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English Translation


               ON THE C64
               ON THE C64

             BY IMRAN NAZAR
             BY IMRAN NAZAR

I  sometimes  wonder  what it would take
for  a  computer  of 80s vintage to be a
viable  work  terminal in today's world.
After  some  thought, I came up with two
things  that an old computer would need:
Getting  data to an old computer without
the    Internet  is  a  thankless  task,
involving  microcassette  recordings and
funky  formats  of floppy disc which are
unreadable  in  a  PC.  Getting the data
back  off  the  computer  in question is
even  more  of  a  problem;  it's simply
orders  of  magnitude  easier to connect
to   a  standard  network  and  transfer
through that.
Coputers    of    such  vintage  as  the
Commodore  64  and  the  Spectrum have a
variety  of  display  modes, but none of
them  put a great deal of information on
the  screen.  to viably communicate with
a  computer of a different type, such as
a  linux  server,  it's  a  prerequisite
to  extend the text mode capabilities of
the    computer,    and   get  something
approaching a usable terminal.
This article is intended to be part 1 of
a  series,  in which a Commodore 64 will
be  set  up  to  act as a standard Unix-
compatible  terminal.  The first step in
that  ambitious programm is to provide a
a    reasonable   text  display  on  the
Commodore 64.

The    Commodore    64   has  a  display
resolution  of  320  by  200  pixels,  a
resolution which will be familiar to any
PC programmer who has dealt with the VGA
display  modes.  The  C64  provides  two
basic  types  of display mode: bitmapped
and tiled. Each of these has the ability
to  display pixels in one colour against
a  background of another colour. In both
modes,    the    display  is  broken  up
logically  into  8x8-pixel  "tiles"; the
difference  is  in how these are handled
and  how  graphics  are drawn in the two
In  tiled mode, also called "text mode",
the  screen  has a tile-resolution of 40
wide  by  25  high,  and  the display is
built    in    the    following  manner.


 ####    $78  ####    $78     ##   $0C
##  ##   $CC ##   ##  $CC    ###   $1C
##       $C0 ##       $C0   ####   $3C
##       $C0 ######   $F8 ##  ##   $CC
##       $C0 ##   ##  $CC #######  $FE
##  ##   $CC ##   ##  $CC     ##   $0C
 ###     $78  ####    $78     ##   $0C
         $00          $00          $00

   /\           /\           /\
   ||           ||           ||
   03           54           52
   03           54           52

         Display in tiled mode
The  tile-address  buffer,  often called
"Screen  Memory",  is a 1000-byte region
of  memory  where each byte refers to an
8x8  block  on  screen.  in order to get
the  bitmap  data  for  the display, the
video  circuit  uses the value in screen
memory  as  a pointer into the tile-data
buffer,  called "character memory". when
the  computer  is  first  started,  this
memory  contains  the  shapes of letters
and  numbers  which  can be used to draw
text  on  the  screen;  for this reason,
tiled  mode  is  often  referred  to  as
"40x25 text mode".

Tiled  mode allows for each 8x8 block of
pixels  to  have  a different foreground
colour;  any  bits in the tile which are
set    to  "1"  will  be  drawn  in  the
foreground  colour  for  that tile. Just
like  screen  memory, a 1000-byte region
is  set aside for the tile-colour buffer
called  "Colour  Memory", which provides
the  foreground  colours  for each tile.
the  background  is  the same across the
whole  screen,  and any "0" bits will be
drawn  in  the global background colour.

Bitmapped    mode    skips    the  tile-
addressing  step in the display process,
opting  instead  for a unified buffer of
bitmap  data. an 8000-byte region is set
aside  for  the display of 320x200 bits,
with blocks of 8x8 still being addressed
as a tile.


 ####    ####       ##    $78 $78 $0C
##  ##  ##  ##     ###    $CC $CC $1C
##      ##        ####    $C0 $C0 $3C
##      #####   ##  ##    $C0 $F8 $CC
##      ##  ##  #######   $C0 $CC $FE
##  ##  ##  ##      ##    $CC $CC $0C
 ####    ####       ##    $78 $78 $0C
                          $00 $00 $00

       Drawing in bitmapped mode

Just  as with tiled mode, each 8x8 block
can  have a different foreground colour.
in  the case of bitmapped mode, however,
a    block    can   also  have  its  own
background  colour,  which  will be used
instead  of  the global background if an
"0"  bits are encountered in the bitmap.

So  we  have  two options for drawing to
the    c64's  screen.  Either  of  these
could  be  used  for  the  rendering  of
an  80x25 text mode, but there are a few
arguments   against  the  use  of  tiled

Drawing    to    a    bitmapped   screen
involves  writing  the  appropriate bits
to  a  piece  of  the  bitmap buffer. In
tiled  mode,  a  tile  has to be written
into    character   memory,  and  screen
memory  has  to  be  updated  to reflect
the   new  tile.

Because of the above complexity of tiled
mode,  more memory has to be worked with
to  set a tile up correctly, which means
it  takes  more  time  to write text out
to screen.

By   placing  an  80x25  "extended  text
mode"  into  40x25 tiled mode, each tile
can  hold  two  characters.  In  theory,
there    are  over  65,000  combinations
of  two-character  tiles,  any  of which
could    show    up   on  screen;  tiled
mode  can  only  deal  with 256 of these
combinations on screen at the same time,
before  some  hacks have to be employed.

For  these  reasons, it's simpler to use
bitmapped  mode  to draw the characters.
What's  required  now is a readable font
that   can  be  used  by  the  rendering
Most    terminal  systems  use  a  mono-
spaced    font,   primarily  because  it
makes    calculations  easier  regarding
text  placement  and size. This extended
text mode will be no exception: in order
to  fit  an  80x25  text  screen  into a
320x200    graphical    display,    each
character  must  be 4x8 pixels: in other
words, each of the 8x8 tiles must be cut
down  the  middle and a character placed
in each half.

What  this  doesn't take into account is
the  need to seperate characters: if the
font  is  made  up  of 4x8-pixel glyphs,
each character in a line of text will be
joined    to    the  next,  without  any
seperation.  What is instead needed is a
pixel  of seperation between characters:
this means that the font will consist of
3x7-pixel    glyphs    in    4x8  boxes.
On  such  a  small  scale,  designing  a
legible  font  is tricky: distinguishing
between   zero  (0)  and  capital  O  is
difficult  at  the  best  of  times, and
the  difference between one (1), small L
and  the  vertical pipe can be even more
of  a  problem. I'm not a designer, so I
opted  instead  to  use  the font glyphs
from  Novaterm,  a  terminal program for
the C64.
In   order   to    use    this      font
programmatically,  each character has to
be  broken  down  into  its  constituent
bits,    and    reconstituted  as  data.
Because  the  glyphs  are 4 pixels wide,
the  resultant data will be 4 bits wide.

With    a    font  and  a  bitmap  mode,
we  can  now  draw  text  to the bitmap.
Unfortunately,      it's    not    quite
as easy as writing one character to each
tile,  because  there are only 40 tiles'
worth    of  space  across  the  screen.
instead,  two  characters have to be put
inside  one  tile-space.  This  involves
shifting   the  bitmap  values  for  the
"left"  character  across, and combining
them    with    the  "right"  character.

  # #  $A      $0      # #      $A0
  # #  $A      $0      # #      $A0
  # #  $A  #   $4      # #  #   $A4
  ###  $E # #  $A  mn  ### # #  $EA
  # #  $A ##   $C  mn  # # ##   $AC
  # #  $A #    $8      # # #    $A8
  # #  $A  ##  $6      # #  ##  $A6
       $0      $0               $00

  Drawing two characters in one tile

In BASIC code, this could be represented
as  follows, assuming that the FONT two-
dimensional  array  represents  the  3x7
Novaterm font:

LET CH1 = 72: REM "H"

LET CH2 = 101: REM "e"

FOR A = 0 TO 7

 OUT(A) = (FONT(CH1)(A)*16)+FONT(CH2)(A)


By  using  a  "cursor"  position to keep
track  of where on the screen tiles must
be       filled,      it's    relatively
straightforward  to  use  the  technique
above  for rendering text two characters
at  a  time.  The  problem arises when a
string  of  text  contains an odd number
characters:  not  only does the renderer
have  to  fill  half a tile instead of a
full  tile,  but  the  next  string will
start    halfway  through  the  tile  in
question. Because of this, the rendering
function     becomes    more    complex:

*  Check  whether we're starting halfway
through  a  tile.  if  so,  fill  in the
right  half  of  the  existing on-screen
tile with the first character bitmap. if
not,    skip    this   step  altogether.

* The main rendering loop; For each pair
of  characters  in  the string (starting
with  the second character if step 1 was
performed), build a tile and draw it the
screen.  Do  this until there are either
1   or  0  characters  left  to  render.

* if there's one character left, fill in
the  left half of a blank tile, and draw
that    to   screen.  If  there  are  no
characters left to draw, skip this step.

The  top  and bottom pieces of algorithm
are  extensions  of  the  main rendering
loop,  and won't be covered here in much
detail.    Instead,    I'll  provide  an
interpretation  of  the  insides  of the
main loop, in pseudo-C++.
BYTE *bitmap;
// 8000-byte bitmap to render to
BYTE *font;
// 2048 bytes font data,
// 8 bytes per char
char t1, t2;
// Text to render (two charatcers long)
int X, Y;
// Current cursor position

// Calculate position of destination
// tile in th bitmap
// Each tile is 8 bytes long
BYTE *tile = bitmap + ((Y*80+X)*8);
 // Retrieve font data for this line of
 // the bitmap
 BYTE ch1 = font[t1*8+i];
 BYTE ch2 = font[t2*8+i];
 // Calculate final tile contents
 tile[i] = (ch1*16) + ch2;

In  the case of the top and bottom parts
of  the  algorithm, either ch1 or ch2 is
not  used  in the final tile; otherwise,
the  code  for  these parts is as above.

There  are  a few things that need to be
considered when taking this algorithm to
the  Commodore 64, in order to cope with
the    restrictions  of  the  plattform.

The  algorithm  outlined above takes two
characters   from  the  font  data,  and
shifts  the  "left"  one  over by 4 bits
before    tacking   it  to  the  "right"
character.  This  step can be eliminated
by  keeping  a  pre-shifted  copy of the
font  data  as  a separate buffer to the
original,  which  means  that building a
cell  is  merely a matter of finding one
character  in the original font, and the
other  in  the shifted font, then adding
the two values.

As  mentioned above, each tile in bitmap
mode can maintain its own foreground and
background  colour.  The values for each
tile's  colours  are  stored  in  Colour
Memory,  one  byte  for  each  tile: the
background colour code (between 0 an 15)
is stored as the lower half of the byte,
and  the  foreground  code  as the upper
For  the  purposes  of  this article, we
won't  be dealing with different colours
of  text  or  other  attributes,  so all
that's  required  is  to  initialise the
Colour  Memory: setting all the bytes to
reflect  "grey  on  black"  allows for a
simple monochromatic output.

The  6510  CPU  used by the Commodore 64
doesn't  have  a  multiply  instruction,
which means we can't simply "multiply by
8" to get a font-data position. Luckily,
we  can  use  a basic property of binary
powers    to   prform  the  calculation:

x * 8 = x * (2 ** 3)
x * 8 = x < 3

By  shifting  the  value  left,  we  can
simulate  multiplication.  In this case,
however,    that's   not  quite  enough.
Shifting  a  value left pushes the left-
most  bits  off the end of the register,
discarding  the  higher  portion  of the
result:  we need that higher portion, so
some    more  calculation  is  required:

x = 01101101b
LOBYTE(x * 8) = 01101101 < 3
              = (011)01101000
HIBYTE(x * 8) = (011)
              = 01101101 > (8-3)
LOBYTE(x * 8) = x < 3
HIBYTE(x * 8) = x > 5
The  above  sample  demonstrates  a more
general    rule:   a  1-byte  by  1-byte
multiplication  will  generate  a 2-byte
result,  both  parts  of  which  can  be
calculated by appropriate shifting. This
rule can be used by the 6510 code of the
In    the    result,    the   additional
algorithm  for  handling  newline  chars
have  been  added  to  the 80x25 display
system,  allowing  the  text  to contain
line  breaks. This is simply a matter of
moving  the  cursor down to the start of
the  next  line when a newline character
is encountered.
The  system  does  not  currently handle
scrolling of the text buffer: if text is
to  be  drawn below line 25, it will not
appear  on  the  display. scrolling, and
other    control    sequences  including
character  colour,  will  be  covered in
part 2 of this series.
Note:  This  article  was taken from the
superb homepage of Imran.

Thanks  Imran! We would love to see more
of this.

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