Gamers Guide 23

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. this menu

      - welcome to issue # 23 of -      
         THE TRIAD GAMERS GUIDE         
   1. this menu                         
   2. credits, info and addies          
   3. games a - c                       
   4. games d - m                       
   5. games n - z                       
   6. 4 walls - 3 corners               
   7. reactions                         
   8. debating an opinion               
   - joy l/r for pages                  
   - joy l/r + fire for chapters        
   - shift/lock turns off logo swing    

         THE TRIAD GAMERS GUIDE         
     issue #23 comes to you towards     
         the end of april 1994.         
      WINGO did the game testing.       
    it pleases us to note that this     
  issue has involved more people both   
     inside and outside TRIAD than      
       has ever happened before.        
     hopefully this effort will be      
   reflected in an increased level of   
     entertainment for our readers.     

. credits, info and addies

             - CHAPTER 2 -              
     about the guide, the rules and     
   how to get in touch with the guide   
     the idea behind the guide, is      
    to give you information of all      
    the different versions released     
              of a game.                

         THE TRIAD GAMERS GUIDE         
 ------- the well earned credits ------ 
 code        king fisher                
 music       dezcrator/amiga.transfered 
             to 64 by king fisher       
 graphics    chorus+dane                
             original idea by INJUN INC 
 code        king fisher                
 music       alfatech                   
 graphics    none. layout - jerry       
 TEXT ED     rico of pretzel logic.     
 EDITORS     jerry and guests           

         THE TRIAD GAMERS GUIDE         
   games are added to the GUIDE as soon 
 as we get them. our dream is to show   
 you EVERY version of a game that is    
 released. make sure we get yours!      
   we can not play every level of every 
 version of the games. however, we do   
 all we can to get close to that!       
   the games listed in THE GUIDE are    
 NOT ranked. on popular demand they are 
 listed in order of their length.       
   if you want to vote on a group or    
 a cracker, please do. the scene is     
 drowned in vote sheets from all magz.  

         THE TRIAD GAMERS GUIDE         
 here are some rules we use.            
 separate pic, dox or other files are   
 not counted as part of the crack.      
 when pics are left in the game, this   
 is noted for fair comparison.          
 a separate highscore file is noted as  
 an H in the number-of-files column.    
 the length is included in the blocks.  
 added fastloader and some sort of      
 file-chain routine is noted.           
 other extras are noted separately.     

 the symbols used mean .. .   .     .   
 F                - number of files.... 
 -H               - highscore saver.... 
                    added to the game.. 
 -P               - picture in file.... 
 -#               - dox with the crack. 
 -I               - iffl routine....... 
 -F               - fastloader added... 
 L                - length in blocks... 
                    h-file included.... 
 C                - number of cheats... 
 -P               - passwords given.... 
 *  indicates >   - something ......... 
 :)     a      >  - something nice .... 
 :(comment on >   - something less nice 

  call the TRIAD bbs at +XX-XXX-XXXXX   
     THE STUDIO runs c-base 3.2 on a    
   CMD ram-link with 8 megs of memory.  
  this makes posting faster than ever,  
  but it also increases transferspeed.  
              try ATS7=40               
  the local switching station may need  
     more time to connect your call.    
            at +XX-XXXX-XXXXX           

            WHO?  ME?  WHERE?           
  these 3 members, want MORE contacts!  
 AVATAR    XXXXXX XXXXXXX               
           XXXXXXXXXX XX                
           XXX XX XXXXXXXX     XXXXXX   
 TRANZIIE  XXXXX XXXXXXX                
   home    XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X            
  again!   XXX XX XXXXXX       XXXXXX   
 WINGO     XXXXXX XXXXXXXX              
           XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX           
           XXX XX XXXXXXXX     XXXXXX   

            WHO?  ME?  WHERE?           
           XXXXXXXXXX XX                
           XXX XX XXXXXXXXX    XXXXXX   
 RAVE      XXXXXX XXXXXXXXX             
           XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX           
           XXX XX XXXXXXX      XXXXXX   
 MR.AMMO   XXXX XXXXXX                  
           XXXXXXXX XXX                 
 CA$H      swops only.                  
           no testing of your games.    

            WHO?  ME?  WHERE?           
 JERRY            editor                
 XXX XX                                 
 XXX XX XXXX                            
 XXXXXX           +XX-XXX-XXXXX         
 only reactions, articles and such.     
 sorry, no more game swopping, please!  
 call THE STUDIO at:                    
 leave your latest news in the special  
 sub for THE GAMERS GUIDE or upload a   
 text file for inclusion in THE GUIDE.  

   jerry             sailor             
   king fisher       ca$h               
   tdm               dane               
   bismarck          tango              
   kravin            twoflower          
   tranziie          rave               
   trident           avatar             
   wingo             achilles           
 HOLLAND           DENMARK              
   mr.ammo           heavy head         
 POLAND            AUSTRALIA            
   owen              roadrunna          

. games a - c

             - chapter 3 -              
            the games a - c             
 the doctrin (advocatated under various 
 forms) urgin the abolition of govern-  
 ment and governmental restraint as the 
 indispensable condition of political   
 and social liberty.                    
    the american college dictionary     

 the symbols used mean .. .   .     .   
 F                - number of files.... 
 -H               - highscore saver.... 
                    added to the game.. 
 -P               - picture in file.... 
 -#               - dox with the crack. 
 -I               - iffl routine....... 
 L                - length in blocks... 
                    h-file included.... 
 C                - number of cheats... 
 -P               - passwords given.... 
 *  indicates >   - something ......... 
 :)     a      >  - something nice .... 
 :(comment on >   - something less nice 

                  a.c.e.            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 motiv8/byc/crossfire fix  1    97  --- 
 in case you wondered - nope, this is   
 not a preview. there is a preview out  
 on the much improved ACE 2             

 SEUCK         alien smash          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 duel      /hibisch        1    92  +4  
 riff raffs/the yokel      1    94  +2  
 tlf       /bofrost        1   112  +3  

 SEUCK        alienator 93          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 mayhem    /met            1   112  +3  

          allan border´s cricket     w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 palace    /2ny            1   113  --- 
 rave+ltm  /cruze          1   127  --- 
 ---       /d-ram          1   132  --- 
 avantgarde/d-ram          1   136  --- 
 scs+trc   /action j.      1   141  --- 
 bronx     /psychopath     1   150  --- 
 afl 70    /---            1   151  --- 
   is as good as the same game as the   
 earlier GOOCH´S CRICKET.               

                arc doors           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 motiv8    /curlin+peacem.20p  297  +2p 

           armut und reichtum       new 
           powerty and welth            
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 tbt       /brian x3       1    51  --- 
 tlf       /arschvixer     1    63  --- 
 genesis p./airwolf        1    94  --- 
 compiled basic and all in german!      

 p1              astatin            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
   we have been informed that this game 
 was available over the counter already 
 in 1992-93 and that it was cracked     
 long before the "first release" by     
   this is interesting considering that 
 the original spread by DYTEC displayes 
 a 1994 copyright and a new 5-digit     
 postal code. only the older 4-digit    
 postal code ALSO appears in memory!    
 someone missed to change that :)       
   we are awaiting the proof!           

 p2              astatin            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
           game intro included          
 avantgarde/jack a+deff    1h  146:(--- 
 triad     /sailor         1h  147  --p 
 bronx     /snooze         1h  151  +2p 
 cherubs   /stake  (is +4) 2h  159  +5p 
 charged   /centurion      1h  160  +4  
 tfc       /delta          2h  169  --- 
 chromance /mr.wax         2h  179  +1  
 nature    /morgan         2h  183  --- 
 excess    /outlaw         2h  199  +1  
 the game has a built in time cheat and 
 level select. read also in REACTIONS!  
  :( AVT version crashes after lvl 98!  

 p3              astatin            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
           game intro removed           
 zatt      /jam            2h  111  +3  
 palace    /2ny            1h  117  +1p 
 just us   /agent          1-  144  --p 
 scs+trc   /moren          2h  151  +1p 
 genesis p./ministry    v2 2h  152  +1p 
 dytec     /bo     (is +5) 2h  155  +4  
 sacred/emp/mendrake       2h  168  +3p 
 sunrise   /argos          2h  176  --- 
 genesis p./airwolf     v1 2h  189  --- 
 the game has a built in time cheat and 
 level select. read also in REACTIONS!  

              astro pilot           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 bfl 70    /---            1    65  --- 
 lam+losers/bufferding     1    77  --- 
      -- game infopage included --      
 extacy    /masoko         1    99  --- 

 p1             ballfewer            w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
     ----- intro not included -----     
 accuse    /ream           1    93  +1  
 entropy   /gnu            1    97  +2  
 rave+ltm  /cruze          1   108  --- 
 dytec     /dodger         1   111  +1  
 amnesia   /calypso        1   113  +1  
 triad     /sailor         1   114  +3  
 elite     /tyfus          1   118  --- 
 epic      /crossfire      1   119  +2  
 ---       /d-ram          1   124  +2  
 afl 70    /mark+max     :(1   135  +2  
 -------------- comments & more ------> 

 p2             ballfewer            w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
       ----- intro included -----       
 xenon     /cracy bird:(:(  1p  130  +2  
 vision    /dr.jones      *1p  189  --- 
 :(choose no sprite collision and the   
   afl version can not be played!       
:(:( choose invincibility and the game   
    can´t be completed!                 
 * some gfx-bugs on title pic           

                  battle            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 avt/tal/psi/hok  fx/cz    8   479  +5  

 p1          black and white        new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
       -- game intro included --        
 genesis p./ministry       1h  191  --- 
 avantgarde/thorn+nevis    1h  202  --- 
 ------------------------ more -------> 

 p2          black and white        new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
        -- game intro separate --       
 fairlight /spirou         1h  122  --- 
 triad     /sailor         1h  137  --- 
 just us   /iron           1h  137  --- 
 f4cg      /sneaper        1h  138  --- 
 excess    /mindcrime      1h  143  --- 
 motiv8    /mason          1h  144  --- 
 mayhem    /met            1h  147  --- 
 avantgarde/d-ram          1h  148  --- 
 rebels    /tuc            1h  157  --- 
 amnesia   /riggs          1h  161  --- 
 talent/psi/cz+chrysagon   1h  167  --- 
 scs+trc   /burglar        1h  169  --- 
 extacy    /masoko         1h  183  --- 

               black jack           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 tlf       /arschvixer     1    43  --- 

 SEUCK        bluey blob            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 riff rafs /the yokel      1    75  +2  
 mayhem    /met            1   106  +3  

           bottle of budbrain        w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 entropy   /gnu            1    37  --- 
 slash     /poeba & axe    1    48  --- 
 cherubs   /stake          1    50  --- 
 beatnicks /w.k.w.         1    51  --- 
 fatum     /moonchild      1    55  --- 
 chromance /ministry       1    57  --- 
 crypt     /thorn          1    59  --- 

                 bullet             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 avantgarde/jack alien  *  1    84  +2  
 tlf       /arschvixer     1    86  --- 
 motiv8/c0d/crossfire      1   134  +fx 
 genesis p./airwolf        1   149  --- 
 * translated                           

 SEUCK          carwars ii          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 riff raffs/the yokel      1    85  +2  
 bronx     /psychop.+bird  1   162  +6  

 p1              cashman            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 palace    /dr.pain        1    59  +2  
 accuse    /ream     :(:(:( 1    62  +1  
 just us   /agent          1    67  --- 
 scs+trc   /moren          1    70  +1  
 jam       /iopop     :(:(  1    72  +2  
 cherubs   /stake          1    73  +4  
 motiv8    /the mighty 1s! 1    75  +1  
 amnesia   /calypso        1    76  +3  
 bronx     /snooze      :( 1    77  +4  
 ------------------------ more -------> 
:(:(:(crashes in no cheat is selected.   
:(:( end sequence not correct!           
 :(choose to see the end and it crashes 

 p2              cashman            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 player    /ministry       1    77  --- 
 mayhem    /met            1    78  +1  
 genesis p./lcf            1    80  +3  
 chromance /mr.wax   :(:(:(:( 1    81  +4  
 avantgarde/jack alien     1    81  +2  
 nature    /morgan         1    82  +2  
 extacy    /masoko         1    84  +2  
 bronx     /psychopath     1    84  --- 
 excess    /sentinel       1    86  +2  
 dytec     /bo             1    87  +3  
 afl 70    /max            1    88  +2  
:(:(:(:( crashes - period!                 

                 castle              w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 chro/dmx  /mr.wax         1   177  +1  
 afl 70    /---            1   197  +3  
     ----- intro not included -----     
 elite     /agent          1    99  --- 
 rave+ltm  /cruze          1   112  --- 

                catch two           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 mayhem    /met            1h  110  +2  
 scs+trc   /moren          1h  135  +5  

 SEUCK          chaos road          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 duel      /hibisch        1    78  +4  
 riff raffs/the yokel      1    79  +2  
 gulas     /---            1    96  +4  

               cheeky twins          w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 red sector/count zero     2h  150  +2  
 rave+ltm  /cruze          2h  152  +1  
 chromance /mr.wax         2h  170  +1  
 scs+trc   /zar            2h  171  +3       * 2h  185  +3  
     ------ intro not included -----    
 dytec     /dodger         1   115  +3  
 f4cg      /sneaper        1h  121  +3  
 have you read the end? i agree with CZ 
 * saves HI in cheatmode. is really +4  

 SEUCK       chrome brothers        new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 duel      /hibisch        1    82  +4  
 riff raffs/the yokel      1    99  +2  
   this game shows that SEUCK can be    
 used in new ways. cute from that point 

                  comet             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 scs+trc   /moren          1    72  +2  

               cosmos 3000          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 gulas     /---            1    79  --- 
 lame clone. looks like it´s from 1982! 

          crocodile down under          
   this SEUCK game was re-released      
 recently under the assumption that it  
 never left australia last time it was  
   who ever did this, tried a smoth one 
 on purpose. if not, he is the ultimate 
 loser, understanding zilch of the ways 
 of the scene.                          
   CROCODILE DOWN UNDER came to me from 
 BUCCKANER on september 5th 1988. it is 
 stored on swop disk #839. the game     
 also sports the most uggly load pic i  
 have ever seen. all in style :)        

 p1             crossfire           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
         -- game intro included --      
 amnesia   /calypso        1   131  +3  
 avantgarde/jack alien     1   131  +3  
 afl 70    /skid row       1   195  +2  
 ------------------------ more -------> 

 p2             crossfire           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
        -- game intro separate --       
 accuse    /ream           1    98  +2  
 motiv8    /crossfire      1   100  +5  
 scs+trc   /moren          1   101  +5  
 rebels    /tuc            1   106  +3  
 dytec     /dodger         1   109  +4  
 bronx     /snooze         1   111  +5  
 f4cg      /sneaper        1   111  +2  
 chromance /mr.wax         1   115  +5  
 excess    /sentinel       1   115  +4  
 sunrise   /argos          1   117  --- 
 mayhem    /met            1   118  +2  
 extacy    /masoko         1   123  +2  
 talent    /chrysagon      1   128  +2  

                 crotch             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 nature/emp/hunter         1   135  --- 

               crush´em up           w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 accuse    /ream           1h   29  --- 
 beatnik   /w.k.w.         1h   31  --- 
 ultimate  /powernose      4    60  --- 
 genesis p./airwolf        1h   71  --- 

          crystal caves update      new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 tbt       /brian x3       1h   31  --- 
 genesis p./ministry       1h   45  +1  
 bronx     /snooze         1    45  +1  
 afl 70    /max            2    54  +3  
 nature    /morgan         1h   59  +1  
 entropy   /gnu            1    14  --- 
 ENTROPY version has intro separate and 
 is missing the upgrade. without that,  
 we have exactly the old game!  smart!  

 p1            cyberblocks           w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 avantgarde/nevis+thorn    9hp 207  --- 
 chromance /homeboy        9hp 210  +2  
 act/c0d   /nevis+thorn    9hp 234  +2  
 extacy    /masoko         9hp 238  +2p 
 dytec     /lbm            9hp 242  +2  
 motiv8    /peacm.+curlin  2ip 247  +2  
 afl 70    /murphy         2ihp279  +3  
 bronx     /psychopath     9hp 291  +2  
 genesis p./airwolf        9hp 298  --- 
 ----------------------- more --------> 

 p2            cyberblocks           w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 palace    /---            2ih 181  +1  
 triad     /sailor         9h  189  +1  
 accuse    /ream           2i  195  --- 
 excess    /mindcrime      9hf 199  +1  
 afl 70    /max            9hf 209  +1  
 scs+trc   /cba            9h  213  +2  
 just us   /tyfus          8h  238  +1  
 sunrise   /argos          9h  273  --- 
 avt/cod   /nevis+thorn    9h  310  +2  

                cyclones             w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 - editor included                      
 afl       /lcf            2i  109  --p 
 excess    /red rock       1   129  --- 
 avantgarde/jack alien     2i  129  --- 
 - editor separate                      
 fairlight /bacchus        2i   83  --- 
 genesis p./ministry   v2  1   100  --- 
 slash     /axe            1   102  --p 
 genesis p./airwolf    v1  2i  116  --- 

. games d - m

             - chapter 4 -              
            the games d - m             
 a governmental system with strong      
 centralized power, permitting no       
 opposition or criticism, controlling   
 all affairs of the nation, emphasizing 
 an aggressive nationalism and (often)  
    the american college dictionary     

 the symbols used mean .. .   .     .   
 F                - number of files.... 
 -H               - highscore saver.... 
                    added to the game.. 
 -P               - picture in file.... 
 -#               - dox with the crack. 
 -I               - iffl routine....... 
 L                - length in blocks... 
                    h-file included.... 
 C                - number of cheats... 
 -P               - passwords given.... 
 *  indicates >   - something ......... 
 :)     a      >  - something nice .... 
 :(comment on >   - something less nice 

               dark caves           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 motiv8    /curlin         5h  186  +4  
 avantgarde/thorn+nevis    2ih 191  +4  
 game intro not included                

                darktower            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 genesis p./ministry       1   110  --- 
 motiv8    /tricket        1   118  --- 
 nature    /hunter         1   132  --- 
 srd/rmjcc /mendrake       1   137  --- 
 text adventure                         

                  dinox              w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 dytec     /dodger (is +4) 2i  114  +3  
 afl 70    /max           10   126  +4  
 charged   /centurion      1   125  +2  
 cherubs   /stake          2i# 127  +4  
 just us   /moscito   :(  10   149  +1  
 genesis p./ministry      10   156  +3  
 :(may bug at times when you die        

 p1            disc-o-very           w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 success   /moren          1p   72  +1:(
 avt/talent/---  fx/pudwrx 1p   83  +3  
 ikari/dmx /just ice       1p   97  --- 
 fire      /q-tip+plug ii  1p  106  +3  
 ------------------------ more -------> 
 :(levelskip brings you back to lvl 1   

 p2            disc-o-very           w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 xentrix   /gnu            1    61  --- 
 vagabonds /mindcrime      1    64  +2  
 x-factor  /hercules       1    67  --- 
 accuse    /ream           1    69  --- 
 triad     /bismarck       1    71  --- 
 f4cg      /sneaper        1    79  +3  
 illusion  /d-ram          1    81  --- 
 accuracy  /masoko         1    82  +4  
 excess    /sentinel       1    84  --- 

                do or die            w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 extacy    /masoko         3   204  --- 
 afl 70    /skinhead       4   222  +5  
 f4cg      /sneaper        5   248  +9  
 intro included                         

              dr.mad versus         new 
    the topsy turvy moonmen of mars     
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 avantgarde/hok            1   130  +3  
 who´s the topsy turvy? i bet they did  
 this only to give us a headache!       

 p1            duel strike           w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /sailor         1H   55  --- 
 elite     /agent          1    60  --- 
 accuse    /ream           1    62  +1  
 xenon     /crazy bird     1    66  +1  
 dytec     /dodger         1    67  +1  
 afl 70    /marc        *  1    68  +1  
 rave+ltm  /jessie         1    68  --- 
 slash     /axe            1    69  +1  
 equinoxe  /snooze         1    70  +1  
 ---       /d-ram          1    71  +1  
 amnesia   /calypso        1    72  +1  
 ------------------ comments & more --> 

 p2            duel strike           w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 epic      /---            1H   75  +1  
 excess    /sentinel    *  1    76  +1  
 tfc       /delta    **    1H#  82  --- 
    ----- load picture included -----   
 rsi       /mp+hok         1p   90  +1  
 extacy    /masoko         1p  105  +1  
 * gfx bug on the planet                
 ** music installed in the TFC version  

               dark caves           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 avantgarde/jack alien     1   129  +3  

                experience           w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 bronx     /snooze       * 2h  127  +4  
 excess    /red rock  :(:(  4h  149  +3  
 extacy    /masoko         2h  148  +2  
 motiv8    /crossfire    * 4h  148  +2  
 scs+trc   /moren          4   149  --- 
 dytec     /proton         4h  154  +3  
 just us   /iron           4h  154  --- 
 nature    /---            4h  165  --- 
 sacred/emp/mendrake   :(  4h  166  +1  
 afl 70    /mark           4h  178  --- 
 * translated                           
 :(crashes. may be the fix!             
:(:( the hangman fucks up in cheat mode  

 SEUCK         fire eagle           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 duel      /hibisch        1    83  +4  
 riff raffs/the yokel      1    87  +2  
 grb+troep /gierput        1    96  +1  

 p1            fred´s back 3        new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 sunrise   /argos         14   174  --- 
 wow       /sorex          1i  176  +2  
 triad     /sailor        14   177  +2  
 scs+trc   /zar           14   177  +2  
 dytec     /dodger        14   180  +2  
 excess    /sentinel   :( 14   180  +2  
 accuse    /ream          14   181  +2  
 just us   /moscito       14   184  +3  
 bronx     /snooze        14   184  +2  
 scs+trc   /hi-lite       14   185  +3  
 genesis p./la style   :( 14   185  +2  
 ----------------------- more --------> 
 :(some graphix bugs appear             

 p2            fred´s back 3        new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 red sector/count zero:(:( 14   186  +5  
 player    /mr.mister     14   189  +3  
 amnesia   /calypso       14   189  +2  
 awt       /thunderblade  14   191  +5  
 gothic    /cdh           14   193  +2  
 mayhem    /met           14   194  +2  
 cherubs   /stake          2i  197  +5* 
 avantgarde/jack alien    14   200  +3  
 extacy    /masoko        14   200  +3  
 ----------------------- more --------> 
 * 1 double cheat.                      
:(:( skip level from a bonus screen and  
    the game crashes!                   

 p3            fred´s back 3        new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 nature    /hunter        14   201  +2  
 chromance /mr.wax      :(14   201  +2  
 motiv8    /mason          2i  206  +2  
 :(cromance v.crashes sooner or later.  

 p1             frontball            w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 palace    /dr.pain        1h   74  --- 
 entropy   /gnu            1h   75  --- 
 fairlight /bacchus        1h   78  +6  
 elite     /tyfus          1h   78  --- 
 afl 70    /marc           1h   81  +1:(
 accuse    /---            1h   89  +1  
 rebels    /tuc            1h   89  +1:(
 amnesia   /calypso        1h   92  --- 
 mayhem    /met   NO TFC!  1    92  +1  
 ---       /d-ram          1h   96  --- 
 dytec     /lbm            1h   97 *+2  
 cherubs   /stake          1h   97  +1  
 ----------------- more + comments ---> 

 p2             frontball            w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fatum     /moonchild      1h   98  --- 
 epic      /steven         1h  101  +1  
 xenon     /crazy bird:(:(  1h  104  +1  
 :(saves HI also in cheat mode          
 * ultd money doesn´t work properly in  
   dytec´s version                      
:(:( the xenon version crashes if you    
    choose  y,n,n,y in the cheat menu.  

 SEUCK     game, set and fire       new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 laser     /steve          1   108  +4  

                 genloc             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 talent    /benson         7h  280  +4  

                 get it              w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
        -- game intro included --       
 amnesia   /calypso   :(:(  1   121  +4  
 red sector/hok            1   125  +4  
 ---       /d-ram      :(  1   130  +3! 
 scs+trc   /cba            1   132  +3! 
 extasy    /masoko         1   136  +1  
 crypt     /nevis+thorn    1   149  +4  
 chromance /mr.wax         1   150  +4  
 excess    /red rock  :(:(  1   154 (+4)         2   171  +2  
 ----------------- more + comments ---> 
 :(look at end-pic and it fucks up!     
:(:( version crashes sometimes           

 p2              get it              w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
     ----- game intro removed -----     
 rave+ltm  /cruze          2    98  --- 
 dytec     /dodger         1   101  +4  
 afl 70    /lcf            1   102  +6  
 equinoxe  /snooze         1   108  +4  
  the game has built in cheat options   

 SEUCK        gothic attack         new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 mayhem    /met            1   131  +3  

              he-man junior         new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 bronx     /bird+psychop.  1   155  +6  

           hyper space warrior       w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 legend/tsm/---           30   501  +1  
 xenon     /crazy bird    25   651  --- 
 bronx     /psychopat     25   651  --- 
 the  BRONX and XENON versions are not  
 complete since the files from the      
 b-side of the game are missing.        

               jewel chest           w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /sailor         1    42  --- 
 shazam    /morbid         1    44  --- 
 accuse    /cauldron       1    51  --- 
 scs+trc   /zar            1    57  +1  
 crypt     /thorn+nevis    1    58  --- 
 ---       /d-ram          1    60  --- 
 genesis p./ministry       1    63  +1    :(   1    75  +1  
 afl 70    /sting          1#   78  +3  
 :(a bit fucked up!                     

                 kangur             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 gulas     /---            1    78  --- 
 another one that looks like it was     
 coded in 1982. talk about insulting    
 the buyer!                             

             killing fields          w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /bismarck       1    88  --- 
 entropy   /gnu            1    89  --- 
 active    /riddler        1    90  --- 
 fairlight /bacchus        1    93  --- 
 dytec     /lbm            1   112  +1! 
 excess    /red rock       1   120  --- 
 chromance /mr.wax         1   129  --- 
 ! they write +2, but they cheat both   
   players in one question              

                the king             w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 afl 70    /---            1   115  --- 
 motiv8    /your godz!     1   131  --- 
 charged   /blitzkrieg   * 1   140  --- 
 bronx     /psychopath     1   151  --- 
 talent/dmx/hain         * 1   178  --- 
 * translated                           

                 klatwa             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 rsi/talent/hein           6   257  --- 

                 lemmings           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
    /burglar+moren+cba   142  1941  +2p 

          lightphaser archery       new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 scs+trc   /raze           1    46  --- 
 changed by RAZE to work with joy       
 instead of a lightphaser               

         lions of the universe       w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 elite     /agent          8p  292  --- 
 wow       /sorex          1ip 302  +8  
 extasy    /masoko         8p  302  +3  
 success   /burglar        1ip 308  +1  
 afl 70    /---            8p  324  +2  
 slash     /axe            8   264  +2  
 dytec     /dodger         8   273  +4  
 f4cg      /sneaper+anti.  8   275  +9! 
 epic      /mason          8   283 !+3  
 tfc       /---            8#  305  +1  
 ! they say +8 while it really is +9    
 ! they say +3 while it really is +4    

                 magnetic            w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /sailor         1    30  --- 
 palace    /dr.pain        1    30  --- 
 shazam    /morbbid        1    31  --- 
 entropy   /gnu            1    31  --- 
 fairlight /alchm.+bacch.  1    33  --- 
 accuse    /ream           1    39  --- 
 amnesia   /calypso        1    41  --- 
 success   /raze           1 :( 47  --- 
 excess    /cat            1    49  --- 
 illusion  /d-ram          1    50  --- 
 fatum     /moonchild      1    51  --- 
 dytec     /lbm            1    52  --- 
 afl 70    /martin         1    53  --- 
     :(minor gfx-bug in demo mode       

 p1       mayhem in monsterland      w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 active    /trasher        7   434  +4  
 contrast  /iceman         7   445  +1  
 triad     /king fisher    7   448  +3  
 fairlight /bacchus        2i  451  +6  
 red sector/cz+break.    ! 7#  468  +4  
 accuse    /ream           7h  470  +2  
 dytec     /lbm            7   474  +5  
 acuracy   /masoko         7   476  +6  
 avantgarde/jack alien     7   478  +5  
 excess    /gash       !!  7   480  +4  
 citadell  /allitaice    :(2i  509  +2  
 pandora   /shoot   IS+7!  8f  536  +6  
 ----------------comments & more -----> 

 p2       mayhem in monsterland      w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
           -- intro included --         
 epic      /crossfire      8   480  +5  
 wow       /sorex          2i  481  +9  
 success   /burglar     !  1i  505  +6  
 success   /hain           2i  516  +4  
 rebels    /tuc            1i  533  +7  
 ! scenes between sad and happy are     
   fucked up. iffl loader doesn´r work  
   on oceanic drives                    
 ! end sequence fucked up and game      
   flips out at times                   
 !! doesn´t work with tfc 3             
 :(hid one file to make it look shorter 

               mercenary 2          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 charged   /blitzkrieg   * 1   147  +4  
 afl 70    /max     v2  *  1   147  +3  
 talent    /hain         * 1   149  +3  
 afl 70    /---     v1     1   151  --- 
 chromance /---          * 1   170  --- 
 * translated                           
 the polish name of is najemnik  

               mini munch           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 laser     /steve          1    45  +1:(
 :(push up-arrow to play uncheated game 
   error in cheat code.                 
 kick me if i am wrong, but isn´t this  
 an old game?                           

                  move              new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /king fisher    6h  153  +4  
 f4cg      /sneaper        6h  173  +2  
 dytec     /bo     (is +4) 2i  180  +3  
 scs+trc   /cba            6h  182  +2  
 excess    /red rock       6h  186  --- 
 chromance /homeboy        6h  188  +3  
 avantgarde/jack alien     6h  190  +3  
 motiv8    /peacemaker  fx 7h  216  +2  

 p1              muehle              w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /sailor         1    86  --- 
 rave+ltm  /primus     v1  1    95  --- 
 cherubs   /stake          1   101  --- 
 afl 70    /lcf            1   102  --- 
 amnesia   /calypso        1   102  --- 
 scs+trc   /cba       fix  1   103  --- 
 sunrise   /argos          1   103  --- 
 rebels    /tuc            1   103  --- 
 avantgarde/thorn          1   104  --- 
 motiv8    /crossfire      1   105  --- 
 rave+ltm  /jessie         1   106  --- 
 ------------------------ more -------> 

 p2              muehle              w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 f4cg      /sneaper     *  1   107  --- 
 genesis p./ministry       1   108  --- 
 xentrix   /met            1   110  --- 
 xenon     /crazy bird     1   111  --- 
 ---       /d-ram          1   112  --- 
 charged   /---            1   116  --- 
 bronx     /psychopath     1   123  ---         1   135  +1  
 * slight gfx bug                       

. games n - z

             - chapter 5 -              
            the games n - z             
 theory that human abilities are        
 determined by race.                    
       /the oxford guide to the english 
 the word is not even listed in the     
 american college dictionary of 1947 !  

 the symbols used mean .. .   .     .   
 F                - number of files.... 
 -H               - highscore saver.... 
                    added to the game.. 
 -P               - picture in file.... 
 -#               - dox with the crack. 
 -I               - iffl routine....... 
 L                - length in blocks... 
                    h-file included.... 
 C                - number of cheats... 
 -P               - passwords given.... 
 *  indicates >   - something ......... 
 :)     a      >  - something nice .... 
 :(comment on >   - something less nice 

                  nova               w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /sailor      !  1    78  +p  
 fairlight /bacchus     !  1    79  +1* 
 xenon     /crazy bird   :(1    80  +1  
 amnesia   /calypso        1    96  +1  
 dytec     /proton         1    98  +2p 
 epic      /doom           1   102  +2  
 ! fixed to work on a 128               
 * removed the need for passwords       
 :(fucks up if level 1c or higher is    

                 parsec              w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 wow       /sorex          2i  454  +8  
 success   /burglar        1i  459  +7  
     ----- game intro removed -----     
 collision /2ny            2i  326  +4  

            perfect symetrie         w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 elite     /tyfus       :( 1    85  --- 
 xenon     /crazy bird     1    90  +2  
 accuse    /ream           1h   95  +1  
 red sector/count zero     1   101  +2  
 bronx     /snooze     v2  1   101  +2  
 dytec     /lbm          :(1   103  +3  
 ---       /d-ram          2   103  +1  
 excess    /red rock       1   106  +3  
 crypt     /thorn+nevis    1   112  +3  
 bronx     /psychopath v1  2   112  +2  
 vsn/coders/x-rad.+mr.j. :(1   153  +2  
 :(gfx bug in the logo                  
 :(1st level skipped 1st time you play  

                perplex 2            w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 slash     /axe            2   114  +2  
 dytec     /proton         1   119  --p 
 triad     /sailor         2   122  --p 
 elite     /agent          2   152  --- 
 extacy    /masoko         2   152  +3       :(2   158  +2  
 afl 70    /sting  (is+3)  1   192  +2  
          -- editor separate --         
 equinoxe  /snooze         3#  151  +2p 
 the game has a built in +2 option and  
 an editor.                             

                polowanie           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 gulas     /---            1    73  --- 
 another polish garbage game!           

 SEUCK      pudwerx and dawsy       new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 duel      /hibisch        1    86  +4  
 riff raffs/the yokel      1    89  +2  
 gulas     /---            1   101  +4  

              puzzle master          w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 motiv 8   /mason         11h  267  +1p 
 cherubs   /stake          2ih 270  +3p 
 dytec     /lbm           11h  270  +2p 
 red sector/hok           11h  271  +1p 
 scs+trc   /zar         :(11h  277  +1p 
 afl 70    /supreme       11hf 282  +:) 
 :(HI-SCORE doesn´t save!               
 :)you choose freely instead of p-words 

                quadrant             w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
          -- intro included --          
 success   /micron       ! 2ih 399  +3  
          -- intro removed --           
 wow       /sorex          2i  271  +3  
 afl 70    /skinhead      12h* 294  +3  
 vision    /iceball        2i  346  +5  
 * irq loader removed                   
 ! saves HI in cheat. IRQ loader used.  

                 quiz show          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 accuse    /ream       :(  7   136  --- 
 extacy    /masoko         2i  216  --- 
 dytec     /dodger        46   237  --- 
 :(crashed after a while and spoiled my 
   day. 100% correct answers that far!  
   game not complete!                   
 this game is in german. translating it 
 it would be a mega task.               
 entering your name is such a drag that 
 you adopt the letter X as your name!   

                 raz-man            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 gulas     /---            1    54  +1  
 pac-man clone.                         

 p1              reactor             w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 xenon     /crazy bird    13h  412  +2  
 triad     /sailor        13h  414  --- 
 xentrix   /met           13h  417  --- 
 accuse    /cauldron      13h  420  --- 
 avantgarde/jack alien    13h  429  +1  
 rebels    /tuc           13h  431  --- 
 afl 70    /supreme     *  2ih#433  +4  
 m8/tsm    /mason         10h  441  +2  
 f4cg      /sneaper       13h  441  +1  
 extacy    /masoko        13hf 442  +3  
 ------------------------ more -------> 
 * partly re-coded to fit their IFFL    

 p2              reactor             w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 chromance /homeboy       13h  446  +1  
 dytec     /proton        13h  449  +1  
 charged   /bald          13h  450  --- 
 crypt     /thorn+nevis   10h  456:)+2  
 awt       /tb+ls         13h# 465  +2  
  :)cool cheats. level + time on/off!   

              retro torque           w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /sailor         1   127  --- 
 genesis p./lcf            1   127  --- 
 rave+ltm  /jessie         1   139  --- 
 ---       /d-ram          1   143  --- 
 bronx     /snooze         1   143  --- 
 f4cg      /sneaper        1   151  --- 
 scs+trc   /burglar        1   154  --- 
 avantgarde/jack a+deff    1   164  --- 
 motiv8    /crossfire      1   166  --- 
 basically the same game as TURBO CART  
 RACER released x-mas 1990.this version 
 has a lot more play options. the bikes 
 now are 3-d animated.                  

            revenge of balrog       new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 mayhem    /met            1    39  --- 
 tlf       /arschvixer     1    53  --- 
 text adventure                         

 SEUCK        river mission         new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 tbt       /brian x3       1    87  +6  

 SEUCK         ruters world         new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 mayhem    /met            1   102  +3  

 p1            saliva kid            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /bacchus    v2  5h  244  +1  
 fairlight /bacchus    v1  5h  263  +1  
 avantgarde/jack alien     6h  283  +1  
 rebels    /t.u.c          6h  294  +2  
 genesis p./ministry       5h  315  +2  
 afl 70    /---            6h  324  +1  
 cromance  /jazzy d        6h  324  +1  
 motiv8    /mason          5h  327  +1  
 ------------------------ more -------> 
 the first FLT version didn´t always    
 start up after the game intro. thus    
 the new one.                           

 p2            saliva kid            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
        ----- intro removed -----       
 afl 70    /supreme  :(:(:(:( 2h  231  +2  
 talent    /chrysagon   :( 6h  269  +3  
 dytec     /dodger         6h  278  +1  
 motiiv 8  /mason          5h  285  +1            6h  358  --- 
 :(Q doesn´t work! sprite and gfx bugs  
:(:(:(:( the AFL version is lacking levels 

           santa claus helper       new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 excess    /red rock       1   113  +1  

               the session          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 motiv8    /mason         27h  276  +1  

 SEUCK         silver axe           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 mayhem    /met            1   119  +3  

 SEUCK           skullz             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 riff raffs/the yokel      1    84  +2  
 duel      /hibisch        1    85  +4  
 gulas     /---            1   104  +4  

                smashball            w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 accuse    /ream           1    57  +1  
 equinoxe  /snooze         1    60  +1  
 rave+ltm  /jessie         1    63  --- 
 red sector/hok            1    65  +1  
 ---       /d-ram          1    66  +1  
 extacy    /masoko         1    67  +1  
 amnesia   /calypso        1    68  +1  
 scs+trc   /zar            1    72  +2  
 tlf       /arschvixer     1    73  +1  
 chromance /mr.wax         1    74  +1         1    87  +1  
 vision    /dr.jones    *  1    99  +1  
 crypt     /thorn+nevis    1   107  +1  
            * music goes funky!         

             souls of darkon        new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 scs+trc   /raze           1   136  --- 
 motiv8    /mason          1   145  --- 
 adventure game                         

             spanish treasure       new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 mayhem    /met            1   142  --- 
 afl 70    /mark           1   149  --- 
 avantgarde/d-ram          1   157  --- 
 motiv8    /crossfire  fx  1   192  --- 
 text adventure                         

                splitter            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 amnesia   /seal        *  2i  259  +2  
 avantgarde/---            2i  267  +2  
 triad     /sailor        12   267  +1  
 genesis p./la style      12f  275  +3  
 excess    /gash   (is+3)  2i  276  +2  
 dytec     /dodger (is+3) 12   283  +2  
 motiv8    /mason          2i  286  +1  
 chromance /mr.wax        12   290  +1  
 extacy    /masoko        12   291  +2  
 * it happens that there is an extra    
   part left and thus the game can´t    
   be finnished.                        

                star brain           w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 motiv 8   /mason iceball  2ip 239  +2  
 f4cg      /antitrack      3   260  +2  

                 stargate            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 bronx     /psychopath  *  2h  161  --- 
 motiv 8   /crossfire      1h  164  --- 
 tlf       /mr.freezer     1   185  --- 
 * not translated                       

               sub burner           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 riff raffs/the yokel      1   109  +2  
 gulas     /---            1   112  +4  
 duel      /hibisch        1   130  +2:(
 :(always endless lives !               
 i think this is an old SEUCK with just 
 some improved sprites, but i am not    
 sure. anyone knows?                    

            suburban commando        w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 palace    /dr.pain        2i  265  +1  
 fairlight /bacchus        2i  270  +3  
 accuse    /ream           2i  283  +4  
 epic      /stepen         6   286  +4  
 fatum     /moonchild      2i  287  +5  
 vision    /decorien       2i  289  +9  
 avantgarde/darklord   v1  6   293  +2  
 avantgarde/dl+ja      v2  6   295  +6  
 rebels    /t.u.c.         6   296  +8  

              super nibbly          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 dytec     /lbm           15p  242  +3p 
 scs+trc   /burglar        2i  160  +3  
 avantgarde/thorn+nevis   16   172  +4  
 triad     /sailor        15   179  +3p 
 rebels    /tuc           15   185  +4p 
 extacy    /masoko (is+4) 15   186  +3  
 motiv8    /mason          2i  189  +4p 
 excess    /mindcrime     15H  193  +5p 
 across    /garth         15   197  +3  
 chromance /jinx          15   200  +4p 

 SEUCK        super strike           w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 beatnicks /w.k.w.         1   102  +2  
 ltm+rave  /jessie         1   114  --- 

 SEUCK          tau omega            w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 shazam    /morbid         1   101  +2  
 beatnicks /w.k.w.         1   108  +2  
 mayhem    /met            1   128  +3  

 SEUCK       torsion warrior         w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 entropy   /gnu            1   100  +2  
 beatnicks /w.k.w.         1   107  +2  
 mayhem    /met            1   126  +3  
 game is said to be PD !                

             treasure island        new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 avantgarde/pudwerx        1p# 180  --- 

                 walker              w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 riff raffs/the yokel      1    24  +1  
 bronx     /psychopath     1    44  --- 
 tlf       /mr.freezer     1    49  --- 

                 zillion             w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 entropy   /gnu            1    66  --- 
 triad     /sailor         1    69  --- 
 accuse    /cauldron       1    75  --- 
 extacy    /masoko         1    80  --- 
 dytec     /dodger         1    81  --- 
 elite     /tyfus          1    82  --- 
 xenon     /crazy bird     1    85  --- 
 rave+ltm  /jessie         1    88  +1  
 ---       /d-ram          1    90  --- 
 bronx     /bird           1    91  --- 
 equinoxe  /snooze         1    91  --- 
 afl 70    /sting          1   100  +1  

. 4 walls - 3 corners

             - chapter 6 -              
          4 walls - 3 corners           
       shitting up the walls were:      
     JERRY (ed) and TRANZIIE (edxx)     
          in a happy mixture            
          in the corners are:           
             derbyshire ram             
     and lastly, a little spider is     
 spinning his net from corner to corner 

            SHIT UP THE WALL            
 - TRIAD is in mourning. our last three 
   members in norway now are gone.      
   this is the way of life but we still 
   wish they had been active a bit      
   longer. they did some cool things    
   for the TRIAD fleet of rebels.       
 :)a great phanx for what you gave us!  
 - HEAVY HEAD in denmark joined TRIAD   
   to be in a more active group. tough  
   luck since he has been waiting for   
   ever for this disk!                  

            SHIT UP THE WALL            
 - TRIAD once again is proud to have a  
   member in australia. this time it is 
   ROADRUNNA who has climbed into the   
   motherpouch - onboard the mommyship  
   i mean!                              
 - ROADRUNNA is a good coder & cracker. 
   we look forward to some items in a   
   relaxed style with high quality.     
 - for those who didn´t know, TRIAD is  
   on the vic20 too. SAILOR did start   
   up some serious projects. nice or    
   what? anyone having assemblers and   
   other tools for it, is most wellcome 
   to contact us for his addy.          

            SHIT UP THE WALL            
 - TRACER, legendary basic guru says:   
   "is there REALLY a scene since i     
   left?  don´t they know the king is   
   dead, i am just too damn good!"      
   our reaction - a BIG smile!!         
 - and yet another lost soul is back:   
   ACTIE did start up his compy again   
   to do some hacking, calling out and  
   to call his beloved model, hooray!   
 - alltime hero, STATIC recently made   
   a comeback. a federation against him 
   is already formed. does this mean    
   that he isn´t very much liked?       

          LLUVE IS IN THE AIR!          
 1 the tuxedos had to be dug out from   
   the closet. BACCHUS got his wife at  
   last. too bad the staff wasn´t able  
   to show up, but we do send our best  
   wishes. long live piracy!            
 2 the bestman from the aforementioned  
   wedding, ROWDY, will be next in line 
   for marriage.  good on you!          
 3 AKTIE found himself a photo model.   
   too bad we don´t know more or can    
   include a scanned photo.  :)         
 4 M0TLEY got lost in a southafrican    
   dream. for sure, she drives him nuts 

            SHIT UP THE WALL            
 - back firmly on the ground again, we  
   have the pleasure to share with you  
   the latest craze in the home of the  
   infamed EDXX.                        
 + SIM CITY rules. parts of his towns   
   are inhabited by NAZIES, FASCISTS,   
   and RACISTS. then EDXX - the god,    
   lets every sort of disaster and      
   plague known to man, hit those parts 
   of town. :)do we nod and smile? :)   
 :)in SUPER NIBBLY by SCS+TRC we are    
   asked: "DO YOU WANT UNLIMITED ?"     
   naturally we say YES, just in case   
   they are offering blondes.. .  .   . 

            SHIT UP THE WALL            
 - SKYFLASH claims: i am the best at it 
   all, everything, some more than b4,  
   everything and all, some more, etc,  
   a.s.o. and to pick my nose. :)       
 - we were also informed about some     
   nice actions at the party by AIRWOLF 
   shouting: ACHMED, JUDAS and ELK does 
   not make it better!                  
 :(we only like to add, lucky he wasn´t 
   talking about cindy this time too!   
 > from here, we take a jump over       
   to the land of oz.                -> 

            SHIT UP THE WALL            
 - we were told that the most talented  
   cracker from oz, REOADRUNNA, had     
   some problem with a protection, took 
   a nap and went into a dream, where   
   he was told how to remove it. after  
   waking up, he just removed it. huu?  
 ? if THIS isn´t what a dreamversion is 
   all about, then what is?             
 - a few issues back, we had a comment  
   about the group CACTUS, who used     
   some music by TDM without giving     
   credits. we got a written apollogy   
   from PERCIVAL, asking for mercy!:):)  

            SHIT UP THE WALL            
   and once again he did it!            
 - adressed to the navy hq, sydney:     
   MR.BISHOP, sorry for putting you on  
   the spot when you allowed me into    
   the restricted area. i do hope you   
   didn´t end up in court.              
   too bad i didn´t bring my camera! :) 
   same BISHOP shot some idol photos of 
   yours truly,the hero, to be included 
   in the next issue of INTERFACE, the  
   hope to get it soon (hint-hint!:))   

 ? who were the three wellknown guys    
   who met and shook hands BUTT NAKED   
   in the shower last party?            
 ? who shot the photo of naked sceners? 
 - these are questions the whole scene  
   are asking us, but to protect the    
   involved, we tell you nothing!       
 - if you think you know who they were, 
   please mail us your theory!          

    moving our eyes from wall to wall   
     we couldn´t help noticing also     
              the corners               
        let´s take a closer look        

              DUTCH CORNER              
                        arnhem in april 
   welcome again to the dutch corner.   
 nothing really shocking has happened   
 in the netherlands! still, let us see  
 what HAS happened.                     
 - again 2 dutch groups unite forces.   
   this time AMNESIA and SILICON LTD.   
   went in coop. this cooperation is    
   purely a demo coop, which means that 
   amnesia keeps on cracking            
   independently.                    -> 

              DUTCH CORNER              
   former group SACRED. STYX, SYCO and  
   MENDRAKE joined up. after the        
   release of 2 fake firstreleases done 
   by MENDRAKE, the group was declared  
   to be dead again.                    
 + LORD CRUCIFIER claimed he never left 
   GENESIS PROJECT!                     
 + for now, SPLATTERHEAD, STYX and SYCO 
   remain groupless, while MENDRAKE     
   rejoined FAIRLIGHT!                  
 - JESUS/SCL left the scene and joined  
   SUCCESS on pc.                    -> 

              DUTCH CORNER              
 - GOREFEST left his group TRC and      
   dropped nearly all his contacts to   
   focus more on the amiga scene. he    
   kept about 15 to 20 contacts. he     
   rebuilt the group PROXYON, which     
   will release the mag FLASHBACK again 
   current memberstatus is: gorefest,   
   pearl and anhilator!                 
 - NIGHTSHADE left the army. his plans  
   too sign up for half a year, couldnt 
   be realized. a rumour says that he   
   was caught using army envelopes      
   for sendings. (hey guys, not bad     
   thinking really! /ed)             -> 

              DUTCH CORNER              
   but after just a few days, he        
   decided to leave them again.         
 - THE SILVER SURFER who recently left  
   SUCCESS to join SCL, left the scene  
   and went pc.                         
   well, this is all i have for you     
 now. as i said, so very little has     
 happened in the netherlands of late.   
 i hope that some of it was new to you. 

     follow that yellow brick road!     

          LORD HOBART´S CORNER          
                      april in tasmania 
   SHAZAM has been quite active on most 
 fronts, releasing several cracks and   
 their magazine VANDALISM NEWS. also    
 they did put out two demos named ROGUE 
 and SHAZAM.                            
   LITHIUM and RAVE, the coop have yet  
 to release their diskmag named EPIC,   
 but so far we have seen only a series  
 of cracks and demos, hopefully more is 
 coming up.                             

          LORD HOBART´S CORNER          
   one of the nicest groups is BAD      
 KARMA from new zealand. they released  
 a music collection and yet to come is  
 their discmag GRAPEVINE. (LION RED or  
 DB EXPORT GOLD it is! /edxx)           
   TRS is almost dead as UPTONOGOOD     
 (also known to some as MILKO /edxx) is 
 quite unactive. unknown to us whether  
 THE LINK, the diskmag, is going to be  
 released or not!                       
   most other oz groups are inactive as 
 far as i know of this moment.          

          LORD HOBART´S CORNER          
 the australian game groups have the    
 following releases planned:            
 FIRST BLOOD:godflesh, bolo 2, mystery  
 wrath of bambi, flimbos quest 2,       
 international karate 3 and silly putty 
 last three mentioned is licensed to me 
 BAD BYTES:misfortune                   
 HASH DESIGNS:splat, happy harry hardon 
 and the spaced invaders (say WHAT?/ed2 
 TBH:cronic the badger                  

          LORD HOBART´S CORNER          
   there are several more games aswell, 
 like a game i am selling for a free-   
 lancer, six disksides long!            
   and sooner or later, both SHOCK, the 
 papermag is to be released aswell as   
 my own mag DOMINATION, which is both   
 a board and mailscene mag!             
   and there he goes, to fetch one more 
 of these OH SO YUMMY victoria bitter´s 

           ....and back again           

            ON THE RAM PAGE             
                            in february 
   well, back again with the latest     
 from the U.K.  not a lot to report     
 since my last effort in december.      
   on the games front we are still      
 having a very lean time with releases  
 here, a lot promised, but not much on  
 the shelves.                           
   AUDIGENIC released two versions of   
 their full price game WORLD CRICKET.   
 for the english market it was       -> 

            ON THE RAM PAGE             
 called GRAHAM GOOCH´S CRICKET, and     
 for the australian market it was       
 called ALLAN BORDER´S CRICKET !!.      
   both games are identical but for the 
 main title screen. not a bad game if   
 you like cricket, but expensive at     
 10.99 punds for tape and 15.99 pounds  
 for the disk version.                  
   TREASURE ISLE, a graphic adventure   
 and CITY BOMBER, are due out anytime   
 now on a budget lable from LOGYK       
 SOFTWARE look out for some stuff from  
 JON WELLS also, BREAKTHROUGH is almost 

            ON THE RAM PAGE             
   well on the illegal side, since i    
 last wrote for THE GUIDE, MAYHEM has   
 died and re-born in a matter of a      
 couple of weeks. MET killed off MAYHEM 
 to join XENTRIX,then left them because 
 of their innactivity and re-formed his 
 old group MAYHEM.  also in the group   
 now are BREN and TIGGER from the old   
 U.K. group THE XEROX TEAM, + some more 
 guys to be announced.                  
   TALENT have come through with a      
 couple of releases, albeit cracked and 
 supplied by the german section..       
   i saw an article in PIRATES paper -> 

            ON THE RAM PAGE             
 mag which included an interview with   
 THE BREAKER of RSI. in the interview   
 he stated that DCS was killed off by   
 him. to anyone on the scene then, they 
 will know that this was not true. DCS  
 was continued long after this. MIC and 
 JOG being the main crackers. i would   
   i would go as far as to say that     
 between 1989 and the total demise of   
 the group, that these were years which 
 produced the best ever DCS cracks.     
   i am not getting aat BREAKER, but i  
 do have a lot of their wares as a      
 proof of this.                         

            ON THE RAM PAGE             
   did you know that the dutch group    
 ENTROPY has more U.K. members than any 
 other group in EUROPE ??               
   it was stated in the mag. THE PULSE  
 that i was almost busted for cracking  
 games. this is not quite true, i was   
 never near to being busted.            
   it was just some idiot who called    
 around the U.K. software houses to     
 tell them this, hoping i would not get 
 any new wares directly from them. i    
 have my suspicions as to who the guy   
 was, but no sound proof, only that he  
 did not have an english accent.        

            ON THE RAM PAGE             
   it is no more illegal to copy a game 
 in the U.K. than it is to copy a music 
 CD onto a tape. the FEDERATION AGAINST 
 SOFTWARE THEFT will bear this out. if  
 you try to sell the copies, then that  
 is a totally different matter.         
   for all those who think i am warring 
 with FREESTYLE formally of ILLUSION,   
 well i have news for them. we settled  
 our differences well over two months   
 ago. he is happy in AVT and i am happy 
 thinking now my personal problems are  
 past. i can start to think about       
 getting back onto the group scene      

            ON THE RAM PAGE             
                          february 22nd 
   no sign of any new releases as yet,  
 though some are now promised. LOGYK    
 still have some stuff fin the pipeline 
 as do PSYTRONIK.                       
   you remember STEVE from the old      
 group ZENITH. he has just set up his   
 own software far the wares 
 have been "low budget´ but the future  
 future looks pretty good for him.      
   as you know, he has formed LASER     
 along with IRONFIST and one or two     
 more guys. currently they are       -> 

            ON THE RAM PAGE             
 cracking and mega-training loads of    
 previously frozen games way back from  
 the mid-late 80´s. and they are making 
 a good job in the bargain.             
   no more news from the U.K. scene     
 really, apart from the fact that i     
 officially joined AVANTGARDE on        
 february 14th.                         
                            early march 
   we now have march and still nothing  
 to be seen on the UK software scene.   

            ON THE RAM PAGE             
   JOKER ex. UNITED ARTISTS recently    
 joined the re-formed group SACRED.     
   an interesting topic in #22 of       
 GAMER´S GUIDE was the article on       
 re-vamped old games. a good example of 
 this was the recently released full    
 priced game by AUDIOGENIC of both      
   both are modified versions of the    
 old mid-eighties original game done by 
 the same programmer MIKE MCCLEAN. just 
 take a look in the old version. only   
 the old version was much cheaper.      

            ON THE RAM PAGE             
   on a similar topic, COPS & ROBBERS   
 is a very old game dating back to the  
 early 80´s. it was not public domain   
 then just a big priced rip.            
   i have recently been transferring    
 the last of my TAPE-games to disk. it  
 is amazing, some of these games i have 
 not seen in over nine years, and i got 
 held up for ages playing some of this  
 stuff especially LADY TUT.             
   recently both REBEL & NME quit the   
 64 scene, although REBEL remains in    
 LEGEND. incidentally, POWERPLANT       
 recently posted on the boards      --> 

            ON THE RAM PAGE             
 that the group would be doing no more  
 craking on the 64!! have i heard this  
 somewhere before ??.                   
                             march 28th 
   well, march is comming to an end. no 
 sign yet of LEMMINGS, but i hear it is 
 close to being released.               
   3/4 budget games are due for release 
 very shortly. the first releases here  
 this year if you exclude the enhanced  
 version of GREAME GOOCH´S CRICKET.     

            ON THE RAM PAGE             
   JOKER is groupless again since       
 SACRED died. he can not believe what   
 MENDRAKE did with those faked FIXED    
   not much more to report on the scene 
 except for the fact that STEVE/LASER   
 has now set up the only UK board for   
 the g4. call anytime to:               
       STRAYLIGHT +44-403-267822        
  anyone is most wellcome says STEVE.   
                     DERBYSHIRE RAM/AVT 

 X                                    X 
 X                                    X 

   allready on the third day DAS REICH  
 hade reappeared. the people in the     
 small village saw the glory.           
   the fascist area on the other side   
 of the river were running their little 
 industries on full capacity and the    
 greedy merchants were trading, they    
 saw the destruction.                   
   FORWARD, FORWARD! general jonathan   
 set fire to the once flourishing       
 recidential area ULLERDUTT. no longer  
 could the people take it. in utter     
 horror they fled in all directions. -> 

 BURN.. .  BURN.. .                     
   the area URGELTOFT and vicinity withl
 parks that had been the pride of the  u
 city, now instead had been incineratedt
 into waste and ashes.                  
   from the army a roar rose to the     
 skys saying: PIGS, YOU DESERVED IT!   r
 crusch the fascism!                   u
                 lieutenant garglemux  n
                       and the          
                capucino backing choir  

. reactions

             - chapter 7 -              
             the place for              
      your reactions on THE GUIDE.      
          our answers to them.          
      our reactions on happenings.      
           drowning in crax             
          walking the boards            
            wannabe legend              
          cheatmode prefered            
             made my day                
              line noice                

       it is fucking YOUR fault!        

                          in the studio 
   time is 3.35 early sunday morning    
 april 9th and THE GUIDE really should  
 have been ready and shipped already.   
 most likely i must work on it for      
 another week.                          
   i have been trying to calm myself by 
 playing some HELLOWEEN, CYNDI LAUPER,  
 DIA PSALMA (the world´s coolest punk!) 
 but nothing helps. i am still pissed.  
   how can that be YOUR fault, you may  
 ask.     huh?        then don´t, but i 
 will explain it anyway!             -> 

   i have a number of old contacts i    
 like and when they send games for me   
 to test, that is allright. after all,  
 i want games for my collection. those  
 guys are my buddies and above all,     
 they don´t send me only games.         
   for the last several issues of THE   
 GUIDE i have stated that i can NOT     
 accept any more pure game swopping.    
   then what do i get? people start     
 sending me disks telling me that they  
 only want the games tested and listed  
 in THE GUIDE and i don´t have to       
 return the disks. that is no swopping! 

   true, if i don´t have to return the  
 disks, it is hardly swopping, but that 
 is not the point. the operative word   
 here is: GAME.                         
   testing heaps of more games will     
 cost me more time, time that i need to 
 do a good job out of THE GUIDE.        
   worst though is the psychological    
 side to this. i am the role model for  
 a helpfull guy, so i sigh and add the  
 name to the list. however, soon there  
 are 15 new names and instead of doing  
 the testing, i feel trapped and push   
 it off to the next day and the next... 

   yet another aspect of this is the    
 great mystery. how come that those     
 spreaders feel that they absolutely    
 have to send to ME even though it must 
 be clear that i don´t want that?       
   the mystery doesn´t loose anything   
 on the fact that in #22 i even pointed 
 out that some of our swoppers are      
 looking for more contacts.             
   why on this grean earth do they send 
 to ME instead of sending to those      
 TRIAD swoppers who want nothing else   
 than to get those disks?            -> 

   there is of course some sort of      
 explanation to this, so i will leave   
 things at that. no need to insult      
 those probably very nice guys.         
   a totally different thing is if your 
 games do not appear in THE GUIDE even  
 if you have sent them to a TRIAD       
 contact on a good disk with sufficient 
 postage. then i want to hear from you  
 so we can find out what´s gone wrong.  
   another mystery is at hand. i have   
 the biggest collection of demos there  
 is and demos make my day.           -> 

   i keep telling this to people, but   
 still i get less and less of legal     
   in a mag i saw a list of wares that  
 had been released during a month. out  
 of some 15 titles, i had only 2 or 3   
 of them. CA$H returned a bundle of my  
 disks with legal wares. most of it was 
 new stuff to me. this makes me wonder  
 how much i have missed really.         
   so please, legal contacts are very   
 wellcome, but no more game contacts    
 please, please, please!                


   people have asked us why we don´t    
 list previews in THE GUIDE.            
   to be devastatingly blunt about it,  
 we think that previews are LAME. there 
 it is, now we have said it. previews   
 are LAME!  hate us all you can!        
   a preview is an advertisment for a   
 game. the softwarecompany want the     
 customer to get interested enough to   
 buy the real thing. they want you and  
 everyone else to see it, so they WANT  
 you to spread it. thus, a preview just 
 can´t be regarded as a crack.       -> 

   lately however, some groups have     
 released a series of previews that     
 looks like they were never intended to 
 be anything else than only previews.   
   and why not? the first-release scene 
 awards points also for "cracking"      
 previews. if the members write their   
 own previews, how can they loose. some 
 sure points to gain, right?  and it    
 also shows what really great crackers  
 they are, right?                       
   like our mega super duper cracker    
 TRANZIIE, the doublecrosser (XXER).    
 one of these day he will even learn -> 

 to code a bit :)                       
   he got a preview called LATER. as he 
 had done such a stupid thing as to     
 lend his modem to a buddy, tranz had   
 nothing better to do with his time     
 than to have a look at LATER.          
   he looked, cleaned it up and packed  
 it into some 47 blox.  and the AFL 70  
 version was some 96 blox long with     
 heaps of garbage left in it.           
   is that cracking?  but AFL 70 will   
 get their first release points!        


   there was a good deal of commotion   
 on the scandinavian boards the second  
 week of march.                         
   WALKER/GENESIS called around and     
 posted messages that were nothing else 
 than declarations of war. everyone     
 hated WALKER at the time. including    
 yours truly, sysop of THE STUDIO.      
   however, it didn´t take us long to   
 suspect that maybe it wasn´t WALKER    
 after all. then what the heck had      
 happened? had someone come up with a   
 new backdoor?                     -->  

   nope! it was simpler than that. and  
 simple is the right word. as a true    
 modem looser, WALKER had used the same 
 password in every fucking BBS. someone 
 realized this and had a great time.    
   and it was now that the commotion    
 really started. find the culprit and   
 hang him! no one cared for real proof  
 as usuall.                             
   CROSSFIRE and buddies just knew that 
 LEXI/FAIRLIGHT had been the one. nice, 
 only LEXI can´t speak swedish as this  
 GHOST POSTER obviously can.            

   when this was established, CROSSFIRE 
 and his posse had to find someone else 
 to blame. they jumped at DR.ZZAP       
   when DR.ZZAP started calling out, he 
 called THE STUDIO as his first BBS to  
 learn the trade. i was there for him   
 when he fucked up. i was patient with  
 him and i was his buddy.               
   no way that he would repay me by     
 posting a very hurting message on THE  
 STUDIO. DR.ZZAP is not that sort.      
   maybe he isn´t an expert on english  
 and maybe he hasn´t got the grip   --> 

 on the jargon and the unwritten laws   
 of the scene. this only means that it  
 is easier to immitate his style to     
 make people accuse him to be the GHOST 
   note that the proof that CROSSFIRE   
 presents against MR.ZZAP are just as   
 100% water proof as thoose he had      
 against LEXI/FAIRLIGHT first.          
   no proof at all in other words. he   
 is just picking on the neares guy who  
 doesn´t really fit in. only the brown  
 shirt is missing                       


          CHEATMODE INSTALLED!          
   the words below appear in ASTATIN,   
  version made by THE MENDRAKE/SACRED,  
  imported and fixed to ntsc by EMPIRE  
 comment:  this is the +++ version, as  
 --------  an unlimited lives trainer   
           mode isn´t needed, if the    
           unlimited time mode is       
           activated. therefor, people, 
           who release this game as     
           +4 version are just little   
           dickhead´s and wanne be´s.   
                         /the mendrake  

          CHEATMODE INSTALLED!          
   the interesting point here is that   
 ASTATIN comes from the factory with a  
 built in time cheat and levelselect.   
   with unlimited time, all you have to 
 do is to clean the screen and start    
 over again. by selecting the right     
 level you get to see the end. no extra 
 cheats at all are of interest.         
   so tell me who really is the wannabe 
 and a little dickhead! must be someone 
 immature enough to call himself a      
 living legend. :)                      


   i found the following routine for    
      installing cheat in a game.       
     194a  jsr $ffe4    get char        
     194d  cmp #$59     y pressed?      
     194f  beq $1957                    
     1951  cmp #$4e     n pressed?      
     1953  beq $1962                    
     1955  bne $194a                    
     1957  lda #$2c                     
     1959  sta $14cc                    
     195c  sta $14bc                    
     195f  jmp $6000                    
     1962  brk                       -> 

   naturally, we who didn´t want to     
 cheat, got a blue screen with a ready  
 prompt instead of getting to play.     
   this was just a small misstake.      
 nothing special really. the sort of    
 error one does now and again.          
   what IS interesting however, is that 
 it is still there. with embarrasing    
 clarity it shows that the cracker      
 never tested his work without cheat!   
   and some people claim that THE GUIDE 
 is wasted.. .  .   .                   


             CRACKING ON TV             
   yes, it´s true.....   RIMTRIX has    
 returned to the c64 scene after        
 almost two years.                      
   during that time, i watched a rather 
 interesting tv programme on our local  
 station called "SCOTTISH REPORTERS".   
   every week in this programme, the    
 reporters cover different topics and   
 sometimes, go undercover to see what   
 kind of "DIRT" they can find.          
   this time, the CRACKING SCENE was in 
 turn to come under the microscope. ->  

             CRACKING ON TV             
   there was very little about the good 
 old c64 scene, they just said how      
 people "started" out on this sort of   
 machine. of course, as you´d expect,   
 there was a lot about the amiga scene. 
   a cracker from the uk was inter-     
 viewed (his face was not shown) and    
 he told how he could crack a game on   
 the day of its release (or before) and 
 upload it onto his group´s bbs without 
 having to pay for the call.            
   within hours, copies of the game     
 would circulate and be sold very       
 cheaply.                           ->  

             CRACKING ON TV             
   he was boastful of how he could make 
 phonecalls from almost anywhere and    
 not pay any money. parties were also   
 mentioned, but not much was said about 
   the film crew followed those rather  
 nasty people called FAST. they were    
 planning a raid on a local market that 
 sold illegal amiga and pc software.    
   they watched the stall for a while   
 and decided to make their move - and   
 they sure did! very quickly, people    
 that were waiting for disks began to   
 disappear - the stall was empty!    -> 

             CRACKING ON TV             
 "raid" very successful. equipment and  
 hundreds of disks were taken.          
   suddenly, this woman started yelling 
 and shouting at the "software police"  
 and she sure used nasty language. of   
 course, not that we heard it... all we 
 got was beep after beep! the women     
 turned out to be the wife of the man   
 who was being arrested.                
   here in scotland, we´ve many markets 
 and there are many stalls where you    
 can buy the latest amiga, pc, snes,    
 mega drive and video releases - and at 
 a very good price i might add.         

             CRACKING ON TV             
   FAIRLIGHT and CRYSTAL cracks were    
 shown on the amiga... "the cyberkids   
 of space - leaders of the cracking     
 world" was the description given to    
 the groups!                            
   of course, FAST really know what     
 people who are involved in illegal     
 software, but they can´t seem to catch 
 them in the act.                       
   FAST will never win the piracy war,  
 they don´t have the proper funding to  
 carry out major raids - the crackers   
 will always be one step ahead.         

             CRACKING ON TV             
   that´s about it, but before you load 
 something else, let me remind you to   
 look out for the NONO mmagazine -      
 fully edited by a female.              
   let me emphasize the TRIAD attitude  
 to cracking - it a challenge and an    
 artform. it is not a means for pirates 
 to earn money by selling copies to all 
 and everyone.                          


                             april 10th 
 dear JERRY                             
   it´s me again. this time not with a  
 request, but a thank you for selling   
 me a good 2400 c64 modem.              
   in the past i had some problems with 
 buying a modem. first i bought a modem 
 from XXXXX/SUCCESS. he said the modem  
 was HAYES and could be used to D/L     
 from the US boards.                    
   when i had bought it and got it, i   
 found that nothing of this was true.   

   i had just spent a lot of money on   
 an othervise rather cheap teltron      
 modem. and of course XXXXX wouldn´t    
 give me my money back.                 
   so, i was a bit scared that the same 
 thing would happen again. i hope that  
 you can understand that.               
   but fortunatly things went perfect,  
 and i must say that i am glad i bought 
 the modem from you. i surely will log  
 onto THE STUDIO one of these days when 
 i finally got my cardsupply fixed.     
                        YOURS SINCERELY 

                REACTION          jerry 
   over the years i have been carefull  
 not to use TRIAD for selling the modem 
 i used to import. however, things are  
 a bit different now.                   
   when i got the letter that you read  
 on the previous two pages, this really 
 made me so fucking glad that i can not 
 resist showing it here.                
   you see, around christmas i sold     
 another modem to denmark. i knew that  
 things could go wrong and i cautioned  
 him of this. unfortunatly things went  
 even more wrong. he had to wait     -> 

 several weeks extra before he got his  
   naturally he got nervous, suspecting 
 that maybe he was being conned. he     
 asked around to hear what people had   
 to say about me. it turned out that    
 someone had not been 100% happy.       
   when i heared of this, i blow my top 
 skyhigh. i have worked hard as hell to 
 establish a good reputation of being   
 a guy that can be trusted. instead of  
 fuzzing with a customer i have bought  
 back a modem or i have sent him        
 another one no questions asked.     -> 

   i have been there for people when    
 they didn´t know how to handle their   
 modems and phonelines. when a guy      
 burned his mainchip i sent him the one 
 from my own modem so he wouldn´t have  
 to wait.                               
   no wonder i blew my top. no wonder   
 that letter made me so glad. someone   
 actually thanked me.                   
   what is so different today is that i 
 have stopped importing modems. however 
 i still have a few of them left to     
 sell if you need one.                  

   those 6 modems i have for sale are   
 the rs 232 model of the APROTEK 2400   
 modem. a full rs232 inteface comes     
 with the modem at no extra cost.       
   the price is 950 sek. because of the 
 present exchangerates, this makes it a 
 really fair price for buyers in        
 germany or the netherlands.            
   if someone is interested, you HAVE   
 to contact me first, since you need to 
 know how to pay me first and you have  
 to know if i still have one left.      


             CRACKERS ELBOW             
          introduction by JERRY         
   now and again i hear someone talk    
 about starting to crack. nothing to it 
 he says.                               
   perhaps he is right, but there are   
 other sides to it than what you see on 
 the surface.                           
   the following few pages bear good    
 witness of a different side of things. 
 you don´t need to know who he is, but  
 it could just as well be you or you.   
 the lines were added to a disk i got.  
 - - - -- --- ---- ----- ------ ------> 

             CRACKERS ELBOW             
 tell me lies,                          
 tell me sweet little lies!             
 tears burn in my eyes.                 
 your visage flote in the               
                    blue blossom skies  
 true, sister, i say.                   
 the day is dead,                       
 it passed away.                        
 the night will fade from pale to grey. 
 and i still believe - i want to stay.. 

             CRACKERS ELBOW             
   argh!  fucking poetry it kills me!   
 why am i not as good as shelley? why   
 am i not as good as coleridge? what is 
 this? why am i not that good?          
   all these questions glowing in my    
 mind without a proper answer..         
         tears burn in my eyes          
   anyway, what was it that i was going 
 to say? yes! the fucking game! i hate  
 this pucked stupid game. game on shit  
 delux bastard mutated game.         -> 

             CRACKERS ELBOW             
   today i leave UNTRA for hopefully    
 all eternity. i don´t ever want to be  
 here in the winter again. i hate the   
 winter. i hate the fucking snow.       
   i hate not being able to make my     
 unplanned walks in the night, for 10k  
 or more! i actually hate it.           
   i love to go out, but around here is 
 just snow, snow, snow....  where i     
 come from, we use to have like streets 
 you can walk upon during winter. it is 
 never impossible to take a walk.       

             CRACKERS ELBOW             
   and still, these woods are so bloody 
 beautiful! and i can´t go out there    
 cause ther is just snow, snow, snow    
 every fucking where!                   
   and i love to walk around in the     
 woods. this feels like a stupid joke.  
 not just the snow. the temperature is  
 another factor that makes it impossibl 
 to go outside. i really hate the       
 winteer. i really fucking hate it!     
              I WANT OUT!               

             CRACKERS ELBOW             
   luckily this is the last night ever  
 at this godforsaken place. i bet it is 
 beautiful in the summer, but it ain´t  
 summer here! i want sun, plus 20       
 centigrades, hot asphalt... the beach  
 in halmstad and the warm air..         
   it just doesn´t matter to me if it   
 rains.. i just want to be able to go   
 outside... i love that time of the     
   ahh, but now it is soon spring. the  
 idiot in the other room cries out      
 NOOOOO.... looking at a fucking hockey 
 game.                               -> 

             CRACKERS ELBOW             
   do you see now why i hate him,       
 prefering hockey to looking at NOVA on 
 SVT2? - i hate hockey!                 
   i love spring. wonderful air and the 
 sense of life everywhere..... the good 
 old spring drepression.                
                      and the following 
 summer depression                      
 autumn depression                      
 winter depression                      
   the process goes on for ever and     
 ever.                               -> 

             CRACKERS ELBOW             
   anyway. we can be absolutely certain 
 about one side of life - it is always  
 pain. (stole that line from buddha)    
                        (still true/ed) 
   but the geenie said: i´m sorry, it´s 
 time for me to go..........            

. debating an opinion

             - chapter 8 -              
          debating an opinion           
          bacchus on trainers           
           wingo on stealing            

 howdy hackers!                         
   here is my opinion on an always      
 relevant subject. TRAINERS             
   so many times, especially recently,  
 i have seen some pretty idiotic        
 trainers. therefore i would like to    
 comment on TRAINERS.                   
   WHY TRAINERS? the reason trainers    
 first were invented, was for the       
 cracker to play through the game to    
 see that his work was 100 %.           

   for this, only the TRAINERS needed   
 to play through the game were really   
 necessary. since TRAINERS now are      
 dedicated more to the "end users", the 
 need for them has grown.               
   TRAINERS are now for the lamers who  
 want to configure the CHEATING for     
 their own personal use. they don´t     
 always want a maximum of cheat, but a  
 limited cheat while still keeping some 
 of the challenge from the game.        
   let us keep in mind that a good      
 TRAINER is by far the best way of      
 spoling a game.                        

   once you played a game with TRAINER, 
 you´ll never want to play the version  
 without cheat again.                   
   this is of course dependant of the   
 gametype. the head rule must be that   
 the TRAINERS provided should be enough 
 to walk through the game without the   
 risk of getting "game over!". for this 
 reason, unlimited time, energy and     
 lives are the basic ones.              
   in most ACTION games where you guide 
 a character, he is often FLASHING in > 

 the very start, indicating that he can 
 not be harmed. he has INVULNERABILITY! 
 that is my favourite and now i have    
 learned to spell it as well! stopping  
 the counter provides this mode during  
 the game!                              
   the main rule must be: where two     
 TRAINERS fill the same purpose, only   
 one should be counted. else we get     
 what we know as DOUBLE CHEATING.       
   when INVULNERABILITY and TIME is     
 selected, then usually the other       
 possible cheat options mensioned, will 
 have no effect.                        

   that is in the normal case. in f.ex. 
 mayhem in monsterland, you have to add 
 unlimited lives, as you can fall off   
 the edges and lose lives even during   
 invulnerability. why is THIS not a     
 doublecheating then?? listen up:       
   normally lives, invulnerability and  
 energy are just three different ways   
 of making your character live forever! 
 BUT, normally you have to start from   
 another position if you die, so energy 
 and the invulnerability is NOT normaly 
 the same thing as lives. also, invul.. 
 somtimes kill the opponents, making it 
 different from normal energy trainers! 

   for these reasons personally i feel  
 that it´s ok counting all of these     
 trainers. UNLESS unlimited energy and  
 INVU... are different and the effect   
 is the same, they could very well be   
 counted as a doubletrainer!            
   BUT, having "select # of lives" and  
 unlimited time as TWO TRAINERS is      
 stupidity! only ONE of these can       
 possibly be in effect at one time,     
 no matter what! if you have unlimited, 
 then it´s of little (NONE,what so ever 
 to be specific) interest if the        
 counter is stopped at one or two lives 

   after much consideration, i have now 
 decided to always use "chose # of      
 lives(0=unlimited)", as this makes the 
 TRAINERS optional as it should be!     
   in-game keys: these are swell, as    
 they can enable you to get to the next 
 level without having to complete the   
 present one. in a multilevel game, a   
 levelskip is a MUST. other in-game     
   other in-game keys as for example to 
 fill something up during the game,     
 often are superflous if you allready   
 have unlimited access to the item in   

   say unlimited lives: you start with  
 five lives, but as you enter the next  
 stage you are awarded a extra life!    
   with six lives you pass on and press 
 your in-game key, storing FIVE in the  
 lives counter. WOW, the counter wasn´t 
 that much of a advantage, more than a  
 disadvantage in my eyes!               
   ok, i see the problem with the three 
 option selected (unlimited/select live 
 and in-game keys), especially as you   
 might want to combine "select lives"   
 with "in-game keys".                   

   however,unlimited lives shall not be 
 used together with any of the others,  
 in that case we got DOUBLE TRAINERS!!  
  people seem to have accepted that they
 shall disable the highscore saver in   
 cheatmode. one step in right direction 
 but the "in-game keys" are often       
 enabled no matter what, so you CAN     
 really cheat the highscores!           
 make sure this never happens!          
   most menues asks you to first select 
 Trainer or Hiscoresaver. i prefere     
 having a counter. what i do is that -> 

 INC the counter every time that a      
 cheat is selected, and i allow the     
 saver only if the counter comes out    
 zero in the end.                       
   this way i can show the trainers i   
 have installed, even to the ones who   
 like to play "honest".                 
   watching the end sequence is nice,   
 but is it a trainer? some think that   
 you should be able to get back to the  
 game after watching the end, but i can 
 not see the point in this.             
      your opinion please, contact me!! 

         and on to the next one         

         DIRTY ROTTEN SWINDLERS         
                              wingo in  
                             triad land 
                              in april  
   i recieved some versions of SPLITTER 
 of nebula labratories. normally i like 
 that sort of games, but i found the    
 first picture in SPLITTER to be so     
 uggly that i was not just motivated to 
 work my way through it to the followin 
 levels. it also irritaded me that this 
 picture was an old one.                
   some days later i got a version with 
 a level-skipper. l.a. style of      -> 

         DIRTY ROTTEN SWINDLERS         
 genesis was cute and installed that    
 for us. now at last i could cheat my   
 way through it to see the rest.        
   good grief, better and better after  
 each level. i found graphics from      
 greystorm/dominators design and one    
 picture done by ratt. there are more   
 that i recognize but i can not recall  
 where i saw them. i assume most, if    
 not all graphics is ripped from demos  
 and games.                             
   the credits for SPLITTER are givven  
 on the intro screen which is a normal  
 multicolor picture. to read        ->  

         DIRTY ROTTEN SWINDLERS         
 the name of the person who is said to  
 have done the code and graphix is not  
 possible. it looks like antrax but it  
 can be anything else.                  
   conclusion: this guy has made a game 
 pretending he did both code and art.   
 i guess he earned a fortune from la    
 avalon, a polish software house. none  
 of the real artists is mentioned in    
 the entire game, i have looked in the  
 original as well.                      
   i wouldn´t hesitate a second to spit 
 this creep in his face. maybe there is 
 no law against ripping graphix from -> 

         DIRTY ROTTEN SWINDLERS         
 demos and other pd, but the scene has  
 it´s unwritten laws. both past and     
 present sceners deserve to be highly   
 respected. it´s not right making money 
 ripping the hard work off of others.   
   this seems to be the new trend.      
 bacchus/fairlight recognized sprites   
 in the saliva kid that were copied     
 from mario bros except for one or two  
 pixels. (in BACCHUS´S quiz:), the left 
 turtle is from mario and the other is  
 from saliva /ed)                       
   the worst is that newcommers can be  
 fooled by these thives who think    -> 

         DIRTY ROTTEN SWINDLERS         
 that they are really good at making    
 games and art the way they do.         
   i´ve also noticed dominators design  
 graphics in other games, but i have    
 never seen them getting credit for it. 
   maybe you would like to see if your  
 graphics is in splitter. go get a copy 
 of it!                                 
   i´d also like the author of the game 
 to say something in defence. just mail 
 a reaction to us. if he has anything   
 more to add.                           

         DIRTY ROTTEN SWINDLERS         
               a comment                
   WINGO is so right. the blue chopper  
 was drawn by the legendary SARGE in    
 the days before he joined TRIAD. in    
 those days he was in FRONT and used    
 his initials JOL as the handle. i have 
 the picture of course!                 
   that picture came along with others  
 and a puzzle code too.. .  .   .       
   however, WINGO is not right about    
 the legal aspect. an artistic work is  
 ALWAYS protected by the copy right  -> 

         DIRTY ROTTEN SWINDLERS         
 laws. to use someone elses picture to  
 make money in any way, is not allowed. 
   if i were THE SARGE, i would write   
 to the software company demanding      
 remuneration. they made money on the   
 game and they should fucking share it  
 with him.  and with the others.        
   if the old kommunist countries like  
 to be part of the western economi,     
 they have to learn that they can´t     
 just grab what they want and get away  
 with it. that would be a sure step     
 towards stagnation.                    

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