Brutal Recall 05 ch27
From C64 Diskmag Wiki
"AMIGA TIPS" ---------------------------------------- welcome to the tips for all ya gamedudes in the scene... all these tips were sended to us by MARC from TITRON and i want to say "thanx you" for that! ---------------------------------------- BRAT ---------------------------------------- level 1:-------- level 2:mihemoto level 3:sasutozo level 4:lumatree level 5:nokitago level 6:itsanono level 7:mozimato level 8:hozitomo level 9:mokitemo level10:rumohato level11:chanastu level12:nagaitsu ---------------------------------------- GEM'X ---------------------------------------- a:------ j:x68000 b:earthian k:turricane c:kenichi l:redmoon d:inokoma m:campaign e:burai n:megaman f:badman o:szvalion g:network s:yamas h:yokohama t:robotech i:exact u:populus ---------------------------------------- GHOSTBUSTERS 2 ---------------------------------------- when the logo from the software house appeares,press A<LT,CTRL,S and U at the same time and press fire. during the game you now can use F1 to skip the level! ---------------------------------------- INVEST ---------------------------------------- buy the electronic house r.a.t.e.l. and go to the wallstreet and sell the 35%. now you get 12 million dollar. do this over and over again till you are dagobert duck. ---------------------------------------- NIGHT SHIFT ---------------------------------------- type in the highscore list:"mpickle". now you come with 1 life away without doing the task. ---------------------------------------- SAINT DRAGON ---------------------------------------- when you get the highest speed press "N" for some action! ---------------------------------------- that's all for this time! send anything at all to this address: "BRUTAL RECALL!" XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ----------------------------------------