Gamers Guide 24

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. this menu + some small talk

      - welcome to issue # 24 of -      
         THE TRIAD GAMERS GUIDE         
   1. this menu + some small talk       
   2. credits, info and addies          
   3. games a - c                       
   4. games d - m                       
   5. games n - z                       
   6. from all corners                  
   7. reactions                         
   8. re-cracks                         
   - joy l/r for pages                  
   - joy l/r + fire for chapters        
   - shift/lock turns off logo swing    

         THE TRIAD GAMERS GUIDE         
  issue #24 comes to you in the middle  
    of september 1994 after a break     
            over the summer.            
      WINGO did the game testing.       
  if your version was not tested here   
  we simply didn´t get a working copy   
           of it. send NOW!             

         THE TRIAD GAMERS GUIDE         
   when this issue was ready and done,  
 i changed my mind and used the intro i 
 should have used from the beginning.   
 regard this as a positive sign.        
   the story goes. i had talked about   
 making #25 the last GUIDE. OWEN drew   
 me the perfect picture to use in an    
 intro for such a final issue.          
   as i felt about things in june-july  
 i wasn´t sure that i would even do     
 #24, but if i did i wanted to use that 
 picture. so i canged #25 into #24 and  
 used an old non-fixed intro made by    
 KRAVIN for VINE NEWS.             -->  

         THE TRIAD GAMERS GUIDE         
   now i will instead have the time to  
 have this intro fixed and i will use   
 it for #25.                            
   if there is a #26 and #27 and so on, 
 i will change the picture as long as   
 it is needed.                          
   the only promise i can give you      
 about the future is that i will TRY    
 to keep THE GUIDE comming. any help i  
 get from you guys out there will make  
 it easier to make an effort.           

. credits, info and addies

             - CHAPTER 2 -              
     about the guide, the rules and     
   how to get in touch with the guide   
     the idea behind the guide, is      
    to give you information of all      
    the different versions released     
              of a game.                

         THE TRIAD GAMERS GUIDE         
 ------- the well earned credits ------ 
 code        king fisher                
 music       dezcrator/amiga.transfered 
             to 64 by king fisher       
 graphics    chorus+dane                
             original idea by INJUN INC 
 code        king fisher                
 music       alfatech                   
 graphics    none. layout - jerry       
 TEXT ED     rico of pretzel logic.     
 EDITORS     jerry and guests           

         THE TRIAD GAMERS GUIDE         
   games are added to the GUIDE as soon 
 as we get them. our dream is to show   
 you EVERY version of a game that is    
 released. make sure we get yours!      
   we can not play every level of every 
 version of the games. however, we do   
 all we can to get close to that!       
   the games listed in THE GUIDE are    
 NOT ranked. on popular demand they are 
 listed in order of their length.       
   if you want to vote on a group or    
 a cracker, please do. the scene is     
 drowned in vote sheets from all magz.  

         THE TRIAD GAMERS GUIDE         
 here are some rules we use.            
 separate pic, dox or other files are   
 not counted as part of the crack.      
 when pics are left in the game, this   
 is noted for fair comparison.          
 a separate highscore file is noted as  
 an H in the number-of-files column.    
 the length is included in the blocks.  
 added fastloader and some sort of      
 file-chain routine is noted.           
 other extras are noted separately.     

 the symbols used mean .. .   .     .   
 F                - number of files.... 
 -H               - highscore saver.... 
                    added to the game.. 
 -P               - picture in file.... 
 -#               - dox with the crack. 
 -I               - iffl routine....... 
 -F               - fastloader added... 
 L                - length in blocks... 
                    h-file included.... 
 C                - number of cheats... 
 -P               - passwords given.... 
 *  indicates >   - something ......... 
 :)     a      >  - something nice .... 
 :(comment on >   - something less nice 

  call the TRIAD bbs at +XX-XXX-XXXXX   
     THE STUDIO runs c-base 3.2 on a    
   CMD ram-link with 8 megs of memory.  
  this makes posting faster than ever,  
  but it also increases transferspeed.  
              try ATS7=40               
  the local switching station may need  
     more time to connect your call.    
            at +XX-XXXX-XXXXX           

            WHO?  ME?  WHERE?           
 WINGO     XXXXXX XXXXXXXX              
           XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX           
           XXX XX XXXXXXXX     XXXXXX   
           WINGO is searching for a     
           lot of new contacts.         
 RAVE      XXXXXX XXXXXXXXX             
           XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX           
           XXX XX XXXXXXX      XXXXXX   

            WHO?  ME?  WHERE?           
 VAIN      XXXXX XXXXXXX                
           XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX           
           XXX XX XXXX         XXXXXX   
           VAIN needs to get new        
           contacts after his time      
           in the military service.     
 MR.AMMO   XXXX XXXXXX                  
           XXXXXXXX XXX                 

            WHO?  ME?  WHERE?           
 JERRY            editor                
 XXX XX                                 
 XXX XX XXXX                            
 XXXXXX           +XX-XXX-XXXXX         
 only reactions, articles and such.     
 sorry, no more game swopping, please!  
 call THE STUDIO at:                    
 leave your latest news on THE STUDIO   
 or upload a textfile for inclusion in  
 THE GUIDE.                             

   jerry             dane               
   king fisher       tango              
   tdm               twoflower          
   kravin            rave               
   sailor            vain               
   ca$h              tao                
 HOLLAND           AUSTRALIA            
   mr.ammo           roadrunna          

. games a - c

             - chapter 3 -              
            the games a - c             
   the texas aggie rang the fire        
 station to report an out-of-control    
 fire in the student union.  "it´s an   
 emergency! hurry up!" he bellowed.     
   "how do we get there?" asked the     
 fire chief.                            
   "how the hell should i know? can´t   
 you just take the big red truck?"      

 the symbols used mean .. .   .     .   
 F                - number of files.... 
 -H               - highscore saver.... 
                    added to the game.. 
 -P               - picture in file.... 
 -#               - dox with the crack. 
 -I               - iffl routine....... 
 L                - length in blocks... 
                    h-file included.... 
 C                - number of cheats... 
 -P               - passwords given.... 
 *  indicates >   - something ......... 
 :)     a      >  - something nice .... 
 :(comment on >   - something less nice 

 SEUCK         3d spacewar          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 tbt       /brian x 3      1   103  +3  
 mayhem    /met            1   119  +3  

                  a.c.e.             w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 accuse    /cauldron       1    44  --- 
 excess    /sentinel       1    74  --- 
 motiv8/byc/crossfire fix  1    97  --- 
 in case you wondered - nope, this is   
 not a preview. there is a preview out  
 on the much improved ACE 2             

                 addgar             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /tao            1   118  +2p 

                air raid            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 riff raffs/the yokel      1    27  --- 

 SEUCK        alien attack          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 tbt       /brian x 3      1    93  +6  
 mayhem    /met            1   107  +3  

 SEUCK         alien smash           w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 duel      /hibisch        1    92  +4  
 riff raffs/the yokel      1    94  +2  
 lithium   /cruze          1   109  --- 
 tlf       /bifrost        1   112  +3  

              angry ninja           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
   part 1                               
 mayhem    /met            1    64  --- 
   part 2                               
 mayhem    /met            1    75  --- 
   part 3                               
 mayhem    /met            1    80  --- 
   part 4                               
 mayhem    /met            1    79  --- 
   part 5                               
 mayhem    /met            1    80  --- 

                arc doors            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 accuse    /ream           2i# 281  +2  
 amnesia   /seal           2i# 284  +3  
 talent    /chrysagon      2i  293  +4p 
 motiv8    /curlin+peacem.20   297  +2p 
 excess    /gash           2i  298  +3p 
 scs+trc   /cba            2i  298  +3p 
 dytec     /bo             2i  301  +3p 
 atlantis  /stake          2i  302  +4p 
 atlantis  /underdog      20h  311  +4  
 avantgarde/ja+darklord   21h  318  +3  
 rebels    /tuc           20   427  --p 
 desert n. /alexoft       20h  439  +8  

                archetype           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 riff raffs/the yokel      1   156  +4  
 mayhem    /met            1   172  +2  

               arctic hunt          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 f4cg/tsm  /hain           1   128  +2  
           game intro oncluded          

 p1              astatin             w2 
    this game was first cracked by      
            THE FIRECRACKERS            
   EXCESS re-cracked their version and  
  spread their re-crack as an original. 
  we are pretty sure that SENTINEL was  
  the EXCESS member who proved himself  
           to be a true lamer.          
  DYTEC is not involved in this in any  
   way as we hinted in # 23. SO SORRY!  
    get the full story in RE-CRACKS.    

 p2              astatin             w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
           game intro included          
 avantgarde/jack a+deff    1h  146:(--- 
 triad     /sailor         1h  147  --p 
 bronx     /snooze         1h  151  +2p 
 cherubs   /stake  (is +4) 2h  159  +5p 
 charged   /centurion      1h  160  +4  
 tfc       /delta        A 2h  169  --- 
 chromance /mr.wax         2h  179  +1  
 nature    /morgan         2h  183  --- 
 excess    /outlaw         2h  199  +1  
 ------------------------ more -------> 
 has a built in time cheat & lvl select 
  :( AVT version crashes after lvl 98!  

 p3              astatin             w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
           game intro removed           
 lithium   /cruze          1h#  95 !--- 
 zatt      /jam            2h  111  +3  
 palace    /2ny            1h  117  +1p 
 just us   /agent          1-  144  --p 
 scs+trc   /moren          2h  151  +1p 
 genesis p./ministry    v2 2h  152  +1p 
 dytec     /bo     (is +5) 2h  155  +4  
 sacred/emp/mendrake       2h  168  +3p 
 sunrise   /argos          2h  176  --- 
 genesis p./airwolf     v1 2h  189  --- 
 has a built in time cheat & lvl select 
 ! passwords don´t work!                

               ball barric          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 bronx     /snooze         1    31  --- 

               ball land 2          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 motiv8    /crossfire      1   111  +1  
          game intro included           

                 battle              w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 avt/tal/psi/hok  fx/cz    8   479  +5  

 p1          black and white         w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
       -- game intro included --        
 genesis p./ministry       1h  191  --- 
 accuse    /ream           1h  196  --- 
 avantgarde/thorn+nevis    1h  202  --- 
        -- game intro separate --       
 fairlight /spirou         1h  122  --- 
 triad     /sailor         1h  137  --- 
 just us   /iron           1h  137  --- 
 f4cg      /sneaper        1h  138  --- 
 ------------------------ more -------> 

 p2          black and white         w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 reflex    /johnnie w.     1h  141  --- 
 excess    /mindcrime      1h  143  --- 
 motiv8    /mason          1h  144  --- 
 mayhem    /met            1h  147  --- 
 avantgarde/d-ram          1h  148  --- 
 rebels    /tuc            1h  157  --- 
 amnesia   /riggs          1h  161  --- 
 talent/psi/cz+chrysagon   1h  167  --- 
 scs+trc   /burglar        1h  169  --- 
 extacy    /masoko         1h  183  --- 

               black jack           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 riff raffs/the yokel      1    42  --- 

                black perl          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 avantgarde/d-ram          1   141  --- 
 scs+trc   /action jackson 1   151  --- 

 SEUCK        bluey blob 2          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 tbb       /brian x3       1    99  +3  

                 bobbix             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
      ---- game intro included ----     
 trd       /midfit+dodger  8h  312:(+3  
 avantgarde/jack alien     8h  315  +3  
 fusion    /tuc           22h  319  +2  
 scs+trc   /cba+burglar    2ih 328  +4  
       ------ no game intro ------      
 f4cg      /mr.alfa        1i  299  +2  
 :(resets at level 3                    
 the avg version is claimed to be the   
 only 100% version. looks ok.           

                  boom              new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 talent    /chrysagon      -  1364  +4  
 repaired to work on 1541 ii!           

               bouncy cars          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 conttrast /iceman         1    23  --- 
 fairlight /spirou+bacchus 1    24  +2  
 triad     /sailor         1    24  --- 
 avantgarde/d-ram          1    37  +1  
 bronx     /snooze         1    50  +2  

              bubble mania          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 amnesia   /calypso        2   156  +3  
           game intro oncluded          
 this bubble mania by artic design      

                 bullet              w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 lth+rave  /primus         1    76  --- 
 avantgarde/jack alien  *  1    84  +2  
 tlf       /arschvixer     1    86  --- 
 motiv8/c0d/crossfire      1   134  +fx 
 genesis p./airwolf        1   149  --- 
 * translated                           

             cairo connection       new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 afl 70    /mark           1   146  --- 

 p1              cashman             w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 palace    /dr.pain        1    59  +2  
 accuse    /ream     :(:(:( 1    62  +1  
 just us   /agent          1    67  --- 
 scs+trc   /moren          1    70  +1  
 jam       /iopop     :(:(  1    72  +2  
 cherubs   /stake          1    73  +4  
 motiv8    /the mighty 1s! 1    75  +1  
 amnesia   /calypso        1    76  +3  
 bronx     /snooze      :( 1    77  +4  
 ------------------------ more -------> 
:(:(:(crashes if no cheat is selected.   
:(:( end sequence not correct!           
 :(choose to see the end and it crashes 

 p2              cashman             w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 player    /ministry       1    77  --- 
 mayhem    /met            1    78  +1  
 genesis p./lcf            1    80  +3  
 chromance /mr.wax   :(:(:(:( 1    81  +4  
 avantgarde/jack alien     1    81  +2  
 nature    /morgan         1    82  +2  
 extacy    /masoko         1    84  +2  
 bronx     /psychopath     1    84  --- 
 excess    /sentinel       1    86  +2  
 dytec     /bo             1    87  +3  
 afl 70    /max            1    88  +2  
 craftm. co/regent     :(:( 1   107  +4  
:(:(:(:( crashes - period!                 

            castle of spirits       new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 bronx     /snooze         1    50  --- 
 this looks like a very old text adv.   
 and i have a feeling i have played it. 
 couldn´t find it in my collection      
 though, so i may be wrong.       JERRY 

                catch two            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
         --- intro included ---         
 bronx     /snoose         1h  154  +5  
 dytec     /proton         1h  169  +3  
         --- intro  removed ---         
 mayhem    /met            1h  110  +2  
 accuse    /ream           1h  112  +2  
 xenon     /crazy bird     1h  129  +6  
 extacy    /masoko         1h  130  +3  
 excess    /outlaw         1h  131  +4  
 scs+trc   /moren          1h  135  +5  

 SEUCK        chrome brothers       new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 bronx     /snooze         1   116  +6  

               colormania           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 f4cg      /hain           1   139  fix 
          game intro included           
 fix by chromance                       

                  comet              w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 accuse    /cauldron       1    62  +1  
 scs+trc   /moren          1    72  +2  

               commando 94          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 riff raffs/the yokel      1   104  +2  

                compare             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 motiv8    /crossfire      1    87  +2  

 SEUCK            cops 3            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 trd       /lbm            1   175  +2  
 riff raffs/the yokel      1   175  +4  
 intro included!                        

             cosmic business        new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 chromance /---            1   114  --- 
 translated + fixed                     

               cosmic hero          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 afl 70    /wozio+s.r.     1p  147  +4  

                 cosmox             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 amnesia   /calypso        8   222  +3  

               county caper         new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 riff raffs/the yokel      1#   87  --- 

         cranmore diamond caper     new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 avantgarde/d-ram          1   143  --- 
 motiv8    /crossfire      1   148  --- 
 mayhem    /met            1   152  --- 
 text adventure                         

                  craps             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 riff raffs/the yokel      1    44  --- 

                  creeps            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 riff raffs/the yokel      1    47  --- 
 looks a game from 1982!                

 p1             crossfire            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
         -- game intro included --      
 tlh+rave  /primus         1   115  +2  
 amnesia   /calypso        1   131  +3  
 avantgarde/jack alien     1   131  +3  
 afl 70    /skid row       1   195  +2  
        -- game intro separate --       
 fairlight /watchman       1    92  +2  
 hammock d./flensmaster    1    94  +4  
 accuse    /ream           1    98  +2  
 motiv8    /crossfire      1   100  +5  
 ------------------------ more -------> 

                crossfire            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 scs+trc   /moren          1   101  +5  
 rebels    /tuc            1   106  +3  
 dytec     /dodger         1   109  +4  
 bronx     /snooze         1   111  +5  
 f4cg      /sneaper        1   111  +2  
 chromance /mr.wax         1   115  +5  
 excess    /sentinel       1   115  +4  
 sunrise   /argos          1   117  --- 
 mayhem    /met            1   118  +2  
 extacy    /masoko         1   123  +2  
 talent    /chrysagon      1   128  +2  

               cube magic           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 excess    /the renegade   3hi 289  +4p 
 atlantis  /underdog      11h  303  +4p 
 f4cg      /sneaper   v1  12h  307  +4  
 trsi+dytec/lbm      !    14h  307  +3p 
 scs+trc   /dannie        12h  308:(+3  
 avantgarde/jack alien    12hf 309  +3p 
 trsi+dytec/cz+lbm        14h  341  +4p 
 :(saves HI in ccheatmode               
 ! hi-score fucked up!                  

                cyclones             w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 - editor included                      
 afl       /lcf            2i  109  --p 
 excess    /red rock       1   129  --- 
 avantgarde/jack alien     2i  129  --- 
 - editor separate                      
 fairlight /bacchus        2i   83  --- 
 reflex    /jonny walker   1    90  --- 
 genesis p./ministry   v2  1   100  --- 
 slash     /axe            1   102  --p 
 genesis p./airwolf    v1  2i  116  --- 

. games d - m

             - chapter 4 -              
            the games d - m             
   we recently heared of a hooker who   
 made a career change. she became an    
 agent for the IRS.                     
   now she says she screws more men on  
 a daily basis than she ever did in her 
 hooking days.                          

 the symbols used mean .. .   .     .   
 F                - number of files.... 
 -H               - highscore saver.... 
                    added to the game.. 
 -P               - picture in file.... 
 -#               - dox with the crack. 
 -I               - iffl routine....... 
 L                - length in blocks... 
                    h-file included.... 
 C                - number of cheats... 
 -P               - passwords given.... 
 *  indicates >   - something ......... 
 :)     a      >  - something nice .... 
 :(comment on >   - something less nice 

               dark caves            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
    ----- game intro included -----     
 dytec     /proton         3h  265  +6  
 excess    /mindcrime      3h  169  +7  
 atlantis  /underdog       3h  175  +6  
 chromance /stake          3h  181  +6  
 motiv8    /curlin         5h  186  +4  
 avantgarde/thorn+nevis    2ih 191  +4  
 bronx     /savalas        3h  201  +5  
 afl 70    /murphy         4h  201  +4  
 f4cg      /mr.alfa        4h  215  +3  

               darktower             w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 genesis p./ministry       1   110  --- 
 rave+lth  /primus         1   112  --- 
 motiv8    /tricket        1   118  --- 
 nature    /hunter         1   132  --- 
 srd/rmjcc /mendrake       1   137  --- 
 text adventure                         

                defender            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 garbage   /rp & kc        1    33  --- 
 bäbels    /chesus     :(  1    33  --- 
 excess    /renegade       1    37  +6  
 avantgarde/d-ram          1    44  +2  
 afl 70    /skid row       1    49  +3  
 accuse    /cauldron       1    58  +1  
 lurschers /ernst eiswur   1    62  +2  
 :(the bäbels version bugs like shit!   

              dr.mad versus          w2 
    the topsy turvy moonmen of mars     
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 avantgarde/hok            1   130  +3  
 laser     /shuze      !   1   145  +1  
 who´s the topsy turvy? i bet they did  
 this only to give us a headache!       
 ! music bugs in the laser intro!       

               draw poker           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 riff raffs/the yokel      1    34  --- 

                 entity             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fusion    /tuc            1h   63  --- 
 excess    /renegade       1h   70  --- 
 atlantis  /kirby          1h   78  --- 
 scs+trc   /moren          2h   80  --- 
 trd       /midfit         1h   83  --- 
 chromance /mr.wax         1    85  --- 
 mayhem    /met            2h   89  --- 
 avantgarde/---            1h   92  --- 
 laser     /shuze          2h   98  --- 
 there actually is one pixel missing in 
 the AVT version :)                     

                 enzyme             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 avantgarde/jack alien     1   129  +3  
 laser     /shuze          1#  138  +1  

               experience            w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 reflex    /johnnie w.     4   115  +2  
 bronx     /snooze       * 2h  127  +4  
 rave+lth  /primus         4h  140  --- 
 excess    /red rock  :(:(  4h  149  +3  
 extacy    /masoko         2h  148  +2  
 motiv8    /crossfire    * 4h  148  +2  
 scs+trc   /moren          4   149  --- 
 dytec     /proton         4h  154  +3  
 just us   /iron           4h  154  --- 
 nature    /---            4h  165  --- 
 sacred/emp/mendrake   :(  4h  166  +1  
 afl 70    /mark           4h  178  --- 
 :(crashes. may be the fix! *translated 
:(:( the hangman fucks up in cheat mode  

                fade out            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 mayhem    /met            1    96  --- 

               fast-future          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
    ----- game intro included -----     
 avt+lazer /shuze          1   150  +6  

            fields of hades         new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 motiv8    /crossfire   fx 1h  142  +3  
 looks like hi-score doesn´t load, but  
 it does.                               
 intro says FIELDS OF HATES in several  
 places, so it is not just a slip up.   
 trainer menu says FIELD OF HADES.      
 if you ask me i say that CROSSFIRE is  
 still several persons working under    
 one cover.                             

          fighter of the marsh      new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 chromance /mr.wax         1   140  +1  

                 firefox            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
     ----- game intro included -----    
 legend/tsm/powerplant     3h  275  +1  

                the fly 3           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 scs+trc   /credo          1    62  +3  

 p1            fred´s back 3         w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 sunrise   /argos     :(:( 14   174  --- 
 wow       /sorex          1i  176  +2  
 triad     /sailor        14   177  +2  
 scs+trc   /zar           14   177  +2  
 dytec     /dodger        14   180  +2  
 excess    /sentinel   :( 14   180  +2  
 accuse    /ream          14   181  +2  
 just us   /moscito       14   184  +3  
 bronx     /snooze        14   184  +2  
 scs+trc   /hi-lite       14   185  +3  
 genesis p./la style   :( 14   185  +2  
 ----------------------- more --------> 
:(:( crashes in 2nd bonus room!          
 :( some graphix bugs appear            

 p2            fred´s back 3         w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 red sector/count zero:(:( 14   186  +5  
 player    /mr.mister     14   189  +3  
 amnesia   /calypso       14   189  +2  
 awt       /thunderblade  14   191  +5  
 gothic    /cdh           14   193  +2  
 mayhem    /met           14   194  +2  
 cherubs   /stake          2i  197  +5* 
 avantgarde/jack alien    14   200  +3  
 extacy    /masoko        14   200  +3  
 ----------------------- more --------> 
 * 1 double cheat.                      
:(:( skip level from a bonus screen and  
    the game crashes!                   

 p3            fred´s back 3         w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 nature    /hunter        14   201  +2  
 chromance /mr.wax      :(14   201  +2  
 motiv8    /mason          2i  206  +2  
 :(cromance v.crashes sooner or later.  

                 genloc              w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 talent    /benson         7h  282  +4  
 scs+trc   /zar            7h  286  +5  
 trd       /dodger         6h  309  +7  
 excess    /gash           2ih 344  +4  

                 get it              w4 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
        -- game intro included --       
 equinoxe  /snooze         1   108  +4! 
 amnesia   /calypso   :(:(  1   121  +4  
 red sector/hok            1   125  +4  
 ---       /d-ram      :(  1   130  +3! 
 scs+trc   /cba            1   132  +3! 
 extasy    /masoko         1   136  +1  
 crypt     /nevis+thorn    1   149  +4  
 chromance /mr.wax         1   150  +4  
 excess    /red rock  :(:(  1   154 (+4)         2   171  +2  
 ----------------- more + comments ---> 
 :(look at end-pic and it fucks up!     
:(:( version crashes sometimes           

 p2              get it              w4 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
     ----- game intro removed -----     
 rave+ltm  /cruze          2    98  --- 
 dytec     /dodger         1   101  +4  
 afl 70    /lcf            1   102  +6  
 the game has built in cheat options    
 the version by SNOOZE really is only   
 108 blox and still includes the intro. 
 sorry for listing it in the wrong      
 place in issues #22 and #23            

                grfx-jump           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 dytec     /dodger         1    35  +5  
 bronx     /savalas        1    38  +2  
 bronx     /snooze         1    40  +4  
 excess    /sentinel       1    47  +2  
 laser     /shuze          1    51  --- 
 afl 70    /skidrow        1    55  +4  

 SEUCK           guerilla           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 tbt       /brian x 3      1   106  +6  

              he-man junior          w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 riff raffs/the yokel      1   100  +2  
 bronx     /bird+psychop.  1   155  +6  

 SEUCK         hyper speed          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 riff raffs/the yokel      1    81  +4  
 tbt       /brian x3       1    92  +6  
 mayhem    /met            1   112  +3  

                  island            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 riff raffs/the yokel      1    71  --- 

                 klemens            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
    ----- game intro oncluded -----     
 trsi+dytec/lbm            1   160  +3  
 xenon     /crazy bird     1        +2  
 t+d version  partly translated         
 the xenon version couldn´t be tested   
 since the trainer resetted the game !  

                 latent             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 avantgarde/jack alien     1h  160  +3  

                  later             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 afl 70    /skidrow        1   116  +3  
 translated and fixed                   

                 lazarus            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
    ----- game intro included -----     
 f4cg/tsm  /hain           1   181  +2p 

                 lemmings            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /sailor       138  1900  +p  
 dytec     /proton+lbm   138  1913  +11 
 afl 70    /all afl!  v2 155  1925  +12 
 excess    /gash         138  1940  +4  
    /burglar+moren+cba   142  1941  +2p 
       ----- no game intro -----        
 f4cg      /hain         123  1712  +1p 

              lemon blues           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /bacchus+spirou 1    87  +2  
 triad     /bismarck       1    92  +1p 
 f4cg      /sneaper        1    97  +1  
 amnesia   /calypso        1   107  +2p 
 avantgarde/nevis+thorn    1h  109  +2  
 bronx     /snooze         1h  110  +2p 
 afl 70    /skid row       1   113  +1  
 motiv8    /crossfire      1h  115  +1  

                 lingos             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
      ---- game intro included ----     
 f4cg/tsm  /hain           1   177  +1  

                 logic              new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 chromance /lion           1   106  --- 

                magic cube          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 f4cg      /sneaper       12hp 305  +3p 

             magic of endora        new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 afl 70    /pha q         23   615  --- 
 translated. no cart!                   

                memomania           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
     ---- game intro included ----      
 f4cg      /hain+maja    ! 1   145  +1  
 f4cg      /hain+ c        1   168  +1  
 ! translated                           

               mercenary 2          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 bronx     /snooze         1   146  +1  

             metallic legends       new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 lamerforce/arschwixer     3   377  --- 

                 meteor             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 motiv8    /crossfire      1   117  +2  

               mill mania           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 chromance /mr.wax         1   132  --- 

                  move               w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 atlantis  /stake       :( 2ih 133  +4  
 triad     /king fisher    6h  153  +4  
 talent    /chrysagon    ! 1I  167  +2  
 f4cg      /sneaper        6h  173  +2  
 lithium   /cruze          6h  176  --- 
 extacy    /masoko         2ih 179  +3  
 dytec     /bo     (is +4) 2i  180  +3  
 scs+trc   /cba            6h  182  +2  
 excess    /red rock       6h  186  --- 
 chromance /homeboy        6h  188  +3  
 avantgarde/jack alien     6h  190  +3  
 motiv8    /peacemaker  fx 7h  216  +2  
       :(hangs in retry mode!           
       ! HI-save in cheat mode          

. games n - z

             - chapter 5 -              
            the games n - z             
 two buddies at the bar, were going     
 over the exploits of the night before  
 - man your date was a hot one. did you 
   have a good time?                    
 - not really. she might have looked    
   great, but she never smiled once.    
 - poker face, huh?                     
 - no, but i sure wanted to.            

 the symbols used mean .. .   .     .   
 F                - number of files.... 
 -H               - highscore saver.... 
                    added to the game.. 
 -P               - picture in file.... 
 -#               - dox with the crack. 
 -I               - iffl routine....... 
 L                - length in blocks... 
                    h-file included.... 
 C                - number of cheats... 
 -P               - passwords given.... 
 *  indicates >   - something ......... 
 :)     a      >  - something nice .... 
 :(comment on >   - something less nice 

 SEUCK           nevana             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 mayhem    /met            1    88  +3  

 SEUCK        operation fox         new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 tbt       /brian x3       1    83  +3  
 mayhem    /met            1   101  +3  

                  orb               new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 f4cg      /sneaper      :(1   120  +1p 
 amnesia   /calypso        1#  141  +1  
 motiv8    /crossfire      1   146  +1p 
 :(f4cg asks if you wanna see passwords 
   and add one plus for that! lame!!    

               ormus saga 3         new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 avantgarde/th.+dec.+nev. 73   790  --- 
 why 3 disk sides for this one? a bad   
 job if you ask me. or does the block-  
 scanner not give the proper result?    

                   oxyd             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 avantgarde/jack alien     2i  147  +2  

                party game          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 mayhem    /met            1    14  --- 
 aldi      /---            1    16  --- 
 tlf       /archvixer      1    37  --- 
 now, this marks the end of things!     

                perplex 2            w4 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 slash     /axe            2   114  +2  
 dytec     /proton         1   119  --p 
 triad     /sailor         2   122  --p 
 elite     /agent          2   152  --- 
 extacy    /masoko         2   152  +3       :(2   158  +2  
 afl 70    /sting  (is+3)  1   192  +2  
          -- editor separate --         
 equinoxe  /snooze         2#  118  +2p 
 the game has a built in +2 option and  
 an editor.                             

                polonäse            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 atlantis  /kirby          1   105  +3  
 mayhem    /met            1   106  --- 
 fusion    /tuc            1   116  +1  
 chromance /mr.wax         1   118  +1  
 excess    /sentinel       1   119  --- 
 avantagrde/thorn+nevis  :)1   120  +3  
 :)offers german or english. nice, even 
   if the english is not that good.     

 SEUCK          predator            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 mayhem    /met            1   146  +3  

                push it             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 f4cg      /sneaper    !   2i  298  --- 
 motiv8    /iceball        2hi 305  +2  
 avantgarde/jack alien    17h  308  +2  
 ! the f4cg crack intro bugs sometimes. 

                quiz show            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 accuse    /ream     :(v1  7   136  --- 
 accuse    /ream       v2  2i  205  --- 
 extacy    /masoko         2i  216  --- 
 dytec     /dodger        46   237  --- 
 :(crashed after a while and spoiled my 
   day. 100% correct answers that far!  
   game not complete!                   
 this game is in german. translating it 
 it would be a mega task.               
 entering your name is such a drag that 
 you adopt the letter X as your name!   

 SEUCK        rainbow runner        new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 tbt       /brian x 3      1    95  +6  
 mayhem    /met            1   112  +3  

                raka tua            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 riff raffs/the yokel      1    81  --- 

              rebel bomber          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 riff raffs/the yokel      1    27  --- 
 yet another item that looks like 1982  
 someone had a spring cleaning?         

                 reflect            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 chromance /homeboy        5   207  +3p 

               retaliation          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 riff raffs/the yokel      1   129  --- 

              retro torque           w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /sailor         1   127  --- 
 genesis p./lcf            1   127  --- 
 rave+ltm  /jessie         1   139  --- 
 ---       /d-ram          1   143  --- 
 bronx     /snooze         1   143  --- 
 f4cg      /sneaper        1   151  --- 
 scs+trc   /burglar        1   154  --- 
 avantgarde/jack a+deff    1   164  --- 
 motiv8    /crossfire      1   166  --- 
 craftm. co/regent         1   185  +5! 
 basically the same game as TURBO CART  
 RACER released x-mas 1990.this version 
 has a lot more play options. the bikes 
 now are 3-d animated.                  

            revenge of balrog        w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 mayhem    /met            1    39  --- 
 rave+lth  /primus         1    45  --- 
 tlf       /arschvixer     1    53  --- 
 text adventure                         

 SEUCK        river mission          w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 riff raffs/the yokel      1    74  +2  
 tbt       /brian x3       1    87  +6  

           santa claus helper        w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 amnesia   /calypso        1    74  +2  
 bronx     /savalas        1    84  +2  
 afl 70    /marc           1    86  +2  
 atlantis  /underdog       1    91  --- 
 excess    /red rock       1   113  +1  

               the session           w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 dytec     /bo          ! 19h  216  --p 
 motiv8    /mason         27h  276  +1  
 ! editor included, but not translated! 

                 shogun             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
      --- game intro included ---       
 f4cg      /sneaper      many  636  +5  
 translated. TRANZIIE says this game is 
 funnelifun to play.                    

              snake attack          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 amnesia   /calypso        1h   80  +2  
 bronx     /snooze         1h   81  +2  
 avantgarde/tricom         1h   86  +2  
 f4cg      /sneaper        1h   86  +2  

             souls of darkon         w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 scs+trc   /raze           1   136  --- 
 accuse    /cauldron       1   137  --- 
 amnesia   /calypso        1   144  --- 
 motiv8    /mason          1   145  --- 
 bronx     /snooze         1   145  --- 
 dytec     /---            1   149  --- 
 atlantis  /stake          1   151  --- 
 adventure game                         

               space bomber         new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 riff raffs/the yokel      1    36  --- 
 and another one from 1982 ?            

 SEUCK         space gunner         new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 tbt       /brian x3       1    93  +3  

                space wars          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 gulas     /---            1    46  --- 
 tlf       /archvixer      1    59  +1  

                speranza            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 bronx     /snooze         1   153  --- 
 dytec     /lbm            1   169  --- 
 rebels    /tuc            2   179  --- 
 laser     /steve          1   214  --- 
    --- game intro not included ---     
 accuse    /cauldron       1    65  --- 
 avantgarde/decilon    v1  1    71  --- 
 avantgarde/deff+ja+th.v2  1   117  --- 

                splitter            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 accuse    /cauldron       2i  275  +2  

              square-scape          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
     ---- game intro included ----      
 amnesia   /seal           2i  193  +3  

              steel heros           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 amnesia   /calypso        1h   63  +2  
 motiv8    /peacemaker  fx 1h   74  +2  
 a separate info file comes with the    

               super code           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
         --- intro included ---         
 trd       /dodger         1 *  63  --- 
 excess    /outlaw         1    71  --- 
               --- not ---              
 atlantis  /kirby          1    69  --- 
 laser     /shuze          1    83  --- 
 * our copy could not be played!        

              super nibbly           w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 dytec     /lbm           15p  242  +3p 
 scs+trc   /burglar        2i  160  +3  
 avantgarde/thorn+nevis   16   172  +4  
 triad     /sailor        15   179  +3p 
 rebels    /tuc           15   185  +4p 
 extacy    /masoko (is+4) 15   186  +3  
 motiv8    /mason          2i  189  +4p 
 reflex    /johnnie w.    15   189  +3p 
 excess    /mindcrime     15H  193  +5p 
 across    /garth         15   197  +3  
 chromance /jinx          15   200  +4p 

              techno plyn           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 amnesia   /calypso        1   113  +2  
 a sort of packman clone.               
 calypso didn´t like it, but i like it! 

               the system           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 mayhem    /met            1    64  --- 
 text adventure                         

                 tiffany            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 afl 70    /marc           1    74  --- 

                tit bit 2           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 avantgarde/tricom   fx    7h  229  +3  
 couldn´t get this one to start, so it  
 is not tested. it is probably my copy, 
 so i show the data from DIR!           

              tnt breakout          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 bärbels   /cheesus        1    27  --- 
 nature    /morgan         1    45  --- 
 the coder of this one must be locked   
 into an assylum. i got a head ache     
 from trying to see the ball on that    
 insane background. on top of that, the 
 game crashes when you are finnished!   

             treasure island         w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 avantgarde/pudwerx        1p# 180  --- 
 afl 70    /marc           1p  182  --- 
 atlantis  /   2p  189  +1  
 chromance /---            1p  197  --- 
 bronx     /snooze         1   141  --- 
 trsi+dytec/dodger         1   150  --- 
 motiv8    /crossfire      1   172  --- 
 excess    /---            1   182  --- 

                trek 64             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 riff raffs/the yokel      1    61  --- 
 why, star trek of course!              
 another one looking like 1982.         

. from all corners

             - chapter  6 -             
            from all corners            
            energy depletion            
           on the front porch           
             canal jumping              
           ironville and back           
          the total blockwaste          

                a saturday afternon in  
               the corner of the studio 
   first there was this warm and dry    
 summer. then i was supposed to get     
 some help, but ended up having to do   
 things myself after all. this latter   
 was the drop and i lost interest 100%  
 in making another issue of THE GUIDE.  
   a seriously meant apology must go    
 wasted their work by letting it get    
 stale as time aged their news.         

   each time i told TRANZIIE or WINGO   
 that i would get working again, i      
 really mean what i said.               
   however, testing a few more games    
 made me totally nauseous and i could   
 not bring myself to go on. i pushed it 
 off to tomorrow and you know what      
 happened ´tomorrow´.                   
   while feeling like that, i decided   
 that #24 would be the last GUIDE ever! 
 now that i am writing these last words 
 before closing the files, i once again 
 feel fine about doing it and i look    
 forward to #25. strange really.   -->  

   since people didn´t get a sending    
 from us during the summer, most likely 
 there are game-versions that never     
 were sent to us.                       
   please, make sure you check in THE   
 GUIDE and make sure that one of you    
 send those missing versions to one of  
 our game tester.                       
   and do it PRONTO! we must have them  
 in time for #25 and we surely expect   
 that one not to be months off.         


         FROM CORNER TO CORNER          
     there is a speedloader called      
   i have used this system since 1987.  
 today i need a new drive part for my   
 P-DOS. if you want to see THE GUIDE    
 stay on the scene, you better help me  
 find this circuitboard.                
   there is a british and a german      
 model, but i don´t care which i find.  
 both are marked DISK DEMON.            

         FROM CORNER TO CORNER          
   i prefere one that works, but one    
 with broken pins or one that doesn´t   
 work is ok too.  please, please,       
 please help me find a new P-DOS!       
   since this contraption works only in 
 the old 1541, i am sure there are      
 unused systems around when people had  
 to buy a 1541 ii. there may also be    
 items stashed away in closets when     
 guys left the scene.                   
   find one for me and make my life     
 worth living again.                    

           on the front porch           

               HOME CORNER              
 - HEAVY HEAD managed to test 8 games,  
   all from one sending during his two  
   months in TRIAD. naturally he was    
   kicked out.                          
   if his interest really was to run    
   his own board, he should have said   
   so. it was a tester we wanted!       
 - TRIDENT has dropped out of the       
   computer music scene to devote his   
   time to the guitarr. he will still   
   compile some collections out of his  
   extensive sid-production.        --> 

               HOME CORNER              
 - OWEN declared that he does not       
   concider the 64 to be enough of a    
   challenge any longer. however, he    
   offered to help us if we needed      
   some special art. we still have a    
   supply of his nice art to spread.    
 - ACHILLES has joined the army and     
   is no longer active. sending out     
   this issue of THE GUIDE will be his  
   farewell. probably for good, or.. .? 
 - TRANZIIE decided to leave the active 
   scene, at least for now. we still    
   can see him trash the boards with    
   messages from god though.       -->  

               HOME CORNER              
 - MIZAR and WAYSTED in the US OF A     
   joined TRIAD along with their board  
   BYTE ME. the timing was hopeless     
   since we had absolutely nill to      
 - furhtermore they expected us to      
   support them on the few dieing cards 
   they supplied us with. what on earth 
   were they expecting? naturally they  
   didn´t stay long in TRIAD.           
 - all the work by TRANZIIE and all the 
   telephone money he spent on this was 
   a waste. imagine his disappointment. 
   no wonder he lost it.           -->  

               HOME CORNER              
 - SLICE in australia decided to start  
   working on the 64 again, so now      
   ROADRUNNA has another local TRIAD    
   member to chat with.                 
 - VAIN joined TRIAD as a swopper after 
   having finnished his army service.   
 - TAO joined TRIAD as a cracker and    
   the TRIAD veterans are only getting  
   older, diversifying their interests. 
   especially coders and a good music   
   master is on the wanted list.        

               HOME CORNER              
 - poor INCUBUS who was in TRIAD for a  
   year. when he went back to his old   
   buddies in ANTIC, some lame mag      
   wrote that he abandoned the          
   then the next mag ripped the ´news´  
   and then the next.                   
   INCUBUS is still very much on the    
   64-scene, but all this false news    
   made people stop sending to him.     
   it all goes to show what serious     
   harm to the scene all this lame      
   news ripping can do.            -->  

               HOME CORNER              
 - FAIRLIGHT has accuired a bbs in oz   
   it runs on a pc, but it has an       
   extencive 64-area. the name is       
   FISHBOWL and you call +XX-X-XXXXXXX  
 - LEXI/FLT joined the s-nintendo mob.  
 - TABASCO desided to drop his job as a 
   butcher to concentrate 100% on       
   becomming a #1 swopper. talk about   
   total 64-dedication!                 
 - ENDURO has moved to gothenburg to    
   attend a school for advertizing,     
   commersials and public relations.    
   taking FAIRLIGHT to the top?         

               HOME CORNER              
 - TCHAD/JAM also has moved. to umeå.   
   there he will be in good company by  
   DANE, TAO and some others.           
 - talk about moving, MAZY/NOICE moved  
   a bit too fast in a restricted zone  
   and lost his drivers license.        
 - SWOFFA/NOICE made a wrong move and   
   managed to compact his beatle bug    
   even more. he has a new car now.. .  
 - there will be more noice from NOICE  
   now that PIECE has joined the group  
   to make music.                       

               HOME CORNER              
 - OZE who worked in TPF left the 64,   
   but is now back to code in ANTIC.    
 - TOTAL CHAOS got hazzled by an older  
   geezer in a bar. it ended with       
   mutual headbanging and smashed eye   
   brows and one night in the slammer   
   for TC. the world ain´t fair!        
 - TC and TRANZIIE have threatened to   
   turn up on TRIBUTE 94 dressed in     
   working clothes. how do they expect  
   to have any fun dressed in strait    

                ex edxx                 

            THE FOOLS CORNER            
 latest weeks, we did pick up some more 
 things, worth to mention!              
 -for instance, our old editor likes to 
 move it like in orienteering.          
 he says to the TRIAD court: there is   
 no sport doing this in broad daylight! 
 he was later found guilty of scaring   
 of a rabbit or two. :)                 
 for those of you who never heard of    
 a delicious speciality in sweden we    
 name fermented baltic herring,         
 SLEDGE/FLT and EDXX invite you to      
 a true experience. drop a mail to one  
 of us for more details. yummy!         

            THE FOOLS CORNER            
 -JAYCE from GENESIS changed his name   
 into THE COWFIGHTER, he later joined   
 up with SUNE MANGS CREW :)             
 -boardwise, we spotted a long lost     
 name:JOYRIDE finally decided to log in 
 on his own board after months of       
 playing on the amiga.:)                
 more from the boards. on THE STUDIO    
 TABASCO/FLT posted this in the GUIDE   
 sub, mess 140: i suxx, the scene suxx  
 the cracks suxx and the parties suxx!  
 we do agree, especially the first part 
 of this so wonderful messy!            

            THE FOOLS CORNER            
 from gnu & m0g of JUDAS DESIGN we      
 heard that BENGT-STAFFAN joined up,    
 reason should be for his spastic       
 behaviour. :)                          
 and for those who still are on         
 medication due to TRIADS behaviour at  
 tcc 93, EDXX and KF says that we did   
 find a new song to play over and over  
 again: DOOP by DOOP, we finally got    
 bored of POING, how about you? :)      
 -fint väder? :(                        


              TRIBUTE 1994              
   GENESIS:)PROJECT is inviting you all  
 to a special 64 only party. they aim   
 at inviting a whole bucket of veterans 
 that has left the scene for good or    
 just left the 64.                      
   the party will be held in GOTHENBURG 
 during november 4-6 or in other words, 
 a halloween party. sort of fitting     
 with all those old ghosts turning up :)
   apart from the normal competitions,  
 there will also be competitions in the 
 direction of nostalgia. classic old    
 demos will compete again.          --> 

              TRIBUTE 1994              
   deciding on the party place was the  
 final thing for them to do. i cross my 
 fingers hoping they settle for the     
 classic school type of party place. i  
 stopped going to parties when they     
 started using hugh convention centers. 
   invitations will be ready to spread  
 about the time you read this. i will   
 make sure to send out to all the old   
 TRIAD members.                         
   you do the same if you are in touch  
 with some guys who used to be there.   
   to get an invitaiton contact  ---->  

              TRIBUTE 1994              
         FAX  +XX-XX-XXXXXX             
         call +XX-XX-XXXXXX             
         you can also write to          
              G+P WHQ                   
              XXXXXXXXXXXXX XX          
              XXX XX XXXXXXXX           
                              be there! 

              canal jumping             

              DUTCH CORNER              
  here again a few pages from the holy  
      ground in the netherlands..       
 > we write: a scs+trc+scl meeting!     
 AXE/SLASH to REAM/ACCUSE; "hey,did you 
 hear that!? they called me a lamer!"   
 ream´s reply; "so..!? you are a lamer! 
 now shut up or i´ll kick your ass!!"   
 axe walkes... wise decision!           
 > same meeting...                      
 some discs got stolen from the guys in 
 SLASH DESIGNS. the discs featured      
 source codes, gfx and more!  better    
 take the lesson ; why bring such wares 

             DUTCH CORNER               
 to a copy show off?!?        
 later on we read in their mag ´NARCO-  
 TIC´ ;"we have an idea who stole the   
 discs,if we see him doing it again,we  
 will kick his ass!"...tough words from 
 the 14 YEAR old rambies!               
 > meanwhile at MERLINS place..         
 shall i go to the meeting..? SEAL will 
 be there.. i dont want him to throw    
 stuff from me through the room again!  
 why does he do this.. tell me god..    
 why.. why... am i all alone in this    
 world!? why me.. why me..              

             DUTCH CORNER               
 * now a little correction to issue#23: 
 > last issue i wrote that THE SILVER   
 SURFER left the 64 scene for pc.. this 
 is not totally correct as he left for  
 AMIGA!  some news on top of that is    
 the fact that he started to miss his   
 c64 already, and already is looking    
 for a new 64!  i suppose it´s real     
 hard to quit the scene just like that, 
 especially after all those years!      
 > a usual disc note from SYCO:         
 "soon i´ll join a new group!! i know,  
  i said it last time too, but this --> 

             DUTCH CORNER               
 time it is for real!"                  
 ...hmm, probably his next note will    
 include the same text,haha!            
 > meanwhile AXEGRINDER/FENIKS rattles: 
 "damn, i thought i had the biggest     
 demo collection in the scene.. why     
 don(´t i have more than jerry!? bah.." 
 > seems SPLATTERHEAD is into graffity  
 these days! another one of those disc- 
 covers holding a simple tag reached me 
 lately!  come on now rene.. show me    
 some pieces instead of tagging!        
 afterall, tagging is not graffity!     

             DUTCH CORNER               
 > MAC2/AMNESIA at a graduation party:  
 "god, why am i this handsome!? all the 
 girls think i have a steady            
 > fact is that spectator and styx,     
 both of afl´70, cannot stand eachother 
 too well. in the past they had some    
 disagreements. eventhough they         
 said to have solved it, they are not   
 the best of pals. i wonder if this is  
 any good for the group, and how long   
 this will hold!                        
                            :)CALYPSO :)

          ironville and back            

             BRITISH CORNER             
            well here it is now in MAY, 
               the 6th to be exact.     
   first i have to make an apology.     
 last month i mentioned that ENTROPY is 
 a DUTCH crew. as i have been reminded  
 many times since then, ENTROPY is a    
 BRITISH crew, formed in january 1993.  
   it has a number of DUTCH members in  
 it´s ranks, but GREMLIN, who lives in  
 HULL in england, is the leader of the  
 group. sorry for any inconveniance i   
 may have caused.                  -->  

             BRITISH CORNER             
   JOKER late of UNITED ARTISTS is now  
 a member of EXTACY.                    
   eureka !! TWO games have now been    
 released in the UK, inevitably the     
 long awaited LEMMINGS, (which was not  
 on sale in england until 10 days after 
 it´s release elsewhere in europe !!)   
 and the graphic adventure TREASURE     
   a nice little article appeared in    
 the MAY COMMODORE FORMAT supplied by   
 JAZZCAT. he called the editorial staff 
 saying that he was: "head of the       
 developments on the 64 for aussie -->  

             BRITISH CORNER             
 software company SYSTEM 3".            
   he told them of some BIGGIES comming 
 soon in OZ, like TURRICAN 3, IK 3, and 
 FLIMBO´S QUEST, all he said were in    
 the development stage. he left them a  
 phone number for SYSTEM 3, but when    
 they tried to call it, the number was  
   nice one david, true or not !!       
   well, we are now well into june. not 
 much has happened here.           -->  

             BRITISH CORNER             
   maybe the biggest news is that       
 RICHIE/AVANTGARDE decided to quit the  
 scene on all formats, but it is highly 
 likely that he will return in the near 
   quite a few games are to be released 
 here in the next month or two (heard   
 this somewhere before!!).              
   it is widely known that a lot of old 
 unreleased games are still kicking     
 around in the UK. for instance, last   
 november i called the software house   
 CODEMASTERS. they told me they had a   
 minimum of 25 unreleased games in  --> 

             BRITISH CORNER             
 stock for which they had no future     
 plans because they were doing so well  
 on other formats.                      
   as at today (14th june), there have  
 been no changes in group status during 
 the past two months. STRAYLIGHT the    
 old LAZER BBS is now the SCS/TRC euro  
 HQ, since Steve joined them as a       
 second group.                          
   july 1st. well the EDOS system of    
 getting games has finally ended it´s   
 short run.                        -->  

             BRITISH CORNER             
   EDOS was the system being used in    
 some shops for getting an ON-THE-SPOT- 
 GAME copied in the shop. there was so  
 little call for the games that they    
 decided to cease the system. in actual 
 fact it was a case of bad advertising. 
   unfortunately, the only method open  
 to UK users now is hope that any games 
 due for release are advertised in the  
 mag COMMODORE FORMAT, and that mag is  
 far from accurate.                     
   game news. quite a lot is promised   
 still for the 64, but it is going to   
 be at least 3 more months before  -->  

             BRITISH CORNER             
 things take off in any quantity.       
   at least four guys are trying hard   
 to set up their own businesses, but it 
 is a long job starting from scratch.   
   no real group news to report. RICHIE 
 came back to the scene still in AVT,   
 but in a much reduced capacity. his    
 home and business commitments will     
 only allow him this, but it is good to 
 see him back again.                    
   to the best of my knowledge, ENTROPY 
 are now 100% legal, and GREMLIN is now 
 running his own PD business,      -->  

             BRITISH CORNER             
 similar to JUST ICE ex. IKARI.         
   there has been an uproar within the  
 PD scene recently over copyright. it   
 seems some PD guys have been releasing 
 games from the german software houses  
 in PD format, without going through    
 the copyright routine.                 
                    DERBYSHIRE RAM/AVT  
                    1st july 1994.      

     it´s just a waste of your time     

            THE WEIRD CORNER            
   being such a popular person as i am, 
 naturally i get my full share of fan-  
 mail. there are warm words or at least 
 words about warm places and there is   
 an occasional token of appreciation.   
 pity though that the beatuifully       
 colored snake had died in the mail.    
   some time ago i got one of those     
 packages, but this one i could not     
 really make out. i suppose it was some 
 sort of riddle and i guess the answer  
 will tell me who sent it.         -->  

            THE WEIRD CORNER            
   the following wild assortment of     
 items was in the package.              
  1 a leaflet on the ATARI TT030        
  2 a leaflet from the chain of stores  
    for vine and liqour, giving some    
    general advice on the assortment    
    and the price policy                
  3 a red rubber crokodile, 80 mm long  
    with an LED inserted between the    
    open jaws.                          
  4 a 10 mm wooden plug for carpentry   
  5 one golfball stolen from a driving  
    range (a red band and marked range) 
  6 one local phone book covering the   
    area around the town of finspång    

            THE WEIRD CORNER            
  7 a tourist map over the same area as 
    the phone book, giving extensive    
    tips on different attractions.      
  8 a train time table covering jan 9th 
    to june 11th 1994.                  
  9 a box of matches marked HOTEL DE    
    GEER. location finspång.            
 10 a small piece of fireworks called   
 11 one advertizing sticker for the     
    jelly beans called BIG BOOBS!       
 12 one promoting sticker for the       
    tunaholm school of mariestad.       
 13 a tea-light                         
 14 a one day travel pass for a         
    ski lift in tänndalen. void.        

            THE WEIRD CORNER            
 15 one scratch-panel lottery ticket    
    from australia. no winner!          
 16 an emergency needle and thread kit. 
    the black thread used up!           
 17 one photo of a philips micro with   
    some sandwiches being heated.       
 18 a comic magazine. wilmer #25/1982   
    the cover missing.                  
 19 one map over the city of norrköping 
 20 one DMZ game supplement with tips   
    on playing some 15 amiga games.     
 21 a mailorder catalog from BIRDNEST,  
    the march april 1994 issue. this    
    firm specializes in punk music, but 
    also offers an assortment of heavy  
    synth and industry.                 

            THE WEIRD CORNER            
 22 one vinyl single featuring          
    IDA´N´ERIK singing TAKE A BREAK     
    WITH ME. the tune is supposed to    
    promote sale of milk.               
 23 and finally there were five 90 min  
    tapes. some of the tapes had a wild 
    assortment of music, none of which  
    was worth listening to. obviously   
    the tapes were not meant to be      
    listened to.                        
   if anyone of you guys can solve this 
 riddle, please gimme a hint!           

. reactions

             - CHAPTER 7 -              
              the error                 
              no favours                
            the real thing              
            pack and crunch             
              the legend                
              mini munch                
             intro top 20               

               THE ERROR                
   since we all are just human, we make 
 mistakes. that includes also us who    
 test games and write in THE GUIDE.     
 when we make an error, we gladly       
 correct our mistake. to do that, we    
 need to know about it!!!               
   some errors are obvious to anyone,   
 but most errors are obvious ONLY to    
 the one who is involved with the game  
   for the fuck of it, tell us EXACTLY  
 WHAT is wrong and not only that we     
 were wrong, to give us a chance to     
 make a correction!                     

                 and ->                 

               NO FAVOURS               
   a group asked me to remove some of   
 their cracks from THE GUIDE, because   
 they were not exactly proud of the     
 versions in question.                  
   i sympathize with them and i would   
 have liked to do it, but that would    
 not have been right. not to THE GUIDE  
 and not to other groups.               
   we are not spending all the time and 
 effort into testing the games to be    
 able to nail someone or some group. -> 

               NO FAVOURS               
   the purpose of THE GUIDE is to show  
 all the different versions done of a   
 game. then we have to try to show ALL  
 versions made of it.                   
   the cracks in question were some bad 
 items. they were done by a person who  
 didn´t know much about it.             
   however,that was a domestic problem. 
 any group that is concerned about what 
 they release also has to be concerned  
 about their members, to know them and  
 to work with them.                     

                 and ->                 

          AS REAL AS IT CAN BE          
   at almost regular intervals, through 
 the years, someone has started slaggin 
 on TRIAD, claiming that we are not the 
 REAL TRIAD.                            
   mostly i don´t care to waste my time 
 and energy on it, but there are times  
 when things go too far to ignore. if   
 nothing else, newcommers to the scene  
 could be led to think that there is    
 something to it, so we have to set the 
 record straight.                       

          AS REAL AS IT CAN BE          
   the slaggers often define REAL TRIAD 
 as MR.Z and JANITOR. this is a gross   
 insult to all the other early TRIAD    
 members and especially to IXION.       
   it was IXION who organized the whole 
 thing and made TRIAD. he was the first 
 boss and if anyone is the real thing,  
 he is.                                 
   when time came for IXION to start at 
 the university, he had to leave the    
 64-life. he recommended to 801 DC to   
 bring me into TRIAD to take over. that 
 is also what happened. in september 88 
 i took over the leadership of TRIAD.   

          AS REAL AS IT CAN BE          
   quite another thing is when JANITOR  
 or anyone else of the earliest mebers  
 say THE REAL TRIAD about themselves.   
   this is for old times sake and for   
 the memories, not because the living   
 TRIAD of today is a fake, but naturaly 
 they think of themselves as being the  
 best there was and ever can be. we all 
 feel like that about ourselves.        
   when i meet those guys at a rare     
 occasion, i don´t mind when they say   
 they are the REAL TRIAD. i see the     
 sparkle in their eyes when they do.    

          AS REAL AS IT CAN BE          
   as for me, i have been in TRIAD for  
 six years. to me that is fucking REAL! 
   in all groups, members come and      
 members go. that is the way of things. 
 the longer a group is around, the      
 longer the all-time member list is     
 bound to get. is a group not the same  
 group because members come and go?     
   that is infantile. imagine the same  
 reasoning about for example the world  
 of soccer. then LIVERPOOL would not be 
 the REAL LIVERPOOL since there is no   
 original player left in the club! what 
 a bad joke :(                          

          AS REAL AS IT CAN BE          
   most people don´t realize that MR.Z  
 really was active only under the first 
 year and JANITOR dropped out in early  
 1988. both of them however, made some  
 rare jobs even after i had taken over  
 the leadership.                        
   JANITOR did LAST NINJA II in late    
 october 1988 and he actually did it on 
 my 128. at a TRIAD meeting in december 
 1988 i became the pinball champion of  
 TRIAD by beating MR.Z in the final. :) 
   those (few) guys who jap about       
 today´s TRIAD not having a connection  
 to the REAL TRIAD, only prove to   ->  

          AS REAL AS IT CAN BE          
 the scene what little they know about  
 the days gone by.                      
   i never worked with MR.Z and JANITOR 
 (except for LN2), but they were NOT    
 the only members in TRIAD. other old   
 members like 801dc and twilight kept   
 working with me as the leader.         
   what makes those guys wanna hurt     
 TRIAD by bad mouthing us, is anyones   
 guess. i don´t really care. we know    
 what we are, so they are the ones      
 having a problem.  rip.                

                 and ->                 

             PACK AND CRUNCH            
   i remember way, way back in the dark 
 ages when GURAN made the first and     
 also the last crack from P&P STUDIOS.  
   this was the first time i got stuck  
 doing the boring pack and crunch, but  
 for sure it was not the last time.     
   today i have just finnished the      
 preview of an item called LAZARUS. i   
 made several versions of it. not that  
 i had to, but i wanted to see the      
 difference. it may be interesting for  
 you to share my experience.            

             PACK AND CRUNCH            
   the reason this time that i had to   
 do the packing was that the gringos    
 had been too hung over, too tired or   
 just too lazy to do the job after the  
 little meeting at TRANZIIES snake pit. 
   most likely they also wanted to      
 punish me for not showing up there!    
   the game file was charpacked using   
 SUPER ZIPPER and also ZIPPER 5. the    
 first un-packs on 10 seconds and the   
 other  un-packs on 5 seconds.          
   the intro used was an old one made   
 by SONY back in early 1989. the music> 

             PACK AND CRUNCH            
 is placed in memory above the zipped   
 game file. the game plus intro was     
 saved from $0801 to $c000. there were  
 only a few smaller areas of nullbytes  
 in this file. probably no more than    
 6-8 blocks.                            
   the file with the superzipped game   
 was superzipped after intro and then   
 it was crunched with the CRUNCHER AB.  
   the file with the superzipped game   
 was also crunched directly using the   
 CRUNCHER AB.                           
   finally the file with the 5-zipped   

             PACK AND CRUNCH            
 game file was crunched using the x-mem 
 version of dark squeezer. the file     
 was crunched directly without a second 
 char packing after installing the      
   what i wanted to test here was the   
 resulting de-pack time. this is the    
 ab + zip    26 sec + 10 after intro    
 ab direct   16 sec + 10 after intro    
 dark direct  8 sec +  5 after intro    
   this becomes really interesting when 
 also the length of those files are  -> 

             PACK AND CRUNCH            
   the AB-crunched files were both 120  
 blocks long, but the one that had been 
 zipped again was actually some 30      
 bytes longer.                          
   the file directly crunched by the    
 dark squeezer was 123 blocks. a nice   
 bonus was that it took only 2 minutes  
 to dark-squeeze the file compared to   
 the hour it took to ab-crunch it.      
   and no, this is not news to me. i    
 have done several comparing tests      
 before and on different sorts of    -> 

             PACK AND CRUNCH            
 code as well. every time i have come   
 to the same result. at the cost of a   
 few blocks, you can have a lot shorter 
 de-pack time. mind you, there are of   
 course crunchers that add both to the  
 length and the depack time! watch out! 
   any way, my opinion is that i very   
 much prefere the 3 extra blocks when i 
 get that much shorter de-pack time.    
   to me it is insane to save some few  
 blocks of a file when the result is    
 that it takes so much longer to get it 

             PACK AND CRUNCH            
   looking at it with a technical eye,  
 it doesn´t make sense to sit there for 
 20 or more seconds waiting for a game  
 to un-pack because this saved some     
 5 blocks. loading 5 extra blocks does  
 not take any 20 seconds, not even if   
 you have NO speed loader of any sort.  
 using an ACTION REPLAY, 5 extra blocks 
 on a file doesn´t cost even one more   
 second to load. talk about weird logic 
 in this.                               
   looking at it from the psychological 
 standpoint, i for one hate to sit      
 there waiting for de-pack. true, as a  
 game tester i am more exposed to the > 

             PACK AND CRUNCH            
 effect of long de-pack time than most  
 people, but i bet i am not the only    
 one getting irritated after some 15-20 
 seconds of waiting.                    
   i have only a very few cracks from   
 the danish group PAPILLONS in my       
 collection. the reason for this is the 
 outrageous de-pack time their versions 
 offered. when i found another good     
 version, the PAPILLON version was out! 
   just so you know, i once timed the   
 unpacking of a PAPILLON crack and it   
 took 90 seconds for it to unfold. that 
 is quite some time!                    

             PACK AND CRUNCH            
   there will be one or two guys out    
 there who will gladly point out that   
 THE GUIDE is responsible for the trend 
 to make games shorter and shorter.     
   they will be wrong. first of all,    
 coders were competing with packers and 
 crunchers long before there was a      
 GAMERS GUIDE and even before TRIAD.    
   some of us remember with a smile     
 when MATT/TERA made a cruncher with    
 the one and only purpose of setting a  
 new record for shortest de-pack code.  
 maybe that was the reason for ONEWAY   
 developing crunchers like they do.     

             PACK AND CRUNCH            
   those guys will be wrong also for    
 another reason. what we have advocated 
 is to reduce the length of a crack by  
 removing crap in the code. we NEVER    
 advocated short at ANY cost.           
   talking about ONEWAY, i have told    
 ZIZYPHUS of my ideas and preferenses.  
 i hope i have had an effect. most of   
 all i hope for a more flexible set of  
 tools the next time there is a new     
 HACKPACK out.                          
   we should be able to select the      
 de-pack routine on short de-pack time  
 OR short result.                       

             PACK AND CRUNCH            
   obviously the guys making crunchers  
 never expected us to crunch directly   
 without charpacking first. all the     
 modern crunchers i have tried, all     
 demand that the file is saved from     
 $0801 or it fucks up.                  
   in the case when i add an intro to   
 a charpacked file (game, mag, utl or   
 whatever) without exception so far, i  
 get a better result both in length and 
 definitely in de-pack time if i don´t  
 char pack also after having added the  
   however, there is one drawback in -> 

             PACK AND CRUNCH            
 crunching direct, especially with for  
 example the CRUNCHER AB.               
   it takes a definite longer time to   
 crunch direct compared to the same     
 file having been charpacked first.     
   it is obvious that a normal cruncher 
 doesn´t like it when a byte appears    
 repeatedly, like zero fills and space- 
 filled areas.                          
   it should be possible to make a      
 cruncher that can handle this. i have  
 suggested it to some people. wonder    
 who will be first with a program   ->  

             PACK AND CRUNCH            
 which makes it all in one go and then  
 also depacks in a short time. dreams!  
   by far, $00 is the most common byte  
 to appear in heaps. $20 and $ea may    
 also appear in numbers depending on    
 the sort of code. wouldn´t it be       
 possible to give one or more of those  
 a special treatment so the crunching   
 is speeded up when crunching without   
 charpacking first?                     
   huffman has a lot to answer for,     

               and more ->              

       :)PAPA JERRY THE LEGEND :)       
   our member in oz, ROADRUNNA is more  
 active on the AMIGA than the 64 and    
 so is his wife.                        
   imagine the altitude of his eyebrows 
 when he got a letter from a turkish    
 AMIGA user claiming to be PAPA JERRY   
 of TRIAD!                              
   can´t help feeling happy for being   
 such a legend that the lamers try to   
 impersonate me to gain fame.. .  .     
                              :)JERRY :)

                 and ->                 

 MINI MUNCH                        UZZY 
   the few of you who read everything   
 in THE GUIDE saw in # 23 that i had a  
 feeling of having seen MINI MUNCH      
 before. there is no reaction to that,  
 but in a note from UZZY/ENTROPY he     
 have a story for us on that game.      
                        york - england  
   here is UZZY to tell you about one   
 of the biggest lamers in the scene     
 and his involvement with the game      
 MINI MUNCH. the background is this:    

 MINI MUNCH                        UZZY 
   a friend of mine, a programmer       
 living in HULL, wrote a system called  
 MUSIC PRODUCER II. he then started to  
 work on another project, called        
 CHEESELOAD, which was a fastloader     
 system which he intended to sell to    
 software companies like MASTERTRONICS. 
   he even wrote a loader game called   
 MUNCHLOAD to go with it. he wrote the  
 loader music for it in his own MUSIC   
 PRODUCER II.                           
   as his good friend, i have had       
 copies of these programs since about   

 MINI MUNCH                        UZZY 
   that is why it was such a shock to   
 me to find MUNCHLOAD released by LASER 
 as MINIMUNCH+/LASER.                   
   after many phone calls, i could      
 establish exactly what was the cause   
 of this. LASER were not to blame. they 
 cracked the game in good faith. the    
 game was supplied to them by:          
              EWEN GILLIES              
 previously TRISECT/TRIAD, E3/REBELS    
 and a many more handles and groups.    

 MINI MUNCH                  THE EDITOR 
   isn´t it fun to note how our good    
 friend and fellow scener EWEN once     
 again manages to annoy people. you got 
 to admit that EWEN really has a talent 
 for that.                              
   that is about it i guess. well, he   
 supplies a bit of entertainment as     
 well. everytime a new group falls into 
 the EWEN-trap i can´t help grinning.   
   he has used the same address all     
 through the years, so how come people  
 still fall for it?                     

 MINI MUNCH                  THE EDITOR 
   that note from UZZY contained a good 
 deal more about EWEN and a lot of      
 programs he has fucked up.             
   UZZY has also formed a federation    
 against EWEN. Federation Against       
 Warlock, since WARLOCK apparently is   
 his latest handle.                     
   as for MINI MUNCH, i still have that 
 feeling of having seen it before the   
 LASER version. how about it folks?     

                 and on                 

 MUNCHING ON                 THE EDITOR 
   that note from UZZY also mensioned a 
 rumour about why TRISECT was kicked    
 out of TRIAD.                          
   the official reason we gave was that 
 he was removed from our memberlist     
 because of inactivity.                 
   that was the truth, but not the full 
 truth. i have always hated to have to  
 kick members, so i tend to give people 
 quite some slack.                      

 MUNCHING ON                 THE EDITOR 
   what happened that made it easy for  
 me to tell EWEN to get lost, was that  
 he wanted my help to work under a      
 number of handles to work secretly in  
 other groups.                          
   he also talked about how he, through 
 intrigues, had managed to get other    
 groups off the scene. there was an     
 implied threat in that, like he was    
 going to get TRIAD off the scene if i  
 didn´t accept his suggestion.          
   such a challenge can´t be ignored so 
 naturally he was kicked on the spot.   
 i love a good challenge, so it all ->  

 MUNCHING ON                 THE EDITOR 
 goes to show what little understanding 
 for people EWEN has. i suppose that is 
 why he is walking into the same door   
 time and time again.                   
   during his time in TRIAD, EWEN did   
 two items for us. one was an intro     
 editor that was bugged like hell. the  
 other item was a small demo. we told   
 him very clearly that he was forbidden 
 to spread those items. later i have    
 found that he spread the demo after    
 all. if you have a demo called:        
 TRIAD/EVILS DR.! you should know that  
 it was released against our will.      

              20 more ->                

              INTRO TOP 20              
   last year we at THE GUIDE heared the 
 usual complaints about intros, the     
 length of them, the style of them and  
 yap, yap, yap as if THE GUIDE had the  
 power to brainwash people.             
   long or short intros, complex or     
 simple intros, music or no music and   
 so on, is all a matter of taste.       
   as we all are well aware of, taste   
 calls for voting.                   -> 

              INTRO TOP 20              
   voting! how the hell can we vote for 
 intros? intros have no name like most  
 anything else has.                     
   to vote for an intro, you have to    
 watch it and point to it and say:      
       THAT ONE IS MY FAVOURITE.        
   well, that can be done. yours truly, 
 the one and only JERRY, defined the    
 problem and came up with the solution. 
   thus, later this year, TRIAD will    
 present INTRO TOP 20 to the scene.     

              INTRO TOP 20              
   the idea was ready more than a year  
 ago, but artwork disappeared, members  
 dropped out and others had to do their 
 service for king and country.          
   on top of that, i lost interest in   
 it all for a long time.                
   the very first INTRO TOP 20 will be  
 voted by TRIAD to get it rolling.      
 after that, it will be up to the scene 
 to decide which intro rules at the mo. 
   everything will be clearly explained 
 but it is really not complicated.      

. re-cracks

             - CHAPTER 8 -              
         an artform that will           
         survive the 64 scene?          

           EXCESS RE-CRACKING!          
   the staff here at THE GUIDE have in  
 our hands the REAL original for the    
 game ASTATIN.                          
   thus, now we can tell the true story 
 of yet another lame re-crack and we    
 can prove it with hard evidence.       
   anyone who wants to check it up may  
 buy the game from: TALE SOFTWARE,      
 nordstrasse 1, 5010 bergheim, germany. 
                and the story begins -> 

           EXCESS RE-CRACKING!          
   ASTATIN was released towards the end 
 of 1992. it is a true mystery that     
 none of the major cracking groups saw  
 this new game, but fact remains, no    
 one did.                               
   one year later, late 1993, DELTA of  
 cracked it and sent it to some few     
   some months later, EXCESS released   
 ASTATIN as a first release and they    
 spread "their" original to several     
 groups. let us take a closer look at   
 the EXCESS version and original!       

           EXCESS RE-CRACKING!          
   in the real original, which you can  
 buy from TALE SOFTWARE, the copyright  
 year is 1992 and the address given     
 in the game has the older 4-digit area 
 code and the same goes for the cover   
 of the real original game you can buy. 
   in the fake original from EXCESS,    
 the copyright year is changed to 1994  
 in the game and the address is changed 
 to the new 5-digit area code.          
   the loser who did this re-cracking   
 job was not smart enough though. in    
 the end sequenze of the fake original, 
 it still says copyright 1992.      ->  

           EXCESS RE-CRACKING!          
   a closer look at this end sequenze   
 reveals that the fake original is NOT  
 the same as on the disk you can buy.   
   however, the end file spread by      
 EXCESS as an original, is exactly the  
 same, byte by byte as the end file in  
 the crack done by DELTA of TFC.        
   since the version done by DELTA was  
 released many month before EXCESS had  
 their 1st release (HAH!), we know who  
 stole what from whom.                  
   it never even occured to this lame   
 recracker in EXCESS that DELTA      -> 

           EXCESS RE-CRACKING!          
 had packed the end sequense in his own 
 way. after all, the re-cracker had not 
 even looked in it to find the other    
 copyrihght year to change it.          
   who knows, maybe this lame recracker 
 hadn´t even managed to unpack the end. 
   do you need more proof by the way?   
   DELTA installed a sort of HI-SCORE   
 protection. if there is no HI-SCORE    
 file to load, then the game displays   
 9999 as HI-SCORE. this also appears in 
 the fake original by EXCESS !          

           EXCESS RE-CRACKING!          
   the group NATURE got the fake        
 original from SENTINEL in EXCESS. also 
 in the fake original, the mainfile is  
 crunched with the cruncher that is     
 always used by SENTINEL.               
   need we say more?  be sure to let    
 them know what you think about such    
 lame actions. the next time it may be  
 your work that is re-cracked.          
   most of this information came to us  
 from a contact in GERMANY who preferes 
 to stay in the background, but we have 
 double checked all the facts.          

               and more >               

   part of the job of doing THE GUIDE   
 is to put the spotlight on affairs we  
 could do without. still, people try    
 an occasional con-job.                 
   TRASHER of ACTIVE contacted me about 
 yet another sad story. he sent me a    
 series of buffered messages and a note 
 to illustrate the case.                
   wrapping it up is the concluding     
 explanation from yours truly, THE ED!  
            read it and be confused --> 

                             early june 
    erik, i´m e-mailing this to you     
 since i´ve lost your address, cause i  
 really wanted to have sent you a       
   please give me your address again and
 i´ll send you the disk with that COD-  

 import of your crack. just so you have 
 for fun or whatever. also a couple of  
 originals will be included. well, main-
 point of it all - don´t wonder when    
 you read the next issue of THE PULSE   
 and you see that M8 has gotten all the 
 points for the funball preview.        
   despite my past and what you might   
 think, it is NOT a re-crack! i leached 
 your version off WARES AQUARIUM some   
 weeks ago and did the PC-way. i added  
 a couple of trainers and i wrote in    
 the intro and on the trainer screen:   
          ORIGINAL BY ACTIVE.           

   so you will get all the credit for   
 it still. since THE PULSE has started  
 the possibility to divide points for   
 releases, i wanted ACTIVE and M8 to    
 share the points, since no one had     
 upped your version. trust me, it       
   well, i can send you the release if  
 you wanna see it, as i said, ACTIVE    
 got ALL the credits for cracking etc.  
   i only added a trainer to it and     
 spread it on FORPLAY, i think it was.  
 think what you want, but don´t start   
 any nasty rumours till you´ve seen it. 

   and please inform the other ACTIVE   
 members who night read THE PULSE about 
 this too, so we can avoid problems     
 which there is no reason to start      
 anyway. as soon as you´ve seen the     
 release you will agree, trust me!      
   well, give me your address and i´ll  
 send you the trained preview, the COD- 
 import and a bundle of originals which 
 i hope is of use to you. any questions 
 feel fre to call me or you can catch   
 me dayly on DOMINIC +45-55776525       
                        be there, kim!  

                              the reply 
   to make it short, it sounds ok to    
 me. we have hardly spread that ware at 
 all and if we can get some points out  
 of it this way, no problem! i´ll call  
 up SURFER right away to inform him,    
 so don´t worry about any missunder-    

   well, i can´t say for sure right now 
 what he´ll think about it, but if we   
 will get some points and credit for it 
 i don´t think he´ll mind as we´ve been 
 fucken inACTIVE the last half year!    
   ok, here is my addy:                 
             XXXX XXXXX                 
             XXXXXXX XX                 
             XXX XX XXXXX, XXXXXX       
   please drop me a disk with the       
 CODERS ware + the new version of the   
 preview and i´ll spread that around!   

                towards the end of june 
               excerpt from a disk note 
 hello erik..                           
   here is the disk i promised to send  
 you with the C0DERZ-fix of your crack! 
 i know it is a little late for         
 spreading it now, but i thought you -> 

 might like it, if not just for your    
 collection or so..                     
   also, the MOTIV8 version of the      
 FUNBALL PREVIEW. yet, i don´t really   
 know for sure how COUNT ZERO/TALENT    
 will give the points, but he has been  
 informed about this certain release,   
 so he will make a judgement which he   
 sees appropriate..                     
   check THE PULSE/june´94 for it, it   
 will be out soon. i´ll make sure to    
 send it to SPIROU and SLEDGE so you    
 can leech it off their boards if you   
 want to.                               

   ok, if you have any questions,       
 please either call me or leave them in 
 e-mail on FZ, but i don´t call there   
 so damn much, so if you can not reach  
 me voice and it is urgent, apply for   
 access on DOMINIC and leave me feed-   
 back about it. i´ll read it as soon as 
 i get back home (i call DOMINIC every  
 day, sometimes even twice a day).      
   ok, that´s it..                      
   see you..                            

                               mid july 
   yo kim..  the reason for this e-mail 
 is that i want some access to this     
 board as i really would like to leech  
 the june issue of THE PULSE. yes that  
 is right, i haven´t seen it yet even   
 though i have heared from various      
 people that it´s been out for weeks..  

   i think you remember the PINBALL     
 PREVIEW release i gave you permission  
 to release (after you had allready     
 released it without our permission!),  
 if you made sure that we would get a   
 share of the points for it.            
   you told me in your e-mail when you  
 asked for our permission that i would  
 not regret it when i had seen the M8   
   well, i must say that i wasn´t very  
 convinced when i got it by mail from   
 you. you never clearly wrote that we   
 were the first to release it and   --> 

 that this was just an improved version 
 made from our release.                 
   it more sounded like you had gotten  
 the original from us later and then    
 had cracked it yourself uploading it   
 to the states.                         
   btw, you talked about a FAR BETTER   
 VERSION on that trainer screen. in     
 what way was your version better? it´s 
 17 blox larger than our version.       
   you have a trainer on it, but what´s 
 the need for a trainer on a preview?   
 that preview is the PRACTISE MODE  --> 

 of the FUNBALL game. who needs         
 trainers when practising?              
   anyway, we didn´t care about that,   
 even if it made us a little bit suspi- 
 cious. the main thing for us was those 
 points that we wanted so bad, to show  
 that we are still alive in some way.   
   we waited for THE PULSE to prove us  
 wrong, to tell us that you didn´t      
 wanna cheat us in some way.            
   it never came, though you sent       
 SPIROU it and all your other releases  
 that month. very strange..             

   so, that´s why i´m calling here, to  
 get access so i can leech THE PULSE to 
 check it out myself.                   
   man, i really hope that we´ve gotten 
 some small share of the points or that 
 we´re at least mensioned by CZ. else   
 we will get greatly disappointed and   
 the whole affair will be hard to       
 explain to SURFER.                     
   i hope that you haven´t had in mind  
 to rip us of those minor points that   
 will be given for that release. that   
 would be a disgrace really, and i      
 would surely lose my confidence in ->  

 you. so please, tell me that i am      
   give me the access, let me check out 
 the mag and i woun´t mension all this  
 from now on. (that is, if we are       
 mentioned in THE PULSE...)             
   i mean, you have helped me/us in the 
 past. you have our thanks for that,    
 but i surely hope that you haven´t     
 tried to rip us off this time.         
   and that is that!                    

                             the answer 
   i´ll mail you a letter answering     
 your points of views. i simply don´t   
 have the time right now, so i´ve       
 buffered your e-mail.                  
                           and.. .   -> 

   erik, i lost your address, so give   
 it to me again and for the last time!  
 he he! don´t waste your phone bill     
 leaching it, i´ll mail it to you.      
 after all, it´s nearly 6 weeks old by  
   i´ll explain everything to you in a  
 letter following the disk, but i´ll    
 tell you right away that you have      
 gotten a totally wrecked look at the   
 story! as i said, i´ll explain all in  
 the letter!                            
   see you and remember the address     

   you have red it all now? confused?   
   sometimes an AFFAIR developes        
 gradually like this and because things 
 are sort of friendly most of the time, 
 the real issue is lost.                
   in this case CROSSFIRE did a pure    
 and simple re-crack. there is no way   
 for him to talk himself out of that    
 even if he tries his best. here are    
 the hard facts... .  .    .       -->  

   RIDDLER/ACTIVE has the full game     
 FUNBALL. he and the coder are the only 
 ones to have it.                       
   from the full game, RIDDLER himself  
 made the preview. not even the coder   
 of the game has that one. the only     
 form it has ever been spread in, is    
 the preview from ACTIVE. any other     
 version is a re-crack by definition!   
   what CROSSFIRE originally asked for  
 was permision to have the preview      
 fixed and uploaded on the US boards.   

   well worth noting is that he asked   
 permisson only AFTER he actually had   
 done it. what could RIDDLER do else    
 than to accept in the hope of getting  
 at least shared points?                
   when CROSSFIRE made a MOTIV8 version 
 he gave the impression that he was     
 allowed to do that too. no way he was! 
 the promise was to make a fix only.    
   it is interesting to note from the   
 MOTIV8 version that the intro scroller 
 don´t mension in any way where the     
 game comes from and ACTIVE is not      
 even greeted.                          

   the trainer screen in the MOTIV8     
 version is a pure smoke screen. why    
 bother with it at all when he must     
 know that this has noting to do with   
 reality?  it is a RE-CRACK! period.    
   that screen is also an outrageous    
 insult to ACTIVE. with a patronizing   
 pat on the head CROSSFIRE explains to  
 the scene that ACTIVE is a swedish     
 cracking group, like they were totally 
 unknown before!                        
   come to think of it, it is an insult 
 also to THE GUIDE as well. ACTIVE has  
 been on the lists from the beginning.  

   CROSSFIRE claimes that he explained  
 the facts to COUNT ZERO. obviously he  
 didn´t because then ACTIVE would have  
 gotten the points in THE PULSE.        
   FUNBALL PREVIEW was uploade on the   
 three major swedish boards, HIGHWAY,   
 actually also WAS uploaded to the USA  
 even though this board didn´t bother   
 to spread it.                          
   as far as i am concerned, ACTIVE     
 made the first release and this should 
 be corrected in THE PULSE.             

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