World News 09 News & Rumours

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news and rumours

         As always in A-Z order:

                A B Y S S
                A B Y S S

- New members: TRS (CONTROL,?)
               Cascay Studios (SYSTEM
               Virtuality (?,coder)

- Battroid will leave the scene after
  coding the game 'ZACK!'.

- The new editor of BITMANIA (Mag) is
  Per, who is back after a break of 3

- ABYSS has a other mag called ADVISE.

- ABYSS will soon release a mega-demo
  called 'PARTY ZONE'.

- Memberstatus of ABYSS:

  Cruise     (GFX,code)
  Per        (GFX,BITMANIA)
  Bon Jovi   (GFX,code)
  X-Sist     (GFX)
  Expert     (BITMANIA)
  Batteroid  (code)
  Virtuality (code)
  Cascay Stu.(GFX)
  TRS        (swap)
       A L P H A   F L I G H T '70
       A L P H A   F L I G H T

- New members: Scott (RADIUS,?)
               Crush (TRANSCOM,?)
               Some SUNRISE guys

- After Scott joined AFL he changed his
  handle to Dean.

- AFL will release soon a mag called
               B O N Z A I
               B O N Z A I

- New members: Janec (?,Megaswapper)

- Living Trash Head was NOT allowed to
  join BZ, because he failed to send the
  promised originals!

- Mr.Smart was kicked ut

- Crush stopped swapping a long time ago
  Tecon took over his contacts.
        C E N S O R   D E S I G N
        C E N S O R   D E S I G N

- New members: Tycoon (LIGHT,?)
                C O N I C
                C O N I C

- Drax left BZ and joined CONIC now as
  second group.
           D O M I N A T O R S
           D O M I N A T O R S

- DOM splitted in DOMINATORS (illegal)
  and DOMINATORS DESIGN (legal).

- DOM DESIGN members:Fox,Dr.Zivago,Mick,
                     Baby Joe,Einstein

- DOM members:

          Animal (HQ,swap,code,modem)
         Tricket (HQ,swap,modem)
             NME (crack,modem)
  Derbyshire Ram (crack,swap)
       Dogfriend (crack)
           Sonny (swap,modem.Corruption)
       Macro-Nit (crack,modem)
       The Rebel (crack)
           Cosmo (swap,modem)
    Jack Daniels (swap,Corruption)
            Duke (swap)
             3DK (swap,Corruption)
             DMC (GFX,swap)
             Ozz (BBS,hacker)
           Ninja (BBS,modem)
            Gene (BBS,modem)
        Hulkster (Originals,swap)
             SPC (?)
        Baby Joe (GFX)
        Einstein (code)

- New members: Ozz (NATO,hacker,BBS)
               Spc (ATG,?)
               Baby Joe (ATG,GFX)
               Einstein (ATG,code)
               Jack Daniels (GP,swap,

- SPC,Baby Joe and Einstein were the
  ones who designed the Corruption out-
  fit from issue 1 to 8 and who made all
  the ATG productions.
  They are now working as free lancers
  for DOM. DES. and they will release a
  DOM demo in September.

- Jack Daniels is in holidays! (31.7. -

- Fox is still in DOM. Forget all
               E N I G M A
               E N I G M A

- Gotcha was never a member of ENIGMA,
  because he just make game graphics for

- New members: Rygar (X-RAY,?)
               Ninja (DOM,BBS)

- Pyle quitted C64.
                 F 4 C G
                 F 4 C G

- New members: Tornado (W.o.W.,?)
            F L A S H   I N C
            F L A S H   I N C.

- New members: Redstar (LOGIC,GFX)
               Scorp   (HITMEN,GFX,code)
    G E N E S I S   *   P R O J E C T
    G E N E S I S   *   P R O J E C T

- New members: HJE (AMOK,Musican)

- GP lost their whole England-section!

- They release soon some demos:

  Paradize '91    (Bizzmo)
  Delirious 10    (Raistlin)
  Violator 2      (Scrap)
  Rectum Prolapse (TDM)
  and one from S.E.S.

- Punisher stopped and gave his modem to

- It seems that Tyger make now the
  quality crax instead Snacky!
              H O A X E R S
              H O A X E R S

- New members: SKYWIZE (TRIAD,?)
        I K A R I     T A L E N T
        I K A R I and T A L E N T

- Razy plans to open a board.

- Forget the shit that R.C.S. and Razy
  was kicked out due lameness which was
  spreaded by Antichrist/GP. More about
  that in Secret Letters.
             I N S I D E R S
             I N S I D E R S

- INSIDERS was built by some X-ELITE
  members and some others. They have
  even and old EAGLE SOFT member!
                L I G H T
                L I G H T

- Status and Zagon was kicked out of
  LIGHT. They now searches for a new
  group. Status (swapper),Zagon (crack)

- New members: Walker (PARAGON,code)
               Hero   (TRIAD,?)
              P A N D O R A
              P A N D O R A

- PANDORA a new kick ass group formed by

  Maniac    /TALENT
  Sky       /PARAMOUNT
  Chris     /PARAMOUNT
  Tom       /HOTLINE
  Arrogance /X-RAY
  Russian   /X-RAY
  Jatagan   /X-RAY
  Trigger   /X-RAY
  Nigga     /X-RAY
  Panic     /X-RAY
  Cevin     /HITMEN

- BILD-ZEITUNG is now a PANDORA mag.

- Arrogance moved house. Now his addy is



- Attraction is there Original Supplier.
  And as far I know are EMPIRE and NEI
  there importers!
               R A D I U S
               R A D I U S

- New members: Sony   (GLOOM,music)
               Velcro (GLOOM,?)

- Thage left the scene.
                T R I A D
                T R I A D

- New members: Tranzie    (ENERGY,?)
               Une        (INCERIA,?)
               Ream       (HOTLINE,?)
               Curlin     (HITMEN,crack)
               Mad Butcher(HITMEN,?)
               Thunder    (HITMEN,?)
              V I C T I M S
              V I C T I M S

- Rockstar joined the army. Hard times
              X - R A T E D
              X - R A T E D

- SANFORIZED 5 has a new outfit with
  graphics from TPA/X-AMPLE.

- Bighead was kicked out.
          S I N G L E   N E W S
          S I N G L E   N E W S

- Sundries is dead.S.E.S. now 100% in GP
  All other members joined OREGON.

- DUALIS recracked DERI COLOURS from

- OMG stole CHROMANCE 3 originals!

- Rumours said that the TRC+TBI coop. is
  still active!

- ATRIX was rebuilt by Exulans,Zensonic
        and Dagger (all DUNEX)

- Louie (CHROMANCE) joined THE FACES as

- SP/X-RAY make a break for 3 month
  because his girlfriend and the army
  which he joined these days.

- Brego was never in GENESIS but he
  now joined JOY DIVISION.

- Powerdrome/LSD changed his handle to

- Babyface/CLIQUE/X-RATED left X-RATED
  and went to Amiga, now he works only
  for CLIQUE.

- CLIQUE Turkey section have got a new
  coder called Axon.

- Seal/HOTLINE joined The Ruling Company

  product, PARAGON plans another mag -

- Unknow/TRANSCOM stopped! (eg. Who
  cracks now for TCOM???)
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