Gamers Guide 08
From C64 Diskmag Wiki
welcome to the 8:th issue of \ THE TRIAD GAMERS GUIDE / the guide is meant to give information on all versions of a given game. it is NOT meant to rank versions, cracks or groups. however, we may appoint a version we think is outstanding. this is based on the understanding of the game and the play value when adding cheat mode. smart actions like a good iffl routine cleanout of crap-code and so on, adds cracker points. * joy for pages. shift-lock stops logo \ GAMERS GUIDE / games are added to the GUIDE as soon as you send them to us. they will stay in THE GUIDE for up to three issues giving all a chance to appear. we do NOT have time to hunt for all versions. we do want ALL, but it is up to you to help us get them. at least we test them, but mostly we also try to play through them. thus we no longer accept only written reports. versions are listed in order of their length, shortest first. we do NOT RANK the games on their length. \ GAMERS GUIDE / here are some rules we use. separate pic, dox or other files are not counted as part of the crack. when they are left in the game, we note this for fair comparison. a highscore file or similar is not counted as a separate file, but the length is added to the crack. highscore saver is noted as such but not regarded as another '+'. complaints we have on cracks are meant as a help for you, not to make enemies symbols used in the \ GAMERS GUIDE / -------------------------------------- GROUP / CRACKER - no explanation..... F - number of files.... L - length in blocks... C - number of cheats... P - picture in file.... # - dox with the crack. A - alleged first ..... release. H - highscore saver.... added to the game.. I - iffl routine....... :) indicates > - something nice .... :( a > - something less nice * comment on > - something ......... \ GAMERS GUIDE / the well earned credits. INTRO. code : 801 dc. music : the dungeon master. graphics: wilson (fix by jerry) GUIDE. original idea by INJUN INC code : hero. music : the dungeon master. graphics: otto von bismarck. TEXT ED.: rico of pretzel logic. EDITORS : bismarck and jerry. in this issue week ---------------------------------- atomino * 1 cylogic * 1 domino * 1 emlyn hughes arcade quiz 2 eskimo games 2 firepit 2 gremlins ii 3 hazar 3 imshi * 1 last ninja 3 2 lotus esprit turbo challenge 2 lupo alberto 3 mighty bombjack 3 moon shadow * 1 narco police * 1 navy seal * 1 in this issue week ---------------------------------- ninja rabbits * 1 oilmania 3 pick'n'pile * 1 pure seed 2 silk worm iv 2 skidz * 1 star control * 1 super monaco grand prix 3 take'm 2 turn & burn 2 turn it 2 3 vincent 3 warlock the avenger 3 wildfire 2 -- here are 30 games and among --- ---- them are 11 new entries. ---- \ atomino / -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- hitmen /--- 3 149 --- paramount /sting+maniac A 3 182 --- -------------------------------------- this must be a bit old and still we got it only now. \ cylogic / -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- hurricane /giants 1h 46 +2:) noice /jive 41 131 --- -------------------------------------- :)passwords given also. \ domino / -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- hitmen /cevin 1h 66 +2 light /grayzor 1h 67 +3 trc+tbi /cba v2 1h 67 +3 dynamix /god 1h 70 +4 wow /topic 1h 70 +2 x-factor /ace+hulk+waith 1h 71 --- trc+tbi /cba v1 1h 75 +1 brutal /maniac 1h 96 +1 bad taste /b.c.bill 1h 108 --- the force /danny 1h 174! --- -------------------------------------- two versions from trc+tbi. don't ask me why! \ emlyn hughes arcade quiz / -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- triad /bismarck 8 526 --- light /shade 8 526:)--- illusion /richie A 8# 559 --- -------------------------------------- :)shade says in the scroller that he didn't bother to pack much. then his version must be longer than the triad version that was packed!!! :) p1 \ eskimo games / -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- bonzai /crush 9 * 456 +3 dynamix /god 7h 547 --- paramount /sting 7h 551 --- x-rated /kaschow 7 551 --- afl+tf /max 6 557 --- hotliine /custard+cessp. 8h 572:)--- rruler /lanoline 8h 575 +11 legend+nei/tmbc+pwp A 8 595 --- slime /betrayer 6 596 --- titron /sledge 8 611 --- x-factor /dexter 7 618 --- action /crisp 8h 640:)--- ----------------- comments ----------> p2 \ eskimo games / -------------------------------------- comments -------------------------------------- * the short bonzai version has the intro as a separate file :)action has supplied a highscore renewal kit. :)the hotline fastloader added. -------------------------------------- a kewl game by double density and a packing-system by ivo herzeg, better known as mr. cursor or what? \ firepit / . -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- triad /bismarck 1 104 +1 bonzai /enjoy 1 105 +3:( action /spitfire 1 :(105 +1 hittmen /curlin 1 107 +1 dynamix /god 1 108 +3 paramount /sting+maniac 1 * 116 +2 slime /betrayer 1 120 +1 pulsar /defjam 1 134 +3:( noice /jive 1 156 --- acc /jes+yon 1 156 --- (p)+atc /sting+maniac A 1 * 173 --- titron /sledge 4 183 +1 ----------------- for comments ------> \ firepit / . -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- * different (p)-intros on the two versions. :(the game file has no intro at all. the game intro is supplied as a separatee file and the crack intro is put on this file. :(double cheats on bonzai & pulsar. A we think (p) had the true first rel. \ gremlins ii / -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- light /shade 8 248 +4 bonzai /crush 8 255 +4 extasy /rock-* 10 259 +3 hurricane /giants 10h 262 +3 i+t /fletch 2i 268 +3 sharks /zap 2ip 272 +7 action /spitfire 10h 278 +3 accuracy / 8 283 +5 wow /shackee 9 296 +4 censor /p, 7p 298 +6 hotline /custa.+cessp. 7p 301 +3:) neotech /cyber+mhz 13 1106! +5 -------------------------------------- :)the hotline fastloader included. p1 \ hazar / -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- hotline /custa.+cessp. 1 58 +1 triad /bismarck 1 61 +1 hellk. /highkicker 1 61 --- tribe /capone 1 64 --- omega /--- 1 64 --- bonzai /enjoy 1 65 +1 titron /freddy 1 65 +1 hitmen /curlin 1 66 +1 chromance /gizmo 1 66 +1 razor /calvin 1 69 +1 hurrican /the giants 1h 74 +1 acc /conductor 1 75 --- manowar /m+c 1 77 +1 - comments & more -------------------> p2 \ hazar / -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- dunex /spikes 1 78 --- dynamix /god 1 80 +1 ddt /the master 1 81 --- ddt /blockbuster 1 81 --- pulsar /defjam 1 83 +1 x-ray /chrys.+arrog. 1 83 +1 tristar /jayce+partym. 1 88 --- afl / --- 1 92 --- paramount /maniac 1 93 --- accuracy / 1 94 pasw noice /jive 1 110 --- action+nei/gadget :)A 1 116 +1 -------------------------------------- :)we beleive action realy were first. \ imshi / -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- hitmen /cevin 2i 140 +7 razor /calvin 5 161 +3 stash /godfather 5 170 +4 x-rated /inf.+ozyom. A 5 178 +4 -------------------------------------- \ last ninja 3 / -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- fairlight /GOLLUM 7# 806 +3 i+t /doc+fletch 8 875 +2 censor / ? illusion / A 12 1102 +4 ------------ disk version ------------ triad /king fisher 12# 1045 +1 paragon /poseidon 19# 1057 +7 hotine /custard+cessp.10 1070 +4 -------------------------------------- are those all versions of this classic \ lotus esprit turbo challenge / -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- i+t /fletch 2i 446 +2 action /hok+spitfire 45* 464 +1 x-faktor /dexter 45 467 +2 f4cg /mao+adf 45 481 +1 illusion /richie+sauron 45 484 +2 nei/legend/--- A 44 491 +2 arm /ex-m 34 549 +3 a 451 /odin 59 556 +1 spirit /insider 57 953 --- -------------------------------------- * fastloader routin by crisp... good! legend had the real first release! \ lupo alberto / -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- f4cg /new style 3i 318 +6 f4cg /fen1 21# 323 +3 triad /king fisher 22 325 +4:( action+nei/spitfire A 22 373 +3 pulsar /defjam 58 590 +3 -------------------------------------- :(when you choose unlimited lives in 2-player mode only one player gets it! p1 \ mighty bombjack / -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- light /shade 1 122 +2 razor /calvin 1 125 +2 triad /tracer 1 125 +2 illusion /fist+hero 1 126 +2 bonzai /enjoy 1 126 +2 hurricane /luke 1 135 +1 x-factor /ecco v2 1 135 +2 trc+tbi /xenon 1 136 +2 akrak /sodom 1 139 +4:( dunex /spikess 1 143 +2 sharks /zap 1p 144 +3 ------------------ more -------------> :(2 double cheat! p2 \ mighty bombjack / -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- dominators/d-ram 1 145 +3 brutal /tch 1 145 +4 extasy /rockstar 1 147 +2 x-factor /ecco 1 148 +2 hotline /custard+cessp. 1p 163 +2 censor /p, 1p 165 +2 legend+nei/--- A 1 185 +2 -------------------------------------- ecco made 2 versions for x-factor for some reason. \ moon shadow / -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- dominators/rebel+nme 2 229 +2 -------------------------------------- \ narco police / -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- triad /tracer 5 269 +2 arm /ex-m 5 287 +9 f4cg /mao A 7# 332 +2 -------------------------------------- you surely need the dox to know what the heck this is about! \ navy seal / -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- hotline /custard+cessp. 2i 341 +4:) legend+nei/--- 28 389 +5 -------------------------------------- :)hotline fast loader included \ ninja rabbits / -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- triad /bismarck 4 230 +2 hotline /custard+cessp. 4 260 +3:) nei+legend/pwp+tmbc (?) 4 297 +2 -------------------------------------- :)with the hotline fast loader p1 \ oil mania / -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- triad /tracer 8 146 +5 accuracy / 8h 156 +6 f4cg /fen1 8 158 +5:( bonzai /crush 2i 160 +9 razor /calvin 8 163 +3 omega /--- 8 164 +2 ddt /blockbuster 8 171 +4 trc+tbi /cba 8 173 +2 hitmen /cevin :)1ih 173 +7 brutal /tch 8 177 +8 manowar /m+c 8 182 +3 dunex /spikes 8 183 +5 hurricane /the giants 8h 184 +3 - comments & more versions ----------> p2 \ oil mania / -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- spirit /insider 1 189 +4 collision /tony 1 190 +4 sunrise /sentinel 1 199 +6 pulsar /transfer 8 201 +6 bronx /scotch 1 206 +5 x-rated /dwarf 9h 206 +3 cult /section 8:( 349 +1 akrak /sodom+ slaug. 8 372 +1 noice /jive 9 418 --- -------------------------------------- :(f4cg. no collision on 1 and 2 cheat. i think that's a double cheat, or? A first release by alfa flight. \ pick'n'pile / -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- triad /bismarck 1 87 +2 i+t /bod 1 101 +2 hitmen /jihad 1 113 +2 lru/f4cg /--- 1 119 +2 -------------------------------------- \ pure seed / -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- paramount /sting+maniac 1h 76 --- hitmen /curlin 1h 77 +3 acc /thomas 1h 78 +3 dynamix /god 1h 79 +3 titron /sledge 1h 79 +1 slime /betrayer 1h 88 --- bonzai /enjoy 1h 92 +3 x-factor /ace+hulk+waith 1h 98 +3 brutal /maniac 1h 116 +2 noice /jive 1h 123 --- nei/action/spitf./gadg. A 1h 127 +2 pulsar /defjam 1h 170 +2 -------------------------------------- \ silkworm iv / -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- triad /king fisher 5 283 +5 ilusion /richie+fist 6 285 +5 hotline /custard+cessp. 5 318 +2:) dominators/rebel+nme 5 323 +3 i+t /bod A5 326 +1 -------------------------------------- :)the hotline fast loader included snake protection on silkworm iv game! A first out by ikari+talent, again... \ skidz / -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- bonzai /enjoy 1 80 +2 x-factor /ace+hulk+waith 1 82 +3 bad taste /b-bill 1 126 +4 trc+tbi /cba 1 128 +2 -------------------------------------- \ star control / -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- light /shade 1 103 --- triad /spirou 1 105 --- nei/legend/--- 1 184 --- -------------------------------------- \ super monaco grand prix / -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- triad /bismarck 1 125 --- dynamix /god 1p 150 --- hurricane /giants 1p 161 --- arm /robin hood 1 170 --- s451 /the gnome 3p 171 --- action /spitfire 1p 177 --- censor+nei/ A 1p 191 --- x-ray /chrysagon 1p 193 --- -------------------------------------- \ take'm / -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- paramount /sting+maniac 1 41 --- dynamix /god 1 60 --- x-factor /ace-hulk-wai. 19 65 --- spalters /pipifax 18 67 --- acc /--- 16 71 --- brutal /maniac 13 79 --- noice /jive+joshua 20 90 --- pulsar /defjam 1 121 --- -------------------------------------- \ turn & burn / -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- stash /godfather 12 377 +8 hotline / 2i:)385 +1 titron /sledge 23 392 +4 wow /topic 22 410 +2 -------------------------------------- :)fastloader and passwords... \ turn it 2 / -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- hitmen /cevin 1 80 +2 bonzai /enjoy 1 82 +2 dynamix /god 1 83 +2 tribe /capone 1 85 +2 hitmen /curlin * 1h 87 +2 trc+tbi /xenon 1 91 +2 brutal /maniac 1 97 +2 wow /vinzz 1 97 +2 dominators/d-ram 1 108 +1 trc+tbi /cba 1 108 +1 tristar /madman 1 120 --- genesis p./antichrist A -------------------------------------- * the only working highscore-saver. p1 \ vincent / -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- triad /king fisher 46h 548 +15 fairlight /bacchus 48h 587:)+5 i+t /fletch 2hi 591 +7 acc /thomas 52h 605 +3 x-factor /dexter 51p 612 +5 x-rated /kaschow 616:)+4 triumwyrat/sylvio 55h 620 +4 crazy /jinx 52 622 +13 s 451 /odin 53 622 +5 illusion /fra.+magic m. 50 637:)+5* sioux /--- 53 638 +9:( titron /freddy 53 657 --- ------------------ comments ---------> p2 \ vincent / -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- * 1 code. :(3 double cheats. :)intro left in game. :)dox and pic included in the x-rated version. -------------------------------------- if you have the triad version, make sure the last level's filename has an upper case 'X' and not the lover case. p1 \ warlock - the avenger! / -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- s451 /the gnome 1 89 +6 chromance /alex 1 96 +10 illusion /fist 1# 101 +8 genesis p./the goblin 1 101 +7 chromance /mr. wax 1 109 +5 x-ray /chrysagon 1 111:(+14 brutal /tch 1 114 +8 pulsar /transfer 1 114 +8 dunex /spikes 1 116 +7 sunrise /sentinel 1 118 +9 - more ------------------------------> p2 \ warlock - the avenger! / -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- extasy /rockstar 1 121 +7 cult /section 1 122 +4 crazy /jinx 1# 127 +9 paragon /hellraiser 1 134 +9 f4cg /mao 1 137 +6 action+nei/gadget A 1 164 +4 -------------------------------------- :(a bundle of double cheat. \ wildfire / -------------------------------------- group / cracker f. l. c. -------------------------------------- light /gryzor 1h 106 +4 x-factor /ace+hulk+waith 1h 109 +2 hitmen /cevin 1h 110:(+3 genesis p./antichrist A1h 114 +3 brutal /maniac 1h* 121 --- -------------------------------------- * the g+p highscore table was not removed from the brutal crack ?? :(a minor graphix bug at level skip. \ defending the guide / -------------------------------------- our former member CLERIC has spread a rumour that TRIAD cracked OILMANIA long after all others, only to get the shortest version for THE GUIDE. TRACER cracked it the days before the hz-party and brought it there. this was more than a week after some others but nothing unusual in that when the original gets to us from germany. before ANYONE got a copy, the disk was lost at the party. a week later it turned up in HERO's disk box. then of course we didn't bother to spread it and we didn't put it on our board, --> \ defending the guide / -------------------------------------- but we did send it to a few of our fans who realy want ALL TRIAD wares. the day after we kicked cleric out, he wrote a hysteric notefile accusing TRIAD of just about everything. this of course was gold for some certain assholes who look for ANY reason to spread crap about THE GUIDE and TRIAD. they decided to accuse us of cheating to get short versions for THE GUIDE. they realy know this is not true. they just take the chance to spread the suspicion. our contacts of course also knows what goes. ---> \ defending the guide / -------------------------------------- there are a few groups who have very fast and reliable supliers. other groups get their originals from contacts and often in the mail. anyone with a trace of a brain understands that this costs time and there is no cheating what so ever when the cracks from those groups are released later. cleric promised to get us HOT games. we got ONE! a few rare times we have found a fast game on a store-shelf.the rest of the games we crack in TRIAD come from our good friends. if that is cheating most of us cheat. \ the fucking wall / -------------------------------------- say triad and all is said /a. einstein when sun goes up the sky goes down, when my dick goes up the girls go... . -------------------------------------- a guy called RUN DMC of tristar re-cracked about 4 - 5 games. one of them is the game 'DIE', that TRIAD had a first release on. we got his excuse. we still have no excuse from probe. he re-cracked 'turn it 2'. when this was discovered he accused TRIAD. in that case, where is the TRIAD version? volker/amok=code master/g+p is coding on the new outfit of 'corruption'. \ the fucking wall / -------------------------------------- pimpernel joined s451 which means that terminal state now is a s451 board. rumours say that bismarck and tracer has joined s451. they say: "we are not stupid!" in vinews #6 it was said that we will stop making THE GUIDE unless it gets some votes. that is NOT the case. we make THE GUIDE bacuse we like doing it and we know that a lot of people like it. on the other hand, voting for THE GUIDE probably wouldn't hurt. skidz a production from crept/flash. \ the fucking wall / -------------------------------------- :(aktie is decreasing his phone bill. odin is coding on a new game! :)mega tetris soon out! now it is out! rubicon soon out! sodapop and macho joined flash inc. so paradize now is a flash inc. board. :)there's an argument between midnight mover and macho on where to post. bad taste got two new members: moni and hissch! \ the fucking wall / -------------------------------------- ruthless is dead. they joined hitmen! :)hitmen now is dead???? :)william godwin is deaaaaaaaaaaad! ikari+talent ripped a tune, specially made for a hotline intro by a friend. hotline wasn't happy about that! :)there's an argument between midnight mover and macho on where to post. the game BRUBAKER was stolen at the hz party. it is in german. DONĀ“T spread it. give gotcha a chance to sell it. \ the fucking wall / -------------------------------------- madman and run dmc/tristar re-cracked the freezed b.t.f.3 preview and told every body they got it from LEGEND. veda of g+p stoped! antichrist says: iffl was invented in 1989 by snacky of g+p and TRIAD don't know anything about iffl. :(transcom nicked the code for badnews and wrote #3. the guys in transcome must love bad news! future zone is no antic board! :)-:)--> \ fatal portrait / -------------------------------------- yes, today we got an interview with an old cracker in illusion. and remember, richie+sauron will not quit the scene as rumours says... -------------------------------------- starring: > = otto von bismarck for gamers guide guest star: * = rocky of illusion -------------------------------------> > welcome to the show pal! * thank you bisse! > aye, can you tell us something fun about you.. * ok. as you know my name is ROCKY of ILLUSION. i'm 18 years old and i live in norway of'cuz... > how'd you enter the scene and when? * i got into business in february'87 and got a c=64+20' television from my parents. i wasn't in any group until april'87, when i got a 1541- disk drive and started up a group > * called 'the hit-pack' (thp) along with HOT DOG. i started trading and we coded some demos. in january'88 me+hot dog joined RAWHEAD, wich meant more swapping and more coding on demos. rawhead became boring and when ZTH and POWER of HIDDEN FORCES asked us to join up - we accepted. happend in may'88 and in june the same year of'cuz thf joined forces with LCS norway and we chose the name ABNORMAL. we were a bunch of cool guys (kalla pojkar) and had a lot of fun doing demos like unicorn 1-2 & seeker 3-8. i did some cracking and swapped > * like hell. we grew quite much and the first year we mainly made demos. in the spring/summer of '89, i began cracking a lot of games and did less and less demos... aye, ILLUSION was formed at our copy-party in june'89 and i had known SAURON+GARFIELD for years, (lots of nice visits!). i didn't join up with 'em, but stayed in ABNORMAL. but in september 1989, after months of pressure, i joined ILS and FIST+HERO also followed my move... i'm still a member of ILS and i've had a lot of fun cracking, swapping and during my time in ILS i've only visited one party, DOM/UF party. > * too bad really! much of the fun is gone these days. i've grown up a bit the games are worse, GARFIELD has left. still i haven't quit, so i guess you'll have to hear about me in the future too! i'm very lazy though. i've stopped spending money on originals too!.. hmn.. > are you a good coder today? * if i compare myself to the coders today (leadinng demo-coders), i'm not much of a coder. but i think that i'm an ok coder after all.. > > why did you start cracking? * i started cracking because i got some nice originals. i knew SAURON/ FUTURE (ILS)+GARFIELD and i wanted to give 'em some competion. it's kinda fun cracking too! > have you tried cracking from cart- ridge and what do you think of it? * yes, i've tried cracking from cart. i think it was more difficult than tape-cracking, but easier than i ex- pected. too bad i don't receive very HOT originals on cartridge, too bad! > > what's your first crack? * my first cracks ever were: laurel & hardy + solomons key. if i had been a good cracker in 1987 i could have put out lots of cool games, rember RDI (RAW DEAL INC.) with laffen doing fast cracks? > what about your best crack? * i don't know! maybe it's indy 3+5m, ninja spirit +5? and lots of others. not one really particular. i'm not so selfish, so i don't know! > > your worst crack then? * i think it's supertrux+ (elite). oh, the music in the intro fucks up after a while, sorry! ehmn... > tell me about your hardest crack. * well, it must be one of my first tape cracks + timex disks. > have you ever re-cracked anything? * no, never, and i never will! > what about best cracking groups? * legend, dom, i+t and us ils he! > and the best crackers today! * it's doc/ikari, pwp+tmbc/legend. > worst cracking groups then? * it's trauma/holocaust or whatever, sabian, dr. fool of censor (no off- ence to the other guys in censor.) > worst crackers... * dystan, my little brother thomas. and aaron of fairlight are the biggest LAMERS in the scene. > > what tools do you use then? * well, till now i've used almost EVERYTHING! but from now i will only use our own special productions. like: -best equal char packer ever by FIST of ILLUSION. others i used alot already are: mega cruncher v6+ (not made by us!) mega cruncher level version with speed loading and depackrutine. and i use an action replay v5 too. * what do you think of using short or fat intros on cracks? > good question! (thanx ed.) i've no- ticed that lots of groups put on > * short and ugly in intros in order to do the shortest versions. that reallt sucks, i think it's more fun reading a cool scrolltext and watching a nice intro with a funky tune in it too. if for example a short intro is required to get a game in one disc-side, i understand. some groups that use ugly & boring intro are: light, triad (thanx ed.) bonzai and many others... better intros: ils, legend, i+t, action,x-ray and others.. i also want to say that fairlight's old intro is kinda short but very nice. their new one is so damned ugly so i can't understand why they use it. -heja sverige! says rocky! > > what about cheat modes and double cheats and so on?... * i think trainers are necessary for lots of games but as everything else, things have got a little out of hand: we can of couse see double- triple trained games and often from GERMANY (deutschland uber alles, nicht wahr?). he, it's nice to see that most people are reasonable and rag on this shit! unlimited trainers? > the hardest protections you tried? * the timex protections are rather complicated (or should i say WERE > * rather complicated). seems as if nothing is hard these days! (then try king fishers! it's nearly, if not totally impossible to crack!) > what do you think about the standard of the games today? * hahaha! well, i'm not the right person to ask coz i'm not a gamer anymore. but from my point of view most games are unoriginal and equal to other games. sometimes a good game shows up, but i don't go around waiting for THAT game now. i remeber when last ninja + defender of the crown arr- ived! but let's stop it there, > * those days will never return. i'm getting older and there's noth- ing i can do about it. > what's the best software company to you? * SYSTEM 3 - and no thinking! i just say ik+, international karate and the last ninja trilogy, i spent DAYS with the number one and two. tusker+vendetta is also good, my brother played those! that reason is enough!! > what do do you think about the crac- ing scene today? and how do want to change it? * i think the cracking scene today is boring (me 2! /ed.) compared to what it was a few years back. (when triad ruled? /ed.) the same groups kick ass all the time and there are no big chances. the 64-releases are now too few at least from quality companies and the amiga is about to take over. matter fact it has already! i'm very happy that i don't care THAT MUCH about being THE BEST any- longer, i'm just doing a crack now and then... etc. too many guys take things too seri- ously (i did a while ago too!). there are also too many groups doing the games > * sometimes weex later and everything goes in the same style. to be honest i liked the scene before and spent alot of time crack- ing. now i have come to a time where i take a beer instead (same here/ed) i'm sure that YOU TOO think that the life beside the computer is most important! if not, wake up and get outta the trance!! > what do you think about speed and quality? which part is the most imp? * speed+quality together is the best! i think that speed counts a lot, but it's worthless if the game is not 100% working. > * i don't care if the game has 3 or 5 trainers (not much at least) or if one version is 20 blocks longer than another. but if a group can do fast, well cracked+tested games i admire them. big games should be levelpacked. it's boring getting a QUALITY vers- ion 2 weeks after the others! quantity is also very important. > can you mentiion some groups with speed and no quality? * yes, some german groups. > quality and no speed then? > * light, snacky/g*p (sometimes snacky can be quick too!) speed and quality: legend, ikari+ talent (sometimes), ils. g*p can also be fast. dominators (?). > what do you think about the idea of the gamers guide? * puh! the gamers guide is very nice i think. hope there won't be any COPIES out coz it's enough with one mag like that, keep rocking guys!!! > thanx rocky for the interview. it has been very much fun! do you have any last words? > * yeah, sure. i would like to give you an advice, start drinking, get a cool girl, get an education and DO NOT take the computer too seriously! a few,'hi pals' to: stein (ex. garfield/ils), bismarck, antichrist, gadget, all in illusion, all in fairlight+light, hulskster, derbyshire ram, wave, narc, jumpie, zth, dogfriend, chrysagon, marc and all my other friends... faithfully... rocky of illusion! > watch out 'till next issue! /ed. \ THE CONTACT CORNER / -------------------------------------- call: FUTURE ZONE at : +XX-X-XXXXXX FABULUS DISASTER : XXX-XXX-XXXX/ushq. XXXXXXXXXX #3000 /vmb-gamers guide. XXXXXXXXXX #2000 /vmb-triad. jerry to get info +XX-XXX-XXXXX the right person for reactions, info and articles is BISMARCK. if you just want to send us your nice versions of a game, DUTCH will gladly receive them. --> \ THE CONTACT CORNER / -------------------------------------- BISMARCK/GAMERS GUIDE XXXXX XXXXXX XX XXX XX XXXXXXX, XXXXXX. +XX-XXX-XXXXX 17.30 - 21.30 ask for 'daniel' DUTCH XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXXX XX X, XXX XX XXXXXX, XXXXXX +XX-XXX-XXXXX that's it folks.