Emanuelle 09

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owner's corner

 welcome strangers right now you are    
 reading issue 9 of this rather budget  
 version of our new main-menue.         
 right now i'm sitting at the brutal    
 party and it's quite early in the      
 morning so please forgive me if you    
 find any SPELLING ERRORS!              
 i have improved some things in this    
 version of 'emanuelle' but in fact i   
 had really no time to fix it before    
 the brutal party (i planned to fix it  
 a month later or so!) i had to leave   
 some things out which were planned...  
 ment are following things:             
 the lame way of changing the chapters  
 in the main-menu...                    

 not beeing able to increase pages      
 WHILE loading and so on...             
 i think on the next issue i can give   
 you much more comfort while reading    
 and also a new option to get the       
 page changing faster...                
 the credits are following:             
    graphix and logo in main-menu by    
           OGAMI of FAIRLIGHT           
               charset by               
           MORRISEY of LORDS            
                music by                

          logo in text part by          
           ZORIS of FLASH INC           
         and the programming by         
 maineditor is ayatollah,co-editor is   
 gazza of the ruling company (he is a   
 really cool helping hand...!! thanx    
 what we need is following:             
 a bit more votes                       
 and much more activeness from our      
 readers so please do your best and     
 send anything of interest to ayatollah 
 soon coming:                           
 a new voting-paper (next issue!!)      

 send everything you think it is        
 interesting for us to the following    
             XXXXXX XXXXXXX             
             XXXXXXXXXXXX X             
             X-XXXX  XXXXX!             
           ++XX/XXXX/XX X XX            
   you can reach me on the phone from   
           7 p.m. to 6 a.m.!            
  i hope you enjoy reading this issue   
    and will also react a bit on it.    
    see ya next issue lovely readers    

kickin' asses!

             KICKIN' ASSES!             
            CRACKING GROUPS             
  1. LEGEND                         334 
  2. TALENT                         232 
  3. DOMINATORS                     192 
  4. enigma                         156 
  5. triad                          145 
  6. illusion                       125 
  7. hysteric                       112 
  8. genesis project                    
     warriors of wasteland           84 
 10. brutal                          55 

 11. f4cg                            51 
 12. censor design                   46 
 13. deadline + arcade               45 
 14. success                         38 
 15. chromance                       33 
 16. genetix                         29 
 17. acrise                          27 
 18. the ruling company              24 
 19. the ancient temple              23 
 20. paragon                         19 
 21. faces                           17 
 22. legacy                          16 

              DEMO GROUPS               
  1. LIGHT                          137 
  2. FLASH INC.                     129 
  3. CREST                          105 
  4. black mail                      93 
  5. faces                           85 
  6. camelot                         63 
  7. censor design                   62 
  8. paradize                        45 
  9. triad                           43 
 10. topaz                           34 
 11. antic                           28 

 12. cosmos design                      
     beyond force                   24  
 14. spirit                         22  
 15. offence                        20  
 16. starion                        17  
 17. sunrise                        16  
 18. vision                         13  
 19. warriors of wasteland          12  
 20. t'pau                          10  
      press '+' or joy to continue      

  1. VIBRANTS                       136 
  2. MOZ<IC>ART                      68 
  3. SIDCHIP SCRATCHERS              61 
  4. 20cc                            42 
  5. moon                            29 
  6. reyn ouwehand                   27 
  7. prosonix                           
     audial arts                     25 
  9. a-man                           23 
 10. danko jr.                       22 

  1. REDSTAR                         89 
  2. BIZZMO                          84 
  3. HEIN HOLT                          
     GOTCHA                          77 
  5. ogami                           73 
  6. dragon                          64 
  7. mirage                             
     electric                        41 
  9. creeper                         38 
 10. di-art                          28 

  1. FLAMINGO                       123 
  2. ZODIAC                         122 
  3. CROSSBOW                        92 
  4. glasnost                        79 
  5. yabba                           49 
  6. walt                            46 
  7. bob                                
     d'arc                           28 
 10. rcc                             23 

  1. POWERPLANT                     148 
  2. BOD                             90 
  3. DOC                             87 
  4. att                             64 
  5. chrysagon                       60 
  6. xxx                             44 
  7. king fisher                     37 
  8. sauron                          28 
  9. count zero                         

  1. BRUTAL RECALL                  208 
  2. SHOCK                          154 
  3. SCRIPT                          94 
  4. internal                        69 
  5. corruption                      45 
  6. hotshot                         44 
  7. bitmania                        33 
  8. update                          25 
  9. independent                     23 
 10. propaganda                         
     magascene                       15 

  so, folks, that've been the charts!   
     a big 'THANK YOU' has to go to     
     CHARLIE/VARSITY for helping to     
            count the votes.            
  press '<' or fire-button to get back  
           to the main menue.           


           BABBLE AND PRATTLE           
 i don't think that the news in here r  
 the latest but somehow the guys are    
 just only voting lately and nobody     
 send news..                            
 i'm also trying hard calling out for   
 free to get some news but i'll fix     
 that for the next issue for sure....   
 get sucked this time and wait for the  
 - hitman, chevignon, luke, dad, split  
   and la raza got kicked out of        
 - a mi di girl joined SUNRISE!         
 - KLF+EMF also got kicked and joined   

   the vagabonds.                       
 - NENO(x-the force) changed handle in  
   TRNDY DEALER and joined arm after he 
   got kicked out of chromance....      
 - KEN also joined arm.                 
 - dj of arm quitted the scene!         
 - gabriel (x-the force) plans to do a  
   comeback soon....                    
 - musical scandal is a new music group 
   built by babyface of clique.         
 - SMILE of clique joined m-scendal as  
   a spreader                           
 - clique has also got an italien       
   section now...                       
 - ice, trice and stormbringer joined   

 - janso'n'jonsku got kicked of clq!    
 - zooky left clique and went to amiga! 
 - the bat/msr joined music scandal!!!  
 - censor won the demo competition on   
   the brutal party with their          
   WONDERLAND 9.                        
 - the demo compo was totally cheated   
   and BRUTAL wanted to lower the       
   prices. anyway CENSOR did it's best  
   and got the full money beaten out of 
 - the new modem-trader of image is     
   called DESIGN!!                      
 - call the image USHQ at:              
 - zore is kicked out of WOW!!          

 - chanar is kicked from babygang.      
 - maron, rup,osh, zak and buzzard      
   left image.                          
 - bomb/x-traitors joined faces as a    
   megaswapper, VHS trader and musician 
 - freeze/x-the force joined faces as   
   a musician.                          
 - jayce and shakin of triad joined     
   faces too!!!                         
   are all coolies....                  
 - PSYCHOBILLY and BENSON are also very 
 - warlord left tat to join hysteric!!  
 - wuiti left the scene for the amiga!! 

 - yon and yez of x-magnetix are only   
   coding some games for money...       
 - charlie/varsity also codes some      
   games and if you want to buy a       
   first-release write to his p.o. box! 
 - ANDREA of VARSITY still needs some   
   contacts so contact her (she is good 
 - PEPSI/PULSAR got busted by TELECOM   
   australia for phone phreaking. they  
   were waiting for him to make his     
   move on the phone box!!              
   the charges are a $ 25.000,--        
   australian dollars fine!             
 - the PROPHET/STARION joined legend    
 - there is a new way of making         
   gamers guide:                        

 - vote for the groups you think has    
   QUALITY in the crack and the intro!  
 - vote for as many groups you want     
   1 or 1000.                           
 - sign your votes: NAME and GROUP      
   and send them to TRANZIE of TRIAD    
                    XXXXX XXXXXXX       
                    XXXXXXXXXXXX. X     
                    XXX XX XXXXXX       
 - misfit is dead!                      
 - legacy is in coop with arcon!!       
 - 711 renamed into arcon!!             
 - abyss connection died as an illegal  
   group. they still produce games      
   per and some other formed CURVE.     
   bitmania is now a CURVE mag!!        

 - tanis left heartbeat and joined      
 - chrysagon and ignorance went to the  
   rebuilt (?) paramount!!              
 - i don't want to write more crap and  
   i also haven't got any more news     
   for ya....                           
 wait for the next issue released in    
 about 3 weeks and get some real kickin 
 modem news then....                    
 see ya all in august...                


 this time we are proud that we can     
 offer you THREE interviews with the    
 following guys:                        
 .) MADUPLEC/CREST                      
 .) DEPEH/ANTIC                         
 .) TTS/OXYRON                          
 so let's get started with the first    
 one. this interview was done by        
 CHARLIE/VARSITY. thanks!               
 ?: please introduce yourself           
 !: i'm 18 years old and i'm a student. 
 ?: tell our readers about your carreer 
 !: my first international group was    
    was NATO in 1989             ...+   

 !: later i joined the dudes in CREST   
 ?: what kind of other activities do    
    you have?                           
 !: computing.                          
 ?: what do you think about the PC?     
 !: well, i don't have one, but if any  
    body wants to give me one - i'd     
    have it.                            
 ?: what do you think about the pardey  
    untill now (27.06.)?                
 !: too few people around here, but     
    great that DENMARK became european  
    champions in soccer.                
 ?: compare this pardey to others you   
    have been to...                     
 !: well, obvoisley the light pardey  + 

 !: was better - eventought it was in   
    sweden. but more people make a      
    better party.                       
 ?: scene at the moment ?               
 !: like always, i guess!               
 ?: which group would you join if       
 !: crest (?)                           
 ?: why crest?                          
 !: what's the alternative? no,really,  
    crest is a great group to be a      
    member of - lazyness rule (ed.YO!)  
 ?: projects for the future ?           
 !: to become a millionaire!            
 ?: which scene is better in your       
    opinion. the legal or illegal one?  

 !: i don't know the illegal scene, so  
    i guess i go with what i know.      
    (the legal scene)                   
 ?: what computers do you owe?          
 !: like i just wrote - since i'm not   
    working with any other computer     
    than the 64 - i wouldn't know...    
 ?: so who are your best friends then?  
 !: all CRESTERS, the VIBRANTS, and all 
    of my contacts - and of course      
    everybody who goes to these parties 
    with me.                            
 ?: thanx for this interview!!          
 !: you're welcome!                     
       '+' or joystick to go on!        

 the next interview you are going to    
 read is with DEPEH of ANTIC. again     
 the interview was done by charlie.     
 ?: hi, please introduce yourself!      
 !: i'm 17 years old. my real name is   
    goran johansson and i'm studying    
    teletechnical course.               
 ?: tell us something about your        
 !: i started my first real group in'89 
    called squadron and made some demos 
    i was the only member of it. then   
    came prizma, cicen, the mob and     
    later the mob became antic because  
    there was already an amiga-guy      
    called the mob.                     
 ?: what other activities do you have?  
 !: i used to play handball, but        
    stopped some months ago. nowadays   

 !: i just hang out with friends, go    
    to parties and booze too much.      
 ?: what do you think about the pc?     
 !: cool, but not when you have to buy  
    a musiccard ($1000), graphic-card   
    ($1000) and other things. (ed. thus 
    cards are not that expensive, so    
    try to get a pc - the future)       
 ?: pardey untill now?                  
 !: too much FLIES, that's irretating   
    me, too few 64 guys. and why did    
    they pick a fucking farmer place    
    out of nowhere.                     
 ?: and what about your future?         
 !: future? to go on making demos.      
    maybe the lunary series will        
    continue, but i don't feel like     
    doing a lunacy 6. to get more 64    
    friends and keep the scene as long  

 !: as it's possible.                   
 ?: thanks very much, depeh!            
 !: my pleasure.                        
  so here we go with the THIRD one...   
       it time for TTS of OXYRON        
 ?: tell us something about your        
    so-called 'career' ?                
 !: i started in 1980 on an apple ii    
    in basic and in 1982/83 i got my    
    64. after some years of lame basic  
    tries, i started with assembler.    
    two friends and me build up TIF and 
    some month later YAZOO joined us'nd 
    he took the leadership. so we re-   
    named into gloom and again 1 or     
    1 1/2 year later we renamed in      
    OXYRON and started the COMA-LIGHT   

 !: series!                             
 ?: other activities than computing?    
 !: sleeping about 6 hours and eating   
 ?: what do you think about the pc?     
 !: well, i have also a pc and i think  
    you can make really cool things on  
    it, but the scene of the pc has to  
 ?: what is your job in the real life   
    and what do you think about the job 
 !: at the moment i'm job-hopping and   
    in about two months i'll go and     
    attend the university to start      
    studying 'informatik'.              
 ?: party untill now?                   
 !: really cool groups have shown up    

 !: but there are too less guys here.   
 ?: compare this pardey to others you   
    have been at!                       
 !: till now i can only say that this   
    pardey is lame in comparison to the 
    light or bonzai pardey, coy of the  
    amount of the people who showed up. 
 ?: the scene at the moment, in your    
    own point of view?                  
 !: cool demos have been released and   
    there are more and more parties.    
    conclusion: COOL!                   
 ?: which group would you join ?        
 !: i think i never would join another  
    group even if it would be BEYOND F. 
    or LIGHT, coz the members in oxyron 
    are friends and i've been with them 
    for about 4 years (tif/gloom/oxy).  

 ?: futureplans ?                       
 !: in the future i would like to know  
    more and more about computers and   
    maybe one day i will try to make    
    an own software house.              
 ?: what scene is the best in your      
    opinion ?                           
 !: i prefer the 64, but i have also an 
    amiga and a pc. and perhaps i'll    
    buy an acron archimedes in the near 
 ?: greet your best friends.            
 !: good question (ed.????) 'friends'   
    are all those guys who say what     
    they think and so i dont want to    
    say anymore.                        
 ?: thanks for this interview.          
 !: your're welcome                     


  for the latest TRC, and VHS releases  
            XXXXXX XXXXXXXX             
           XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX           
            XXXX XX XXX XXXX            
            XXX XXXXXXXXXXX             
  for swapping originals and TRC warez  
          XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX           
           XX. XXXXXXXXXX. X            
              XXXX XXXXXXX              

 XXX XXX XXX X       tekkno tapes       
 X-XXXX XXXXXX                          
 XXX XXX XXX X       no cheating!       
 X-XXXX XXXXXXXX X                      
 XXXXXXX XXXX        -normal swap       
 X-XXXX XXXXXX       -originals         
 XXXXXXX XXX. XX     -disco tapes       
 XXX XXXXXXXXXX      for all vision     
 XXXXXXXXXXXXX. XXX  releases,hot oris  
 XXXX XXXXXXX        and tools!         

 XXXXX XXXXXXXXXX                       
 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX                    
 XXXX XXXXXXX-XXXX                      
 XXXXXX X.                              
 XXXXXXXX X. XX                         
 XXX XX XXXXXX                          
 XXXXX XXXXXXX                          
 XXXXXXXXXXX. X                         
 XXX XX XXXXXX                          
 XXXXXX            ++XX-XXX-XXXXX       
 XXXXX XXXXXXXX                         
 XXXXXXXXXX XX                          
 X-XXXX XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXX                

 XXXXX XXXX                             
 XXXXXXXX XXXX   only for joining beast 
 XXXX X. XX                             
 XXXXXXXX XXX                           
 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX                    
 XXX XX XXXXXXXXX                       
 X XXXXXXXX XXXXXX     100% reply to    
 XXXXXXXXXXX XXX       disk!            
 XXXXXXXXX XXXX                         
 XXXXX XXXXXX                           
 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. XX                  

 XXXXX XXXX         -for originals      
 XXXX XXXXXXXX      -latest faces warez 
 XXXXX XXX X-X X/X  -for hot swap       
 XXXXX XXXXXXX                          
 XXXXXXXX X                             
 XXXX XXXXXX-XXXXX                      
 XXX XXXXXXX              -64+ibm stuff 
 XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXX      -100% reply   
 XXXXXX, XXXXXXXX XXXXX                 
 XXXXXX XXXXXX                          
 XXXXXXXXXX XX                          
 XXXX XXXXXX - XXXXXXX                  

 XXXXXX XXXXXXXXX     -hottest ories    
 XXXXXXXXXXXX XXX XX  -brutal recall    
 XXXX XXXXXX                            
 XXXX XXXXXXXX                          
 XXXXXXXX XX. XX. XX - XXXXX            
 RED DEVIL/JAM                          
 XXXX XXXXXXX                           
 XXX XXXXXXXX                           
 XXXXX XXXXXXXXXX                       
 XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX                     
 XXX XXXXXXX X                          
 XXXXX XXXXX - XXXXX                    

 XXXXX XXXXXXXX                         
 X XXXXXXX XX.                          
 XXXXXXX, XXXXXXX                       
 XXXXXXXX, XXXX                         
 XXXXXXX XXXXXXX                        
 XXX XXXXXXX XX                         
 XXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXX (XX)              
 ARM HQ                                 
                   -TO JOIN             
 XXX XXXXXX XX     -swap 3,5" discs     
 XXXXX XXXXXX (XX) -buy the latest      
 XXXXX                       tapes      
 THE AUDIENCE/SUNRISE                   
 X. XXXXXXXX                            
 XXXXXXX. XX                            

 THE TORCH/IMAGE                        
 XXXXX XXXXXXX                          
 XXXXXX. X                              
 XXXXX XXXXXXXXXX                       
 XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX                      
 XX. XXXXXXXXX X/X                      
 XX-XXX XXXXXXXX                        
 XXXX XXXXXXX                           
 XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX                      

 XXXX XXXXXXXX                          
 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX X                       
 XXXX XX XXXXXX                         
 XXX XXXXXXXXXXX                        
 XX/XXX XXX XXX                         
 XXXX XXXXXXXX                          
 XXXXX XXXXXX                           
 XXXXXXXXXX XX XXXX                     
 XXXX XXXXXXXX                          
 XX/XXX XX                              
 XXXX XXXX                              

 XXX +XX/XXX/XXXXX (XXXXXXX)            
 XXXX XXXXXXXX                          
 XXXXXXXXXX XX                          
 XXXX XX. XXXXXXXX                      
 XXXXXX XXXXXX                          
 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX                      
 XXXX XX X'XXX                          
 XXX XXXXXXXXXXX                        
  press '<' or fire button to get back  
           to the main menue!           

back to the...

             BACK TO THE...             
 here are the party reports i can give  
 you for this issue....                 
 as i had the reports from the ce-bit   
 and the light party also on the disc   
 i decdided to put them onto also but   
 behind the report from the brutal      
 so let's begin here with the report    
 and after this you can read the light  
 party and the ce-bit if you want !!    
            THE BRUTAL PARTY            
          26.06 til 29.06.1992          
 it all started on the 24th in ibk/aut  
 again when i came from working meeting 
 CHARLIE and MARC of VARSITY on the     

 station to get off immideately to the  
 place of THE REAPER of LEGACY.         
 around 6 pm charlie, marc, gazza and   
 me were driving to my place just to    
 get the packages and a short shower.   
 an hour later we left my place for     
 the highway to wuerzburg (again!)      
 one day earlier, RANTANPLAN of SPIRIT  
 called me up and said something that   
 he will wait on the station of         
 stuttgart around 10 pm. so we drove to 
 the station and guess what.... nobody  
 was there...  wot a fuck, after 1 hour 
 spending on searching for stephen we   
 drove a bit disappointed to wuerzburg  
 where we arrived around 11.30 pm.      
 ralph was already sleeping so his mom  
 waked him up and we started sitting    
 on the 64 again.. after 2 hours WE got 
 the brill idea to get for a trip       
 outside organizing some fuel for the   
 trip. but as ralph hasn't got any      
 bottles to put the fuel into charlie,  
 marc and gazza gone to sleep while     
 ralph watched 'BAD TASTE' and i        

 cracked 'THE ADDAMS FAMILY'. we were   
 both in bed around 5 am and so it was  
 fucking hard getting up again at 9 am  
 as i had to call my firm just to say   
 i am ill (which was a fucken fault!).  
 anyway somehow we killed our time in   
 front of the 64 til 3 pm when we left  
 to hire the bus. after half an hour    
 we got the bus and left for buying     
 some beer and finally we left wuerz-   
 burg for the party (of coz!) it was    
 5 pm and we drove again 2.5 hours to   
 the place where we met ANS/SPIRIT      
 RTP/SPIRIT and ALEX (i forgot his      
 handle!) i must have been drunken on   
 tuesday when RTP called me because he  
 said he will wait at ANS's place...    
 anyway at this time we were already 8  
 and we were quite happy coz everybody  
 more is less money for everyone...     
 the highway to koeln was fast and so   
 we arrived at AIRWOLF's place around   
 10 pm.  we just stayed 5 minutes and   
 then we recognized that we've got      
 much time til the party so we decided  

 to go to holland for just 2 hours and  
 so we did. ralph and alex bought some  
 shit there and we just drank a beer.   
 after that we left and from now on i   
 had to drive coz ralph was totally     
 stunned. anyway it was quite hard      
 driving the whole night and 4 coffees  
 and 8 hours later we again changed     
 driver in fredikshavn! finally we      
 arrived h0v at 10 am and there were    
 already some people waiting for the    
 ferry to leave. thus ones were: some   
 guys from hysteric,brego,the comunist  
 and some others i can't remember.after 
 going to the ferry we recognized that  
 ralph didn't fit into the ferry with   
 the car so we had to wait about 2      
 hours in sams0. there alex called      
 mr. cursor and we did some other shit! 
 finally ralph arrived and we drove to  
 the party place. what a disappointment 
 the hall for the amiga was quite full  
 (let's say about 200 amigas with 500   
 people!) but 64 was totally empty.only 
 100 people showed up this day so       

 most of us decided to to our own party 
 with the beer and so on. after some    
 strange action with ralph we were goin 
 sleepin and the other day was also     
 quite funny.we killed about 90 bottles 
 of beer in 1.5 days and we were 5 who  
 were drinkin so we had much fun until  
 i called at home...                    
 there my girl said that my boss needs  
 me and my parents make some troubles   
 and that i have to leave one day       
 earlier else i loose my job. ok after  
 some thinking i decided to leave and   
 so the party began. i speeded up very  
 much in drinking my bottles of beer    
 and soon i didn't succeed in finding   
 a single letter on the keyboard any-   
 more. so i began to get some photos    
 for my collection. i must have done a  
 photo from everyone because i had no   
 ones left the next day.                
 anyway from that time on i can't       
 remember that much coz i was totally   

 i just know that i had some quite      
 interessting discussions with          
 (hi creeper,many thanx for the whiskey 
 it tasted good but i drunk a bit too   
 much!) then psychobilly of hysteric    
 had the idea to go to the disco with   
 2 tussies. and so we did. i was far    
 to drunken to drive so ralph tried it  
 and it was wrong doing it because on   
 the half of the way we had an fatal    
 accident! ralph didn't see an hole on  
 the street which was 1.5 meters deep!  
 the bus was totally fucked up and as   
 we got to know later it's impossible   
 to repair it. anyway so i had to drive 
 down the next morning with COMUNIST of 
 F4CG! on the next morning we all had   
 a fuckin shit discussion and i have to 
 say i understand CHARLIE and MARC very 
 well as they said we suck! anyway i    
 think everybody managed it to come     
 home again (RALPH, ANS and RTP will    
 come in 2 or 3 hours(it's tuesday eve) 
 gazza and me drove to hannover with    

 the so kindly COMMUNIST, BREO and a    
 guy of GBF DESIGNS i can't remember    
 his name (sorry!) in HANNOVER we took  
 the fast train ICE to wuerzburg where  
 gazza had left his car. we got a meal  
 a the place of RALPH. and around 10 pm 
 we both were at home.                  
 i have to say that it was again very   
 funny driving to denmark (esp. seeing  
 all those fucking lameheads which like 
 soccer so much!)                       
 we got a great meal from the mom's of  
           THE REAPER/LEGACY            
 i also have to say thanx to all those  
 who were present there and helped us   
 having great fun (esp. the guys from   

 personally i want to say sorry to the  
 following dudes for several reasons:   
 CHARLIE and MARC of VARSITY            
 AIRWOLF of TAT                         
 ANS and RANTANPLAN of SPIRIT           
 we also learned a thing outta it and   
 you all should know this.              
 never smoke drugs or drink too much    
 when you still want to drive.          
 when you see one of us on any of the   
 next parties keep in mind that we wont 
 drink and drive anymore on the party   
 and we better get a normal bus or our  
 feets to move into the next disco.     
 a spec. sorry goes to CHARLIE as he    
 was quite unfriendly on sunday..       
 DIDN'T WANT THAT!                      

             Party Reports              
 These are the Party Reports of the     
 Events I visited this month so be sure 
 to read'em as they both kicked ass a   
 lot for me....                         
 It is the CE-BIT '92 in Hannover and   
 the LIGHT-PHENOMENA Party in Alingsaes 
 in Sweden. I gotta start with the 2nd  
 one as it is more updated.....         
 Let's start now:                       
 Ok on Wednesday the 15th at around 5pm 
 ANTITRACK of LEGEND arrived in IBK     
 where I got him off the train station. 
 Also ALLIGATOR of TAT was supposed to  
 come but didn't... anyway after callin 
 around we checked out that DEFJAY of   
 PANDORA will arrive at 11pm so we just 
 waited for him... we got DEFJAY also   
 on the main-station in IBK and after   
 phreaking some hours we left for bed   
 at about 2 am...  in the next morning  

 we planned to leave at about 9 am,     
 we tried to call ALLIGATOR once more   
 but he wasn't at home.So we just drove 
 to GAZZA's place as he said he will    
 give us the MAP of EUROPE.. at his     
 place i tried it once more for ALG and 
 i succeded... After a hot discussion   
 he decided to come to Wuerzburg by     
 train...  so we left by car from AUT   
 while ALG left by train just a few     
 minutes later... After driving 4 hours 
 we arrived at REAPER's Place where we  
 just checked out the TUNNEL of WARES   
 and then we were gone with THE REAPER  
 and STEPHEN (a local guy but no lamer) 
 We met ALG half an hour later in WUERZ 
 BURG and left finally to go to KAARST  
 just for visiting AIRWOLF's place....  
 After buying some Amiga-Orries below   
 the price of Blank Disx we just checkd 
 out RAINBOW ARTS.. hey man, AIRWOLF is 
 living in the Paradize... just a few   
 minutes from RAINBOW ARTS, RUSHWARE    
 VENLO and some other Companies....     
 After taking a photo in front of the   

 Rainbow Arts House, ALG and me wanted  
 to check the Security System of RA!!   
 But after a few minutes walking around 
 a cop came and wanted to see our ID's! 
 The cop asked the Headquater if we are 
 clean are not but sure we were and so  
 we left... a few minutes later we were 
 again on the Highway to Duisburg...    
 We arrived there at around 1 am and    
 called EXTRACT of TAT......            
 We got a great place to sleep and so   
 we did..  8 am in the morning we got   
 a big and hummy breakfast (THANX to    
 yer PARENTS DANIEL!!) and afterwards   
 we left....  driving was funny as we   
 were 8 guys this mo...  after a fucken 
 traffic jam we arrived in VEJLE/DK at  
 around 6 pm for getting our final man  
 off. PROPHET of STARION was his name.  
 Nice place to live but you impossible  
 to find.... We got an offer for a      
 coffee but had to refuse coz the Ferry 
 left at 8.15 pm in Fredrickshaven.     
 So we drove there and arrived just     
 10 minutes before the Ferry left.      

 It was quite cheap so we all were in   
 a good mood coming to Gotheborg..      
 After changing some money on the BOAT  
 we have organized some stuff in the    
 duty free shop (for free of coz!)      
 I made the proposal to go in the bar   
 on the ferry just to get some girls..  
 so The REAPER, ALG and me were gone    
 while the other 6 guys left outside..  
 TRP first thought you gotta get a beer 
 only if you are 21. so i had to        
 organize 2 glasses and then came the   
 shock !!! 30 DKR for just a little     
 We drank some minutes and then the     
 other 6 dudes showed up and so there   
 was no chance to get a girl now!!      
 so we left them again and discussed    
 how to get a girl now... TRP and ALG   
 where waiting while I asked two girls  
 for a cigarette. But the hell wanted   
 it that those two girls already had    
 a friend so i left with my cigarette   
 again... after drinking the beer and   
 taking the glass with us (the price    

 of the beer was too high for leaving   
 the glass!!) We found a room where     
 only children below 12 years where     
 allowed to enter. On a TV some Donald  
 Duck movies where running but as we    
 were not allowed to enter we sat down  
 on the floor outside and where         
 watching those movies. a pitty becoz   
 we were too late when I recognized     
 that Henrick (PROPHET!) has organized  
 some girls (a SOCCER TEAM!).           
 Finally I sat down beside a girl (the  
 best looking of all!(just my opinion)) 
 and we were talking.                   
 She used to talk a quite perfect       
 English so we talked about everything  
 but after some minutes we where used   
 to leave the ferry and i finally got   
 her addy and guess what??              
 the best thing ever: she lives in      
 just 4 minutes from the party place    
 so I called her to relax from the      
 party but easter seems to be quite     
 well celebrated up there in sweden and 

 so we only met on Sunday. But more     
 about that later!! After arriving in   
 gotheborg it took us about 40 minutes  
 and we arrived in ALINGSAES....        
 we were driving to da party place and  
 everything was dark... we drove around 
 a lot and we also found a Sqash Center 
 which wasn't closed so we decided to   
 go there next day. after some minutes  
 we found da place of the party and we  
 entered. (A hell of a Fee but who      
 cares anyway.) a quite nice surprise   
 for all of us as there were around     
 1000 people (both 64 and amiga!!)      
 a big 3x4 meter screen was here to     
 watch demos, movies etc. I met quite   
 some guys and the whole FLT staff was  
 there too so we had a great time those 
 2 days... I got some originals and     
 also cracked one at da party....       
 anyway cool people were there and I    
 met some interessting guys too...      
 the party was the best organised I     
 ever visited... there was an own       
 hall just only for sleeping and also   

 a posibility to get a shower...        
 Hey men in LIGHT... Keep it up this    
 way and there will be sure a lot of    
 more people coming next year's easter  
 too. I will come for sure!!!           
 The local Supermarket was a bit        
 expensive but anyway the food on the   
 party was cheaper and also good...     
 24 hours nonstop so be happy that      
 there are also such cool guys          
 organizing a party! On Sunday I wasn't 
 that much at the party as I used to    
 talk with JENNY!!! The girls in SWEDEN 
 are the best in whole Europe so be     
 sure to go there when you can....      
 When I came back to the party I was    
 told that we got some troubles with    
 the police.. Our car got broken        
 out as we left the key inside and      
 then the police checked our bags for   
 some stolen things... ALR and TRP      
 gave back which they bought from       
 the ones who have stolen and so        
 we got rid of all troubles (thanx      
 guys in LIGHT!) because our ferry left 

 quite early. We didn't see the demo    
 Compo but anyway all in all it was     
 a cool stay in ALINGSAES...            
 On the ferry we just had some fun and  
 after leaving the ferry again we were  
 on the way to VEJLE to get PROPHET     
 off..  there DEFJAY/PANDORA made an    
 accident with the car and we all got   
 a laugh about that.. afterwards the    
 police refused to come and so we just  
 called up the owner of the car...      
 We got an coffee and also a PHOTO of   
 HENRICKS SISTER LINA !! She looks nice 
 indeed and she can do great paper GFX! 
 After that I had to drive as DEFJAY    
 was too tired...  So I drove from      
 2 am to 7 am and I really got so       
 tired that I started to sleep while    
 driving.... After this we changed      
 again. In DUISBURG we left EXTRACT and 
 WARLORD of TAT and drove right to      
 We gave back the BUS and I drove       
 right to AUSTRIA with my very own      
 car..  After leaving DEFJAY in MUNICH  

 main station we arrived in IBK with    
 many PORNO MAGS and VERY TIRED. After  
 this 26 hours trip it all was done.... 
 All in all I must say it was the best  
 Party I ever visited.....              
 I met a nice girl, some nice dudes     
 some nice cops and so on....           
 See ya next year again in SWEDEN on    
 the next EASTER PARTY!!                
 THE PARTY:                             
 ANDREA and CHARLIE of Varsity          
 all the others from FAIRLIGHT          
 REKIN of PARADOS                       
 COMMANDER of ROLE                      
 ASLIVE and DENSE of HYSTERIC           
 TANGO and T-ACME of CROSS              
 and some more I can't remember...      
 Anyway,I'll come to ALINGSAES this     
 Summer again to meet JENNY so maybe    
 I meet some LIGHT GUYS too??           
 ANYWAY hope you enjoyed reading this   
 report as it took me quite a while to  

 write !!                               
 Continue with the CE-BIT '92 REPORT!   


 ok, pals another issue is in your      
 hands and so you are actually reading  
 the reviews i do on the brutal-party   
 live early in the morning...           
 first of all the mags and afterwards   
 the demos so let's start with          
           VARSITY'S NEWSHAWK           
 on the beginning there is a normal     
 varsity intro which is also used in    
 some cracks so it's not made for       
 newshawk itself. afterwards you get    
 confrontated with a multicolor picture 
 from JERRY of VARSITY. a planet in     
 the upper half-a logo on the bottom    
 of the screen. the style is nice and   
 so it's a fine idea and piece of       
 graphic. pressing space gives you the  

 real NH-INTRO.                         
 two 2x2 single color scrollers are on  
 the top of the screen. you also can    
 see some sprites using a nice shadow-  
 effect telling you that you are about  
 to read issue 02. below this is a      
 multi logo done by SCARFACE. not so    
 stunning coding was done by VECTOR.    
 charset was done by MAC2 and looks     
 fine. music is fast but nice done by   
 an unknown artist. fading out when     
 pressing space and you are entering    
 the main-menu. the screen is limited   
 with two raster bars. a newshawk logo  
 is swinging in x-direction. again you  
 can see the shadow effect over the     
 logo (issue 2!) between 2 white lines  
 you can switch between the chapters    
 where you have got 10 to choose.       
 below this second white line you get   
 informed what to do with your joydick! 
 after doing what you are said to do    
 it starts loading your chapter with    

 the LEVEL-SQUEEZER fast loader. you    
 can now switch pages with joystick     
 by pressing left'n'right.              
 a readable and good looking charset    
 a nice music                           
 much text to read and also interesting 
 the swingin logo fucks up the enjoying 
 mood which should be while reading a   
 the whole mag is fully joy-controlled  
 after loading a chapter there is an    
 short error in the chapter-line.       
 i would say it's a standart mag with   
 sure some work to do.                  
 the english is standart.               

 text        :   85 %                   
 graphix     :   43 %                   
 code        :   52 %                   
 music       :   68 %                   
 outfit      :   55 %                   
 information :   35 %                   
 overall     :   56 %                   
 so you see it. check the mag out by    
 yourself and when you like it you      
 should read it but you haven't missed  
 that much either...                    
 after talking to some people they told 
 me that they even don't know this      
 mag and i also didn't know this one so 
 a pity for this as it's fucking less   

 i also very sorry but i found no demo  
 which is new enough to review and that 
 is only caused on leaving the brutal   
 party too early.... wonderland 9 kixx  
 ass and it made the first place on the 
 party so maybe you get it...           
 therefore i give you some general info 
 about the party scene how far i know   
  the ultimate computer and videoshow   
        for c-64, amiga and pc!         
  start: thursday 3.september '92       
         at 10.00 am                    
  end:   saturday 5.september '92       
         at 6.00 pm                     

 place: pfarrsaal, franz-blodergasse 3  
        8200 gleisdorf, austria         
        (25km south of GRAZ)            
 everybody can come!! 56 hours full of  
 competitions, videos and live music!   
 a cafetereria has open 24 hours a day  
 and there are also sleeping rooms!!    
 for further information and table      
 XXXX XXXX                              
 XX XXXX:                               
 ++XX/XXXX/XX XXX                       

 i've just called with STRANGER of      
 ENERGY and he told me that there are   
 already many people coming so keep it  
 in and come to this event cos there    
 are sure some off those people you     
 won't see on other parties and also    
 some very well known ones.....         
 try to come and get a party with the   
 elite itself.....                      
 i count on some of my friends so don't 
 disappoint me pals!!!!                 
 there is also a FAIRLIGHT meeting      
 on 17.07 somewhere between malmoe and  
 maybe you fetch some infos bout it at  
 aaron's number.....                    

 some guys also said something about    
 another silicon party in the beginning 
 of august '92. it is sure at the same  
 place again but i don't know something 
 excatly but keep you informed.....     
 that was all i heard about the upcomin 
 parties around europe I heard but if   
 there are any others please inform me  
 immideately as we always need some     
 infos for our readers....              
 so get me at:                          
             XXXXXX XXXXXXX             
             XXXXXXXXXXXX X             
              X-XXXX XXXXX              
           ++XX/XXXX/XX X XX            


 diz is rantanplan/spirit beginning     
 tha craptalk-chapter here live at      
 the  BRUTAL+HURRICANE party...         
 at the moment most groups are working  
 on their demos,like offence,padua,     
 censor and more... letz see who'll     
 win da compo !!                        
 many groups are present,i wont list'm  
 up now,later perhaps,near me are       
 sitting ans/spirit,nyarlathotep/sun,   
 chelsea/trc and mac is gone right      
 letz see who i'll force to write sum   
 crap here....                          
 hi folks... this is the red wiz of     
 offence just talking some stupid crap  
 i just want to greet my grandma and    
 all people of karumba and northern     
 sibiria. ok, i have to leave now...    

 ...because our demo still isn't ready  
 (and probably won't in the next ten    
 years). bye...                         
 hello! here is general/brainbombs.     
 i'm just sitting next to rantanplan of 
 spirit who forced me to write this     
 crap. airwolf/g*p is just fallen       
 asleep. bye!                           
 as nobody wants to write sumthing      
 at this moment (lame !) i'll take      
 over again...                          
 dense/hysteric arrived and brouhgt     
 sum nice (?) photos and will now       
 write sum words...                     
 well guyz,this brutal party sux major  
 dick.we must to drive with a taxi and  
 payed us dead and the entrance fee,    
 the guyz must have a brain damage.the  
 positive thing on the vacation were    
 the nice danish babes.puuh boy.and the 
 bad thing was that these nerds won ... 

 ...the championship.fuck the germans   
 played very nice but the danish guyz   
 had lotsa luck.okay i think i will get 
 the fuck outta here.only one last word 
 VOTE ANS OF SPIRIT !!!                 
 dont think i told him to say these     
 last words but they're true anyway !   
 but i personally dont like these       
 guys who write everytime words like    
 'vote for us !' or such crap...        
 (hi remix !)                           
 so i'll search another victim who'll   
 fill diz up...                         
 yoppa! charlie/varsity on the hype.    
 my only job is to type....             
 do you know rantanplan?                
 der duemmste coder des geeinten reichs 
 i hope all will understand it. if not  
 i don't care. who will share such as   
 brainless acting i ask you. the reaper 
 is eating kellogg's frosties in a real 
 hurry.he is fast if he had eaten a can 
 of curry.so kick the keys for the next 

 he is now filling more and more in the 
 glas, only to eat all in his body. as  
 a matter of fact our good'n young pal  
 ayatollah won't have something to eat. 
 okay,let's give some greets to all who 
 are able to survive at this place.     
 by da way did ya know that charlie     
 looks a bit like charlie chaplin,      
 but i think he doesnt play...hehe !    
 sum mintutes later i was hungry but    
 da reaper brought me a cake (?) and    
 now i feel like pukin' around !!!      
 ah there comes such a oxyron-lamer     
 (hahaha..just kiddin!),its nobody      
 else than....                          
 grmph!!! it's me, the lamer... yazoo   
 of oxyron raping the keys right now.   
 i just woke up two minutes ago, and    
 while i wanted to bring my sleeping-   
 bag away rtp/ spirit just asked me to  
 type some fuckin' lines.               
 i think the demo-compo will be very    
 hard this time coz all those wellknown 

 will take part (censor, crest, padua,  
 offence, horizon (?), x-factor,        
 camelot)... so this time you can       
 really see who's best around in the    
 hmmm right now some flash lamers (?)   
 passed the table, some others are      
 talking shit and me is fuckin' tired.  
 bah! as also some other guys should    
 kill your nerves with their expensive  
 crap i wanna leave da keyzzzzzz....... 
 here's the general/bomz again! on the  
 huge screen i just see a (l)amiga dmo  
 by sanity.                             
 yeppa dudes, the elegance of enigma is 
 is here at the brutal party to write   
 some words of wisdom. all in all it    
 seems to get a little bit boring down  
 here, hopefully it will change in      
 between this day. gotta go...          
 simply switch da page.....             

 behind me there's a liddle crap-       
 session,hope they'll go soon and fetch 
 da beer ... charlie lames around       
 behind me... he doesnt likes front242, 
 ya know ?? (how interesting...blurk)   
 and who's next ???                     
 yeps here is bulldog of unitrax        
 live at the brutal in denmark to       
 win the music comp.(hehehe)            
 so here are at the moment not so much  
 guys !!(i hope that some more will     
 come 2day!!!) fucking bullshit the     
 germans lost yesterday against         
 denmark (fuck) im out to look what     
 the dudes here coding !!! off..        
 (by da way...bulldog/spirit isnt da    
  same person...)                       
 next guy...                            
 hodwy freaks, marc of varsity is on    
 the keys. we are sitting here at the   
 brutal party, but i think you know it  

 now. by the hell what can i write.     
 yes, gazza/trc is sitting beside me    
 and releasing the cool (??) trc warez. 
 look out for it. and now ans/spirit    
 joined our fleet. he's searching for   
 some food, i hope he'll get some,      
 'cause i'm also hungry. shit i don't   
 know to write so i'll leave the keys.  
 regards from marc .....                
 and rtp again...shit,where's ayatollah 
 laming around ?? i wanna do sumthing   
 else know ! just on the opposide of    
 me is sitting the ANTIC-staff,they're  
 not very complete but i dont know      
 it exactly !!!                         
 lets see if i can find another dude    
 to write sum shit into dis lame crap-  
 chapter here.... yazoo also doesnt     
 like tha puke-cake i got from reaper   
 (did ya know that we call him 'ripper' 
 ?? he likes it,haehae...)              
 switch da page or go on sleeping...    

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