Propaganda 19 ch09

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  |'o'|        +------+
  |/_\|        |AWARDS|
  +---+        |AWARDS|

Few people do good enough deeds to de-
serve a reward on the scene. However,
with greatest respect and fair judge-
ment, we regard the happenings that
come to mean a lot for the surroundings.

It is an honour for us, to reward, and
are glad to see the response we obtain
as a cause of this.


              |  HITMEN  |
______________|  HITMEN  |______________
          |  For setting up  |
          |  a group at the  |
          |  top, taking up  |
          |   the struggle   |
          |   with already   |
          |established names.|
          |     Few dare     |
          |    doing so.     |

Over the years, groups have come and
gone over the surface of earth. Some
have made impact and some have passed
by without the flinch of an eye. HITMEN
takes a brave turn relaunching their old
label attempting for the top once again.

Their focus has been clear, competing
in firstreleasing software with other,
trusted old groups. With grace and
class the wellrespected names behind
the concept have taken the boardscene
by storm. In just a short while, they
have made it clear, they are a group
to watch out for, and we definately
will. With the reward, we wish you all
the luck, and may the spirit in terms
of fun remain within.

  +---+     +---------------+
            |BYTERAPERS INC |
____________|BYTERAPERS INC.|___________

          |  For being the   |
          |the most reliable |
          |  and qualified   |
          |demogroup over the|
          |  last 2 years.   |
          | EXTREMES speaks  |
          |   for itself.    |

So we take of our hats and tell our-
selves; "Those Finnish guys just did
it again!". With EXTREMES, the winning
contribution at ASSEMBLY'95, BYTERAPERS
shifted into topgear showing the world
once again, that they are no temporary
trend. Winning at ASSEMBLY'94, TRIBUTE
and now ASSEMBLY'95, the Finnish, vet-
eran success must be regarded as the
most powerful demomachine of the 9O's.

Futurewise, we can only hope, that our
dear friends not will cease activities
at this point, but continue their
crusade to glory. Perhaps Denmark will
be their next territory.

  +---+          +---+
                 |X  |

        |   Again the Dutch   |
        | people with TRC*SCS |
        |  at the peak launch |
        |  the idea of a cozy |
        | gathering. With the |
        |atmposhere of the 64,|
        |  this beats Denmark |
        |       by far.       |

For those of you who did not attend
the Dutch party this easter, all I can
say is that I am deeply sorry for you.
With a fairly small 64-scene, the Dutch
success came in perfectly timed, being
a cozy gathering. Hopes and interest
for 1996 are at the most intense of

If being able attract some of the more
established democreators throughout the
field, then we'd be looking at the
most exciting event of all 1996, apart
from the announced TRIBUTE that might
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