
   great crew.....

?4:whats you future plans in reallife
   and in the computer biz.

!4:well my future plans are in the scene
   is to stay a freindly dude(i hope i
   am a friendly dude) and to avoid wars
   as they really SUX......in real life
   i'm next year starting on 10grade and
   after that i will go to h.f. for 2
   years, and after that i think i will
   take a year off, and mayby visit some
   of the scene dudes arround..after the
   break i will join the navy, and go
   sailing....i think my scenelife will
   be cut down quite a bit, but i don't
   think i will ever quit this scene....

?5:i heard that you got a modem.. tell
   us something about that, ever thought
   starting a board?, which boards do
   you call up??

!5:well your are right, i do a little
   modem, but it have beeen cut down
   WERY MUTCH coursed by the fact that
   we had a quite big phonebill...the
   only board that i can call out to is
   the DOMINIC board, but i have acces
   to alot of europe board sutch as THE
   more....for some while ago, i where
   able to call out from our school, but
   that ws cut down by our satanic data
   teatcher as i didn't want to tell him
   the numbers we were calling out to...
   yes, i have thought about starting a
   board, but it should be a private one
   where people should ask me first be-
   fore i let them in, and no sutch
   thing as posting, just load and down
   load.....but i need a bbs proggy....
?6:have you ever thought about quiting
   your computer activities or moving to
   another computer.

!6:well, ofcourse we have all have the
   thought of saying, shit, fuck, no, i
   will not be in this scene anymore, it
   all sux....and the next day when you
   recive a letter from one of your many
   contacts that says alot of things,
   you think, well what the hell i'l
   stay after all.....about moving my
   moving my computer activityes i can
   only say no, ad the sixtyfour simply
   RULES the scenelife.......

?7:what do you think about the amiga.

!7:well there are some great games out
   for this computer, but the scene sux
   there is not the friendlyness witch
   we have here on the sixtyfour, and
   alot of dudes are only thinking about
   making alot of money......but it's a
   nice machine.....

?8:whats your opinion about discmags and
   whats your opinion about this one.

!8:i like diskmags, as i think that they
   help keeping the scene alive...about
   this disk-mag, i think it is one of
   the worst diskmags arround...no, just
   kidding, infact i think this is the
   BEST diskmag arround and i ALWAYS
   vote it as number one..i have got all
   the issues that are realeased and it
   really RULES!!!!!!! nice outfit, cool
   text, cool words, cool tunes, cool
   people, cool crew.....all in all it's
   a cool mag.....

   (ed.is it really that good!??.)

?9:have you got any enemies or is it
   someone you hate in this scene.

!9:well, there a one dude in this scene
   that i don't like, he dosn't know who
   he is, but that's fine with me, i try
   to be as friendly as possible as i
   really HATE wars....i don't think
   that i have any enemies in the scene,
   and if there is a dude outthere who
   dislikes me, then let him di it, as
   long as he tell it to me, and not to
   all his friend so i hear it from
   somone else, if a person dislikes
   another dude, then tell it to him
   directly, and don't be a lamer and
   tell it to your contacts first...
   in real life there is one lamer who
   is called xxx, he is
   the worst lamer arround, as he has
   tryed to get me kicked out of school
   several times....so if anyone wanna
   kill him then let me know and i will
   give you an addy...

?10:tell us about your favorites.

    demogroups       triad
    democoder        jfk
    crackergroup     dominators
    cracker          d.m.c.
    gfxmaker         s.m.d.
    musician         jeroon tell
    swapper          all are the best
    magazine         JAMAICA
    joystick         my own q-j megastar
    discs            white mini-disk's
    coverdesigner    junkie
    cartridge        final cartridge
    filecopier       superkit 6

?11:what do you say when i say:

computer      the sixtyfour rules...
techno        it simply rules...
drink         black shot (vodka+turkish
deathmetal    some of it is noice....
girls         i like 'em.....
cool          my contacts....
lame          xxx
joystick      it's heavy....
cracks        yes! somthing to spread...
diskerrors    SHIT!!!!!!
the post      it sux...

?12:here you can greet your friends and
    fill up the memory. just write what
    you want.

!12:thankyou, iopop..well greets fly out
    to: mutant magic(r.i.p.) - spiderman
    flexi - r.c.s. - dishy - hercules -
    malcom - freddie - kirk - k.b.s. -
    bird - alfa (i will send soon) -
    gobus - satan - truss - raz - reas -
    joe the madman (hey,another delay) -
    roger - d.m.c. (r.i.p.) - rave -
    static - spark - x-raffi - wingo -
    nightshade - sleepwalker - scow -
    d-tect - the dead stripper - artsi -
    mr. sorry - uptonogood - maya -
    ibanez - sadam - cruze - sir art -
    storm shadow - the meatball - kuba -
    and ofcourse the whole MECHANIX 2124
    crew witch are: tecon - zephyr - sat
    walt - mason -  knox - refugee - smd
    ricky - dodger and dcn...last but
    not least to iopop for letting me be
    in this interview...
?13:thanx for letting me interview you.

!13:it was a pleasure to be here, and i
    look forward to see the next issue
    of the number one ruling mag:JAMAICA
    see ya iopop and stay cool.....ciao.

well, where not this a cool interview
with short questions and long answers.
just the right way of a interview..
to boast a little bit more i can tell
you that it was i (iopop) who made the
interview. and it was the second time i
editit as the first time the text-editor
fucked up...

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