Skyhigh 12 ch08 About Cubehead

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         about cubehead of chaos

 ? skyhigh
 ! cubehead of chaos

  yo cubehead!
  first of all thanx for sharing your
  personality with the rest of us.
  -but let's get started the boring way!

? please tell us your handle and group.

! someone calls me cubehead/chaos.

? and your real name ?

! gabor mucsanyi.

? when were you delivered to the earth?

! on the christmas day of 1976. but to
  tell the truth, you easily can look up
  it in the b.days chapter.

? ok that was the most important things.
  but pleaz give us a small introduction
  of yourself.
  (personal facts : hight - hair colour
                    eye colour - glasses
  sparetime, other interests, job/school
  hobbies and so on!!)

! i'm 173-175 centimetres tall, and my
  hair is something like brown. my eyes
  are green (?), and fortunately i don't
  need glasses. i live with my mum as my
  father died in 1986. i attend the
  vocational secondary school of econo-
  mics here in my hometown, and i really
  dislike it. i takes so much time of my
  life, and i prefer reading, going to
  booze, hang out with my friends or my
  girlfriend, and last but not least
  having duties with my compy.

? for how long have you been into the 64
  scene. or in other words : please tell
  us when you entered the world of the
  commodore 64 - and it's scene?

! i'm ridiculously green on the scene as
  i'm only here for a year or what ...
  i bought my c64 in early 1991, and i
  started playing games. i really got
  bored of it after some months and i
  decided to do something useful (i prog
  rammed on some other machines in basic
  and i learned playing on piano for ye-
  ars, so i decided to "code" a player
  and used it. after i got dmc 2.0 and
  that was the first real one.

? in which groups have you been before?

! i joined visible mind first. it was/is
  a game producer group. but to tell the
  truth it didn't release something so
  far. then i was at a party, and saw a
  demo of chaos, and heard that only
  ripped zax were used ... then i joined
  them, and i'm still there ...

? your handle cubehead!
  is there a special story to it?
  please tell how you got it!

! so... i was a great depeche mode fan
  years ago and everybody called me
  "kockafeju" which means "cubehead" in
  english. one of my friends told me it
  once and i fell in love with it (the

? what is your memberstatus and job in
  your current group ?

! i making sid-destroying tunes, and i
  swap a bit. i'm always looking for
  cool dudes in the scene to have a cool
  pen-friendship (keyboard-friendship)

        tell us about your faves!

? what do you prefer to eat?

! all italian foods.

? and what do you like to drink?

! beer, beer, vodka, & beer ...

? to what music do you listen?

! all stuff like: front 242, skinny pup-
                  py, clockdva ...etc.

? your favourite girl(s)?

! my girlie... i don't really like to
  be in love with a picture or a movie.

? what movie was the coolest you ever

! naked gun, 2 1/2, 33 1/3

? and your c64 favourites

     demogroup : ex-light, oxyron, cml

     crackergr.: i hate crax

     coder     : mr. sex/byterapers, mms

     magazine  : this one !!!

     composer  :, pri,and everyone

     grafixer  : everyone who has the

     cover des.: cop, earthquake

     sceneland : my country

     demo      : my oh my, the unnamed,
                 red storm

     game      : all ad&d, or rpg

? and last :
  your favourite friend(s) in the scene

! i don't have favourite. i love each,
  and don't wanna say you are better
  than the other. and everyone is my
  friend who don't hate me (i think i
  really don't deserve it). anyways...
  my favourite friends are my friends.

? yeah a whole lot of things you liked.
  but what about things you dislike!

  is there any particulary phenomena or
  mayby dudes you do not like in the
  scene. give us the story!!

! i don't like the spirit of da cracking
  groups. they have so much wars...
  (i hope you know what i mean,chromance
  and motiv-8)...i hate to hate anybody,
  and i think and hope i (will never)
  have enemies in the scene.

? what is your plans for the future ?
  both in the scene and in private !

! i wanna release my first zak collect.
  i do my best to have as good party as
  possible in the summertime here in
  hungary. advertisement time...

  aug 13-14. total boozed sceners party
  in hungary. (look out for the invita-
  tion cards and notes)

  my private life is my private life, so
  maybe i won't share with you, but i'm
  trying to live as happy as i can ...

? the c64 scene unfortunately can't live
  forever !
  when it dies (in a lot of years!!)
  what will you then do?
  jump to the (l)amiga or pc, or simply
  quit the entire compy-scene?

! i really don't know, yet. but maybe i
  will quit, or ... hope it won't die 4
  a long time, it's up on us.

? people often talk about a lamer.
  but what is a lamer?. please give me
  your definition !

! i think a lamer is a person who has
  nothing on his own (just big mouth),
  and has no knowledge, just hanging
  around the computer, maybe playing
  games, and he's on the scene, because
  his brother is scener ...

           about your contacts

? do ya have a lot of contacts ?
  (how many - name a few.)

! not enough, just 8. for example:
  the main editor of this mag, lion of
  chaos (of coz), hedge ... etc.

? do you prefer legal stuff or cracks
  from your contacts.?

! just legal, i'm legal totally since i
  don't cheat my stamps.

? do you use cheated stamps ?

! i've just answered this question.
  i haven't so much contax, so i can
  stand the prices, even they are high
  as sky (hahaha)

? magazines! some people say there's too
  many - some say there's not!!
  what do you think?

! too few quality mags, and that's the
  problem. if every mag was as quality
  as this or revealed, i wouldn't have
  time for doing else than reading mags.

? they for one thing sure keep the scene
  alive, but what about demos?
  what do you think about the quality of
  the demos produced nowadays?

! i don't think if the world records or
  things like them are the best for a
  demo. everyone makes what he can, and
  i like the non-quality demos too, if
  it comes from heart and has a mood.

? what is your advice to all the demo -
  producing groups, concerning their
  future productions?

! try to do demos with better and better
  design. that makes a demo ruling.

? if you had the opportunity to build up
  a new group - which persons would you
  like to join ?

! coders       : unifier, lion

  musicians    : the syndrom, jeff

  gfx'ers      : biz kid, hedge, mercury

  swappers     : mr. wax

  modemtraders : homeboy

  others       : what do you mean others


? what do you say when i say :

  group      : friendhip

  coca cola  : vomit the bowels

  friendship : scene

  c-64       : more friendship

  amiga      : dead as hell

  girls      : tunde (my girlie), which
               means 'elf' in english

  beers      : drunk nights

  magazines  : newsweek (hehehe)

  groupwars  : just like nazi's

  sex        : ungi-dungi-dung

  parties    : beer&chat

  interviews : ???

  and last 'skyhigh' : keep on producing

? yo we are getting closer to the end

  i'll hereby give you the word to say
  what's on your mind.
  the word is free !

! anyone out there, who has enemies in
  the scene. stop it! let the stupid
  wars go down, and produce as many
  things as possible. keep the scene
  alive, don't let it die !!!

? if there's some guys you want to greet
  or give a special message then why not
  use the opportunity right here?

! greets to everyone on the scene, and
  patric codeneys, and daniel b. in
  front 242.

? yeah that's it..
  we reached the end of this interview.
  so i better let you of the hook for

  i'll end by thanking you for taking
  the time to help me with this.

  i hope you'll stick to this beautiful
  scene for a long time!
  have a cool time in the future.

  thanx homeboy!!

! i thank you for interviewing me.thanx
  for the good wishes, and i wish you
  the same. meet you here in hungary,
  jesper. c ya !

   that's it for now! - so better load
          another chapter now!!

                                BIZ KID
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