Brutal Recall 03 ch09

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this is a reaction to the interview with
JATAGAN/X-RAY (see brutal recall issue2)


at first i must underline that i got no
ANIT-JATAGAN-FEELINGS (to put it in that
way). i got really nothing against you.
i just can't agree with some statements
you gave in this interview.

all the following crap concentrates on
your opinion about the democracy
"GERMANY" and the context with the "RAF"
o.k. you said that germany is no demo-
cracy because of the faults which were
made between the last two years (that
ex-ddr workers got only 60% of the money
as ex-brd workers for the same work and
so on) and that (and that is the point)
the RAF "will get everyone". puh. do you
really mean what you said? if yes, i'm
deeply shocked!

how could a terroristic organisation be
a competent alternative to the nowadays
government? do yo really belive that
killing a lot of people will change
ANYTHING?? that's bullshit! simply
nonsense. the RAF is as senseless as
their "DEEDS".
o.k. i agree with you that the actual
government isn't a very competent one,
but that doesn't mean that we need a
kind of almighty observer who kills
everyone who isn't of the own opinion or
who makes faults!!! has this government
no right to make faults?

yo said that you would like to see a
party like the KPD at the top of this
state. well, why not. the ideology is
quite good - theoraticaly. how the
practical consequences of this ideology
are you can see in the ex-ddr. it is
impossible to create a state, where all
inhabitants work for oneanother, because
every single human being has got his
egoistic wishes. this was the big
mistake which MARX made. theoratic,
the ideology of the communism is realy
good, but practical....

but nevertheless, MARX and LENIN would
never had agreed with an organisation
like the "RAF". or do you believe this?

to come to another topic: "ANARCHY will
come anyway". is this a positive aspect
of the future? if there are no rights,
no norms, would that be a good world to
live in? on the contrary: only the
strongest will survive in such a world.
a democracy protects weaker guys from
stronger. and what about the money for
people who are on the dole? or human
rights? or things like health insurance?
do yo think that such institutions would
exist in an anarchy? or would you like
to miss them?

i just can't believe that you're really
of this opinion. maybe you just wanted
to say something cool at the phone.
that is the smae as if some brainless
guys shout something about HITLER and
his glory "deeds".

i hope that you take this letter as that
what is should be: a constructive
critic on your statement.

                          yours, MIKE/SD


if you want to express your opinion
about this subject, or just want to give
a reaction about this send your letter

             "BRUTAL RECALL"

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