Skyhigh 20 Coding chapter

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Coding chapter


It strikes me as very odd that when Skyhigh is a
magazine produced by one of the ruling demogroups,
Camelot, which has some of the best coders on the
C64 in it, that the coding chapter for the mag is
going to be hosted by someone who does not really
class as a coder. Yup, I bet when you saw that there
was a coding chapter in this issue, you thought that
Raz, Glasnost, Slammer etc would be hosting it. But,
sadly, the duty has fallen to your fool of the hour,

Coding chapters in magazines are truly bizarre, it
must be said. They are also the easiest in the world
to do if you are feeling lazy. After all, I don't think
I could count as high as I would need to, just to
count the amount of magazines which have listed all
the Kernal routines. The same applies for the mags
which have listed illegal opcodes. The word "boring"
immediately springs to mind.

So, this is going to be a different chapter. What I am
planning to do is start on a project, and I will tell
you all, in theory, how to do all the important bits
of the coding.

I will also be slipping in tips here and there, to help
you speed up your code, and so on. But I won't list
any fucking illegal opcodes....

OK, the best thing I think we should work towards is


It seems a better and better idea every second to
get Raz to do this....

Anway, lets decide on a few parameters for our
magazine's outfit. Imagine we have a real cunt of an
editor who wants a load of totally unreasonble
things done with the outfit (that's you, NTI! 8-):

1) A proportional displayer/upscroller
2)  An IRQ loader
3)  A scrolling menu
4) A logo above the text display

And some other stuff.

So, lets begin shall we, with a proportional displayer
for our unreasonable editor.


As I said, I am not going to give you any code yet,
but am instead just going to give you a lot of help
on how you can code your own. If I can persuade
either Biz Kid or Cupid to do some logo's and fonts
for me, and Metal to do some music, I guess I will
actually do all the code, and link it as an extra.

OK, part one is a proportional displayer.

These things are actually a standard on PC software
these days, due to the extra speed of such
computers. But, they are still perfectly reasonable
on the C64, as you obviously have seen, from this
mag! The general idea is that each letter only fills
the space that it needs, instead of the typical C64
way, where each character fills 8 bits across, and
8 bytes down. So, each character takes up 64 bits,
even though it may only be like the letter "i", and
really fill 1 bit across. The idea of a proportional
font is that it only takes up that one bit (or 2, as it
will have a blank bit on the right, so all the letters
are not stuck onto each other).

OK, so now you know the idea, this is how it is done.

There are two ways in which you can show your font
on the screen. The first way is to use a bitmap
screen, which is NOT the method that this outfit
uses, but is the best method for a normal displayer.
That is what we will use. The second method is the
one that this magazine, and The Relax use, to allow
an upscroller. That involves splitting the screen
into horizontal bars, with a raster split. In each of
those bars, you display a NORMAL block of text, with
40 chars across, and 6 chars down. Then, on each of
the raster splits, you change the charset. The idea
is to have, for example, in the top block, the chars
numbered 0 to 239. That is 6 rows and 40 columns
of chars, all of which are different. If you know
anything about the way a font is defined, the data
is held in the exact same way as a bitmap screen, so
what you do is that you treat the charset data the
same as how you would treat a bitmap screen. So, if
bar one has the charset stored at $2000 to $2800,
you would say "OK, so the first 6 row's bitmap screen
is at $2000 to $2800. The second 6 row's is stored
at $2800-$3000, and so on...." But, because you are
only using 240 of the characters in the $800 bytes
of screen store, instead of 256, the screen for each
bar is really only stored at $800 - ($10*$8), as you
are not using 16 chars worth of data, which is the
same as 16*8 (16 chars*8 bytes), which is, in hex,
$10*$8. So, you have to be careful of that.

Anyway, that is neither here nor there, as we are
using the first far simpler method of a plain old
bitmap screen. We will use the second method when
we get onto doing a proportional upscroller. Eek.

OK, so now we move onto the theory of proportional

The very first thing you need is a charset, and a
list of lengths. The charset is in the usual format
and attatched to them are the lengths, which are
$100 (256) bytes long. Each byte in the lenghts is
in the corresponding position to the screen code
of the letter in question. So, if you store the
lengths at position $4000 to $4100, the length at
position $4001 is the length for the letter "a". And
$4002 is "b", $4003 is "c" and so on. This makes life
very easy, as if you want to get the length of the
letter "a", you will already have the screen code
somewhere, probably in the A register. So, just move
it to the X register, and do:

LDA $4000,X

To get the length for the letter "a". Clever, eh?

As a note, the easiest way to get the lengths is to
use a small programme called "Proportional Convert"
coded by Fuben/Oxyron. It will give you the lengths
that you need. You can actuall put some code in
your proportional routine to work out the length
for you, but all it does is slow the whole lot down.

OK, so we have our data, and our lengths. Now, onto
the hard stuff.

Imagine we are at the start of the top line, so since
we are storing our bitmap at $2000, we are at that

What we do is get the character we want to display
from the memory (remember, we have already coded
our text editor (ha!)). Lets say it is the letter "a".

We know we are at the start of the line, so what we
do is to get the data, and we want to store it at the
right position.

So, what we do is to get the position from 0 to 7 of
where the last letter ended. Since we are at the
start of the line, it is 0. So, we do not have to move
the data over any.

We then just pick up the charset data, and store
it in th bitmap screen, at $2000-$2007. The best way
to store it is with an ORA command. OK, then we check
the length of the character.

We know the oldlength was 0, and the length of the
letter "a" is 7 (as we got the before). So, 0+7 is 7,
so we know that it fitted into the space. If it had
been greater that 8, then we would know the letter
had not fitted. Anyway, lets move on.

Store the 7 somewhere, as we need that for the
next letter, we'll store it at $FB.

So, increment the counter of the letter we are
getting next.

The next letter we get is the letter "b". So, get the
value in $FB. Oops, it is 7. OK, so what we do now is
this. We just store the letter as normal, but in the
loop where we pick it up from the data and place
it on the screen, we LSR the data $FB times. So, what
we are doing is moving all the data 7 positions to the
right. That then means that the data at positions
$2000 to $2007 is the whole letter "a", and only one
pixel of the letter "b".

So, add $FB and the length of the letter "b", which
we find to be 7 also.

So, 7+7=14. Oops, bigger than 8, so we know that the
letter has not fully fitted into the space $2000 to
$2007. So, we store the value 14 at $FC for future

Then, we don't get another letter, we move onto a
new loop we have not met yet. OK, this loop again
gets the data we want, but it is a little different.
Instead of getting the value in $FB, and LSRing is,
we want to ASL the data, as now we are dealing with
the RIGHT side of the letter. Confusing?

OK, but how do we know how many we want to ASL
it. This is the numbers bit....

OK, since we fitted in 1 column of the letter "b", it
means that column 1 has been printed. So, we want
to move it over 1 bit to the left. So, we get the
value in $FB, and subtract it from $8, as then we
get 1. And that is right, as if the value in $FB had
been 5, and we had fitted in 3 columns of the letter,
we would want to move the letter 3 bits left, which
is 8-5.

So, what you then do is to get $FB, and subtract it
from 8 (remember to set the carry or the maths will
bug here and there....) and then in your loop where
you display the letter, ASL each byte 8-$FB times.

So, now what you have to remember to do is to get
the length of the letter "b", and subtract 8-$FB
from it, to get the length that you want to be stored
in $FB next time. Then, from this loop, what you do is
add 8 to the place where you are storing the data,
so that it is then stored at $2008-$200F, and so on.

And then you continue in a loop.

Obviously, if you are doing that on the IRQ, you want
to keep a count of the amount of letters you are
doing, and find out how many letters you can do in
each frame. Using that method, I have got mine to
display rougly 20 letters per frame, which is about
as fast as you need.

OK, so I will summarise the whole thing in a simple

1) Get character
2) Get $FB
3) Get data and store it in the position, LSRing the
data $FB times
4) Add the letter length to $FB, and store it at $FC
5) If $FC>8 then goto 10
6) Store $FC at $FB
7) Increment the letter-getting routine
8) Goto 1
9) ;
10) Store 8-$FB at $FD
11) Get the data and store it in the right position,
ASLing it $FD times
12) Store charlength-$FD at $FB
13) Add 8 to the position where the data is being
stored in the bitmap screen
14) Increment the letter getting routine
15) Goto 1

And that is it, except that you need a few more
routines to code a mag outfit. The main ones are
routines to check if the letter you have got is a
marker for the end of a line or page.

For that, just check if the letter you have gotten
is equal to a $00 byte, and if so, then store 0 at
$FB, and change the position that the text is being
stored at. It is easier to store somewhere the
position in memory of the start of the line you are
on (so, store the bytes $00 and $20 somewhere) and
then if you rech a $00 byte, add 320 to those bytes,
by the usual hi/lo byte method (i.e. add 160 to the
$00 byte, and if the carry is set, increment the $20
byte, then do that again, to add 320). Then, store
that value at the loop that displays the text.

Then, you need an end of page routine, which is easy,
as all you do is check, when you hit an $00 byte, if
adding 320 will take you past the end of your page,
and if so, then you set an end flag, and wait for the
spacebar to be pressed, or the joystick, or
something like that. Going backwards through the
text is a little more difficult, as then you then have
to scan backwards through a certain amount of $00
bytes. But, if you have an end marker at the end of
a page, like Raz does in this outfit, it is a lot easier.

And that is it.

Next time, we will go over the theory of a
proportional upscroller and I will hopefully code
one to show you how it is done. Sadly, there will be
no code on this issue from me, as I have already
gone 3 days over my deadline from Biz Kid, so I do
not have time to do more! But, hopefully we can
squeeze Fuben/Oxyron's proportional converter on
this issue for you.

Ok then, that is it. I particularly need your comments
on this chapter so that I can try and make it more
reader friendly, so either get in touch, or write a
reaction on a sheet. Thanks a lot.


(I really would have included the proportional con-
verter from my cool buddy Fuben, but Shuze forgot
to include it on his disk, and I can't find my own ver-
sion!! So I guess you will have to wait for the next
issue to get it - right Paul!!  -bk!)
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