Internal 02

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              INTERNAL #002             
           coding:  DIVINE/WOW          
           logo:  VINCENT/FRESH         
              music:  ????              
welcome to the second issue of INTERNAL.
this file is no longer a unicess product
coz i left unicess to join the WOW...   
              INTERNAL RED.             
  internal #003 will look quite diffe-  
  rent as this issue, coz i'm going to  
  give it a cool FACELIFT.              
  new grafix will be made by SCORPIE    
  the code will stay mine (DIVINE).     
  we will make a real magazine out of   
  this little info-file.                
  so look out for that issue nr. 3 !!   
                - NEWS -                
@ scorpie (ex-CREST) and kid (ex-ORION) 
  joined the forces of WOW. now scorpie 
  left us again to join the wim in F4CG 
@ elwood & scum (ex-ABYSS), hires (ex-  
  ziggy(ex-LEGEND) also joined our group
@ ispace left wow to join DUEL          
@ we lost our american section due to   
  problems with our original-supplier.  
  as you may have noticed we disappeared
  from the scene because of that. but   
  now we're back cracking & coding.     
@ SUICIDAL DESIGN (legal) came under the
  label of wow, members are: DIVINE and 
              - RELEASES -              
@ ofcourse our main purpose is spreading
  games so we have been busy again with 
  cracking...  i'm sure you noticed us. 
  in future we'll be mainly cracking    
  full price games.                     
@ our 3 YEARS of existence is a fact, so
  is our 3 years' DEMO which is due to  
  be released one of these weeks...     
              - MESSAGES -              
@ DIVINE will probably QUIT the swapping
  scene, cause of too little time. there
  for most of his contacts will be given
  to EINSTEIN. divine will keep: flimbo/
  paramount, bms/century, indy/century, 
  p.r.i./d+o (maybe some more ??)       
@ WOW's willing to take in some members 
  again, especially coders & gfx-men... 
  we also need some more swappers since 
  some members quit swapping to go full 
  time on their REAL job...             
@ most adresses have been changed in    
  belgium, therefor don't be scared if  
  your package is a bit later !!! at the
  end of this issue, you'll find some ! 
  for elite swapping, write to einstein 
            - MEMBERSTATUS -            
the current memberstatus goes like this:
  einstein: leader, mega-swapper        
  divine  : main coder, cracker         
  chacke  : cracker                     
  apollo  : modem-trader                
  jones   : cracker, coder, swapper     
  yoga    : grafix                      
  hitch   : coder                       
  kid     : coder, swapper              
  humanoid: musician, swapper           
  tornado : swapper                     
  zod     : swapper, digitizer          
  elwood  : swapper, grafix, code       
  unix    : coder, swapper              
  scum    : grafix                      
  hires   : grafix, swapper             
  ziggy   : original supplier           
 meaning of life, un oevre de einstein: 
   the most beautiful and deepest ex-   
    perience of mankind is the aware-   
          ness of the mystery.          
              - ADRESSES -              
  contact WOW by writing to:            
 einstein           divine              
 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     
 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     
 belgium            belgium             
 chacke             unix                
 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     
 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     
 belgium            norway              
 tornado            jones               
 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     
 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     
 belgium            belgium             
 humanoid           elwood              
 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     
 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     
 belgium            west-germany        
 wanna have a cool call, then call a 06 
 line, or try these doodz for a change: 
 +xxxxxxxxxxxx -divine    (nico)        
 +xxxxxxxxxxxx -einstein  (ives)        
  finally the second issue is finished  
  it took me so long due to changing of 
   group, broken computer, and broken   
   disks upon which internal was made   
                                       all in the next issue      

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