Domination 01 ch04 The Charts

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The Charts
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Out of the 186 votesheets, a large portion of 38 was spread by Malakai, thanks a lot pal, really appreciated! This year has seen a rise in the quality of scene productions, with the likes of Oxyron, Camelot and other forces such as Byterapers and Taboo; things are looking positive. As rumour tells us that talents such as Crossbow, Vision, Guy Shavitt and others will be returning to boost scene activities, let's just hope they're true...
Out of the 186 votesheets, a large portion of 38 was spread by Malakai, thanks a lot pal, really appreciated! This year has seen a rise in the quality of scene productions, with the likes of Oxyron, Camelot and other forces such as Byterapers and Taboo; things are looking positive. As rumour tells us that talents such as Crossbow, Vision, Guy Shavitt and others will be returning to boost scene activities, let's just hope they're true...

Latest revision as of 10:57, 28 July 2007

The Charts

Welcome to the first compilation of charts from the entire scene combined. Anyone may enter with a minimum of 15 points allowed. There is no self voting allowed and I am of course excluded from any votes!! (not that I would be included anyways, hehe) with a surprising amount of votesheets for the first issue I hope to get a quite an accurate result in the outcome of these charts, in each issue there will be a progressive and new chart format, which means two separate charts, one containing added points onto previously earned ones and the other counts the points from the votesheets received each issue only, lets start.

Top single cracker:

Pos: Pts:  Name/Group:
 1   952   Burglar/Success+TRC
 2   764   Powerplant/Legend
 3   490   Count Zero/Talent
 4   414   XXX/Legend
 5   347   Derbyshire Ram/Avantgarde
 6   321   Benson/TRSI
 7   313   Hain/F4CG
     313   Jack Alien/Avantgarde
 8   277   Bacchus/Fairlight
 9   275   Bod/Talent
10   233   Crossfire/Motiv8
11   215   Chrysagon/Talent
12   200   Sauron
13   138   Darkman/Extacy
14   119   Sailor/Triad
15   114   Supreme/Alpha Flight 1970
16   113   Mason/Motiv8
17   109   The Silver Surfer/Success+TRC
18   104   Antitrack/F4CG
19   103   Fletch/Legend
20    96   Hok/Avantgarde
21    90   Kingfisher/Triad
22    75   Calypso/Amnesia+Silicon
23    63   Mr. Wax/Chromance
24    60   Machinegun/Trance
      60   Red Rock/Excess
25    35   Sting/Alpha Flight 1970
26    29   Snooze/Equinoxe
      29   Zar/Success+TRC
27    27   Met/Mayhem
28    26   Crazybird/Xenon
      26   Crisp/TRSI+Dytec
      26   CBA/TRC+Success
29    25   Moren/Success+TRC
30    24   Sneaper/F4CG
31    23   Sentinel/Excess
32    22   Thunderblade/AWT
33    21   Allitaice/Citadel
34    20   Painkiller/Chromance
35    15   Ray

Comments: Sneaper should be way higher, a very good cracker. People such as XXX, Sauron and Bod are not active enough to be in the top 10 or 20. Expect Hain to gain more next issue.

Top cracker groups:

Pos: Pts:  Name:
 1  1296   Success+TRC
 2   780   Alpha Flight 1970
 3   641   Legend
 4   636   Chromance
 5   630   Triad
 6   549   Talent
 7   377   Avantgarde
 8   337   Fairlight
 9   328   TRSI+Dytec
10   300   Excess
11   250   Motiv8
12   222   Trance
13   182   F4CG
14   162   Extacy
15   107   Amnesia+Silicon
16    97   Mayhem
17    75   Airwolf Team
18    41   Atlantis
19    35   Laser
20    33   Bronx
21    31   Xenon
22    26   Rebels
23    21   Citadel
24    20   Genesis Project

Comments: what do we define in this category as well as the previous one? The quality? The speed? The quantity? Or in some cases the reputation?? Well I prefer to look at both crackers and cracker groups, with a quality perspective. Things like speed and quantity are competed in the release charts and reputation shouldn't be taken into consideration when putting pen to paper. Groups like Legend, Talent, Extacy and certainly Trance shouldn't be as high. I believe Avantgarde will jump many places along side F4CG.

Top demo groups:

Pos: Pts:  Name:            Recent Product:
 1  1213   Crest            Buds
 2  1190   Oxyron           Comalight 12
 3  1149   Camelot          Tower Power
 4   995   Censor Design    Spasmolytic
 5   902   Triad            Portfolio 2
 6   776   Fairlight        Skaaneland
 7   519   Antic            Lunacy 7
 8   508   Topaz beerline   Problem Child 2
 9   318   Flash inc        Creepshow
10   302   Focus            No More!
11   261   Blackmail        Dutch Breeze
12   257   Noice            Imse Vimse Get
13   251   Taboo            Fazee's Gfx Collection
14   206   Visual Reality   visuality 3
15   198   Jam              ---
16   189   Light            ---
17   183   Padua            Torture 4
18   163   Spirit           Tales of Mystery
19   146   Charged          ---
20   129   Origo            4 Years Origo
21   111   Faces            ---
22    90   Elysium          ---
23    89   Cadgers          Flatline
24    68   Offence          Emotional Breakdown
25    58   Extend           Morbid Art 3
      58   Digital Designs  Jerkland 2
26    50   Booze Design     Totally Stoned 2
27    48   Reflex           ---
28    43   Rebels           Fear
29    31   Agony            Klepka
30    30   Chaos            ---
31    29   React            ---
32    24   Beyond force     ---
      24   Idlers           Idlers Gfx
      24   Wrath Designs    ---
33    23   Paralyze         F.O.T.D
34    22   Starion          ---
35    21   Asphyxia         ---
      21   Graffity         ---
      21   Equinoxe         ---
36    19   Tough            64'er
      19   WOW              ---
37    15   Amnesia+Silicon  ---

Comments: Crest are a good group but aren't active enough to retain the number #1. Expectations of Oxyron, Camelot and Triad to rise positions with their new demos to be out soon, the dark horses to watch out for are Taboo, Elysium, Visual Reality, Wrath designs and Antic who have been working on their new demos for sometime.

Top programmers:

Pos: Pts:  Name/Group:
 1  1148   TTS/Oxyron
 2   936   Crossbow/Crest
 3   769   Tron/Fairlight
 4   632   Zodiac/Flash Inc
 5   630   Slammer/Camelot
 6   557   Bob/Censor Design
 7   513   D'arc/Topaz Beerline
 8   301   Axis/Oxyron
 9   290   Kingfisher/Triad
10   287   Glasnost/Camelot
11   256   MMS/Taboo
12   246   Flamingo/Light
13   208   Swoffa/Offence
14   196   Maduplec/Crest
15   185   Raz/Camelot
16   164   Cruzer/Camelot
17   143   Yabba/Offence
18   141   Depeh/Antic
19   123   Walt/Visual Reality
20   112   Clarence/Cadgers
21   110   HCL/Fairlight
22    89   Sir Art/Paralyze
23    83   JFK/Triad
24    81   Brush/Elysium
25    70   Scapegoat/Topaz Beerline
26    62   Mick/Visual Reality
      62   Unifier/Flash Inc
27    54   Graham/Oxyron
28    39   Mr. Rage/Excess
      39   Romulus/Creatures
29    36   Ed/Wrath Designs
30    32   Alfatech/Censor Design
31    30   Alf/Blackmail
32    25   KM/Taboo
33    24   Benno/Topaz Beerline
34    22   Goldrush/Crest
      22   Syllinor/Faces
35    20   Jordan/Antic
36    15   Leeway/Alpha Flight 1970

Comments: the battle will rage on between TTS, Slammer, Tron and Kingfisher until next issue. Talents such as Depeh, Graham, Walt and Jordan should be far higher. D'arc/topaz has been inactive for a long time now along with Zodiac and Flamingo so they should fall, the outcome will be sought out over the next few parties.

Top graphicians:

Pos: Pts:  Name/Group:
 1  1259   Creeper/Antic
 2  1008   Electric/Extend
 3   970   Ogami/Fairlight
 4   967   Joe/Wrath Designs
 5   674   Hein Design/Focus
 6   437   Cruise/Elysium
 7   397   Mirage/Focus
 8   340   Rob/Camelot
 9   327   Biz Kid/Oxyron
10   289   Dane/Triad
11   262   Dragon/Censor Design
12   187   Sander/Focus
13   186   Atte/Extend 
14   162   D'arc/Topaz Beerline
15   161   RRR/Oxyron
16   158   Carrion/Elysium
17   148   Death/Topaz Beerline
18   140   Ans/Spirit
19   108   Paladin
20   100   Oxidy/Wrath Designs
21    90   Compyx/Focus
22    82   JTM/Visual Reality
23    80   Cronos/Charged
24    73   Kbs/Regina
25    61   Lord Red/Creators
26    58   Fazee/Taboo
27    51   Thunder
28    44   Orc/Blackmail
29    29   Luka/Excess
30    28   Earthquake/Antic/Cosmic Style
31    25   Jamiroquai/Alpha Flight 1970
      25   Alien Prophet/Excess

comments: Hein should fall along side Mirage and D'arc. Fazee, Earthquake and Dane will rise, it also should be taken into consideration that Latifah, JTM, Alien Prophet should be much higher. Also take a look at the intro gfx of this mag and vote for Rob/Camelot and the logos by RRR/Oxyron - vote for the active guys!

Top disk magazines:

Pos: Pts:  Name/Group:
 1   858   Nitro/Excess
 2   794   The Pulse/Regina
 3   732   Skyhigh/Oxyron
 4   694   Splash/Accuracy
 5   562   Network/Comic Pirates
 6   480   Revealed/Camelot
 7   445   Addybook/Oxyron
 8   443   Jamaica/Jam
 9   419   Reformation/Fairlight
10   417   Ahead/Trance
11   370   Miracle/Maniax
12   311   Gamers Guide/Triad
     311   Update/Padua
13   286   Newspress/Rebels
14   284   Ingenious Brain
15   256   Internal/WOW
16   242   Vandalism News/Success+TRC
17   193   Arise/Triad
18   182   Impulse/Spirit
19   170   Extacy Land/Extacy
20   132   Propaganda/Genesis Project
21   131   Moonlight/Gothic Designs
22   127   Immortal Flash/Atlantis
23   121   Magness
24   117   Flashback/Proxyon
25    98   Controversial/Accept        
      98   Remark/Megastyle Inc
26    97   Narcotic/Slash Designs
27    96   Tribune/Entropy
28    88   Earthshake/Bronx
29    65   Mendip 
30    57   Sh0ck/Legend
31    54   Chit Chat/No Name
32    47   Frontpage/TRC+Success
33    42   Explorer/Antic
34    41   Insider/Reflex
35    27   Outdoor/Excess
36    26   Fresh'n'Sticky/Topaz Beerline
      26   Genetic Dreams/Trinomic
37    22   Metamorphosis

Comments: Nitro struggles in and mags like Splash, Network and Addybook should be much lower because of lack of regularity. Vandalism, Ingenious Brain and Propaganda should be a little higher, please remember only vote for regular mags and not dead ones! Long live Script!

Top mail traders:

Pos: Pts:  Name/Group:
 1   523   Calypso/Amnesia+Silicon
 2   381   Nightshade/Success+TRC
 3   345   Derbyshire Ram/Avantgarde
 4   254   Bizarre/Trance
 5   239   Splatterhead/Chromance
 6   232   Code 18/Trance
 7   190   Malakai/Cream
 8   137   Ned/Accept
 9   136   Clive/Motiv8
10   130   Spectator/Alpha Flight 1970
11   126   Acidchild/Taboo
12   121   Syco/Atlantis
13   117   Spermbird/Excess
14   116   The syndrom/TIA/Crest
15   112   Kbs/Regina
16   108   RRR/Oxyron
17   105   Neotec/Rebels/F4CG
18    98   Merlin/Motiv8
19    96   Tabasco/Fairlight
20    93   Ca$h/Triad
21    91   Styx/Alpha Flight 1970
22    88   Rave/Triad
23    85   Dr. Kaos/Reflex
24    81   Cat/Excess
25    78   Ibanez/Motiv8
26    77   Steve/Success+TRC
      77   zyron/Antic
29    75   Starlight/Extacy
30    74   Bacchus/Fairlight
      74   Gorefest/Proxyon
31    66   Luka/Excess
32    65   Walker/Genesis Project
33    63   Jack Alien/Avantgarde
34    57   Diamond/Gothic Designs
      57   Biz Kid/Oxyron
35    56   Antifan/Equinoxe
36    54   Incubus/Antic
37    52   Anarchy/TRSI+Dytec
38    51   Lemming/Fatum/Panic
39    49   Gigabyte/No Name
      49   Cruze/TRC+Success
      49   Duke/Regina        
      49   Guzzler/Success+TRC
40    47   Pat/Agony
41    46   Scrapper/Oxyron
42    45   Truss/Excess
43    43   Red Rock/Excess 
44    41   Sailor/Excess
45    40   Action Jackson/TRC+Success 
46    39   Gop/Shazam
47    37   Spark/Chromance
48    36   Gerwin/Fairlight
49    27   Wingo/Triad
      27   Shockwave/System
50    26   Airwolf
51    25   Axe/Slash Designs
52    24   Fatman/Dytec+TRSI
53    23   Titanic/Chromance
54    22   Mr. Alpha/F4CG/The Remembers
      22   Jerry/Triad
      22   Maja/F4CG

Comments: Calypso taking the lead this time! Well done Terry, coolies such as RRR, Spermbird and Acidchild should be a little higher.

Top votesheet spreaders:

Pos: Sheet:  Name/Group:
 1     38    Malakai/Cream
 2     13    Dr. Kaos/Deflex
 3     11    Leech/Comic Pirates
 4      8    Martyr/Lithium
 5      7    Spectator/Alpha Flight 1970
 6      4    Gop/Shazam
 7      3    Calypso/Amnesia+Silicon
 8      2    Primus/Lithium
        2    Lemming/Fatum/Panic
 9      1    Savvy/Xenon
        1    Omen/Tide           
        1    Blackwidow/Gothic Designs

Out of the 186 votesheets, a large portion of 38 was spread by Malakai, thanks a lot pal, really appreciated! This year has seen a rise in the quality of scene productions, with the likes of Oxyron, Camelot and other forces such as Byterapers and Taboo; things are looking positive. As rumour tells us that talents such as Crossbow, Vision, Guy Shavitt and others will be returning to boost scene activities, let's just hope they're true...

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