Brutal Recall 11 ch15
From C64 Diskmag Wiki
_ABCDE _ABCDE _FGHIJ _FGHIJ _KLLMN _KLLMN _OPQRS fair or what?!? _OPQRS TUVWXY TUVWXY ZÅÄÓÖÜ ZÅÄÓÖÜ !"#$%& !"#$%& '()* '()* ---------------------------------------- here's alittle reaction from me about an article that was in 'miracle'! ---------------------------------------- ...and how about the swapper charts?? it's ofcourse so, that those swappers who have about 150-300 contacts can get much easier than a "normal" one gith 70 into the charts... another advantage is if the swapper is a vote- sheet spreader.. then the most guys vote for him, just because they want to be more "friend" with the guy.. you see?? by the way, how can the swapper-charts be objective? no one swapps gith everybody.. how can the swappers judge the 10 best swappers in the world, when he only swap gith 20%?? well, don't be angry swappers, because i'm also a swapper, and i'm only telling you my opinion about the subject "votes'n'charts!"... ---------------------------------------- the reaction! ---------------------------------------- well i think the whole problem is another place! all swappers wanna be big and famous, but it only makes the scene lamer! they are ready to slag, rag, and kill just to become the no.1 on a fucking chart, what's the point?! for the first we swappers are wasting money big time, and what do we get for it?!? wars, rag and slags. i don't wonder why guys are starting to vote for their friends, coz they are the only you can trust. even some time you can't even trust them. swappers or mailtraders as it is more likely to call our self, have the hardest job in the scene! you have to be fast, have cool, have quality wares, return stamps ect., this cost alot of stress on the swapper, just ask me i fucking know. well why do we keep doing it?!? well alot will say for friendship and fun, but to those i'll say 'fuck off', this all is running like a business, and there is no time to either fun nor friendship,coz all are to bissy getting famous! stay lame and unknown, coz you have time to alot more fun, and time for friendship. peace and slow down. r.c.s./legend! ---------------------------------------- if you wanna say anything to my reaction then you are welcome to write to... 'brutal recall' 'scene life' XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ----------------------------------------