World News 11 Interviews

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             WN = WORLD NEWS
             WN = WORLD NEWS


WN: Another interview? Yes, this time
    it's Olav Morkrid of PANORAMIC
    DESIGNS. Please give me some facts
    about yourself, olav!

 O: Technical facts:

    Name       Olav Morkrid
    Sex        Male
    Birthdate  25 September 1973
    Heigth     187 cm
    Hair color Dark blonde
    Fav music  DOORS, ABBA, BEATLES ++
    Instrument Piano, Guitar
    Occupation Programmer
    Old handle Omega Supreme
    Old groups SHADOWS, RAWHEAD

    I got my 64 in september'83, started
    programming in 1985. Today, I'm
    trying to start making games for a

WN: there's a conflict between pd and
    fhi. we'd like to know more about
    the reasons behind it.

 O: The whole thing started when Marius
    of PD wrote his personal opinions
    about several groups, including
    FLASH INC. This was one person's
    opinion, and Marius did not speak
    on behalf of the other members. We
    do understand that it seemed like it
    was the common PD opinion, but
    that's not right. "Wild at Heart"
    was spread before Bjorn and I got to
    take a look at it. We'd like people
    to know that everything written by
    our members is fully personal, if
    nothing else is written.

    What really blew things up was
    FLASH INC's false accusations. All
    these tremendous lies should not be
    taken seriously.

    We will uphold our attitudes about
    FLASH INC untill they'll admit that
    quality is first of quanity.

WN: We haven't seen much from PD lately,
    except for two small demoes. What
    are you doing now and what are your
    future plans?

 O: We are fed up with making demoes.
    That's why we are busy making
    games instead (hoping for some
    economical profits!). Some demoes
    might be released in the future for
    whatever reason.

    We are thinking about starting on
    the amiga aswell. We would have
    liked to stay on the 64, but as the
    game market is getting difficult,
    we reckon that making amiga games
    will be more advantageous.

WN: I heart that you are working on a
    great game and a great graphic-tool,
    is that right?

 O: You're quite right. I just sold
    "Zoomatic" to CP Verlag in Germany.
    This graphics utility will be
    released in about half a year.

    As I mentioned in the previous
    answer, I'm busy making games. I
    think I should mention that Richard
    Nygaard and Bjorn Rostoen are into
    this project too, because nobody
    seem to know that.

WN: Did you know that you were Hannes
    Sommer's idol?

 O: No, I had no idea. I'm really
    honoured. I met him on the HORIZON
    party for the first time, and he
    seemed a really nice guy.

WN: What do you think about magazines
    generally? World News? Favourite?

 O: They are generally dull. The only
    section I read is the charts (where
    I usually fail to find PD!) Some
    sections of "World News" were
    arranged in an original and survey-
    able way, something which I really
    liked. Though, I think the staff
    should stop taking stands (like in
    the hoaxers handle-conflict).

    My favourite is "Homonews". It's the
    only magazine that's making a
    difference. There are just too many
    boring and equal magazines around.

WN: Who rules the demo scene today, and
    who will in the future?

 O: The demo scene is unfortunately
    ruled by people who have no sense
    for style, design, graphics and
    music. The only thing people are
    thinking about is code and fancy
    routines. A good demo doesn't
    necessarily have to be advanced.
    for demo groups who would like to
    gain popularity, I suggest that they
    try to come up with new ideas,
    instead of imitating socalled "big"
    groups. Read homonews 7 for more!

    Some groups have interesting demo
    features now and then, but watching
    an average demo gives me nothing but

    I hope that some groups will start
    making serious and acceptable demoes
    in the future, whoever they might
    be. There has always been too much
    imitation in the demo scene, and
    there will always be.

WN: What part of a demo do you consider
    most important?

 O: Absolutely not code! I think finding
    a good idea is the best way to
    start. Nice graphics is also quite
    important. The music should be
    written by capable people who play
    an instrument and/or know much about
    music generally. It's always the
    result that counts, not the work
    behind it.

WN: How do you start making a demopart?

 O: If I can't think of anything myself,
    there certainly are people in PD who
    can. Usually people work out their
    own ideas, but sometimes we might
    do it for eachother. We always
    design our demoes before making

WN: Who is the best coder in your
    opinion? Why?

 O: I definately think that Einstein of
    UPFRONT is the best coder, though
    he hasn't made anything in ages.
    He made the Amiga/64 assembler I use
    making my game, and he has also made
    some stunning demoparts that never
    have been released.

WN: Some words to your friends and to
    our readers?

 O: I trust that nobody believes FLASH
    INC's chilish lies about norwegian
    groups. If people wants the true
    stuff, they can send me a letter. I
    also hope people will enjoy my games
    and eventual demoes.

    To those of you who are sending
    votes to magazines: Start voting for
    people with original ideas. In this
    way, some demo groups will perhaps
    try to find new styles.

    To all of my friends abroad: If you
    feel like sending me a postcard or
    something like that, please do so. I
    always appreciate receiving letters.

    If anybody else want to write to me
    for tips or for another reason, send
    a perfumed letter to:

    Olav Morkrid


WN: Time is over! Apocalypse now! Bye
    and surprise us with some new PD

 O: Do you want to see my stamps?

     Interview was made by Red Hawk!
             WN = WORLD NEWS
             WN = WORLD NEWS

         R = REDSTAR / FLASH INC
         R = REDSTAR / FLASH INC.

WN: Hi Simon get horny. Some facts from

 R: OK, first of all I want to deny that
    i'm a FLASH INC. member. I've never
    been, I'm not and I will never be
    one. All that is only rumours.
     I'm 21 of age and right now I'm
    studying art half-time and usual
    subjects whole-time, so I'm a 150%
    student. quite hard, but I hope that
    I'll handle it.
      As a scoop for you I can also tell
    you that I'm (and have been for half
    a year now) having a son with a girl
    that I'm not living with anymore.

WN: Hmmm... as far I know you are a punk
    music freak, right? So which group
    rules the punk scene?

 R: Well, I wont call myself a punk. The
    ones that rules my taste of music is
    groups/persons like: BAUHAUS-MISSION
    swedes like SATOR-SH-KAJSA GRYTT and
    nationalteatern etc...

WN: When did you start painting?

 R: On the computer I started in 86-87
    sometime. Then I also tried to learn
    how to code, but it wasn't that fun.
      Otherwise I've been painting
    through the whole of my life.

WN: Well, and were you a natural talent,
    when you start or have you 'work' so
    hard for your quality now?

 R: Actually I think that it's 50/50.
    I've got easy to learn when it comes
    to artistical work, but I've worked
    quite hard too. Well, I'm still
    learning and I will continue with
    that all my life.

WN: How long do you spend with painting?

 R: That depends (ofcourse). Some days
    I can spend some hours and some days
    I don't touch a pen or a joystick.
    I mean, everything takes time and
    one have to give priority to things
    from day to day.

WN: Each painter has some favorite
    objects which he likes most to paint
    So what's your favorite objects and
    which you hate?

 R: As you probably know I like those
    climbing plants.
      A thing I don't like is those
    'sexy' girls as they are too usual.
    Neither I like to copy a picture,
    my pictures comes directly from my
    brain into pixels (sometimes I
    really wonder if I'm alright!).

WN: How much money do you earn in

 R: Not much as I havn't done graphic
    for any game that is sold yet, but
    I'm waiting for money from two games
    right now. I've also been painting
    for "GAME ON" but as I think Walter
    Konrad is quite angry with me right
    now I don't know about that any
    longer.(I refused an offer for a
    game he wanted you see.)

WN: Many people says that the swedish
    girls are the best. What's your
    opinion about that rumour?

 R: That's ofcourse individual! I can
    tell you that swedish girls also can
    be nuts, ugly or whatever you don't

WN: Now, like usual some sentences about

 R: As I don't really swap anymore I
    don't know what is going on, but
    a big part of the few mags I get is
    crap. To mention two good ones I
    must say Mamba and Hotshot.(To tell
    you the truth I've never looked
    thruogh "World News" before but I'm
    looking forward to get my hands on
    one issue!)

WN: Some words to our readers ?

 R: Have a good time and don't get down
    on your knees. Sleep well (cause
    that is what I'm going to do right

WN: That's it again... Keep cool and
    have fun with your work - Bye...

 R: Bye and thanks for the chat!

  Interview made by Red Hawk with help
          from Hannes Sommer...

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