Internal 10 - News and Rumours

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to begin this newschapter on a bit      
strange manner we'll hit off with some  
more of the so-called D Y K (did you    
know) ...                               
well, let's get this show on the road   
and see what this month has brought us. 
DID YOU KNOW:                           
that there was a fault in the last      
that the fault was to release the mag   
did you know that:                      
the so-called bell-louder of notre-dame 
isn't correct... it's the HUNCHBACK OF  
NOTRE-DAME and his name is: QUASIMODO   
that QUASIMODO alias CRUEL/WOW bought   
the l'amiga of EINSTEIN 'the oversized  
basketball'/WOW ....???                 
that BREZJNEV /WOW switched over to     
grandpa sex and is calling himself      
FATHER DAMIEN.                          
that A-MAN /ACTION is a cool guy!       
that RONIN /DUNEX is the coolest in the 
west and has a son called: john cleese  
that DIVINE+CRUEL /WOW will do a pro-   
fessional paper magazine.               
that THE STARTREK CREW was born...      
(ed. beam me up scotty) and is planning 
to defeat the A(IDS)-TEAM?              
that the COLLECTOR /EX-IKV and HEX /EX- 
TERA both quit the marvelous 64 scene.  
that BREZJNEV /WOW tried to get an old  
scumsucker of 55 years into the scene,  
just to beat DERBYSHIRE RAM /DOM with   
his 52 years of youth....               
that IMAGE /X-DYNAMIX joined W.O.W.     
that W.O.W. is the REAL number two in   
that this is beginning to sound like the
latest issue of PROPAGANDA              
that WINGS (a game on amiga) is the only
game worth to play...                   
that THE 64 SCENE is still ruling above 
all other scenes but is dropping points 
because too much guys think the scene is
getting lamer every day.                
that brezjnev /wow looks like BOB       
SAGET (the host of america funniest     
home videos)                            
that all QUIZ-MASTERS in belgium are    
x-MISSES (ed. because they are all      
married and some of them have won the   
MISS BELGIUM award!)                    
 let's get on with the real news now:   
martin+christian/AFL'70  are in WAR with
exulans/ATRIX left to join CONIC        
dagger/ATRIX left to join LCP           
zensonic is now the only member of      
sharky+violence pretend to be in        
CONIC but they aren't as till now       
all conic members are DANISH            
bah eisntein! how could you orden that  
news soooo bad!                         
let's go further my way, the best way   
as i'm not in the mood, i'll do the same
like you, dear einstein, orden the news 
as bad as i can.(i like to change my    
mind fast...)                           
i know you're almost falling in sleep   
right now so let's start with some      
shocking news that just reached me...   
well, just at the moment that IKARI and 
TALENT were almost one and the same     
group, IKARI died in the name of satan! 
(no joke! gee, another elite group that 
may rest in peace...) so after PARAMOUNT
, DYNAMIX, ILLUSION and more elite      
groups died, IKARI followed their exam- 
ple. fletch, rcs, excell and doc decide 
to join belgium's #1; LEGEND. we don't  
know what bod his plans are with TALENT,
maybe he'll stay, or he'll quit, we all 
don't know, the future shall decide...  
was IKARI another group that couldn't   
pass the limit of existing five years?  
anyway, i don't care, but what i do care
is that WOW is going the right way to   
pass the limit of five entire years!    
next year, 7 july we'll exist...? right 
people, five years...                   
after this little shocking news and af- 
ter this so bad ordened news, i'll try  
to order it better so that it can be    
worth reading it...                     
bah, there didn't happen that much in   
WOW lately.                             
* einstein did get a call from two mega 
  fucking lamers, claiming that they    
  were goldfish and powerplant/LEGEND.  
  the two mighty megalamers amused they-
  reself with slagging on WOW and on IN-
  TERNAL. they also thought they were   
  quite funny with saying that power-   
  plant and goldfish are two fucking    
  gays! anyway, those two cowards-yeah, 
  they were cowards, they even didn't   
  dear to say their name!-will get a vi-
  sit from the WOW crew if we'll find   
  out who those two lameheads. be sure  
  if we know who you are, lamers, we'll 
  beat the shit outta you! don't worry, 
  be happy, 'cause your miserable lifes 
  has comed to an end...                
* the WOW t-shirt is fiinaaaly finished!
  waw! be sure if there are pardey's    
  you'll see the whole crew in those    
  t-shirts! anyway, the're pretty cool, 
  and they were designed by shogun/X-RAY
  don't hesitate to write him if you    
  want some marvellous graphics for     
  putting on a t-shirt, they're just    
  mighty!(his graphics, dummy!)         
  look in the address-corner for his    
* did you know that nothing more hapened
  in WOW this month?                    
* wildcat/ics recracked the preview of  
  LUPO ALBERTO done by ARM. press the re
  set after the intro and write this    
  $1000 lda#$36                         
  sys 4096 and enjoy the recrack...     
          LOST SOULS DESIGN             
* doz/MAFIA BOYS joined lost souls de-  
* isuzu/ENERGY joined lost souls desin. 
* powerdrome left lost souls and joined 
  CLIQUE, al bundy/lsd did the same...  
* rumours say that lds will soon die.   
* riddler/lost souls want to join       
  another group as he's one of the only 
  members in lsd.                       
* bomb/ex X-RATED joined acrise         
* jive was kicked out of acrise         
* bordeaux from OVERKILL also joined    
* storyteller/acrise didn't gave the    
  address of raze/X-RAY to the cops,    
  it's a lie.                           
* poet was kicked out of acrise. he's   
  now only a x-rated member.            
well, everybody must know now that col- 
lecting news is a weird job, i really   
can't wait 'till all votepapers are on  
the redaction, that's why i'll go over  
to place the news where i want, i mean, 
i'll try to sort'em, but i can't        
promise anything...                     
* x-raffi/x-rated joined left'em and    
  joined BRAINBOMBS.                    
* after decay was kicked out of DYNAX,  
  he joined TRIUMWYRAT and changed his  
  handle in amoke, one wekk later he    
  left them and joined STELLA.          
* syllinor left FACES and joined        
  CHROMANCE as a cracker                
* sparky/BLASTERS INC. and wuiti/TAT    
  joined MASSIVE. call their euro-hq    
  'commando frontier' ++46-031982576    
  (1200/2400 bps!)                      
* razor left CHROME and joined THE FORCE
  THE FORCE are doing a co-op demo with 
  CHAOS hopefully.                      
* numskull(the interviewed guy in diz   
  issue), parson, talent, fat rat, neme-
  sis, chaos, iron dragon(dragon world  
  sysop) and topic left nato and built  
  up TRAITORS. more duded will join     
* jeff/ex-DANIAX, sculpture/ex-DANIAX,  
  atrox/ex-DANIAX, mason/ex-JOY DIVISION
  and hungry hero/ex JOY DIVISION       
  joined X-FACTOR.                      
* satcom left oregon and joined PANDORA 
  as a modemtrader.                     
* ratfink, an australian coder joined   
  oregon. he will use in the future the 
  same handle as witty, so witty/oregon 
  are two persons from now on.          
* the next oregon-demo will be released 
  in october to celebrate their 1 year  
* the brainbombs are back, x-raffi/x-   
  rated and aslive/security joined them.
* the still unknown memberstatus 'till  
  now will be given out soon.           
* icarus left akrak and joined cocoon.  
* shonen left akrak and also left the   
* sodom is the new leader of akrak.     
* call their board SATELLITE:           
                               joy RIGHT
yep, we're already out of news now, and 
damn you all 'cause that's all your     
fault, fucking readers! i received this 
month again tons of votepapers with     
votes, but damn, almost nobody included 
some news!                              
but we found out a new thing: the news- 
sheet. well, as you're all too lazy to  
include some news, we also spread our   
news-sheet. please don't hesitate to use
it, so that there next time is more     
news in INTERNAL, got it?               
well, ithink the news-sheet is a very   
good idea, ofcourse like always there'll
be many rippers who'll also spread      
an own news-sheet! oh, but who cares    
well, that'z it for this month...       
press FIRE and enjoy reading the rest of
this magazines!                         

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