Mamba 08 ch08 Different Things

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 different things
 as some of you might already know an-
 other 'hero' quits the scene. i'm tal-
 king about 'bacchus of fairlight'...
 we recieved a (very) long, but in my
 opinion also very interesting 'goodbye
 letter' from him. i think, that it is
 worth of beiing printed here. so let's
 see what his final words look like...

 howdy hackers!
 for quite a few years, i've been deal-
 ing with my thrusty old c64. i've even
 grown old along with it. 'granny'
 bacchus of fairlight is soon to reach
 his 22nd birthday.                (+)
 at this age, most decent guys tend to
 find girls more seriously, than the
 ones you played around with in school.
 so have i done. i've found a woman
 with whom i want to spend the rest of
 my life and to stay no.1 on her charts
 is far more important than being on
 the top 10 of all discmags.
 so;as she will be gone on an interrail
 month june 10:th to july 9:th, i will
 then give you the very best and very
 last of me.for a full month i will
 again dedicate my life 100 % to compu-
 ting. during this period, i've fixed a
 supplier and the time i need for the
 job. i don't say i'll make it ti no.1
 but i do say that i'll again put  (+)
 in maximum overdrive for making you
 all remember the name 'bacchus' with a
 chill allong your spine. my only goal
 during my wasted years, trying to
 please and impress you all, was to be
 one of 'the remembered ones'.
 so, a lot of you hated me for my big
 mouth. a lot of you swedes wanted to
 kill me when o equaled myself to guys
 like gollum, mr.z, janitor and a few
 others. i can't judge for you if i fit
 in, but my whish and ability is still
 so i've been the main character in flt
 and what will happen if i leave? well,
 a few guys go along into the forest of
 good hunting.                      (+)
 -rowdy is fairly new inflt and yet we
  have grown very good friends. my re-
  tirement made him react in leaving
  the scene for good.
 -the alchemist and i were best of
  friends. i will perhaps even have him
  as best man on my computing wedding.
  he has also found the girl to full-
  fill his dreams and hopes. that's why
  he was kicked/didn't want to stay.
 a few final words perhaps:
 -quite a few of you has started hating
  aaron for his mouth size. i don't
  feel that it's my duty defending him
  any more so here is my opinion. aaron
  is a youngster and a rebel in a way.
  if you want to get along with him,(+)
 listen to what he actually says after
 separating all the boast and the flood
 of words. all of you can findthe good
 guy behind the solid protective wall
 of boast and words. don't hate him,
 but start understanding him even if it
 might be a bit hard at first. he's
 really basically a good guy!
 -so about the amiga. we all on the c64
 scen are really playing around on the
 small duckpond on the backyard of com-
 puting. look around you t see that
 cool guys leave every day for the
 amiga ( they???c64 scene is much
 cooler than the (l)amiga scene...).
 only very few stay and grow with the
 trusty old c64 anymore.           (+)
 we protect our little pond by saying
 that amiga is lame (ed.amiga i s lame)
 i say there is nothing wrong with the
 machine what so ever. it's just that
 we are afraid of the new system even
 if we realise that the c64 is not the
 one of the two to live forever.
 also a few things still annoy me:
 speed and lac of quality. i say the
 life task for a cracker should be to
 make a copy which is just as fully
 working as the original and with a few
 extras as trainers and levelcrunching.
 if these basicrules are neglected,
 then you shouldn't release anything
 called a crack. all this is due to
 speed and americans. janks could   (+)
 get a 250 blx lynxed file called
 'operation thunderbolt ii' and they
 would happily spread it even if ti
 contained 5 old games and some sources
 from a junkdisk of yours from early 86
 this is not the world i'd like to be a
 cracker in!
 news from my front:
 -as you have seen, we still keep it up
 by the wotk of dino and seagull, who
 crack some occasional games commin' in
 there has been a lot of talk about
 others joining and some all swedish
 cooperations, but so far no printable
 -rockstar and servant is no longer in
 flt. they are both in extasy.      (+)
 i never thought they really would fit
 in, but what do you when one of the
 fastest suppliers asks you if he could
 join together with his cracker, who
 happens to be one of the top 10. they
 are both cool guys and there is no
 trouble behind them leaving, and i was
 not aiming at their qualities when
 saying that they wouldn't fit in. the
 only thing was that it is a bit hard
 keeping a group together when you live
 in different countries. those who man-
 age, are often separated into sections
 and flt doesn't want sections.
 -we are very happy to see the world-
 wide decline and fall of censor. you
 all know these guys are lousy      (+)
 crackers but fairly good coders. so
 keep coding, and don't involve in
 things you don't understand, ok?
 -at the hz-party, a demopart was re-
 leased and it was said to be from cen-
 sor. right, it was censor's unfinished
 code you all saw. as jerry of triad
 got mad at me i felt ashamed of the
 occasion and have this to say to the
 1.i wasn't the one who did it but,
 never the less, i take full responsi-
 bility for the occurance. i gave the
 clearance signal for our censor kill-
 ing wolfs to bite the meat they were
 2.i now admit that it was a bit
 naughty of us to do such a thing, but
 i admit our step over the line. after
 all, i keep calling myself 'a noble
 knight' and i intend to be here. so,
 3.i hereby send an apology to censor
 for this, and only this.not because i
 feel they didn't deserve it, but for
 reasons like -we don't drag our name
 in the dirt but messing around with
 pissants like censor and- i wouldn't
 risk the friendship of jerry/triad for
 something like this...
 -censor released something looking
 like our intromaker. separate the ori-
 ginal from the fake by pressing commo-
 dore + shift.                     (+)
 the fake is made from an old version
 with fading music in the beginning.
 this is not the case with our normal
 this must be the end, the final end

                   bacchus of fairlight

 pheeew...frank is down now, but i
 think this letter was worth to be

 press on more time '+' to catch
 some of our famous 'did you know's..'

                                hit it!

  did you know...

  ...that accu/action wanted to join
     the 'pseudos who are just wearing
     skater clothes.'(quote from cccp).

  ...that horizon cracks for nec and
     fixes for nei.

  ...that dogfriend's telephone finally
     got disconnected, so you won't
     see him on the boards again.

  ...that paramount runs a bbs in
     germany, near frankfurt/main

  did you know...

  ...that rumours report about
     skreemer/xds got arrested for
     hacking codes

  ...that even matt/tera calls us-bbs's
     from australia with at&t.

  ...that pwp and goldfish of legend
     stopped their activities because
     of exams, but they are coming back
     these days.

  ...that transcom arranges a copyparty
     in yugoslavia in august.
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