Domination 03 ch01 Editorial

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Happy New Year and greetings Domination fans!

The third edition of Domination is now seated snugly in your drive with several changes this issue as you may already notice. The journey into 1995 has begun and I hope we can all stick together to mould a better scene.

Again some friendly reactions from last issue and this magazine can only survive with the reader's help, so thanks for the strong contributions and support from sceners world-wide. Let’s take a look at this issues credits.

Issue #3 technical realisation details.

Introduction sequence:

Code and design..........Total Chaos/Noice
Additional code.............Grize/Darkside
Exclusive music............Doxx/Noice


Code and design..........Shades/Shazam

Music #1 (exclusive).....Alex/Citadel
Music #2.........................Danko/Censor
Music #3 (exclusive).....X-Radical/Chromance
Music #4.........................Guy Shavitt/SCS
Music #5 (exclusive).....Morbid/SCS*TRC/AT


The Staff:

Main editor.....................Jazzcat/Legend
Additional support........Freestyle/Avantgarde

Official spreaders.........Calypso/AFL1970/Amnesia

Special thanks to Doxx/Noice/Swemix for the great votesheet counter which was used to do the charts! This issues chapters in brief detail:

Editorial....................My erection
News.........................European news+rumours
The List.....................First release charts
Charts.......................Normal scene charts
Interview II.................Scope/Genesis Project
Interview III................Vengeance/SCS*TRC
Slagback...................Scene confrontation
Addies 1+2................Advertisements
Party Time.................Latest reports + results
Mixed..........................Mixed contributions
Group Stats...............Member and board stats
Special......................Genesis Project R.I.P.
Reviews....................Opinions on scene products
Reactions..................Your say
Summary...................Magazine orgasm

It was hard to get this issue out, but finally after calling card delays and too many loose women its finished! Over the last few days I’ve now and then read some old disk magazines. I normally do this as I enjoy reading of the good old days and how I wish everything was still the same as back then. Among these magazines, I read several issues of Shock, Script (formerly Cemetary News) and Corruption. Things were so alive back then! Why can't they be like that now? Surely the whole scene doesn't revolve around games only?! There must be some solution that could keep us all together!

Definitely one thing is for sure, the friendship that we gain does hold this scene together more than most realise. So come on everyone get back to the roots as the entire scene needs you!

Magazine greets:
Well just a small note and best wishes to some of the other editors and magazine staff out there this Christmas and New Year...

Vandalism News: Vengeance and gang keep up the fine work with your magazine and see you in the New Year. Please give Kelly one for me will you matt?! :) Happy New Year guys.

Propaganda: Thanks Per and crew for the past issues of the Propaganda magazine. Look forward to more issues.

Skyhigh: Bizkid and co, keep up the strong attack on Nazism and I wish you and your magazine the best of luck for 1995!

Revealed: are you cool guys still around? Get active again!! Great work and superb originality, persistence is a good quality so see you into the New Year. Best wishes from the Domination magazine.

Gamer's Guide: Jerry and co, keep producing, we need your original mag-support in the scene. Kingfisher, hope you enjoy my friend. Merry Christmas Triad gang!

Reformation: to the Fairlight gang, good luck with your new ventures. Perhaps more often now?!! See ya.

Relax: great to see this magazine once again ruling, Skinhead and Marc keep up the activeness and best of luck on the expanding Relax magazine for 1995.

Nitro: cool issues lately, I enjoy them all. Keep producing and best wishes for the New Year and beyond.

Pirates: to Solar and the pirates’ gang! Hope to see the new issue soon and send back my photos. To chicken loving reindeer!!:)

Ingenious Brain: Great original work, you get my respect. Keep up this great magazine and happy Christmas and a merry new year!!

...and to the rest: hopefully this year will prosper in a plethora of releases both of legal and illegal background.

This issue has seen a combined effort from all parts of our scene to bring you up to date on the very latest scene occurrences. With all bases covered, we can hopefully strive to make a better piece of journalism for your entertainment. We still search for more talent in all fields. If you have a special interest in any field that you think needs to be improved in domination, let us know!! Any graphics and music submissions are taken also at the Editorial address. With next issue we will have a new outfit, which will allow much more text so feel 'dominated' and enjoy!

Reactions, comments or simply if you feel you need your money refunded, please contact us on the following.

Domination Editorial
C/O David Simmons
Aust: +61/(X)XXXXXXXX
Aust: 1800/XXX/XXX+XXXX

Or simply make a call to the Domination WHQ.
Holiday Inn Cambodia 1-510/XXX-XXXX e-mail #126

Excitement and fear is in your pores, so step into Domination issue #3 and enjoy!



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