Skyhigh 20 Fredericia or bust - The Party 5

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Fredericia or bust - The Party 5

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, it's Christmas time, the
time for trees, presents, snow, gleaming children's
eyes, overcrowded warehouses, annoying muzak in
the same stores and the annual scene-event#1:


Now, as usual, don't you dare to expect some over-
exagurrated journalistic masterpiece here, listing
all people, events, releases and all that crap, we
got other mags for that, whose editors surely fro-
lick doing so :)...
Don't take this at all serious, as it's a personal view
of moi, Cupid/Avantgarde, and some collected sen-
tences from trespassing celebrities...
It all started as usual, a crowded bus with AVT,ATL,
F4CG,MDG and CREST members and an tiring ride up to
the cold north. And my, it was fucking cold, and
there was even some snow lying around, that came in
handy to produce some nice yellowy logos when you
weren't likely to go in when taking a pee at the
beerbreaks in between :)...
Whatever the party was not located in Herning, as
the years before, but in Fredericia, which lies a bit
to the north of Kolding and therefore was easily to
find, even the party place. After being checked in by
a pink-haired "barbie (her handle)", you were once
more confronted with the cacophony of innumerous
PC's playing some Doom or Worms jingles and explo-
sions, sometimes intercepted by another group
checking their equipment with some loud techno-zax.
But by the time you get used to it and if evolution
shows some mercy the average scener will be born
with earwax some generations ahead...

Whatever, the organisation was fucking lame compar-
ed to the Herning events, as it turned out to be a
more and more commercialized event rather than a
scene-festival. Nearly everything required an extra
fee let it be the rave, the showers (over the street,
in a swimming-hall) or the laser game, and with an
entrance-price of 250 kroner this is really an odd
thing to do. Same with the prices in the cafeteria, it
is really too much dough for a bottle of mineral wa-
ter, when it costs 25 kroner! Furthermore it was a
real smart thing to do, putting the sleeping hall next
to the rave. The kindness and tenderness of the se-
curity was another point, for example TMG/Motiv8's
pipe was checked for dope and moi was pulled away
out of the corridor on one leg! It's really an odd way
to awake being dragged away at one foot complete
with sleeping bag,and a kind voice saying to you "You
shouldn't jam the corridor!" Right,mom!
Whatever, again the organizers showed   their   inability
to cope with sid-sounds, as the first shown demos
were once again too silent...
The attendance from the C64 side was once again
rather good, a big thanx for that, as most of the
more-bitters have some strange way to party, either
sitting in front of their maching playing some games
(are they forbidden to do so at home?) or watching
some porn-slide-shows. Talking about porn, once a-
gain ACCEPT came to the rescue for  all the lecherous
ones, as they showed porn non-stop constantly co-
pying the same movie,   nice work, Quevis! Oddly enough
the one featuring this dog and donkey puzzled me a
bit, but maybe I'm just too conservative for that???
Now, some words about the compo: It was held at Re-
flex's table and featured a surprisingly high amount
of graphics and musics. Despite of some technical
problems, it was arranged in a very good way, thumbs
up for that, and not showing the handles, but only
numbers was a great idea to prevent friendship-vo-
ting! A nice number-girl would have done the trick,
There real compo, however was again a mixture of
screaming and grinning strangely to them PC and
Amiga guys. Some really nice demos were shown there
just check out the reviews chapter for more details.
The biggest cheers, however were once again gained
by doom-clones, and Antic's bogus internet entry!
Now for the real highlights this time:

- Celtic's attempt to convince everyone to write
down his handle story for the upcoming Contrast.
- The longplay TALENT Demo, do we need this? No we
- Stan/X-rated's emptying of a full tequila bottle
during the compo (now that's body crashing!)
- Honk/Plush's attempt to take a photo of every
chick at the party (how about posing a bit?)
- Zyron/Antic, Morpheus/FHI and Unifier showing
some really weird movements to some PC-tune???
- RRR/Phuture showing off at the compo ("This all is
going to appear in the next Relax"), proving to be
a real journalist complete with clipboard! I can
only hope, that I'll be as mature one day...
- Quiss's "Quod erat demonstrantum" at the end of
his demo, yep fuck em up!
- Graham's realtime-code for the Skyhigh-Picture
right after the compo!
-  Acidchild's sleeping bag loan shop, thanx a lot!
-  Biz Kid/Cml not going havoc when being forced to
follow KF and my thoughts exchange, lasting three
- The Camelot Pornahontas X-mas calendar (Don't
try to think, what it may be, just go on with it!)
- Slammer/Camelot showing some skills changing the
EXEC.BAT file of his groupmate (Virus?)...
-  A fucking tired Ned/Accept, telling something
about not being in the scene anymore, but being a
freelance-phreaker???? Errr.... :)
- Stan/X-rated, TGI/Paralalyze and Suicide/AVT,
making some mess in the cafeteria (Hey,Babe,bend
over,it's dirty here...)
- Somebody in Hitmen tagging the whole toilet I was

and a whole bunch of things more YOU missed, as you
haven't been there!

Well, as a conclusion, it once again was phun, an ex-
pensive one, though, but, overtired, smelly, but with
a grin we left. Next year again, see you all there,
and on other upcoming parties...

X!an <> Cupid/Avt


I, Biz Kid. would like to write a few words here as well.
As mentioned in my chapter, 'Tha biz-mix!', then I real
ly enjoyed this party too. We still know how to kick
ass. Those narrow minded PC or LAmiga owners who
doesn't have eyes for anything else than there own
computer systems has to be running around with a
real bad taste in their mouth by now. Just seeing how
we made our own music- and graphics- competitions
must have felt very defeating! Here they were, these
lame breadcase owners, doing something outside the
officially arranged stuff, and even having FUN with it
-How the fuck could that happend!!-
Once more I would like to shout out a big yoho to the
two groups who made it possible!!!

I would also like to comment some of the events which
took place at the Party 5.

- Commercial?? You bet!!
What other reasons could there be that we had to
pay 250 DKR for the entrance?? Are they out of
their fucking minds?? Lower that price next year

- And to the socalled 'organizer guards' at the door:
What the hell was their problem? Did they really
had to hire these skinheads look-a-like dumbfucks
to watch us? I don't think so. We were there to have
fun!, not to be bullied around like that. A big FUCK
YOU to the organizers for that!!

- Paying to get a shower? 25 DKR! Are they crazy?
How do they dare charging for ANYTHING, after the
entrance fee? Unbelievable!

- But, besides these few things it was a really cool
party indeed.

If there would have been a pee in th snow gfx compo,
then I am sure that Cupid would have won. I saw the
master piece he did! I think that he is the best snow
peeing artist the C64 scene has today - no shit!! You
should have seen the cool interlaced pee in the snow
Avantgarde logo he did!!

Finally I would like to greet all the people I met at
the Party.. We sure had a great time pals.  Be sure to
find me there this year again, or maybe on another
party inbetween!!

l8r, Biz Kid!!
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