The Link 09 Story

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    oh no,again the toasted bread was
burnt! he threw the blackened bread into
the trashcan,got two other slices and
tried to toast them as well.  whilst
staring at the toaster not to forget to
switch it off.  the automatic switch was
defect,he drifted away into one of his
daydreams.  he was dreaming of his girl-
friend whom he expected to come in two
hours.  as his parents had gone out
(first to restaurant and then into a
hotel bed to have what they called a
romantic night - fucking with a full
belly,he thought) and they planned to
return about noon the next day.  he
considered it as possible - no ,very
likely -,that his girlfriend and he
would fuck as well.

    aaargh - what was that smell? shit,
two other pieces of toast burnt! perhaps
his concentration wasn't that good
before his date? a tea would be easier
to make.  but first,he had to open the
window to get that smoke out of the
kitchen.  outside,it was cold - and dark
 no wonder,as it was winter and ten past
seven in the evening.  quickly he closed
the window again - better dying of smoke
poisoning than freezing to death!

    coughing,he filled the kettle with
water.  the water wouldn't burn like the
toasts,he supposed.  although nearly
half of the water had gone to steam when
he noticed that it was boiling,he still
had enough of it to make at least half a
pot of tea - better than nothing.

    oh you fool,daydreamin' again! he
nearly had forgotten to switch the oven
off.  gee,one time he'd burn the house
down with him inside without noticing it
then he'd say:daydreamin' again',too.

    he supposed that the tea was ready
now.  anyway,he never minded the 'three-
calm-down rule.  he simply loved tea,no
matter how long it had infused.  he got
the teapot and a tealight and went into
his room.  he still had about one and a
half hour.  wait and drink tea,they say.
  well,the tea was no problem,but the
waiting! perhaps a gaming-session with
turrican ii,spiced with a little r-type,
katakis and the last ninja iii would be
nice.  under the creaking protest of his
chair,he sat down,collected the games
and loaded turrican ii,his favorite game
this time he was not very convcentrated
and did not even finish the first level.

    hadn't he heard something amidst the
sound of the game - a soft click as if
the door had not been well-closen? but
it could not have been the door for he
used to ensure that the door was well-
shut after he had closed it - his mother
had often told him that this was
unnecessary and,in addition,it was getti
ng on her nerves,but he had never really
kicked this habit.  yet,to be sure,he
went to have a look at it.  it stood
slightly open,and a ray of dim light
fell through it,but he also remembered
that he had switched off the light in
the other rooms.  something was not
quite right here,he thought,but then he
also remembered that  he had switched
off the light in the other rooms.
sometjing was not quite right here,he
thought,but then he gave himself a kick
and told himself not to be a fool.  of
what should someone be afraid who was
not very shocked even after nearly
roasting himself! these thoughts helped
a lot,but nevertheless a hardly
perceptible gooseflesh crept down his

    nearly spilling his cup of tea
(daydreamin' again,eh?),he stood up and
strode to the door with steps which were
a little bit too hard.  strangely,the
light coming from the corridor to the
kitchen had a slight touch of blue - of
a blue that seemed to be completely
misplaced in this house,especially at
nighttime.  somehow,his eyes disliked
this light.  nonsense, he whispered to
himself(he tried to speak very softly
for if their neighbours,who loved to cha
t about other people,heard this,the
whole thing would be extremely
embarrassing),you have watched too many
horror films,and you certainly don't
want to open the door for your
girlfriend shivering and stuttering!
with a quick movement,he pushed the door
open and stepped through.

    somehow,he must have let loose the
door handle and closed the door,for as
he turned round,there was no opening
left.  meanwhile,the light had become so
blinding that he had to close his eyes
nearly completely.  great,a voice inside
him said:finally someone had changed
that torch-like bulb to a stronger one -
one of about five hundred watts.  his
daydreams seemed to become rather
intense lately.

    then he noticed that the unnatural
blue now was turning softly into a less
blinding green light. this green that
was a bit like the green of summer grass
and yet completely different - it was as
if the grass had been mummified for a
very long time and then been unwrapped
and put under water for some hours,
reanimated,so to speak.  as he looked
around once more, he noticed that there
was not exactly no opening behind him as
there was simply no wall or obstacle
behind him at all.  the light faded to a
ill-looking yellow and then to a dim
orange-red which was stronger in the sky
to his right(he had decided to call that
coloured surface far above him that).

    then he understood:he was the
witness of a multi-coloured sunset in an
alien world,perhaps the first human
being that had the opportunity to
experience these unnatural and yet
marvellous colours.  no,he couldn't be
sure that it was an 'alien world'.  so
he told himself to think logically and
mathematically.  you can't be sure that
you are in an alien world.  you simply
are seeing a sunset in many - very many-
colours.  he remembered to have read
something about impressive sunsets after
explosions of a-bombs.  that must have
been an article in one of those
scientific magazines he used to lend out
from the local library.  so now his hair
had to go out in tufts,he had to lose
his teeth and if the radioactivity was
very strong,he also expected himself to
puke his soul out of his body.

    but,at least at the moment,he had
the impression that his hair,his teeth
and the contents of his stomach(some tea
the cheese-and-sausage half of a buy-one
-and-eat-two pizza and three bars of
chocolate) had decided to stay with him,
and he thanked them,and hoped that they
wouldn't change their mind too soon.

    so he tried to do the best that
could be done in the situation and
examinated the ground under his feet -
under his bare feet,for his shoes and
socks seemed to have gone to a safe
place in case of radioactivity.  the
sand consisted of soft and dry desert
sand that now,under the sunset,had the
colour of a dark pink that came near to
a dim purple.  smooth dunes had been dug
into the infinitive masses of the sand,
which gave him the slight impression of
standing on the surface of a red ocean
that suddenly had got fed up with moving
and being driven by unfriendly winds all
day long.  all of a sudden, it came to
his mind that there was not a single
breeze - the air stood complety still.
it was as if the time on the surface of
this planet had been stopped for
undecided time - please be patient,
little refreshments will be served - and
only his own time and the time of the
space outside went on and on as it had
all those endless times.  the sand under
his feet felt a bit warm,but it also
felt dead,as if the surface of this
planet had already been dead for a long

    so what could he do? sit and wait?
no,actually stand and wait because of
the strange dead sand? that did not seem
to be a very smart idea.  so he decided
to walk out into the blue,no,pardon me,
out in the red.  to avoid going into
circles,he decided to go west,or which
direction it was where the alien sun had
set.  a line from a song by the beatles
came to his mind:'i'll follow the sun'
that would suit to the situation he now
was in.

    time was hard to estimate,as he had
no wristwatch with him and his sense of
time was extremely bad,but he suspected
that about one and a half hours had gone
by.  probably,he guessed the time as
lucky as you would hit the red heart of
a dartboard from a distance of two
hundred metres.  no matter how long it
had been actually - it was simply time
for a rest.

    he rested for quite a long time,for
he was already weary - perhaps some
sports would have been good for him.
then he laughed aloud at the thought
that he had intended to begin some kind
of,as hoped,quite regular sport with his

    when he thought that he had rested
enough(although his legs were of another
opinion),the sun had gone down
completely so that it was utterly dark,
and at the very moment he did the first
step,he saw a light just above the
horizon.  before he could have a closer
look,it had gone,but for an instant it
had been there,of that he was sure.
with quickened pace,he strode on,and in
the following ten minutes of wandering,
more nearly unseen lights - blue lights
- passed his mind,instant for instant.

    as the daylight grew stronger - the
rhythm of the days seemed to be very fas
t on this planet - a silhouette appeared
on the horizon in the direction he was
heading.  if it hadn't been so dark,he
would have noticed it earlier, he
supposed.  the silhouette was shaped
like a small town with onion-shaped
rooftops that reminded him of those
pictures in which you are told it had
been in the near east about two hundred
b.b.,but there was one thing he didn't
like at all about this town(or whatever
it was):it was very silent - completely
silent.  his father used to call a
silence like that 'the silence of the

    his heart beating heavily in his
chest,he went on,and twenty minutes
later,he had reached the town wall which
towered into the sky gigantically and
cold.  he stared at the wall as if in
trance and didn't hear the steps behind
him.  he didn't notice the other person
until he felt the hand touching his
shoulder from behind.

         --- TO BE CONTINUED ---

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