Mamba 24 ch09 Personalities

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  no need to pull any information
  about those 6 guys, because they
  were kind enough to chatter about

  chrysagon of x-ray
  dark rainbow
  freestyle (x-talent)
  mad hatter
  parson of traitors
  tiger of nato





  height...180cm (6ft)

  weight...75-76 kg (165 ami-pound)

  career in brief...1984: plutonium
                    crackers, 1987: fcs
  88: sharks, inxs, x-ray, 89: tcom,
  rsi, 1990: x-ray

  hobbies besides computing...

  ...visiting local pubs with friends.

  school/career...painter and decorator

  best friends in the scene...ignorance
  peter/enigma, guenni #1...

  describe yourself...boozer, gambler,
                      reliable though,
                      not wimpy...

  a last word...ciao und halted die
                schwaenze steif...!!


  handle/group...dark rainbow


  town/country...whitestone, queens,ny

  height...6'3" (euro: 188 cm)

  weight...180 lbs (euro: ca 81 kg)

  job...northeast airlines

  computer career...atc in spring '91

  best friends in the scene...

     ...pathfinder, sorceress

  hobbies...model trains (small scale)

  describe yourself...i'm a wacko..
                      always laughing
  and like to have fun...socially
  drink..currtently disabled since '89
  from an auto injury...!going in for
  surgery in '92!





  height...183 cm (us: 6'1")

  weight...64 kg before i joined the
           army, now 71 kg (muscles??)

  computer career started
                    around 1986,
  stations: ftv, fresh, talent, nothing
            talent, nothing again...

  hobbies...actually too many, that is
            why school had to suffer
            many times.

  job/school...i finished grammar
               school 1/2 year ago.
  then i joined the army. in dec i'll
  start to work some months in a bank.
  after a long america trip i'll start
  my studies.

  best friends in the scene...

  ...all talent members, pat boon,
  parson, tricket, skywolf, mixmaster,
  pathfinder, bob/censor, zorlac,
  and vincent.

  own person...reliable, a bit lazy,

  some last words...kill all neo-nazis!


  handle...mad hatter

  age...21+++ (like a fine wine)

  town/country...southern cali, usa


  weight...165 lbs

  computer career...tried group scene
                    once but found it
  too constraining, have more fun and
  freedom operating alone.

  hobbies...hand guns, reading, car-
            restoring, collecting c64-
            software, (amiga novice)

  school/ finished, work
               full time.

  best friends in the scene...

  ...tough question due to the risk of
  leaving some out, but main friends
  are...sonny/mir, aycee/tsm, wrath
  child/enigma, bod/talent, wolfgang/2d
  nightmare/purple dragon, numon/usa,
  matt, and 100's of friends around the
  world that i swap with!!

  self-description...friends might say
                     i'm a person to be
  trusted 100% and intensly loyal to
  them, enemies might say i'm vicious
  when provoked.

  a last word ? ...i contribute little
                   to the scene except
  for swapping, importing and spreading
  software but i recognize who is doing
  the work and i'm grateful for their
  efforts. without the crackers, coders
  and group organizers, i'd still be
  typing programs out of magazines
  instead of having 4,000 discs of c64-


  handle/group...parson or churchy p.



  height...178 cm

  weight...69 kg

  computer career...dcs, x-ray, nato
                    and traitors.

  hobbies...riding my car, fuck shops
            and discos. manager

  best scene-friends...freeestyle,
  gadget+spitty+hok/action, the shadow,

  self-description...simply ravishing,
                     the king of sex

  a last word...fuck my bitch and make
                me rich!

  name...ulrik h.


  age...i'm 19 years old


  height...i'm about 186 cm tall

  weight...70 kg

  computer career...i started up as
                    many other people
  in some small local (lame) groups.
  after some time i joined noise and
  after noise slpited i went to nato.
  after being in nato for quite some
  time we went into cooperation with
  fairlight, but as that didn't turn
  out the way we wanted, we decided to
  leave again and keep nato up.
  and i believe that nato is one of the
  oldest groups around now. (hate heavy metal)
            girls  - wine - computing
  on pc and c64 - teching in mc at
  evening courses. and i have my own

  school/job...job: teaching at evening
               school three times a
  week. salesman for a little company.
  and my own company.
  school: business school.

  best friends...megasnail, maduplec
                 macro nit,
  marshal (amiga) and lods of others..

  describe yourself...i am wearing tie
                      all the time,
  kinda jacket suit, and believe in the
  future as a great business
  oportunity !!!

  last words...hello to all my students
               from my eve-courses...
  and hello to all my friends....
   ...go pc !!!

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