Skyhigh 16 Vision

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Can you dig it? Cupid back on the keys,with my very own chapter,that i took with me,when deciding to start as a co-editor of this mag...

Well,what is this chapter all about?

For the ones,that missed my first 2 Vision chapters in the Mendip,i will repeat the tale... everyone has his own Visions about the future,he thinks about a good job,about getting his neighbour to,err,that would go too far,and,yes,some people even might think of a certain tool,with which your scene-activity would be a lot easier...

That's the point,where the vision chapter starts, just write down,which tool or code might be extreme ly handy,and hey,there are enough gifted bit-mani- pulators in the scene that might give a second thought about your idea and give it a try...

So my premier audience for this chapter are:


I guess,that if some guys just dare to put down their vision of a certain tool,and some coder reads it,this chapter could become the cradle of a lot of useful tools!

But i need YOUR help to make this chapter a real success! Just overcome your shyness and give it a shot! Just think about two years back,who would Have considered a tool like Funpaint 2? Who was there to ask for a noter with proportional font?

Still now some people considered a proportional font upscroller impossible,now,here's the proof!

Now,just to give you some ideas,of what i'm talking about,here are some thoughts,that i had since the last Vision chapter...

ACTION REPLAY ACTION REPLAY Yes,the cartridge nearly everyone uses does offer more possibilities,than some might think! I got some tools from Morris/Agony lately,that could be loaded as Extensions in the cartridge. It was a sprite and a font editor,and i really dig these two!

This made me think about other useful tools with the same idea. For example i'm always disappointed by "new" no- ters,that still require a logo in Koala-Painter format! I'm not willing to waste 40 Blocks of the precious discspace for a logo,that's why i mainly work with Amica-paint! This made me envision a tool, that works with the Action Replay!

This tool should give you the opportunity to load a Amica-Paint logo in the memory of the cartridge, that'll be depacked then and moved to the required memory-position of the noter!

For those who mumble now,a depacked Amica-Paint logo is Koala-format!

How about giving it a try? I'm not fully updated with the memory of the Action Replay,but i think,that even a demopart using the extra-memory of it might be a cool idea...

Still some tools,that i'm searching for are as fol- lows:

-Converter Amica-paint to Superhires(Interlace) -Hires to Ifli Converter

Now,as this is meant as an audience-related chapter rather than a one-man-show i will stop here and pass the mic to you guys out there,to tell me your ideas.

Remember,if any coder manages to do a required tool,it'll be spread with the next issue of the SKYHIGH for sure...

Load another chapter now... Cupid/Extacy

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