Internal 11 - Mix Mania

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            * MIX MANIA *               
feel welcome to another 1 of those cool 
parts from internal. this time it's yer 
loved chief editor 1 who's telling the  
as ya maybe remember, einstein made in  
issue #09 a part were you could see all 
the c64 cracking-music- or demogroups.  
it was quite interesting i think, so    
that's why i go further with the cool   
like ya probably know, many groups are  
born or many groups die in a month.     
so that's why i thought it's quite inte-
resting if you could see ALL the groups 
that are in the c64-scene. let me say   
first i'll try to forget NOBODY! but    
excuse me if i do!                      
so YOU really can help me! if one of you
is reading this crap, who's in a little 
group i never heard of, please let me   
know you're group is alive! it also can 
be i forgot one of those so called      
'elite' groups, no matter to me, if i   
forgot ya, let me know!                 
i think i forgot many us-australian and 
turkish groups! so if you're a reader   
from those listed country's and i forgot
ya to mention, please let me know!      
you'll see, it'll be quite interesting  
and nice to read!!                      
ok, at the end of the list i'll give    
you a summary of all the groups...      
(how many each letter, total, you'll    
note this: subgroups will also be       
wank joy RIGHT and let's start with the 
letter 'a'.                             
argon, arson                  alcoholics
argus, asgard                   accuracy
akrak                   abyss connection
action                 alpha flight 1970
amok                               atrix
age of madness                   awesome
audial arts                        antic
a-team                          atlantis
arm                  (the)ancient temple
best cracking team                brutal
bronx                             bonzai
beyond force                   bad taste
brainbombs         blasters incorporated
babygang                         battery
cross                          chromance
camelot                           cosmic
crest                          collision
cosmos designs                 collusion
censor design                compagnions
cocoon                            clique
conic                             cannon
china syndrom                     climax
crush                    crusial, chrome
dynax                             daniax
dunex                         dominators
demons of sound              depredators
deathsector                      dragons
demonix                            dream
double cross                            
enigma                     electric boyz
empire                    exotic designs
eurasia                           extend
focus                 flash incorporated
faces                         (the)force
fairlight                           fuck
fuel                                f4cg
graffity                      gang starr
giants                   guardian angels
genesis project                         
hotline                          hoaxers
heatwave                          hitmen
house designs                   hysteric
insiders                         inceria
italian cracking service                
(the)joker crew             joy division
legend            little computer people
lords                               lotu
lamers'r us                 lore of arts
light                 laser incorporated
maniacs of noise             modern arts
mega industries                   mayday
mirage (usa)                  moz(ic)art
mirage (sweden)                         
megastyle incorporated                  
noice                               nato
north east crackers                     
origo                               oase
oregon                           odissey
pulsar                          prosonix
pride                     powers of pain
powerzone                        proxion
parados       (the)paranormal federation
panoramic design                 paragon
padua                              power
paradize                          placid
          nothing here, so be           
      original and find out a new       
       group with da letter 'q'!        
raiders of the lost empire(role)  rebels
(the)ruling company               rizing
radius                            reflex
shade             (the)shaolin monastery
silicon limited              science 451
security                   sense designs
spirit                  sound and vision
spalters                           shape
sidchip scratchers        sonic graffity
style designs                       snap
stash                            silence
skid row                                
talent                              time
triumwyrat                         track
triad                           transcom
traitors     tristar and red sector inc.
topaz beerline                  triangle
velocity                        vibrants
verdict                       (the)voice
warriors of the wasteland               
war deal lamers                         
warriors of time                        
x-ample                          x-rated
x-factor                         xentrix
x-ray                              xerox
zone 25                         zildjian
comments and summary...                 
here i'll give ya per letter some       
comments and a little summary,          
i was a bit surprised still so many     
groups are runnimg on the c64! anyway,  
how more, how better, don't ya all think
so? but i still think i missed some     
groups, let me know!!                   
we have 20 groups that start with the   
letter A, too much in my opinion...     
i don't know if ATLANTIS is still active
please let me know dudes!               
11 groups that have the letter b as the 
first letter of their groupname. i also 
don't know if BAD TASTE and especially  
BLASTERS INCORPORATED are still active  
because several rumours say that the    
BLASTERS are  dead now...               
also too many groups that have chosen   
the letter c as the first letter of     
their groupname, i don't know if CANNON 
still is alive. and i also don't know   
if CRUSH is dead after menrake and      
beetlejuice joined us.                  
eleven groups with the letter d, i      
didn't hear much lately from these two  
groups: DREAM (actually i never heard   
of them) and DANIAX. give a sign of     
life, people!                           
seven groups that took the opportunity  
the let begin their groupname with the  
letter e. i didn't saw much from EXCEL- 
LENCE lately.                           
we have 8 groups that have the letter   
f as the first letter of their group... 
somme really good demogroups are inhere.
it can be you didn't have heard of the  
group FUCK, they are only a swapping    
only 5 groups inhere. i didn't saw any  
wares yet from GANG STARR and i also    
thought the GIANTS were dead, but now   
some rumours say their still alive, so  
that's why i also enclosed them in the  
7 groups that have chosen the letter h. 
i didn't know HITMEN is still alive, or 
is this just a fake rumour? well, please
let me know! i also didn't saw much yet 
from the american demo-group HAVOK...   
are you still alive?                    
not much groups have the letter i as the
first letter of their name. anyway, i   
didn't know INCERIA was still alive.    
also only 3 groups that starts with the 
letter j. i have some strong feelings   
JOY DIVISION is already dead, but as i  
am not sure yet, i also putted them in  
the list.                               
haha! only one group that start with the
letter k, and i even don't know if those
guys are still alive. anyway, i guess   
it's pretty difficult to find out a     
groupname that starts with the letter k.
try it out yourself...                  
8 groups have chosen the letter l to    
kick ass (?). anyway, i don't know if   
LCP and LASER INC. still are alive.     
a kick ass group is also inhere...      
8 groups have decided to take the letter
m as the first letter of their groupname
i don't know if the cool MANIACS OF NOI-
SE are still alive. their are two groups
called MIRAGE, one in the us and one in 
only 3 groups with the letter n. one    
of the best american groups is inhere...
counted them as one group.              
4 groups that have the letter o as the  
first one of their crew... one of       
them is a quite new group: ODISSEY.     
the letter p seems  to be a bit more    
popular than some previous letters...   
14 of them took the letter p.           
PLACID, POWER and PRIDE are unknown     
crews for me...                         
q is the most un-popular group it seems 
as there no one group who's have took   
this letter to be the first letter of   
their groupname, but i guess it's not so
easy to find out a groupname that begins
with this weird letter.                 
six groups that starts with this letter.
i don't know if RIZING is still alive,  
hey man, show the scene you're still    
alive and kicking!                      
17 groups took the letter s as the first
letter of their crewname. be honest, it'
s very easy to find out a groupname     
that start with this one, anyway...     
SNAP is maybe an unknown group for you  
but they are a rather lame belgian      
group and they're only able to swap and 
crack (freeze) a bit...                 
11 eleven groups with the letter t...   
from these groups i don't know if they  
still exist...                          
some rumours say still some members are 
in TRSI.                                
UNIQUE is really unique as this is the  
only group that starts with the letter  
only 5 groups that have the letter v    
as the first letter of their groupname. 
i just scratched a group: VICTIMS. i    
also don't know if VELOCITY is still    
alive. some rumours say yes...          
yep, only 6 groups are smart enough     
to have the letter w as the first letter
of their crew. heee, what group have    
course! -alive and kicking-...          
7 groups with ze x... look at this:     
x-here, x-there, x-everywhere. it seems 
the 'x-...' are very popular.           
only 2 groups don't start with this     
system: XEROX and XENTRIX.              
only one group here, and i even don't   
know if they're still exist. but due to 
the fact some guys still greet'em in    
their scrollers, i putted them in the   
only 2 groups have as the first letter  
of their group the last letter of the   
alphabet: ZILDJIAN and ZONE 45.         
ZILDJIAN is maybe a bit unknown for     
some guys of you... they're an israelian
                        joy RIGHT sucker
yeah, this chapter has comed to an end. 
anyway, i hope you have enjoyed reading 
it, i think it was quite interesting to 
see how many groups are in the scene.   
sure, i also believe i forgot some of   
them (maybe quite a lot). so please     
if you aren't in this list, then let it 
immediately know!                       
this chapter will be made every two     
months and then we'll see how many      
groups leave or enter the scene!        
well, see ya in onother chapter!        
press FIRE to go to the main-menue...   
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