Corruption 01 ch04 Interview

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    in the first issue of


   we have an interview with




before we start:

PK= paul kessels/atg

CD= charles deenen/m.o.n.

before we start let me (pk)
apologize for the mistakes that
you'll maybe notice in this
interview (i mean writing in
not 100% english), but the
interview was done in dutch, so
you have to blame pk for the

before charles had time to give
an interview, some weeks were
passed. at thursday i (PK) went
to his place, and i met CD
making the sound of maze-mania
on amiga. real funky music.
after some chat we start with
the questions.

PK: when did you buy your com-
CD: when i still was at school
    we'd a over there
    with some 64's. it was big
    fun, and sometimes i rented
    a 64 to have one at home.
    also there were old cbm-
    computers called 'pets' and
    i rented them too. but
    after some time i decided
    to buy one myself.
PK: in the beginning you were
    one of the best programmers
    (TMC). what is your point
    of view now about this?
CD: well, the demo's i made in
    those years were all shit.
    better say it was rubbish.
PK: how did you become a musi-
CD: marcel donne (MAD) made a
    lot of music in soundmon.
    and i met jeroen tel in
    helmond were i was at
    school. when i noticed that
    jt could do one music in
    about 10 minutes, i decided
    to make a music file for
    both (jt+mad). they made
    the music, and i was always
    improving the routine.
    we went to the pc-show in
    england, and we spreaded
    there some musics from us.
    the first reaction we got
    came from hewson. they
    liked our music, and asked
    us to do the music for
    battle-valley. when we
    finished the music we got
    more orders. in the
    beginning jt and mad only
    made the music but after
    some time i could do it
    myself as well.
PK: who are at this moment
    working for the m.o.n.?
CD: - offcourse myself.
    - jeroen tel, but he
      decided to stop for some
    - johannes bjerregaard.
    - reijn ouwehand
      maybe better known as
    - thomas egeskov petersen
      maybe better known as
    and also two people in
    the video-promotion branch
    that's all.
PK: how did you get in touch
    with these people?
CD: like i told you, i met jt
    in helmond.
    jb made a demo and he asked
    me for some orders.
    dave from scoop let me get
    in touch with reyn o.
PK: what is the best music
    maniacs of noise made?
CD: most musics are done in a
    very short time. there is
    no more time to do it
    better. but apart from the
    time problems i think our
    best musics are: stormlord,
    tomcat and eliminator.
    most pieces of music on
    which we worked more than
    one hour are most of the
    time better than the rest.
    most jazz and funky musics
    are cool.
PK: why don't you make games.
    you have the capability in
    doing it.
CD: it will take too much time.
    i don't have any endurance
    for it. most nowaday games
    aren't perfect, and i like
    to have everything always
    perfect, so it would take
    too much time. apart from
    that the 64 has not many
PK: who do you think is the
    best composer?
CD: tim follin.
PK: who do you think is the
    best programmer?
CD: bart meeuwsen(white/judges)
PK: who do you think can make
    the best graphics?
CD: steve thomson. he made the
    graphics from robocop, and
    the untouchables on the
    paul dockerty. he made the
    graphics from bmx-kids, and
    almost all loading-pictures
    from firebird. he also did
    most graphix from vendetta.
    i don't think willy voesten
    is one of the best, but i
    liked the graphics in the
    hires-move part from your
    demo batmania 2.
PK: what's your opinion about
    guys like jch, amok, markus
    schneider, c. huelsbeck, j.
    dunn, tim follin, dave lowe
    ramiro vaca and matt gray.
CD: jch: nice sounds. i am
         following his music at
         this moment.
    j.dunn: nice, but standard.
    m.schneider: no comment.
    amok: never heard of them.
    c.huelsbeck: nice on amiga,
                64 not so good.
    matt gray: biggest shit
         like person and music.
         it's a competitor in
         question of prices,
        'his music is cheap.'
    r.vaca: i heard of him, but
            i haven't listened
            to his music.
    tim follin: most innovative
                musician i ever
PK: who are the software comp.
    you are making music for?
CD: hewson, probe, i.d.g. (part
    of sega), ubi-soft, origin
    (part of microprose)
    system 3, virgin, thalamus,
    ordilogic systems, dynamic,
    grandslam,, softek
    digital design(ash+dave),
    inter-play and some more.
PK: how much do you get for
    a tune?
CD: mind your own business.
PK: on which computers do you
    make music?
CD: 64, amiga, atari st, konix,
    spectrum, nintendo.
PK: why do you always make the
    sound effects?
CD: from the beginning i made
    the sfx. some ohters tried
    to make it, but it was only
PK: why don't you make any
    music for demos?
CD: no profit.
PK: who are your biggest
CD: do i have them? on the
    amiga dave lowe, because he
    lives in england, and he's
    much faster with delivering
    the sounds. on the 64 we
    don't have any in quality.
    the soft. companies prefer
    us above any other composer
PK: for how much longer will
    you continue doing music?
CD: as long as we get money for
    it, and as long as it keeps
    me enjoyed.
PK: are there party's, shows
    and other events you have
    to go to? and why?
CD: new years party's in
    england, because we won't
    get any orders anymore when
    we don't visit the party's.
    everyone is there at those
    and i always go to the
    i'll also go to the
    entertainment show in
    england, a new show that is
    organised by the same team
    from the pc-show.
    i also have to go to the
    marriage of the software
    bosses. when a software
    company gets broke, like
    binary designs, we have to
    go to it also for getting
    the money we are entitled
PK: can you give a golden-tip
    for composers?
CD: never use a 64 for it.
PK: and for programmers.
CD: be original, and try to
    use your fantasy. never
    make things that were made
    a 1000 times before, like
    dycps en other things.
    try to think of new things
PK: and for people who make
CD: how is it possible for me
    to give a tip when i can't
    paint myself.
PK: for how long will it con-
    tinue with making games on
    the 64?
CD: as long as softw. companies
    get a profit by it.
PK: how many sounds from m.o.n.
    are there already ready for
    games that will be released
    in the future?
CD: about 20.
PK: don't you have to stop your
    activities for joining the
    army for a year?
CD: no, i have more than 2
PK: how is it possible to make
    sounds without education?
CD: do what you think is best,
    than you'll get a sound.
    everyone learns by practise
PK: what are you going to do
    when you have to stop
    making music? you haven't
    any education!
CD: oh yes i have, i had an
    education for system-
PK: how much time do you spend
    in making music?
CD: it depends on the time we
    have got. but as long as
PK: how do you make music? do
    you use a keyboard?
CD: i have some methods to make
    music. if we are in a hurry
    i don't use a keyboard,
    but when i've got a lot of
    time i use a keyboard to
    try. on the 64 i most time
    don't use a keyboard.
PK: when do you make a new
CD: never again, i don't get
    any profit by it.
    (never say never again
    charles !!!)
PK: what did you think about
    this interview?
CD: boring!

i (pk) said i became thirsty
and said him to get some drinks
now some things about charles

age: 20 years
length: 1.80 meter
hobby: i like to have one, but
       i don't have any time
       for it.
exciting: no comment.
disgusting: many chips with a
            lot of mayonaise.
ideal evening: mondayevening
book: i never read books.
movie: i like movies with good
       action and a big laugh.
food: burgers
sport: what's that?
country: with sun: hawaii
         for work: england
woman: 4 meters high.
       no comment, it's a
       stupid question.
rockband: no idea, all music
          that is well put
          together. most time
          it's music from
actor: most beautiful:
             kim bassinger
       the best: much!
pet: i hate pets, they smell
     very bad.
favourite word to use when you
are angry about someone:
                 klere lijer.
biggest nerd: shit demo freaks
              who think they
              are good and who
              can't do anything
              at all.

that was our interview for this
issue. hope you enjoyed it !!!
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