Skyhigh 13 ch01 Editorial

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              the editorial

hello boys & girls - ladies & gentlemen

welcome to the 13th issue of the oxyron
magazine  S K Y H I G H
this time i'm proud to bring you the 13.
issue in the row.

what a bad number you think!!  ..13..
and yes, you are absolutely right! the
number somehow did influence on the
release date. everything went wrong !!!
suddenly the source-code disappeared,
and when i finally found it again half
the datas were lost. but more strange
things happened. the tunes didn't work
anymore, and chapters never arrived at
my hq. (or they just came a month later
than expected!!) i even contacted the
fuckin' post to find out what was wrong!
all they could say that the letters just
disappeared and then popped up some days
later. but when they arrived at my place
there where no stuff for skyhigh on 'em!
i actually started thinking about just
forgetting issue #13 and do issue #14
instead. becoz nothing worked out as it
was supposed to! it even delayed the mag
for some weeks!!! luckily there's only
one issue which has the unlucky number:


baaaaah, did you really believe any of
that shit!!!!!  he-he!!
this was nothing but a lame excuse for a
delay!!  but the story was quite nice i
apart from that,then i really had a hard
time getting the articles in time!!!
and furthermore then i was waiting for
the outfit for tunehigh (read extras!!)
but things got mixed up, and it didn't
make it in time!!!

well to the point! time is flying, and
it's already 2 months ago the previous
issue of this mag was released.i promise
that next issue will be out sooner!!
so what happened since last issue?
one of the 4 danish magazines (revealed,
the pulse, chit chat & skyhigh) died!
yep i guess everybody has heard it by
now; THE PULSE is dead!!! duke left the
scene and the other editors didn't want
to continue it!   rest in peace!!
to tell you the truth, i won't miss it!

what else happened? the invitations for
the swedish party was released; be sure
to find the invitation in this issue!

last time rrr said that he would leave
skyhigh as editor! i got some reactions
saying that it was to bad, as they liked
his chapters. well surprise : he's back!
yep he got back the power and the inspi-
ration for continuing! welcome back my
but as you should remember then i was
looking for a new co-editor! and someone
did respond on that! may i welcome the
new co-editor of skyhigh : MAD of padua
this english lad will do his own chapter
(like 'rrr says' & 'tha biz-mix') and
a demo review for every issue!!!
he will start writing from the next

last time i promised you am interview
with the cool (paper) artist from extend
so here it is. check out 'about duce'
and have some words from one of the top
notch cover designers of the scene today
you should also take a look on the other
interview featuring a very promising c64
composer who already got quite a rep.

what more do i have for you! well every-
body is talking about the hardware-expan
sions for our c64, but not many knows
what they are all about! so i proudly
presents a chapter written by my english
friend russ michaels (ebes). i'll advice
you to take a closer look at it!

also the chapter from devil of noice
about the ram expansion units is very
exciting and informative -  check it!!

last but not least i can present a new
member of oxyron : suzuki! take a closer
look at him in 'oxyron - intern' part 4!

yep that was a small round-up of the sub
jects i have choosen to bring you for
this time! - so all there's left to say
is :   enjoy!!!


ok to something different! i have just
recieved the 5th issue of 'ing. brain'
let me start with congratulate the dudes
behind it!! you're doing a great job my
the reason why i mention this mag is of-
coz that skyhigh is on the top position
in the charts - not!!!! he-he!!!
no the reason is that after i read the
reactions for ib i realized that a lot
of dudes somehow says that ib is a copy
(or inspired) by skyhigh! or more pre-
cise the menu's are a bit simular!
to tell you the truth then i got a bit
pissed when ib started using that menu
in issue 4, but then i started thinking
a bit closer. 1st i have no copyrights
on using an icon-menu (lot's of other
mags did that before me!) i guess i was
the first who did it so it looked very
workbench like. but that's no reason for
me to be pissed, just becoz other tries
to do it!  maybe it does look like ib
tries to get some of the succes earned
by skyhigh! but i don't think so! they
also say themselves that they wanted to
do icons from the beginning! well i do
not see ib as liers, so i believe them!
second ib has (also) a very great outfit
and loads of text!
da only problem with ib is that now they
seems to be a very hard competitor in
the future - he he. (just joking!)
what i want to say is that whatever you
do and it is successfull other people
tries to it too!
that's the fact, and there's nothing you
can do about it!
the point with all this is :
dear ingenious brain! eventhough our
menus are simular (and i was the first
one to bring it) and some people point
it out, you shouldn't worry!
i do not feel either offended nor ripped
off! so continue your cool mag in the
same style as always. mr.warp, you have
coded a great outfit; and you are not
afraid of sharing your knowledge with
other coders. you and raz looks quite
alike in that situation. i have the
deepest respect for both of you!!!!!!

good luck with your great mag in the fu-
ture my friends!

as always i'm able to present you for 3
new exclusive tunes in this issue.

this time i have the pleasure to bring
tunes from these 3 gentlemen :

1: decoy of excess/natural beat
2: ramjam of atlantis
3: taki of natural beat

   you better remember these names!!!

as always i'll ask all you (unknown??)
composers out there to do me a tune for
skyhigh! -i would love to hear some more
zak from all you out there!
members of :
              natural beat
                keen acid
            the imperium arts
         cubersound productions

and ofcoz all others!!!

    just follow these simple rules :

        location : $1000 - $1fff
        init     :         $1000
        play     :         $1003

and send 'em to:

            BIZKID OF OXYRON



         ok - 'nuff said for now
enjoy this issue & look out for issue 14
with tunehigh on the flipside!
it should be a real killer!

                      a-b-c'ya  BIZ KID
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