Paranews 003

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 the year is over, the nights are cold: 
             PARANEWS #003              
  the BEST entertainment for all dudes  
            who feel bored!!            
credits go to:                          
coding by  :...................SCRATCHER
music by   :...................MAC.MAGIC
charsets by:...................SCRATCHER
text by    :....................DR.DEATH
some important things:                  
we apologize to QUALITY that we have re-
cracked their THE LAST FIGHT! we got the
game as an ORIGINAL from a guy of ACTION
,so we WON'T trade any longer originals!
STEVE stopped, too, but we got a new    
graphican called: PARAMOUNT DESIGN      
some SUCKERS have recracked our version 
of BATMAN...! LAME,LAME,LAME...         
we know that some dudes of you like the 
sounds of our music-master T.C.! in fact
of this we release every month six musix
under the label: TECHNO BEAT! look out  
for it...                               
CONTACT us under:                       
DR.DEATH...:      XXX XXXXXX X          
                  XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX X  
                  XXXX-XXXXXXX       =  
PD.........:      XXX XXXXXX X          
                  XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX X  
                  XXXX-XXXXXXX       =  
SCRATCHER..:      XXX XXXXXX X          
                  XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX X  
                  XXXX-XXXXXXX       =  
some people think the PARANEWS is just a
ADVERTISE for ourself! but that's WRONG!
we only want to inform ya about things  
happened in PARAMOUNT!                  
our ACTUAL member status:               
joe cool,stainless steel,t.c.,pd,mc,... 
the last VENLO MEETING was really the   
LAMEST ever seen on earth! not only MORE
amigas than the good old c64 were there!
no! between two or three fab guys a lot 
of SUCKERS were talking BULLSHIT....    
let's hope that the next meeting will be
MUCH better!                            
GREETINGS to our friends in:            
seven eleven,trs,s451,nato,triangle,atg,
megastyle,the zero boys,century,galaxy, 
beyond force,united artists,zone45,soho,
hoaxers,shape,wwe,the force,shades,opal,
babygang,zoko team,x-factor,oneway,triad
,big one,killers,mocean,....            
REMEMBER: greetings are NOT ranked!     
 well,every story has an END..ofcoz dis 
 mag,too! and now we want to wish you a 
 HAPPY and SUCCESSFUL new year...       
         bye, from PARAMOUNT!           
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