Brutal Recall 03 ch16

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           "ALL ABOUT VENLO!"

several guys asked me if i could write
  some things about the VENLO MEETING!

so,here you've got a new chapter in this
  magazine which tells you all about
  this legendary meeting!

            HOW TO GET THERE!
TRAIN: take a train that goes to VENLO..
       look if it stops at BLERICK,if   
       it doesn't stop there,then take  
       another one that does!          
       in BLERICK you have to get off!  
       most of the time you are not the 
       only one to get off,so if you see
       anyone with a computer then just 
       walk along with them.           
       but when you are alone follow    
       these instructions!             
       go down with the STAIRS,you will 
       come in a TUNNEL,go to you LEFT!!
       keep on going till you can go no 
       further!! (it's about 1KM!)      
       now you will be at the SHOPPING- 
       CENTRE! go to your RIGHT!        
       after you've walked about 100M to
       the right,there will be a STREET.
       stay on the RIGHT SIDE of the    
       keep on walking and after another
       150M there will be an opening at 
       your RIGHT.                    
       there it is!                   
       if you are lost,just ask for     
       "THE STAAY" and people will show 
       you where it is!              
CARS:  drive to the CENTRE of VENLO!    
       here you can find a roundabout   
       under the railroads!            
       take the direction to BLERICK.   
       drive over the bridge,after this 
       take the first street LEFT and   
       then the third RIGHT.           
       here you are!                  
       there are 250 parking areas!   
           THE MEETING ITSELF!          
to get into the MEETINGPLACE you have to
  pay 5 DUTCH GUILDERS!              
you will get a little piece of paper,   
  proving that you payed!            
you can buy DRINKS+FOOD in the inside   
  the building,because of this you are  
  not allowed to bring your own!        
  but you can also go to the shops and  
  get your food+drink over there!       
  or just use your own stuff outside! 
WARNING: don't put stickers or anything 
         like that in the room or in the
         when they find out to who they 
         belong,you will be "thrown" out
         for a long period!!         
the doors open at 11.00 and will close  
  at 16.00!                          
  if the FAT guy says he going to turn  
  off the POWER you better stop what you
  are doing,as he will do so in 1 MINUTE
always look after your stuff,as a lot   
  get STOLEN!                       
if you want to bring along your HARDWARE
  you better RESERVATE a table!!      
you can RESERVATE 1 WEEK before the     
  meeting at this telephone number:   
        (between 17.00-20.00 CET)     
the meeting will take place every THIRD 
  saturday of the month!               
  (sometimes not,we'll inform you about 
   it in time!)                     
the NEXT meeting will be: 15 JUNE 1991!
well,that was all i can tell about it!  
  i hope it's enough for you!          
  i will print the date of the NEXT     
  MEETING EVERYTIME in here,so you know 
  where to look for it!              
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