Gamers Guide 22

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. this menu

      - welcome to issue # 22 of -      
         the triad gamers guide         
   1. this menu                         
   2. credits, info and addies          
   3. games a - g                       
   4. games h - z                       
   5. hey! look at this!                
   6. the empty corner                  
   7. reactions                         
   8. advocating an opinion             
   - joy l/r for pages                  
   - joy l/r + fire for chapters        
   - shift/lock turns off logo swing    

         the triad gamers guide         
     the very last days of february     
           bring you issue #22          
   mr.ammo, wingo, rave, achilles and   
 jerry did the game testing.            
   this time a lot of files could not   
 be loaded and tested. think!           
   this issue is a bit thin. for the    
 first time in ages there are just two  
 chapters of games. this is what we can 
 expect from now on. we have seen few   
 reactions and no reports from our co-  
 editors abroad, but what we have is    
 worth reading anyway.                  

. credits, info and addies

             - chapter 2 -              
     about the guide, the rules and     
   how to get in touch with the guide   
     the idea behind the guide, is      
    to give you information of all      
    the different versions released     
              of a game.                

         the triad gamers guide         
 ------- the well earned credits ------ 
 code        king fisher                
 music       dezcrator/amiga.transfered 
             to 64 by king fisher       
 graphics    chorus+dane                
             original idea by injun inc 
 code        king fisher                
 music       alfatech                   
 graphics    none. layout - jerry       
 text ed     rico of pretzel logic.     
 editors     jerry and guests           

         the triad gamers guide         
 games are added to the guide as soon   
 as you send them to us. they may stay  
 in the guide for up to three months    
 giving all a chance to appear.         
 we want all versions in the guide, but 
 there is no way we can hunt for them.  
 we need your help to send them to us.  
 at least we test them, but mostly we   
 also try to play through them. thus we 
 do not accept only written reports.    
 versions are listed in order of their  
 length. this was decided after voting  
 open to all the readers.               

         the triad gamers guide         
 here are some rules we use.            
 separate pic, dox or other files are   
 not counted as part of the crack.      
 when pics are left in the game, this   
 is noted for fair comparison.          
 a separate highscore file is noted as  
 an h in the number-of-files column.    
 the length is included in the blocks.  
 added fastloader and some sort of      
 file-chain routine is noted.           
 other extras are noted separately.     

 the symbols used mean .. .   .     .   
 f                - number of files.... 
 -h               - highscore saver.... 
                    added to the game.. 
 -p               - picture in file.... 
 -#               - dox with the crack. 
 -i               - iffl routine....... 
 -f               - fastloader added... 
 l                - length in blocks... 
                    h-file included.... 
 c                - number of cheats... 
 -p               - passwords given.... 
 *  indicates >   - something ......... 
 :)     a      >  - something nice .... 
 :(comment on >   - something less nice 

         the triad gamers guide         
 if you think that a crack or even a    
 group is better than the others, it is 
 your own business. send your votes to  
 one of the standard mags if you like.  
 if we find a version to be far better  
 we may flash it to make you note this. 
 the understanding of the game and the  
 play value when adding cheat mode,     
 smart actions like a good iffl routine 
 cleanout of crap-code and so on, could 
 make us add this rare flash.           
 however, the guide does not rank the   
 cracks presented.                      

            who?  me?  where?           
 jerry            editor                
 XXX XX                                 
 XXX XX XXXX                            
 XXXXXX           +XX-XXX-XXXXX         
 only reactions, articles and such.     
 sorry, no more game swopping, please!  
 call the studio at:                    
 leave your latest news in the special  
 sub for the gamers guide or upload a   
 text file for inclusion in the guide.  

            who?  me?  where?           
  these 3 members, want more contacts!  
 avatar    XXXXXX XXXXXXX               
           XXXXXXXXXX XX                
           XXX XX XXXXXXXX     XXXXXX   
 achilles  XXXXX XXXXXXXX               
           XXXXXXXXXX XX                
           XXX XX XXXXXXXXX    XXXXXX   
 wingo     XXXXXX XXXXXXXX              
           XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX           
           XXX XX XXXXXXXX     XXXXXX   

            who?  me?  where?           
 rave      XXXXXX XXXXXXXXX             
           XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX           
           XXX XX XXXXXXX      XXXXXX   
 mr.ammo   XXXX XXXXXX                  
           XXXXXXXX XXX                 
 ca$h      swops only.                  
           no testing of your games.    

 triad member status late february 1994 
   jerry             sailor             
   king fisher       cash               
   tdm               dane               
   bismarck          tango              
   kravin            twoflower          
   tranziie          rave               
   trident           avatar             
   wingo             achilles           
 holland           norway               
   mr.ammo           jfk                
 poland              killsquad          

. games a - g

             - chapter 3 -              
            the games a - g             
 a little boy was watching              
              another boy pumping iron. 
 - you look just like that green guy    
                                 on tv. 
 - ah! the hulk you mean?               
 - na, kermit the frog!                 

 the symbols used mean .. .   .     .   
 f                - number of files.... 
 -h               - highscore saver.... 
                    added to the game.. 
 -p               - picture in file.... 
 -#               - dox with the crack. 
 -i               - iffl routine....... 
 -f               - fastloader added... 
 l                - length in blocks... 
                    h-file included.... 
 c                - number of cheats... 
 -p               - passwords given.... 
 *  indicates >   - something ......... 
 :)     a      >  - something nice .... 
 :(comment on >   - something less nice 

                  amöba             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 chromance /---            1   164  --- 
 game intro separate.                   
 the chromance intro here is one of the 
 classiest i have seen! /jerry          

          allan border´s cricket    new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 afl 70    /---            1   151  --- 

 p1             ballfever            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
       ----- intro included -----       
 xenon     /crazy bird  :( 1p  130  +2  
 vision    /dr.jones      *1p  189  --- 
     ----- intro not included -----     
 accuse    /ream           1    93  +1  
 dytec     /dodger         1   111  +1  
 amnesia   /calypso        1  !113  +1  
 triad     /sailor         1   114  +3  
 elite     /tyfus          1   118  --- 
 epic      /crossfire      1   119  +2  
 ---       /d-ram          1   124  +2  
 afl 70    /mark+max     :(1   135  +2  
 ----------------------- comments ----> 

 p2             ballfever            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 :(choose no sprite collision and the   
   afl version can not be played!       
 :(choose invinibility and the game     
   can´t be completed!                  
 * some gfx-bugs on title pic           

             bomba mad (clone)      new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 success   /mr.disk        1   137  --- 

 seuck        border blast 2         w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 ltm+rave  /jessie         1   112  --- 
 troep     /gierput        1   118  +1  
 shazam    /morbid         1   123  +2  

 p1            bounce it             w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 palace    /dr.pain        1    67  +1  
 triad     /sailor         1h   70  +4  
 fairlight /bacchus   101% 1    72  +4  
 elite     /tyfus        * 1    74  --- 
 accuse    /ream           1    75  +2  
 equinoxe  /snooze         1    83  +4  
 ---       /d-ram          1    84  +2  
 tsr       /cz+mr.pres.    1    86  +3  
 dytec     /proton         1    90  +2  
 amnesia   /calypso    :(:( 1    94  +3  
 afl 70    /supreme    :(  1h  100  +5  
 epic      /doom           1   115  +4  
 mayhem    /met         :( 1   119  +2  
 ----------------------- comments ----> 

 p2            bounce it             w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 :(sound and gfx bug                    
 :(game doesn´t start in hi-score-mode! 
:(:( gfk-bug. game hangs up on level2 in 
 *  gfx bug on logo!                    

               bubble game          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 equinoxe  /snooze         1    27  --- 

                 castle              w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 chro/dmx  /mr.wax         1   177  +1  
 afl 70    /---            1   197  +3  
     ----- intro not included -----     
 elite     /agent          1    99  --- 

               cheeky twins          w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 red sector/count zero     2h  150  +2  
 chromance /mr.wax         2h  170  +1  
     ------ intro not included -----    
 dytec     /dodger         1   115  +3  
 have you read the end? i agree with cz 

                circuit             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 xentrix   /met            1p   79:(+1  
 :(cheat and you die all the time!!!    
 this is not the same game as the one   
 released a year ago or so.             

                  corya              w4 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 duel      /hibisch        2   237  --- 
 active    /vectra         3   238  --- 
 illusion  /sauron         4   251  --p 
 duel      /hibisch        3   310  --- 
   this is a text adventure in 3 parts. 
 the two first parts gives a password   
 to get into the following part. ils    
 gives you those. however, it is        
 probably a very good idea to do the    
 parts in consecutive order.            
   the two first parts were released    
 also under beatnciks as two separate   
 and runable files.                     

             crazy zue plus         new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 trc       /cba           11   105  +3  

               crush´em up           w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 accuse    /ream           1h   29  --- 
 beatnik   /w.k.w.         1h   31  --- 
 ultimate  /powernose      4    60  --- 

            curse of volcan          w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 duel      /hibisch        1   129  --- 
 mayhem    /met            1   140  --- 
 beatnicks /w.k.w.         1   146  --- 
 epic      /mason          1   153  --- 
 another text adventure                 

               cyberblocks          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 avantgarde/nevis+thorn    9h  207  --- 
 the versions we have seen before, were 
 not complete.                          

                 cyclone            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 editor included                        
 afl       /lcf            2i  109  --p 
 excess    /red rock       1   129  --- 
 editor separate                        
 fairlight /bacchus        2    83  --- 
 slash     /axe            1   102  --p 

                darktower           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 motiv8    /tricket        1   118  --- 
 text adventure                         

                 declem             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /bacchus        1    82  +1:(
 tlf       /arschvixer     1   111  +2  
 ---       /d-ram          1   112  +1  
 crypt     /nevis+thorn    1   113  +4  
 :(you don´t get to the next level in   
   cheat mode!                          
         the orry has a gfx=bug         
 thorn says this is an old game and     
 still he cracks it!   is it?           

                  dinox             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 dytec     /dodger         2i  114  +3* 
 is this a true pd-game?                
 * really +4                            

               disc-o-very           w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 success   /moren          1p   72  +1:(
 ikari/dmx /just ice       1p   97  --- 
 fire      /q-tip+plug ii  1p  106  +3  
 vagabonds /mindcrime      1    64  +2  
 x-factor  /hercules       1    67  --- 
 accuse    /ream           1    69  --- 
 triad     /bismarck       1    71  --- 
 f4cg      /sneaper        1    79  +3  
 illusion  /d-ram          1    81  --- 
 accuracy  /masoko         1    82  +4  
 excess    /sentinel       1    84  --- 
 :(levelskip brings you back to lvl 1   

 p1            duel strike           w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /sailor         1h   55  --- 
 elite     /agent          1    60  --- 
 accuse    /ream           1    62  +1  
 xenon     /crazy bird     1    66  +1  
 dytec     /dodger         1    67  +1  
 afl 70    /marc        *  1    68  +1  
 slash     /axe            1    69  +1  
 equinoxe  /snooze         1    70  +1  
 ---       /d-ram          1    71  +1  
 amnesia   /calypso        1    72  +1  
 epic      /---            1h   75  +1  
 excess    /sentinel    *  1    76  +1  
 ----------------------- 1 more ------> 
        * gfx bug on the planet         

 p2            duel strike           w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
    ----- load picture included -----   
 rsi       /mp+hok         1p   90  +1  

                epsilon 4            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 shazam    /morbid         1   117  --- 
 trc/emp   /cba+equinoxe   1   137  +1  

                experience          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 scs+trc   /moren          4   149  --- 

                explosion           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 beatniks  /w.k.w.         1    60  +1  
 levels don´t update                    

 seuck       fighting racer         new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 beatniks  /w.k.w.         1   102  +2  
 xentrix   /met            1   111  +3  
 another total trash!                   

 p1            fred´s back 2         w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 cli+boyz  /2ny            1i  107  +2  
 triad     /sailor         2i  121  +2  
 shazam    /morbid        11   123  +2  
 trance    /snooze      :(11#  138  +2  
 dytec     /dodger        11   138  +2  
 atlantic  /jack alien  :( 2i  142  +3  
 trc       /---        :( 11   142  +2  
 mayhem    /met        :( 11   148  +2  
 avantgarde/jack a. bugged 2i  149  +3  
 epic      /mason+eddie v2 1i  149  +2  
 epic      /eddie      v1 11   151  +2  
 ------------------------ more -------> 
 :(small shots bugged.                  
 :(graphix bugs                         

 p2            fred´s back 2         w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 afl 70    /sting          2i  157  +3  
 excess    /sentinel   :( 11   160  +2  
 vision    /x-radical     11   160  +1  
 :(graphix bugs                         
         intro picture removed          
 success   /raze+hi-lite:(11   141  +4  
 :(room on lvl 3 is bugged so the game  
   can´t be completed!                  

 p1             frontball            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 palace    /dr.pain        1h   74  --- 
 fairlight /bacchus        1h   78  +6  
 elite     /tyfus          1h   78  --- 
 afl 70    /marc           1h   81  +1:(
 accuse    /---            1h   89  +1  
 amnesi    /calypso        1h   92  --- 
 mayhem    /met   no tfc!  1    92  +1  
 ---       /d-ram          1h   96  --- 
 dytec     /lbm            1h   97 *+2  
 cherubs   /stake          1h   97  +1  
 epic      /steven         1h  101  +1  
 xenon     /crazy bird     1h  104  +1:(
 ------------------------ comments ---> 

 p2             frontball            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 :(afl - saves hi also in cheat mode    
 * ultd money doesn´t work properly in  
   dytec´s version                      
 :(the xenon version crashes if you     
   choose  y,n,n,y in the cheat menu.   

                genocide            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 beatniks  /w.k.w.         5    63  +1  
            is it a pd game?            
 keep pressing the button, duck and win 

                 get it              w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 red sector/hok            1   125  +4  
 ---       /d-ram      :(  1   130  +3! 
 scs+trc   /cba            1   132  +3! 
 crypt     /nevis+thorn    1   149  +4  
 chromance /mr.wax         1   150  +4  
 excess    /red rock       1   154      
     ----- game intro removed -----     
 dytec     /dodger         1   101  +4  
 afl 70    /lcf            1   102  +6  
 equinoxe  /snooze         1   108  +4  
 :(look at end-pic and it fucks up!     
  the game has built in cheat options   

. games h - z

             - chapter 4 -              
            the games h - z             
   darling, can you kiss me wildly like 
 kevin costner, look me into the eyes   
 like tom cruise and say nice things    
 like michael fox?                      
   nope, but i can growl like lassie!   

 the symbols used mean .. .   .     .   
 f                - number of files.... 
 -h               - highscore saver.... 
                    added to the game.. 
 -p               - picture in file.... 
 -#               - dox with the crack. 
 -i               - iffl routine....... 
 -f               - fastloader added... 
 l                - length in blocks... 
                    h-file included.... 
 c                - number of cheats... 
 -p               - passwords given.... 
 *  indicates >   - something ......... 
 :)     a      >  - something nice .... 
 :(comment on >   - something less nice 

 p1            hans kloss            w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 shazam    /morbid         1 :( 69  --- 
 triad     /sailor   100%  1    72  +3  
 mechanix  /mason          1    84  +3  
 illusion  /d-ram          1    87  +2  
 trc       /jack a. no tfc 1    89  +3  
 success   /brush          1    91  +2  
 cli+boys  /2ny            1    91  +2  
 excess    /cst            1   107  +2  
 proxyon   /otto           1   143  +2  
 crossline /lynx           1   151  +2  
 scs/dmx   /brush          1   164  +2  
 ----------------------- comments ----> 

 p2            hans kloss            w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 hain translated the creds, but left    
 the rest of the text in polish and     
 spread it as an original.              
 the triad version is the only one with 
 all text translated.                   
 :( in the shazam versison the drawing  
 is totally missing, the elevator and   
 the "guard" robots are partly missing. 

              hyper warrior         new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 xenon     /crazy bird    25   651  --- 

               jewel chest           w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /sailor         1    42  --- 
 shazam    /morbid         1    44  --- 
 accuse    /cauldron       1    51  --- 
 scs+trc   /zar            1    57  +1  
 crypt     /thorn+nevis    1    58  --- 
 ---       /d-ram          1    60  --- 
 genesis p./ministry       1    63  +1  
 afl 70    /sting          1#   78  +3  

                 kikugi             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 chromance./mr.wax   eng.  1    90  --- 

                the king            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 talent/dmx/hain     eng.  1   178  --- 

           kulfon in demon land     new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 tal/dmx   /hain           1   231  +1  

              lethal bömbs           w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
          -- intro included --          
 shazam    /morbid         4h  200  --- 
 epic      /stephen        5h  240  +3  
          -- intro removed  --          
 cherubs   /stake          1h ?157  +3  
 fairlight /bacchus  100%  2h  166  +2  
 dytec     /lbm            2   183  +3  
 illusion  /d-ram          2h  214  +2  
 pand./emp /shoot          2h  227  +2  
 afl 70    /---            2h  244  +6  
 most versions are bugged including the 
 first release. the explosions are dead 
 silent. someone spread the bugged orry 

         lions of the universe       w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 elite     /agent          8p  292  --- 
 success   /burglar        1pi 308  +1  
 afl 70    /---            8p  324  +2  
 slash     /axe            8   264  +2  
 dytec     /dodger         8   273  +4  
 f4cg      /sneaper+anti.  8   275  +9! 
 epic      /mason          8   283 !+3  
 ! they say +8 while it really is +9    
 ! they say +3 while it really is +4    

                 magnetic            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /sailor         1    30  --- 
 palace    /dr.pain        1    30  --- 
 shazam    /morbbid        1    31  --- 
 fairlight /alchm.+bacch.  1    33  --- 
 accuse    /ream           1    39  --- 
 amnesia   /calypso        1    41  --- 
 success   /raze           1 :( 47  --- 
 excess    /cat            1    49  --- 
 illusion  /d-ram          1    50  --- 
 dytec     /lbm            1    52  --- 
 afl 70    /martin         1    53  --- 
 :(minor gfx-bug in demo mode           

                 mayday             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 scs+trc   /cavron         1    82  +2  

 p1       mayhem in monsterland      w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 active    /trasher        7   434  +4  
 contrast  /iceman         7   445  +1  
 triad     /king fisher    7   448  +3  
 fairlight /bacchus        2i  451  +6  
 red sector/cz+break.    ! 7#  468  +4  
 accuse    /ream           7h  470  +2  
 dytec     /lbm            7   474  +5  
 acuracy   /masoko         7   476  +6  
 avantgarde/jack alien     7   478  +5  
 excess    /gash       !!  7   480  +4  
 citadell  /allitaice    :(2i  509  +2  
 pandora   /shoot   is+7!  8f  536  +6  
 ----------------comments & more -----> 

 p2       mayhem in monsterland      w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
           -- intro included --         
 epic      /crossfire      8   480  +5  
 success   /burglar     !  1i  505  +6  
 success   /hain           2i  516  +4  
 rebels    /tuc            1i  533  +7  
 ! scenes between sad and happy are     
   fucked up. iffl loader doesn´r work  
   on oceanic drives                    
 ! end sequence fucked up and game      
   flips out at times                   
 !! doesn´t work with tfc 3             
 :(hid one file to make it look shorter 

                 muehle             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /sailor         1    86  --- 
 afl 70    /lcf            1   102  --- 
 amnesia   /calypso        1   102  --- 
 scs+trc   /cba       fix  1   103  --- 
 avantgarde/thorn          1   104  --- 
 genesis p./ministry       1   108  --- 
 xentrix   /met            1   110  --- 
 xenon     /crazy bird     1   111  --- 
 ---       /d-ram          1   112  --- 
 pic left in all versions               

                  nova               w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /sailor      !  1    78  +p  
 fairlight /bacchus     !  1    79  +1* 
 xenon     /crazy bird     1    80  --p 
 amnesia   /calypso        1    96  +1  
 dytec     /proton         1    98  +2p 
 epic      /doom           1   102  +2  
 ! fixed to work on a 128               
 * removed the need for passwords       

                 parsec             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 success   /burglar        1i  459  +7  
     ----- game intro removed -----     
 collision /2ny            2i  326  +4  

                pac family          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 beatniks  /w.k.w.         1h   97  +1  
 xentrix   /met            1h  108  +1  

            perfect symetrie         w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 elite     /tyfus       :( 1    85  --- 
 xenon     /crazy bird     1    90  +2  
 accuse    /ream           1h   95  +1  
 red sector/count zero     1   101  +2  
 dytec     /lbm          :(1   103  +3  
 ---       /d-ram          2   103  +1  
 excess    /red rock       1   106  +3  
 crypt     /thorn+nevis    1   112  +3  
 bronx     /psychopath     2   112  +2  
 vsn/coders/x-rad.+mr.j. :(1   153  +2  
 :(gfx bug in the logo                  
 :(1st level skipped the first time you 

                perplex 2            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 slash     /axe            2   114  +2  
 dytec     /proton         1   119  --p 
 triad     /sailor         2   122  --p 
 elite     /agent          2   152  --- 
 afl 70    /sting        ! 1   192  +2  
             editor separate            
 equinoxe  /snooze         3#  151  +2p 
 the game has a built in +2 option and  
 an editor.                             
 ! is really +3.                        

            pro sports tennis       new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 xentrix   /met            1    43  --- 

              puzzle master         new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 motiv 8   /mason         11h  267  +1p 
 dytec     /lbm           11h  270  +2p 
 red sector/hok           11h  271  +1p 
 scs+trc   /zar         :(11h  277  +1p 
 :(hi-score doesn´t save!               

              quest of kron          w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 l+r co-op /jessie         1   130  --- 
 triad     /jerry          1   135  --- 
 duel      /hibisch        1   135  --- 
 illusion  /d-ram          1   142  --- 
 afl 70    /skinhead       1   142  --- 
 amnesia   /calypso        1   145  --- 
 cherubs   /stake          1   147  --- 
 this is a text adventure               

                 reactor            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /sailor        13h  414  --- 
 xentrix   /met           13h  417  --- 
 avantgarde/jack alien    13h  429  +1  
 dytec     /proton        13h  449  +1  
 crypt     /thorn+nevis   10h  456:)+2  
 :)cool cheats. level + time on/off!    

              retro torque          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /sailor         1   127  --- 
 genesis p./lcf            1   127  --- 
 ---       /d-ram          1   143  --- 
 scs+trc   /burglar        1   154  --- 
 avantgarde/jack a+deff    1   164  --- 
 this is basically the same game as     
 turbo cart racer released x-mas 1990,  
 but this version has a lot more play-  
 options and also the bikes now are 3-d 

               saliva kid           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 rebels    /t.u.c          6h  294  +2  
 afl 70    /---            6h  324  +1  
        ----- intro removed -----       
 afl 70    /supreme        2h  231  +2  
 talent    /chrysagon   :( 6h  269  +3  
 dytec     /dodger         6h  278  +1  
 motiiv 8  /mason          5h  285  +1  
 genesis p./ministry       5h  315  +2  
 :(q doesn´t work! sprite and gfx bugs  

                smashball            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 accuse    /ream           1    57  +1  
 equinoxe  /snooze         1    60  +1  
 red sector/hok            1    65  +1  
 ---       /d-ram          1    66  +1  
 amnesia   /calypso        1    68  +1  
 scs+trc   /zar            1    72  +2  
 tlf       /arschvixer     1    73  +1  
 chromance /mr.wax         1    74  +1  
 vision    /dr.jones    *  1    99  +1  
 crypt     /thorn+nevis    1   107  +1  
 * music goes funky!                    

                star brain          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 motiv 8   /mason iceball  2i  239  +2  

                 stargate           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 motiv 8   /crossfire      1h  164  --- 

            suburban commando        w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /bacchus        2i  270  +3  
 accuse    /ream           2i  283  +4  
 epic      /stepen         6   286  +4  
 vision    /decorien       2i  289  +9  
 avantgarde/darklord   v1  6   293  +2  
 avantgarde/dl+ja      v2  6   295  +6  
 rebels    /t.u.c.         6   296  +8  

              super bouncer         new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 trc       /cba            1    93  --- 

 seuck        super strike          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 ltm+rave  /jessie         1   114  --- 

                  tamer              w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 illusion  /d-ram          1   131  +2  
 tsr       /quetzal        1   133  +1  
 accuse    /ream           1   135  +1  
 active    /trasher        1   135  +1  
 the most terrible graphix i have ever  
 seen. is the guy colorblind?           

                 tetris             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 chromance /mr.wax         1   116  --- 
 how lame to use the exact same name as 
 the old classic!                       

                 walker             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 bronx     /psychopath     1    44  --- 

 seuck          x-fighter           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 xentrix   /met            1   118  +3  

                 zillion             w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /sailor         1    69  --- 
 accuse    /cauldron       1    75  --- 
 dytec     /dodger         1    81  --- 
 elite     /tyfus          1    82  --- 
 xenon     /crazy bird     1    85  --- 
 ---       /d-ram          1    90  --- 
 bronx     /bird           1    91  --- 
 equinoxe  /snooze         1    91  --- 
 afl 70    /sting          1   100  +1  

            zytron megablast        new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 avantgarde/j.a.+freestyle 1#  130  +1  
 avantgarde/jack alien     2   151  +1  
 avg/dmx   /jack alien     2   168  --- 

. hey! look at this!

             - chapter  5 -             
             the june party             

     preliminary invitation to the      
       - official summer party -        
     the highland conference  1994      

           -- when & where --           
   the summer conference 1994 will take 
 place in the city of jönköping/sweden. 
 we are planning to be at the sports    
 center called idrottshuset. however,   
 we may move it to one of two other big 
 conference locations, but you will all 
 all be informed in good time.          
 the conference will start at:          
    9:00 cet friday 17/6 1994 and the   
 doors will close at:                   
   15:00 cet sunday 19/6 1994.          

   best is to pay the entrance fee to   
 our postal giro. the account number    
 will be posted later. fee is 160 sek.  
   upon payment, each visitor will be   
 entered into our own spread sheet prg  
 coded by rioter/equinox.               
   data will be used to avoid cheating  
 in the voting and of course to know    
 which people are present.              
   upon payment, each visitor will get  
 a voting disk to use for the competi-  
 tions. he will also get a bracelet as  
 a token of his payment.                

   the partyplace will seat at least    
 2000 persons. there will also be ample 
 parking space for your cars, busses,   
 private chopper, etc. the city offers  
 an international airport if you decide 
 to come by the company jet.            
 - there will be freequent busses       
   between party place and the station. 
 - there will be a party bbs.           
 - there will be a 24 hours cafeteria   
   where you can buy all food you need. 

 - there will be a party channel        
   broadcasting 24 hours/day.           
 - major television networks are        
   invited and will be present          
 - iq contest. who is the brightest     
   on the scene.                        
 - amiga unplugged. watch it do zilch?  
   sweden is famed for it´s beautiful   
 women. naturally we will award a       
 miss scene award as well as some other 
 appropriate scene awards.              

   the scene awards ceremony will       
 follow the decoration of the winners   
 of the computer competitions.          
   nominees will be notified in time.   
 you will forfeit your price if you     
 are not present at the ceremony.       
   the scene awards jury will mainly    
 consist of editors from famous scene   
 mags and some of the party staff.      
   the jury will be selected secretly   
 at the start of the party, so generous 
 suck ups will have no effect.  :)      

         -- competition info --         
   you will have to use your voting     
 disk after the show of the entries to  
 the competition. the disk is then      
 handed over to the reception.          
   voting will be for the 5 best in     
 each category, where your #1 will get  
 5 points, #2 will get 4 and so on.     
   since those disks will have to be    
 prepared before the entries are known, 
 each entry will be identified by a     
 number for you to use at the voting.   

   a list of the entries and their      
 numbers will be posted directly after  
 the show to avoid confusion.           
   at least one person has to assist    
 at the display of each entry and he    
 has to be available one hour before    
 the show. if not the entry will be run 
 by the organizing staff that can take  
 no responsibility for doing it right.  
   64 entries will have to work on all  
 standard cbm equipment without         
 assistance of a cartridge or similar   

     -- amiga competition prices --     
      demo     music   graphix   intro  
 1.  15000     2000     2000     2000   
 2.   7000     1000     1000     1000   
 3.   3000      500      500      500   
      -- c64 competition prizes --      
      demo     music   graphix.         
 1    4000     1000     1000    prices  
 2.   2000      500      500      in    
 3.   1000      300      300     sek.   

           -- party rules --            
   you will be held economically        
 resposible for any damage you cause.   
   fighting is not allowed. not inside, 
 not outside the party place.           
   all kinds of stealing and other      
 crimes will be reported to the police. 
   any kind of manifistation of racism  
 or facism will be denounced and the    
 person(s) will emedeatly be thrown out 
 from the premeses.                     

   smokiing is not allowed inside the   
   if your clothing will be damaged by  
 water or if your computer explodes in  
 a short circuit from water, you better 
 not break the rule against smoking.    
   a set of well built guards will help 
 us enforce the rules of good behaviour 
 on the premesis. they will have no     
 problem of escorting you out from the  
 place or to take care of you till the  
 arrival of the police if need be.      

   we were requested to have an area    
 reserved for the 64 users at this      
 party. we will do that in hope that    
 the 64 users will feel better at home. 
   if you have some comments to make or 
 some other requests for making a nice  
 party, please contact jerry/triad.     

   note that this is a preliminary      
 invitation to allow you to plan for    
 the summer activities.                 
   the exact locale for the party may   
 change, but that will not affect the   
   the pricemoney must be understood to 
 be aproximately what we have listed,   
 but they will be in that range.        
                     the last page  --> 

   a more detailed invitation will be   
 spread as soon as the contract for the 
 partyplace is signed.                  
       the triad gamer´s guide          
         will keep you posted           

            duel needs you              
   we, in duel, are in desperate need   
 of members, almost everybody is        
 needed. almost, because we don´t want  
 childish magazine editors wo would     
 like to publish another magazine under 
 our label...                           
   except for this kind of guy,         
 everybody is wellcome from coders,     
 gfx-men, zak-men to crackers with the  
 the right original supplier.           
   please, no original swapper. we do   
 not need already char-packed budgets!  

             duel needs you             
  hibisch of duel    thc of duel        
  XXXXXXX            XXXXXXX.           
           but remember this:           
 do only send your own group´s magazine 
           and nobody else´s !!!        

  maybe you wonder why we run this ad.  
    we think it is a lot of humour.     
      if you can´t see the humour,      
             sorry for you.             

. the empty corner

             - chapter  6 -             
            the empty corner            
             ye olde editor             

             the home corner            
   avatar and achilles have both joined 
 triad as swoppers and game testers as  
 their chief responsibility.            
   avatar however, is also an artist on 
 paper and screen.                      
   achilles is also capable of some     
 coding and cracking.                   
   a reputed cracker has showed his     
 interest to work for our team of       
 quality crackers, but at this writing  
 the decision is not taken.             

   the managing director opens the door 
 to the world, wondering where everyone 
   someone is busy dancing calypso in   
 the tulips. say cheese said the cat.   
   the little blue engine is nowhere to 
 be seen. off to a trainmeet in york?   
   out there is a cool cat playing hot  
 jazz on the waves of the tasmanian sea 
   but not a corner in sight. nada!     

   if you wonder why i didn´t at least  
 collect some local scene news, the     
 reason is that i am using all my       
 energy to do this.                     
   i am running a temeprature and at    
 this moment i am at 38.9 c or 102 f.   
 it is not that much, but it makes me   
 tired enough.                          
   i´ll try my best to get everyone     
 writing till next time.                

. reactions

             - chapter 7 -              
             the place for              
      your reactions on the guide.      
          our answers to them.          
      our reactions on happenings.      
            improved cruncher           

              re-releases ?             
   in #21 you could read my comment on  
 a statement from cunt zero that we     
 list re-released games.                
   i callenged him to inform us of the  
 true state of things and to prove what 
 he was saying.                         
   while having a chat with bacchus of  
 fairlight i realized that cunt zero    
 had talked to him about the things     
 that had bugged cunt zero. how clever! 
 once again it was just luck that i was 

              re-release ?              
   to my amazement i learned that what  
 had caused the comment on re-released  
 games, were the series of text         
 adventures released by crossfire.      
   since cunt zero hates the guts of    
 crossfire, he was only too happy to    
 find what he thought was re-releases.  
 in his hate, he disconnected the brain 
   i have some 50 disks with similar    
 1-filed text adventures. still not one 
 of those adventures released by x-fire 
 is in my collection. if cunt zero      
 maintains that those are re-releases,  
 he will have to prove it to me.        

              re-release ?              
   what cunt zero had seen in those     
 games was a copy right stamp from      
   what cunt zero didn´t realize was    
 that this is the copy right stamp from 
 the game editor that was used to make  
 those text adventures. an editor just  
 like the seuck editor.                 
   in other words, cunt zero was wrong. 
   then again, aren´t we all wrong at   
 one time or other in life?             


   what cunt zero couldn´t know when he 
 complained about # 20 was that there   
 would indeed be a re-released game     
 among the those listed in #21.         
   i suspected that cops and robbers    
 could be a re-release as soon as i saw 
 it. i checked my own listings and also 
 some other lists i have. it was not on 
 any of them. one of those lists is     
 dated june 1986 and there are 1500     
 old games on it.                       
   it was only later when someone told  
 me that it probably was an old    -->  

 game, that i looked through all my old 
 files to make sure.                    
   i found it on an old list from the   
 usa and also on the list from          
 antitrack. true, i don´t know for sure 
 that it is the same game, but it would 
 surprice me if it is not.              
   our policy for the guide is to not   
 include games that are re-releases.    
 however, if we miss some old game, we  
 don´t consider it to be of such an     
 importance that public flogging is     
 called for. after all, no one will die 
 from it!                         jerry 


   zizyphus/oneway states that when     
 someone tries to improve one of his    
 packers or crunchers, the result is,   
 in the best cases at least the same.   
   mostly however, the resulting        
 version v2.1378+ is fucked up in some  
 way or other.                          
   a good example of this, can be seen  
 in some cracks made by ministry of     
 genesis project. those cracks don´t    
 work on a 128 because the cruncher     
 fucks up $d030. great coding!          

. advocating an opinion

             - chapter  8 -             
             how about it?              

            refreshed oldies            
   over the years, once in a while,     
 someone has cracked a game that was    
 cracked and spread long ago.           
   depending on circumstances, this has 
 brought on everything from a shrug of  
 a pair of shoulders over in lamers inc 
 to a full world war 3.                 
   my personal attitude has been to     
 accept versions that have brought us   
 things that were not available before, 
 like a good trainer or a complete one  
 or whatever was missing before.        

            refreshed oldies            
   in the last days of 93 i got a disk  
 with 4 older games. uridium, paradroid 
 fruitmachine and vioris. the first two 
 are true old legends while vioris is   
 not very old at all.                   
   at about the same time i got the     
 magazine magness which held an article 
 suggesting just this, making modern    
 versions of real old games.            
   this new version of uridium is the   
 perfect example of what a new version  
 should not look like. it was just      
 terrible, with severe bugs and missing 

            refreshed oldies            
   if a god stepped down and told me i  
 could keep 10 games and all the other  
 several thousand games i have, would   
 go up in smoke, uridium would be one   
 of those ten games i´d keep.           
   i have played it over and over again 
 and i have played uridium+, uridium3   
 and uridium4. i know what they should  
 look like.                             
   anyone making a new version of an    
 old game has all the time in the world 
 to do a good job out of it. there is   
 no excuse for a crap version, so all i 
 can say is: case/entropy - lame off!   

            refreshed oldies            
   magness sugested making new versions 
 of old games to keep the cracker scene 
 alive as fresh games get more scarse.  
   this is not a good reason. the       
 crummy version of uridium shows only   
 too well what this would lead to.      
   the people who would start doing     
 this would not be the veterans and the 
 experts. we would get to see beginners 
 and climbers turning out new/old games 
 by the dozens in hope to gain fame. we 
 would be flooded with crap versions of 
 old games and that would be sure to    
 harm the scene.                        

            refreshed oldies            
   then what is a good reason for new   
         versions of old games?         
   many old games are not crunched at   
 all and take up a lot of space. others 
 are crunched over and over again so it 
 takes for ever to de-pack. packers and 
 crunchers of 5 years ago were not very 
 good and sometimes they messed with    
 the code. other times they could not   
 pack to 202 blox or less, making a     
 loader necessary.                      

            refreshed oldies            
   there are several old games that in  
 my opinion would become playable if    
 they had a cheat option. bacchus of    
 fairlight said that: once a game has   
 been played with cheat mode, no one    
 wants to play it without cheat.        
   that may be true for many games, but 
 it only shows that the game is bad. i  
 have played uridium and krackout with  
 cheat and i still love to play them    
 for real to feel the callenge.         
   turning things around, there are     
 games that are next to hopeless to     
 play as they are. possibility to  -->  

            refreshed oldies            
 neutralize the hopless aspect of the   
 game may make it interesting.          
   two possible such games are v and    
 miami vice. at least i, hate to mess   
 with the door decoder in v and i hate  
 the over sensitive cars in miami vice. 
   but mind you, just giving me endless 
 tries in miami vice would be of no     
 help. i need to be able to touch a     
 curbstone or a car and still be able   
 to drive on. only that way i would     
 have a chance to get to learn the bars 
 to be there to get the bad guys.       

            refreshed oldies            
   another thing missing in most older  
 games is a hi-score saver. adding one  
 would be a true blessing.              
   normally i advocate that a game must 
 be intact after cracking. i think that 
 it is wrong to re-code the game beyond 
 what you have to do.                   
   there is one thing in old games that 
 i still would like to be rid of. often 
 after game over, they take for ever to 
 allow you to start playing again. you  
 have to sit there gritting your teeth, 
 watching some mind-killing routine     
 that seems to never come to an end.    

            refreshed oldies            
   or worse, you have to tell the game  
 once again how many players you are,   
 as if you have cloned during playing   
 and you have to enter your initials    
 through a hopeless routine once again  
 and then you have to tell the game     
 once again if you want to play!!!      
   well, you are sitting there, aren´t  
 you? isn´t that indication enough that 
 you want to play again ? aaaargh.. .   
   all these items, better pack result, 
 better de-pack time, cheatmode added,  
 hi-saver added and possibility to skip 
 killing routines, could justify   -->  

            refreshed oldies            
 making a modern version of an old game.
   so, what i say is: let us accept     
 new/old versons, but only if they are  
 done following some strict rules.      
   first of all, let us demand that a   
 new/old game is labeled as such.       
   i suggest that we all agree to use   
 special intros that we only use for    
 such versions and that such intros     
 clearly declares that it is a modern   
 version of an old game.                

            refreshed oldies            
   then people will know what they get  
 and what to expect from this game.     
   another reqirement i suggest is that 
 real originals are used or if that is  
 not possible, that he makes 100% sure  
 that the version he uses is absolutely 
   there are quite a number of guys     
 having old originals, so that should   
 really not be a problem.               
   if the scene acepts doing new cracks 
 of old games, we also need some tool   
 to make sure this doesn´t turn into    

            refreshed oldies            
 a masshysteria for the beginners or    
   the best is always to reward people, 
 but i don´t know how to do that in     
 this case.                             
   the second best is to punish people  
 and that is easy. bad new versions of  
 old games could be flogged in public.  
 that would hopefully keep things on a  
 reasonable level.  perhaps.. .  .      
   what about this all?  tell me!       

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