Splash 14 ch20 Personalities

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    hey palz!welcome to a new cor-
ner in this magazine.as you see i
only used the words 'new corner in
this magazine' but i didn't say
something like it is a new cool i-
dea.because i am not sure about it
if another disc magazine have done
it before  or not.the  important
thing is starting a chapter like
this i think,not to be the  first
guy or magazine.i have said lots
of words but i did not say  some-
thing about what this chapter is.
it is easy to determine what will
this chapter include but i think i
must tell the story why we agreed
to start a chapter like this.

    all the things started  after
we published the previous issue of
your favourite magazine.i finished
editing that issue and then star-
ted to write my  spread-note  and
other personals to the  note.but
most of my contacts asked a pictu-
re and some info about me.up to
that time i tried to send pictures
and infos about myself but it se-
emmed that that was insufficient.
because i have written my identi-
ties mostly on the disc-notes.but
not much of my contacts has it be-
cause how  many persons keep  the
disc-notes on their discs and do
not scratch or format it? not much
i think.so i  this time made  my
mind to write them on  a piece of
paper and attached a picture of my
face on it.i wrote some of my per-
sonalities,hobbies and other kind
of material that i thought it  was
interesting for my friends that i
swap with.i copied it several ti-
mes and nearly all of contacts to-
ok one.i was pleased that i  made
my contacts to know more about me.
and i was also glad that most of
my contacts  were also  happy for
that as they thanked for.and some
of them said some words like this:
'it is a cool idea to send an info
sheet like this.i will also do one
for me.i hope you won't mind..etc'

    i was glad that still there're
people who want to know about the-
ir swap partner and give importan-
ce to friendship not to only warez
on the disc.and then some time la-
ter beetlejuice called me up and
told that he had an idea.he  said
what about starting a chapter in
which scene-guys could write some
text about themselves.i told him
the things that i have narrated in
the beginning to him and we agreed
to start this chapter.we have some
reasons for this.here are some of
the facts that made us to start it
from somewhere.

    first we thought about where
you can find about some speciali-
ties of a guy.the first one is the
interviews.every interview of e-
very magazine has a question like
'what is your favourite....' or o-
ne like that 'could you please gi-
ve us some info or tell us  about
yourself etc...? yes,the aim  of
the interviews and this chapter is
very closed to each other.but  we
have to open a chapter like this
as the interest to the interviews
is dissolving.and also to keep the
interest well known guys are being
interviewed.yes,i know a magazine
must do that as i am also an edi-
tor.so what'll the rest do? will
they wait for being interviewed o-
ne day? so this is the first rea-
son for this chapter.

   and then we thought once more.
this time the subject was the disc
notes.most of the guys wrote some
notes in  which they  tell  about
themselves.but as it's only a note
not much person sees that.a maga-
zine has a better chance then  a
note.yes,this a second reason. we
have some more reasons too but if
i go on writing with them you'll
immediatlly push the  button  and
select another topic as you're bo-
red of this talk.

    this month we have only 3 per-
sonalities and they are the 3 acy
guys from ankara.hey,don't think
that we are trying to make an ac-
curacy propaganda.the only reason
for this is we did not start with
spreading personalities sheet.why?
because i want to write the aim of
the chapter in this issue and then
start to spread it.so this month
this corner is a bit empty as all
of the new start chapters but we
will see if you liked it or not in
the next issue.but now let's start
with it at the end.


name:burak seferoglu


eye colour:green

hair colour:light brown


weight:75 kg

special info:i am a licenced boxer
and a body builder.now i'm dealing
with karate.i am a purple belt.i
hate fighting but no one thinks
like me.power brings peace.

graphician,i know a bit code but
not too much? i am about to be a

story:i haven't got a long accura-
te story.in 1990 summer i was in a
nonscene lame group called data.
then i meet falcon/accuracy and he
took me to accuracy.he educated me
about the scene and he created be-
etlejuice from burak.i am proud to
be an accuracy and  specially  a
scene man.hope it will carry on.

likes:deep purple,blues,rock,pla-
ying electroguitar,girls in scene,
creatures 1 and 2,heavy jokes,be-
etles,beatles,falcon and golem.

friends(good enemies are better),
my sister,my piranhas(they have e-
aten my other fishes).


name:mete isman


eye colour:black

hair colour:black


weigth:75 kg

special info:i think we are going
to release our demo(we are making
dirty music) next year.rock the
school roll the teachers.


story:falcon is my brother's scho-
ol friend.i met him at my brother'
s birthday and i found myself in

likes:heavy metal,computer,girls,
turkish foods(a lot of things  but
there is no enough space)



name:baran deniz beyin


eye colour:blue

hair colour:light brown


weigth:60 kg

status:trying to be a graphician.

story:i joined at september 1992.

likes:my 64 and drive,playing the

dislikes:i like everyhing so no

    yes,these were all for this
issue.hey,i know that it is not e-
nough but please don't be too hard
for a new started chapter and help
us to make it better and better.
never forget that a magazine will
survive if its readers support it.

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