Brutal Recall 11 ch18

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 +,-./                            +,-./
 01234                            01234
 56789    "the last chance...."   56789
 :;<=>                            :;<=>
 ?_AB      by bleze of brutal.    ?_AB
 CDEF                             CDEF
 this is another article concerning the
subject: the c64 dying.

 you all know that the scene is slowly
dying. a lot of you blame the amiga for
it - that is wrong...  the amiga is just
a lame computer with great graphic and
music possibilities. the amiga scene is
overflowed with lamers. these lamers are
coming from the c64. it's not the scene-
people, but those little kids buying
games and playing them with their
friends. that is all they use their c64

  H:;K    here is the real! reason why
 GLMNOP  the c-64 scene is dying:
   ÓÖ     almost every group is cracking
  Ü !Ü   games nowadays. this means that
  "#$%   a hell of a lot of versions is
  &'89   spreaded of the same game.
         anybody who wants can get the
games for almost free. this means nobody
buys games anymore and this leads to
software firms going bankrupt and then
cannot release more games. when the
firms die and the little kids can't get
all those games they want, they have to
buy an amiga to get new games to play...

 if just some groups stopped cracking
and didn't re-spread the games they re-
cieved, then maybe some firms wouldn't
die and the kids wouldn't have to buy an
 of course i'm not saying that all of
you should stop cracking. maybe only
those who always have the slowest and
worst versions should think it over(
with all respect!).
 the c64 is not ideal for games compared
to the amiga. still there are games as
last ninja iii and creatures,to name a
few ,who are competeable with the amiga.
 no, what the c64 is better than the
amiga in, is demomaking. most demos on
c64 is original and not all containing
lame vector graphic(ed: if you don't
know. on amiga every single demo is
filled with vector routines and it makes
me puke!!!).
 also the amiga scene is lame. there are
a few very cool groups and all the rest
are totally lame. the standard of their
wares is like someone on c64 making
demos with lower standard than in 87!!
on c64 almost all groups are "elite".
no one is 100% cool and others only 1%.
 my idea to protect the c64 from dying.

 if cracker-groups started producing
demos, utilities and more important:
high-quality games(no game-on low budget
etc.), told their contacts not to send
games and didn't re-spread those few
they would recieve, then maybe we have
           a last chance......
 if you disagree with me or have some
questions and so on, please write to me
on this address:


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