Splash 12 ch13 German PTT Again
From C64 Diskmag Wiki
------------------------ german post again! ======================== i wonder if the post in germany is the worst of all?i don't remem- ber the number of problems they bothered the swappers with and he- re's again a note that was written by andre(as)/antic/oxyron telling about the things happened to him. in the note he asked people to sp- read,and if possible edit in their mags.we think that this can be im- portant for germans,so here it is: yep,this is andre(as) of antic/ oxyron to bring you some facts ab- out my raising n' raising problems with the lame post i've had lately when i decided at the 3-7-1992 to send out to my contacts i had after a day of hard work of about 90sendings ready and threw them to the postbox. after two days i got home from work and wanted to check the post. between 4 or 5 sendings i found a card on which the post invited me to their office.i was wondering?? why did they called me to the post as i didn't cheat stamps. so i went to da post office and after i appeared in the room they wanted me to show up.a typical st- upid postman came and showed me a a mountain of sendings,my sendings being shocked i asked why they delayed my post as they got to ar- rive to their targets as soon as possible.they said that i haven't used enough postage on all parcels and i may not send as "buechersen- dung"anymore.(i did it for now for two years and they never said any- thing) and must send as letter. so i had to pay the surchage of the missings so that these would be sended out.all in all of a fine of 60 dm (around 35 dollars) to the money i already paid for the other stamps(about 140 dm or 80 dollars) so this sending costed me 115 dol- lars(ed:whaaaaat? with this money, you can make 266 sendings from is- tanbul or ankara,and from my tiny city where all postmen know me, i can make >632< sendings to abroad! in fact this is the result of the rise of dm all the time in turki- ye!!!) i knew that they checked my in- coming post and once they asked me about cheated stamps(but i said i never noticed that,and i didn't k- now why some dudes did that).but i never knew that they also check my post going out.they also opened a lot of parcels and found there ch- eated stamps i sent back and they asked me about them.i said,that i send them back because.these dudes collect stamps,but they didn't be- lieve me. i told them that the people wi- th cheated stamps told me that th- ey are collecting them so that i sent them back. then the postman showed me a s- tamp and washed it clean.so he sa- id and explained me that all these dudes can use the stamp again.i p- layed the wondering dude who was shocked and i said that i didn't know this.now the postman wants me to stop sending those stamps back! i said that i'll do this...(but i won't of course!) so all contacts of me:cheat ve- ry carefully and better don't. but if you cheat you'll surely get 'em back. this was the reason for some of my delay and the reason of all the garbage on the envelope.i also have to pay much more for sending out,but anyway;i won't stop swap- ping.all are welcomed to contact me as i still can afford to swap. (ed:addy in the contact corner) all are welcomed to spread this note or even to release in your mag as it should also be a warning to all germans not to send as"buec hersendung" anymore.even when you don't write your addy on the enve- lope they find out who sended it or they throw sendings in a trash can so all your contacts and disx are lost forever... yours, andre(as)/antic/oxyron well,thanks for this warning andre!i hope germans will take ca- re of how they are sending...but i wonder if this thing will be the same in every postoffice! because this kind of behaviour may change from postmen to postmen. even the treatments may change in the same post office. so i think it's the best for the germans to make some"test sen- dings"to some friends,relatives to understand and see how the dudes in the post will react and then you can decide how to go on send- ing...logical eh? anyway,this was just an idea. i still can't understand how this lame german post works... now choose another topic, and enjoy reading... >the boss/acy!