Splash 15 ch27 Axl's Page

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            AXL'S PAGE

   oh my god!i want to thank you
for your interest to my chapter.as
you liked my chapter in the previ-
ous issue now i'll start with it

   numbers and charts are mostly
took all of our attraction gene-
rally.we can easily understand it
from the point that everybody read
the charts in a mag.this month i
will try to be different so i'll
give you some extra-ordinary chart
section.here they are:

 the countries which are interes-
     ted in cleaness too much:

     1)england      6)france
     2)denmark      7)irland
     3)norway       8)germany
     4)sweden       9)italy
     5)belgium     10)holland

 the things that young pals need
             too much

   1)motorbike %15,2
   2)bottled drinks %12,8
   3)mini-music set %12,1
   4)mini-tv %10,3
   5)cd player %10,1
   6)trademark sport shoes %9,5
   7)trademark pullover %9,0
   8)mountain bycycle %8,2
   9)video %6,4
  10)natural food %6,4

  the list of countries in which
      there are gypsies most:

  1)romania        8)france
  2)chechoslovakia 9)portugal
  3)hungary       10)greece
  4)bulgaria      11)italy
  5)turkiye       12)germany
  6)spain         13)albanian
  7)usa           14)poland

   yes,these were all about the
charts.now i'll start with another
subject.i think it'll be an inte-
resting one.what's the subject?re-
ad and see...

  where would you have known that

   -the number of the stolen cars
in a year in usa is greater than
the number of the cars that produ-
ced in a year in old soviet union.

   -the colour of grasshopper's
blood is white.

   -the rate of suicide of the re-
tired men who are over 65 years is
12 times greater than the rate of
the same age who're still working.

   -which organ of our body uses
up the most energy.it's not the
heart.it's interior-ear.

   -the average of the women whom
french men are together with in
their life is 11.but this number
is 3,3 for the french women.

   -the 73% of the world's women
likes the non-eyeglassed guys more

   -the montly cost of slyvester
stallone's dog's dentist is about
1200 u.s.dollars.

   -the 3 of the murders out of 4
which were done by women take pla-
ce in houses.

   -the average of ravens' life is
about 80 years.

   -an american passes about 2 ye-
ars of his life in front of a te-

   -lying in a bed 21 days without
leaving causes a guy to become ol-
der 30 years.

   -the tickets of the concert
which was given by paul mc cartney
in sydney/australia finished in 8

   -the one of the first two women
who were accepted to fbi,was a nun

   -the first stamp was used in
england in 1840.

   -the creator of fast-food's and
hamburgers was the cook  of  the
sandwich count who lived in 17th
century in england.

   as you see there are lots of
interesting things we don't know.
hey,are you bored of me? please
give me some more time because it
is turn of the much loved part.gu-
ess what?yes,yo are right.here it

        YOU R CRAZY IF...

...you still have a door or a win-
dow which isn't isolated and can
easily pass cold.

...sometimes you don't drink wine
with bread.

...al the time you eat the same
foods and don't change the menu.

...you never tried to resist to
the gravity.

...you don't try to take a photo
when it is snowing.

...you don't go to the bars time
to time.

...you see your darling with nylon
socks but don't jump on her.

...you believe that you can measu-
re your bodies heat with your hand
without using a thermometer.

...you always buy tapes but don't
listen to radio.

...you don't wash your cat because
that it doesn't like bath.

...you haven't bought a gun to
stop the telephone or the clock
while you are sleeping.

...you often see yourself as a
balt in your dreams.

...you don't have any friend who's
a sleepwalker.(we are lucky as we
have sleepwalker in our status,heh

...you don't visit your friends'
houses because you worry about the
things like old-socks,ugly-smelled
foods etc.

...you don't believe that your
teeth-brush became old.

...you don't visit a doctor al-
though you sleep so mad.

...you don't invite your mother or
father to dance in a music which
you love very much.

...your tapes,books,medicines etc
are not in alfabetical-order in
your board.

...you didn't ever make a skeleton
from snow.

...you didn't drink at least three
different alcohol in the first day
of the new year.

...you can't stop your clock after
the first clatter in the morning.

...you don't swear to the control
cameras in the supermarkets.

...you couldn't have a single nor-
mal night with your lover.

...you gained the biggest prize in
a draw but didn't send me a pre-

...you didn't try to cut your hair
into 40 pieces.

...you didn't ever tried to measu-
re the amount of the band in a ta-

   hey,hey,hey!we're really going
crazy.i know that none of you want
to leave this corner.but if i wri-
te some more pages,falcon'll kill
me probably.because he is transla-
ting the things that i write.plea-
se don't leave me alone.you can
send me all kind of your text.my
addy is.


   at last i want to thank to fal-
con for his translation and to you
for reading this chapter.see you
in the next issue.

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