Gamers Guide 21

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. this menu

      - welcome to issue # 21 of -      
         the triad gamers guide         
   1. this menu                         
   2. credits, info and addies          
   3. games 0 - f                       
   4. games g - o                       
   5. games p - z                       
   6. reactions                         
   7. from corners all over             
   8. hey! look at that!                
   - joy l/r for pages                  
   - joy l/r + fire for chapters        
   - shift/lock turns off logo swing    

         the triad gamers guide         
    mid january brings you issue #21.   
   it is 3-4 weeks later than we meant  
 it to be. this was brought about when  
 two of our testers ignored testing but 
 didn´t tell us, forcing jerry to start 
 testing again.                         
   mr.ammo, wingo, rave and jerry did   
 the job.                               
   if your version can´t be found here  
 even if you have sent it to one of the 
 four guys named above, it means that   
 your copy didn´t work, or that it came 
 too late for this issue.               

. credits, info and addies

             - chapter 2 -              
     about the guide, the rules and     
   how to get in touch with the guide   
     the idea behind the guide, is      
    to give you information of all      
    the different versions released     
              of a game.                

         the triad gamers guide         
 ------- the well earned credits ------ 
 code        king fisher                
 music       dezcrator/amiga.transfered 
             to 64 by king fisher       
 graphics    chorus+dane                
             original idea by injun inc 
 code        king fisher                
 music       alfatech                   
 graphics    none. layout - jerry       
 text ed     rico of pretzel logic.     
 editors     jerry and guests           

         the triad gamers guide         
 games are added to the guide as soon   
 as you send them to us. they may stay  
 in the guide for up to three months    
 giving all a chance to appear.         
 we want all versions in the guide, but 
 there is no way we can hunt for them.  
 we need your help to send them to us.  
 at least we test them, but mostly we   
 also try to play through them. thus we 
 do not accept only written reports.    
 versions are listed in order of their  
 length. this was decided after voting  
 open to all the readers.               

         the triad gamers guide         
 here are some rules we use.            
 separate pic, dox or other files are   
 not counted as part of the crack.      
 when pics are left in the game, this   
 is noted for fair comparison.          
 a separate highscore file is noted as  
 an h in the number-of-files column.    
 the length is included in the blocks.  
 added fastloader and some sort of      
 file-chain routine is noted.           
 other extras are noted separately.     

 the symbols used mean .. .   .     .   
 f                - number of files.... 
 -h               - highscore saver.... 
                    added to the game.. 
 -p               - picture in file.... 
 -#               - dox with the crack. 
 -i               - iffl routine....... 
 -f               - fastloader added... 
 l                - length in blocks... 
                    h-file included.... 
 c                - number of cheats... 
 -p               - passwords given.... 
 *  indicates >   - something ......... 
 :)     a      >  - something nice .... 
 :(comment on >   - something less nice 

         the triad gamers guide         

. games 0 - f

             - chapter 3 -              
            the games 0 - f             
     women are created to be loved,     
         not to be understood.          

 the symbols used mean .. .   .     .   
 f                - number of files.... 
 -h               - highscore saver.... 
                    added to the game.. 
 -p               - picture in file.... 
 -#               - dox with the crack. 
 -i               - iffl routine....... 
 -f               - fastloader added... 
 a-               - first release...... 
 l                - length in blocks... 
                    h-file included.... 
 c                - number of cheats... 
 -p               - passwords given.... 
 *  indicates >   - something ......... 
 :)     a      >  - something nice .... 
 :(comment on >   - something less nice 

                alien 3             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 red sector/count zero  :(17f# 532  +8  
 :(hi-score function fucked up!         
 load pic in separate file              

                atlantis            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /bacchus        1    10  --- 
 xenon     /crazy bird     1    24  --- 

                ballfewer           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 dytec     /dodger         1   111  +1  
 triad     /sailor         1   114  +3  
 afl 70    /mark+max     :(1   135  +2  
 :(choose no sprite collision and the   
   afl version can not be played!       

                ball land            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 shazam    /morbid         1    54  --- 
 active    /trasher        1    58  --- 
 beatnicks /w.k.w.         1    64  --- 
 equinoxe  /master s    :( 1    73  +2  
 tsr       /quetzal        1    73  --- 
 ikari     /just ice       1    74  --- 
 excess    /spermbird      1    78  --- 
 trc       /dr.disk        1    79  --- 
 triad     /bismarck       1    80  +2  
 epic      /crossfire      1    89  +2  
 :(music bugs heavily                   

 seuck        barbarian land        new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 beatnicks /w.k.w.         1    82  +2  

                 battle             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 red sector/hok            8   344  +5  

              battle ships          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 ikari     /just ice       1    71  --- 
 game intro included. crack intro bugs! 
 proxyon   /syco           1    21  --- 
 fairlight /bacchus        1    29  --- 
 success   /raze           1    32  --- 
 equinoxe  /master s       1    54  --- 
 beatnicks /w.k.w.         1    56  --- 
 excess    /red rock       1    58  --- 

          beneath the tennement     new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 shazam    /morbid        16h  116  --- 

               blast ball           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /bacchus        1    64  +4! 
 ! cool trainers                        

                  boing             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 pand./emp /shoot          1    53  --- 

              border blast 2        new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 troep     /gierput        1   118  +1  
 shazam    /morbid         1   123  +2  

 seuck          border war          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 shazam    /morbid         1    75  +2  
 beatnicks /w.k.w.         1   101  +2  
 accuse    /ream           1   102  +2  
 extacy    /darkman        1   117  +1  
 jam       /iopop          1   118  +1  

           bottle of budbrain       new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 slash     /poeba & axe    1    48  --- 
 cherubs   /stake          1    50  --- 
 beatnicks /w.k.w.         1    51  --- 
 chromance /ministry       1    57  --- 
 crypt     /thorn          1    59  --- 

               bounce it            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /sailor         1h   70  +4  
 fairlight /bacchus   101% 1    72  +4  
 ---       /d-ram          1    84  +2  
 tsr       /cz+mr.pres.    1    86  +3  
 dytec     /proton         1    90  +2  
 amnesia   /calypso    :(:( 1    94  +3  
 afl 70    /supreme    :(  1h  100  +5  
 epic      /doom           1   115  +4  
 mayhem    /met         :( 1   119  +2  
 :(sound and gfx bug                    
 :(game doesn´t start in hi-score-mode! 
:(:( gfk-bug. game hangs up on level2 in 

                  brix               w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 shazam    /morbid         1    26  +1  
 entropy   /---            1    32  +1  
 mayhem    /roy            1    47  +1  
 we had made 2 typing errors on the     
 entropy version las time. sorry!       

                bubbles             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 ultimate  /powernose      1    37  --- 

                 castle             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 chro/dmx  /mr.wax         1   177  +1  
 afl 70    /---            1   197  +3  
 intro incl                             

               cheeky twins         new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 red sector/count zero     2h  150  +2  
 have you read the end? i agree with cz 

            cops and robbers        new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 beatnicks /w.k.w.         1    44  +2  
 mayhem    /met            1    58  +1  

                  corya              w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 active    /vectra         3   238  --- 
 illusion  /sauron         4   251  --p 
 duel      /hibisch        3   310  --- 
   this is a text adventure in 3 parts. 
 the two first parts gives a password   
 to get into the following part. ils    
 gives you those. however, it is        
 probably a very good idea to do the    
 parts in consecutive order.            
   the two first parts were released    
 also under beatnciks as two separate   
 and runable files.                     

                 crash               w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 beatnicks /w.k.w.         1    26  --- 
 proxyon   /otto           1    37  --- 
 basic. and it doesn´t even work!       

              cross n circle        new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /bacchus        1    10  --- 
 triad     /sailor         1    11  --- 
 xenon     /crazy bird     1    23  +1  
 jam       /iopop          1    25  --- 
 triad had a us first release on this.  
 what a joke! it was up on the studio   
 two weeks before that!                 

               crush´em up          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 ultimate  /powernose      4    60  --- 

              crystal cave          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 proxyon   /syco           1    14  --- 
 mayhem    /met            1    16  --- 
 k-s       /butthead       1    29  --- 
 beatnicks /w.k.w.         1    35  --- 
 equinoxe  /master s       1    37  --- 

            curse of volcan         new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 mayhem    /met            1   140  --- 
 beatnicks /w.k.w.         1   146  --- 
 epic      /mason          1   153  --- 
 another text adventure                 

 seuck          cyforce 1           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 beatnicks /w.k.w.         1   106  +1  
 tsr       /quetzal        1   112  +1  
 lamerforce/mr.freeze      1   114  +1  
 duel      /hibisch        1   139  +2  
           infopage included            

                  cyrus             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 mayhem    /met            1   125  +1  

                darksword           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /king fisher    8   239  +3  
 success   /hein           5   256  +2  
 epic      /iceball        2i  260  +2  
 f4cg      /antitrack      2i  266  +2  
 dytec     /proton      !  9   437  --- 
 ! the codewords for the built in cheat 
   modes are given.                     

            diamond jones ii        new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 tbt       /evb!           1    22  +2  
 lamerforce/mr.freeze      1    32  +2  

               disc-o-very          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 success   /moren          1p   72  +1  
 ikari/dmx /just ice       1p   97  --- 
 fire      /q-tip+plug ii  1p  106  +3  
 vagabonds /mindcrime      1    64  +2  
 x-factor  /hercules       1    67  --- 
 accuse    /ream           1    69  --- 
 triad     /bismarck       1    71  --- 
 f4cg      /sneaper        1    79  +3  
 illusion  /d-ram          1    81  ----
 excess    /sentinel       1    84  --- 

                 django             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 ikari/dmx /just ice       1   113  --- 

                do or die           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 afl 70    /skinhead       4   222  +5  
 f4cg      /sneaper        5   248  +9  
 intro included                         

               dream ball           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 chro/cod  /mr.wax         1p  126  --- 

                  droid             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 mayhem    /met            1    93  +3  
 success   /hain           1   111  +3  
 scs/emp   /hain           1   150  +3  

               duel strike          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /sailor         1h   55  --- 
 dytec     /dodger         1    67  +1  
 afl 70    /marc        :( 1    68  +1  
 rsi       /hok            1    90  +1  
 :(gfx bug on the planet                

 seuck          duo wasp            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 mayhem    /met            1   120  +3  

                epsilon 4           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 trc/emp   /---            1   137  +1  

           escape from colditz      new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 success   /moren+mistri   1   155  --- 
 mayhem    /met            1   163  --- 
 intro removed                          

 p1            fred´s back 2        new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /sailor         2i  121  +2  
 trance    /snooze      :(11#  138  +2  
 dytec     /dodger        11   138  +2  
 atlantic  /jack alien  :( 2i  142  +3  
 mayhem    /met        :( 11   148  +2  
 avantgarde/jack a. bugged 2i  149  +3  
 epic      /mason+eddie v2 1i  149  +2  
 epic      /eddie      v1 11   151  +2  
 afl 70    /sting          2i  157  +3  
 excess    /sentinel   :( 11   160  +2  
 vision    /x-radical     11   160  +1  
 ----------------------- more --------> 
 :(small shots bugged.                  
 :(graphix bugs                         

 p2            fred´s back 2        new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
         intro picture removed          
 success   /raze+hi-lite:(11   141  +4  
 :(room on lvl 3 is bugged so the game  
   can´t be completed!                  

                frontball           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /bacchus        1h   78  +6  
 afl 70    /marc           1h   81  +1:(
 amnesi    /calypso        1h   92  --- 
 mayhem    /met   no tfc!  1    92  +1  
 ---       /d-ram          1h   96  --- 
 :(saves hi also in cheat mode          

. games g - o

             - chapter 4 -              
            the games g - o             
   nothing is as wonderful as meeting   
  the one and only woman in the world.  
   it is just as wonderful every time.  

 the symbols used mean .. .   .     .   
 f                - number of files.... 
 -h               - highscore saver.... 
                    added to the game.. 
 -p               - picture in file.... 
 -#               - dox with the crack. 
 -i               - iffl routine....... 
 -f               - fastloader added... 
 a-               - first release...... 
 l                - length in blocks... 
                    h-file included.... 
 c                - number of cheats... 
 -p               - passwords given.... 
 *  indicates >   - something ......... 
 :)     a      >  - something nice .... 
 :(comment on >   - something less nice 

                 get it             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 red sector/hok            1   125  +4  

               ghostdriver          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 afl 70    /skinhead       1   106  +4  
 amnesia   /calypso        1   118  +1  
 across    /garth          1   126  +1  
 proxyon   /syco           1   128  +1  
 atlantis  /jack alien     1   147  +1  
 mechanix  /mason          1   159  +1  
 sunrise   /toutatis       1#  160  --- 
   --------- intro removed ---------    
 f4cg      /sneaper        1    53  +2  
 vagabonds /mindcrime      1    55  +6  
 success   /raze           1    56  +1  
 vsn/coders/xradical       1   157! +2  

         grod the demented pixie        
 seuck       and his friends        new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 beatnicks /w.k.w.         1   101  +2  
 duel      /hibisch        1   115  +2  
 rather cool name of the game!!         

                 grunts             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 shazam    /morbid         1    87  +2  
 beatnicks /w.k.w.         1    94  +2  
 troep     /geirput        1   110  +1  

 p1            hans kloss            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 shazam    /morbid         1    69  --- 
 triad     /sailor   100%  1    72  +3  
 mechanix  /mason          1    84  +3  
 illusion  /d-ram          1    87  +2  
 trc       /jack a. no tfc 1    89  +3  
 success   /brush          1    91  +2  
 cli+boys  /2ny            1    91  +2  
 excess    /cst            1   107  +2  
 proxyon   /otto           1   143  +2  
 crossline /lynx           1   151  +2  
 scs/dmx   /brush          1   164  +2  
 ----------------------- comments ----> 

 p2            hans kloss            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 hain translated the creds, but left    
 the rest of the text in polish and     
 spread it as an original.              
 the triad version is the only one with 
 all text translated.                   

                 hermetic           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 awt       /thunderblade  21h#1183  +2  
 afl 70    /---           56h 1259  +1  
 game intro removed                     

             holiday cops v2        new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 shazam    /morbid      :( 1    88  +2  
 troep     /gierpot        1   111  +1:(
 excess    /sentinell      1   119  +1  
 :(doesn´t work!                        
 :(cheat doesn´t work in troep vers.    

                hotfoot 2           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 shazam    /morbid         1    10  --- 
 beatnicks /w.k.w.         1    18  --- 
 entropy   /f.u.d.         1    29  +1  

               hover rider          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 shazam    /morbid         1    87  +2  
 troep     /geirput        1   108  +1  

            icehockey manager       new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 equinoxe  /master s       1    60  +1! 
 excess    /sentinel       1    72  --- 
 ! choose the equinoxe team and you get 
   to start with lots of money  :)      

          island of the dragons     new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 afl 70    /---           55   597  --- 
 game crashes on the last level.        

               jewel chest          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /sailor         1    42  --- 
 afl 70    /sting          1#   78  +3  

             killing fields         new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /bismarck       1    88  --- 
 active    /riddler        1    90  --- 
 fairlight /bacchus        1    93  --- 
 dytec     /lbm            1   112  +1! 
 excess    /red rock       1   120  --- 
 chromance /mr.wax         1   129  --- 
 ! they write +2, but they cheat both   
   players in one question              

                  knax              new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 rsi/dmx   /benson    !    2i  627  +2  
       we are told that this game       
        really is public domain         
       anyone can send jerry the        
          untouched version?            
 ! translated into english              

               kniffel +6            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 shazam    /morbid         1h   19  --- 
 triad     /sailor         1h   20  --- 
 fairlight /bacchus        1h   20  --- 
 tbt       /brian x3 bugs! 1h   25  --- 
 ks        /butthead       1h   30  --- 
 crossline /lynx           1h   37  --- 

 seuck     land of the heros        new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 beatnicks /w.k.w.         1    80  +2  
 cherubs   /stake          1    97  --- 
 this is awfull!                        

              lethal bombs          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
          -- intro included --          
 epic      /???            3h  227  +3  
          -- intro removed  --          
 cherubs   /stake          1h ?157  +3  
 fairlight /bacchus  100%  2h  166  +2  
 illusion  /d-ram          2h  214  +2  
 pand./emp /shoot          2h  227  +2  
 most versions are bugged including the 
 first release. the explosions are dead 
 silent. someone spread the bugged orry 

         lions of the universe      new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 afl 70    /---            8p  324  +2  
 f4cg      /sneaper+anti.  8   275  +9! 
 ! they say +8 while it really is +9    

             lunar jailbreak        new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 contrast  /iceman         1    56  +1  
 epic      /crossfire      1    89  +2  
 active    /trasher     !  1    99  --- 
 amnesia   /calypso        1   105  --- 
 pandora   /shoot          1   109  +1  
 illusion  /d-ram          1   111  --- 
 cherubs   /stake          1   111  --- 
 afl 70    /skinhead       1   117  +1  
 excess    /sentinel       1   117  --- 
 ! locks up at game over                

               luna landa           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 l+r co-op /jessie         1    46  --- 
 beatnicks /w.k.w.         1    50  --- 
 vagabonds /mindcrime      1    63  +3  
 tsr       /quetzal        1    64  +3  
 amnesia   /calypso        1    65  +1  
 released through pd-house binary zone. 

 seuck       mad proffessors        new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 mayhem    /met            1   123  +3  

                 madrax             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /bacchus        1p  116  +3  
 l+r co-op /jessie         1    98  --- 
 f4cg      /sneaper        1   110  +3  
 accuse    /ream           1   111  +3  
 vagabonds /mindcrime      1   121  +4  
 lamerforce/arschwixer     1   121  +3  
 cherubes  /stake          1   123  +3  
 atlantis  /dr.disk        1   138  +3  
 triad     /bismarck       1   144  +3  
 afl 70    /skinhead       1   166  +4  

               magic stone           w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 accuse    /ream           1   101  --- 
 afl 70    /skinhead     :(1   106  --- 
 crosslink /lynx           1   110  --- 
 success   /tss         :( 1   126  --- 
 rsi/dmx   /count zero     1   128  --- 
 :(crashes when trying to play a saved  

                 magnetic           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /sailor         1    30  --- 
 fairlight /alchm.+bacch.  1    33  --- 
 amnesia   /calypso        1    41  --- 
 success   /raze           1 :( 47  --- 
 excess    /cat            1    49  --- 
 illusion  /d-ram          1    50  --- 
 dytec     /lbm            1    52  --- 
 afl 70    /martin         1    53  --- 
 :(minor gfx-bug in demo mode           

 p1       mayhem in monsterland     new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 active    /trasher        7   434  +4  
 contrast  /iceman         7   445  +1  
 triad     /king fisher    7   448  +3  
 fairlight /bacchus        2i  451  +6  
 red sector/cz+break.    ! 7#  468  +4  
 avantgarde/jack alien     7   478  +5  
 excess    /gash       !!  7   480  +4  
 citadell  /allitaice    :(2i  509  +2  
 pandora   /shoot   is+7!  8f  536  +6  
 ------------------------ more -------> 
 ! end sequence fucked up and game      
   flips out at times                   
 !! doesn´t work with tfc 3             
 :(hid one file to make it look shorter 

 p2       mayhem in monsterland     new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
           -- intro included --         
 epic      /crossfire      8   480  +5  
 success   /burglar     !  1i  505  +6  
 success   /hain           2i  516  +4  
 rebels    /tuc            1i  533  +7  
 ! scenes between sad and happy are     
   fucked up. iffl loader doesn´r work  
   on oceanic drives                    
 some versions have the bar missing in  
 the level load pic.                    

 p1           mega starforce         w4 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
        -- game intro included --       
 elysium   /hain          15   388  +2  
 amnesia   /seal           2i  389  --- 
 awt       /thunderblade  14h# 412  +3  
 rebels    /tuc           15   418  +4  
 accuracy  /dj            15   436  +1  
 spirit    /---            -   1ds  +2  
 dytec     /lbm            -   1ds  +2  
 ----------------------- more --------> 
 the game has a built in +2 option.     
 versions by spirit and dytec can not   
 be properly judged for their length    
 and number of files.                   

 p2           mega starforce         w4 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /alfatech       2i  289  +1  
 genesis p./ray            2i  309  +3  
 x-factor  /hercules      13   313  +5  
 trc       /jack alien    13   316  +2  
 mechanix  /mason          2i  319  +2  
 proxyon   /annihilator   13   321  +2  
 success   /silver surfer 13   323  +1  
 sacred    /lcf           13   339  +2  
 extacy    /darkman       13   341  +1  
 sacred    /lcf           13   348  +2  
 red sector/benson        13   386  --- 
 the game has a built in +2 option      

            mega thrusterball       new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 legend/tsm/pwp            8   312  +4  

                 negatron            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 afl 70    /skinhead       1    70  +1  
 mechanix  /mason          1    81  --- 
 atlantis  /jack alien     1    84  +1  
 epic      /crossfire      1    98  +1  

                  nova              new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /silor       !  1    78  +p  
 fairlight /bacchus     !  1    79  +1* 
 amnesia   /calypso        1    96  +1  
 dytec     /proton         1    98  +2p 
 epic      /doom           1   102  +2  
 ! fixed to work on a 128               
 * removed the need for passwords       

                 ogration            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 shazam    /madrax         1    25  +1  
 f4cg      /sneaper        1    29  +2  
 beatnicks /w.k.w          1    29  +2  
 entropy   /f.u.d.         1    30  +2  
 active    /trasher        1    42  --- 
 offence   /roadrunna      1    43  +2  
 lamerforce/arschvixer     1    45  +1  
 pandora   /shoot          1    55  --- 

           ostfriesland games        w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
              intro included            
 triad     /king fisher    8h# 370  --- 
 f4cg      /sneaper        8h  394  +5  
 epic      /stephen        8h  401  --- 
 success   /silver surfer  2ih 406  --- 
 dytec     /lbm+proton     8hf 418  --- 
              intro removed             
 pandora   /shoot          8h  380  --- 
 x-factor  /hercules       2ih 383  --- 
 proxyon   /zar            7   384  --- 
 talent/dmx/chrysagon      8h  410  +1  

. games p - z

             - chapter 5 -              
            the games p - z             
     there are two kinds of women,      
  those who can get any man they want   
  those who want any man they can get   

 the symbols used mean .. .   .     .   
 f                - number of files.... 
 -h               - highscore saver.... 
                    added to the game.. 
 -p               - picture in file.... 
 -#               - dox with the crack. 
 -i               - iffl routine....... 
 -f               - fastloader added... 
 a-               - first release...... 
 l                - length in blocks... 
                    h-file included.... 
 c                - number of cheats... 
 -p               - passwords given.... 
 *  indicates >   - something ......... 
 :)     a      >  - something nice .... 
 :(comment on >   - something less nice 

               pac and mac          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 rpk       /arschkampe     1    71  --- 

 p1           pair of memory         w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 shazam    /morbid         1    87  --- 
 collision /2ny            1    90  --- 
 l+r co-op /jessie         1    91  --- 
 fairlight /bacchus        1    92  --- 
 triad     /bismarck       1    98  +1  
 epic      /crossfire      1    98  +1  
 success   /hain     :( v1 1   100  +1  
 tsr       /quetzal        1   102  --- 
 afl 70    /skinhead       1   106  +1  
 cult      /lunatic        1   106  +1  
 acuse     /ream           1   107  --- 
 success   /raze        v2 1   108  +1  
 ------------------------ more -------> 
 :(some graphix is missing in the menu  

 p2           pair of memory         w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 active    /surfer         1   108  --- 
 vision    /iceball        1   109  --- 
 extacy    /darkman        1   110  +1  
 sunrise   /toutatis       1   110  --- 
 equinoxe  /master s       1   111  --- 
 illusion  /d-ram          1   112  --- 
 mechanix  /mason          1   114  --- 
 atlantis  /dr.disk        1   115  --- 
 amnesia   /calypso        1   116  +1  
 excess    /sentinel       1   117  +1  
 f4cg      /sneaper        1   118  +1  
 jam       /iopop          1   118  --- 
 active/dmx/surfer         1   147  --- 
 --------------------- a comment -----> 

 p3           pair of memory         w2 
                a comment               
   most groups have used an original    
 that was re-cracked from the first     
 release done by active.                
   in most versions you will find part  
 of the ntsc-fix that was done by       
 demonix at $0920.                      
   the guy who did this must be the guy 
 who supplied derbyshire ram. get his   
 hide, b !                              
   an appropriate appology from us to   
 calypso is elsewhere in the guide.     

                  parsec             w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
               intro included           
 f4cg      /sneaper       10   443  +5  
 atlantis  /jack alien     9   453  +6  
 epic      /crossfire     10   516  --- 
 awt       /thunderblade  10#  529  +5  
               intro removed            
 accuse    /ream           7   337  +4  
 triad     /sailor         8h  346  +4  
 proxyon   /zar            8   364  +4  
 charged   /centurion !    8   401  +5  
 success   /burglar        1i  459  +5  

            perfect symetrie        new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 dytec     /lbm        :(  1   103  +3  
 :(gfx bug in the logo                  

                perplex 2           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 dytec     /proton         1   119  --p 
 triad     /sailor         2   122  --p 
 afl 70    /sting        ! 1   192  +3  
 the game has a built in +2 option and  
 an editor.                             
 ! is really +3.                        

                  pipe              new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /sailor         1    10  --- 
 fairlight /bacchus        1    10  --- 
 ehrm.. .    .                          

              planet force          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 accuse    /ream           1    47  +4  
 illusion  /d-ram          1    55  +2  

              play a match           w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /sailor         1    41  --- 
 l+r co-op /jessie         1    41  --- 
 collision /2ny            1    42  --- 
 fairlight /gerwin         1    45  --- 
 accuse    /ream           1    54  --- 
 illusion  /d-ram          1    57  --- 
 sunrise   /argos          1    57  --- 
 trc       /jack alien     1    59  --- 
 mechanix  /mason          1    59  --- 
 equinoxe  /master s       1    59  --- 
 crosslink /lynx           1    60  --- 
 afl 70    /skinhead       1    69  --- 

             poker the game         new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 success   /hain           1p! 123  --- 
 ! the in-game dox translated, but the  
 rest is left in polish.                

                p.p.digger           w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /bacchus        1    27  +1  
 triad     /sailor         1    28  +1  
 accuse    /ream           1    31  +4  
 trc       /dr.disk+j.a.   1    37  +3  
 active    /surfer         1    39  --- 
 dytec     /dodger         1    47  +2  

                quadrant            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
               intro included           
 success   /micron       ! 2ih 399  +3  
               intro removed            
 afl 70    /skinhead      12h* 294  +3  
 vision    /iceball        2i  346  +5  
 * irq loader removed                   
 ! saves hi in cheat. irq loader used.  

              quest of kron         new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 l+r co-op /jessie         1   130  --- 
 triad     /jerry          1   135  --- 
 illusion  /d-ram          1   142  --- 
 afl 70    /skinhead       1   142  --- 
 amnesia   /calypso        1   145  --- 
 cherubs   /stake          1   147  --- 
 this is a text adventure               

                 reederi            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 talent    /chrys.+majes.  1   124  --- 
 english version                        

                 rescue             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 cherubs   /stake          1    54  +3  

                rotations           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 trance    /snooze         1    38  --- 

            rulers of darkness      new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 afl 70    /supreme        9   364  --- 

                 ryshka             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 sunrise   /---            1   133  +1  

 p1         sceptre of baghdad       w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /bacchus        5   417  +2  
 pandora   /shoot       :( 5   418  +1  
 wow       /sorex    :(:(   2i  427  +2  
 triad     /sailor         5   446  +1  
 elysium   /hain           5   450  +2  
 trc       /jack alien     6f  451  +1  
 success   /burglar        6   459  +2  
 trance    /machine gun    5   465  +1  
 illusion  /sauron+d-ram   6   477  +1  
 ------------------------ more -------> 
 :(end sequence not working in pandoras 
:(:( wow version has bugs in main menu   
    and the music menu.                 

 p2         sceptre of baghdad       w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
           only the game files          
 f4cg      /sneaper        1   202  +1  
 trance    /---            3   238  --- 
 cli+boyz  /2ny            2   279  +1  
 rsi/emp   /hok+crisp      2   307  +4  
 crosslink /lynx           2   309  +2  
 sunrise made a version with their own  
 menue and all files and it is only 395 
 blox. however when the files didn´t    
 load even on a standard 64 and 1541 ii 
 i stoped trying. you gotta learn to    
 use the jump tables!                   

 seuck         sea command          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 beatnicks /w.k.w.         1   100  +2  
 active    /trasher        1   105  +1  
 duel      /hibisch        1   106  +4  
 duel noticed this is for 2 players     

           shadow of the evil       new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 red sector/count zero     -   2ds  --- 
 this is an old time full disk game of  
 the ultima type. i don´t think i will  
 go down in the basement today.. .   .  
 loader doesn´t work on p-dos.          

                 shards              w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /sailor         1h   72  +3  
 collision /2ny            1h   74  +3  
 f4cg      /sneaper        1h   75  +4  
 fairlight /bacchus        4h   78  +3  
 success   /hi-lite        4h   86  +3  
 illusion  /d-ram          4h   94  +2  
 trc       /cba            1h   95  +2  
 atlantis  /jack alien :(  1h   96  +3  
 mechanics /mason     :(   1h   96  +2  
 amnesia   /seal           2h  100  +3  
 crosslink /lynx           4h  104  +1  
 epic/cod  /crossfire      4h  133  +2  
        :(hi-saver doesn´t work         
        :(saves hi in cheatmode         

 p1            shellshock            w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 trc       /jack alien     1   121  +5  
 rebels    /---            1   122  +1  
 illusion  /sauron         1   124  +3  
 mechanix  /mason        * 1   126  +6  
 success   /silver surfer  1   126  +4  
 jacuzzi   /abuse          1   127  +6  
 active    /trasher        1   128  +4  
 red sector/count zero     1   130  +6  
 duel      /hibisch        1   130  +6  
 sacred    /lcf            1   132  +4  
 excess    /red rock       1   135  +2  
 ------------------------ more -------> 
 * minor graphix bug                    

 p2            shellshock            w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 proxyon   /pearl          1   136  +5  
 trc       /cba           a1   139  +3  
 pandora   /attr.+sky    * 1   144  +3  
 * minor graphix bug                    

                smashball           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 red sector/hok            1    65  +1  

         space vegetables corps      w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /bacchus        1    83  +1  
 collision /2ny            1    85  +2  
 afl 70    /skinhead       1    92  +3  
 atlantis  /j.a.+dr.disk   1h  105  +2  
 x-factor  /hercules       1   108  +2  
 accuse    /ream           1   108  +1  
 vagabonds /mindcrime      1h  115  +2  
 illusion  /d-ram          1   116  +1  
 mecanix   /mason+x-fire!  1   116  +1  
 jam       /iopop          1   119  --- 
 extacy    /darkman        1   134  +1  
 epic/cod  /crossfire      1   164  +1  

      squibbly skwob´s big day out  new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 shazam    /morbid         1    69  +2  
 duel      /hibisch        1    90  +2  
 tsr       /quetsal        1    98  +1  
 beatnicks /w.k.w.         1   124  +2  
 seuck and one unusually lame one too!  

                 stones             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 dytec     /lbm            1    56  +2  

            suburban commando       new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /bacchus        2   267  +3  
 avantgarde/darklord   v1  6   293  +2  
 avantgarde/dl+ja      v2  6   295  +6  

               supercup 2           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 epic      /crossfire      1   156  --- 
 looks like it is not defrozen!         

             super penetrator       new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 garbage   /daddy smurf !  1    66  --- 
 f4cg      /sneaper        1    70  +3  
 fairlight /bacchus     !  1h   70  +2  
 accuse    /ream           1h   72  --- 
 slash     /poeba          1    83  +2  
 cherubs   /stake       !  2h   87  +3  
 triad     /bismarck    !  1h   89  --- 
 excess    /sentinel       1   111  +1  
 ! not translated                       

 seuck       swiss connection       new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 beatnicks /w.k.w.         1    86  +2  
 nice gfx for a seuck!                  

                  tamer              w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 illusion  /d-ram          1   131  +2  
 tsr       /quetzal        1   133  +1  
 accuse    /ream           1   135  +1  
 active    /trasher        1   135  +1  
 the most terrible graphix i have ever  
 seen. is the guy colorblind?           

 seuck          tau omega           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 shazam    /morbid         1   101  +2  
 beatnicks /w.k.w.         1   108  +2  

                tenract 2            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /bacchus        2i  231  +4  
 collision /2ny            5h  238  +3  
 mechanix  /mason       :( 5   248  +7  
 trc       /jack alien     5   250  +4  
 excess    /cst            5   277  +3  
 talent    /chrysagon      5   279  +2  
 success   /raze           5   280  +4  
 afl 70    /skinhead    *  5   338  +3  
 * some minor graphix missing           
 :(version crashes after world 2-4 and  
   also when choosing to see the end.   
 trainer menu says mason+x-fire/acrise! 

 seuck       torsion warrior        new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 beatnicks /w.k.w.s        1   107  +2  
 mayhem    /met            1   126  +3  
 game is said to be pd !                

             total mind maze         w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /bacchus        1    23  --- 
 garbage   /daddy smurf    1    23  --- 
 accuse    /ream           1    30  +2  
 sacred    /lcf            1    37  +1  
 active    /surfer         1    43  --- 
 extacy    /darkman        1    44  +3  

             wings of circle        new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 afl 70    /max           49   554  +1  

 p1           working stone          w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 proxyon   /zar            1    71  +p  
 triad     /sailor         1    72  +2p 
 accuse    /ream           1    74 !+2p 
 pandora   /shoot       :( 1    77  +3  
 red sector/hok            1    82  +2p 
 fairlight /bacchus        1#   86  +2  
 mechanix  /mason          1    86  +2  
 trc       /dr.disk+j.a.   1    87  +p  
 sacred    /lcf            1    88  +4p 
 active    /trasher        1    88  --- 
 illusion  /d-ram          1    90  +2  
 ---------------- more & comments ----> 

 p2           working stone          w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 hamburg   /penis          1    94  +34 
 sunrise   /---            1    95  +4p 
 dytec     /lbm            1    95  +2p 
 success   /silver surfer  1    99  +2p 
 excess    /sentinell      1   112  +2p 
 ! in the accuse version the password   
   routine is replaced by just giving   
   the number of the level. coool!      
 :(crashes in cheat menu. reset and     
   sys $4000 and it works again.        

                 zaxxon             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 mayhem    /met            1h:( 94  --- 
 :(loading hi-score doesn´t work        

                 zillion            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 zillion   /triad          1    69  --- 
 dytec     /dodger         1    81  --- 
 bronx     /bird           1    91  --- 
 afl 70    /sting          1   100  +1  

. reactions

             - chapter 6 -              
             the place for              
      your reactions on the guide.      
          our answers to them.          
      our reactions on happenings.      
              an apology                
             more language              
               cunt zero                
            the board walk              
          hibisch hates magz            

               an apology               
   we accused calypso/amnesia for       
 having recracked the active version of 
 pair of memory.                        
   i was warned by my source that he    
 was not 100% sure, but i chose not to  
 listen to that. i should have!         
        calypso did not re-crack        
             pair of memory             
   i am sincerely sorry for any trouble 
 i may have caused him. the fault is    
 mine and only mine. read the details   
 in the game chapter.               --> 

               an apology               
   when you read the dutch corner, you  
 you will realize that calypso was cool 
 about my accusation and forgave me. we 
 even landed a new co-editor in him.    
   however, someone else in holland is  
 not that forgiving. he sent me a disk  
 with some stuff and a note on it to    
 give the impression to be from calypso 
 or seal.                               
   he didn´t know that everything was   
 already settled between me and calypso 
 and his attempt to start something     
 fell flat.                         --> 

               an apology               
   this anonymous guy had written some  
 stuff on the disk pocket, just like    
 anyone would do in anger.              
   obviously he has some anger built up 
 because he forgot that the handwriting 
 can be very disclosing.                
   i brought out a bunch of old letters 
 to compare. to my surprice it looked   
 like another guy than the one i had    
   it is a tough business, computing.   
 one can´t avoid to step on some toes   
 sooner or later!                jerry  


            talking reactions           
   my words in #20 about translations   
 and about freeware have brought a lot  
 of mixed reactions.                    
   one sort of reaction really had me   
 surpriced. several persons think that  
 i have something against sneaper or    
 hain. a weird assumption indeed!       
   i have no reason to believe that     
 hain or sneaper are guys i can´t like. 
 i objected to some things they did,    
 not to them.                           

            talking reactions           
   one reaction on karamalz cup was to  
 have me believe that it was spread as  
 freeware only because f4cg spread it   
 before it was officially released.     
   that is bull! look in the loader     
 part of the version by sneaper and you 
 will find some empty lines with the    
 carriage returns left in place where   
 the words about freeware has been      
   they were there all the time and the 
 game was meant to be freeware all the  
 time.                             ---> 

            talking reactions           
   my words on translations were largly 
 missunderstood by several persons, or  
 i must have expressed myself in an     
 unclear way.                           
   what i mean is that if a game is     
 translated and spread as an original,  
 the translation must be complete and   
 it must be good. if the translation is 
 bad and/or not complete, the cracker   
 don´t stand a chance to do a proper    
   as for translations in general i     
 maintain my position that it is better 
 not to do it at all than to do a  ---> 

            talking reactions           
 bad job.                               
   my objection to the bad translation  
 of karamalz cup by both f4cg and rsi   
 was that they didn´t do their best.    
   naturally we can´t expect a guy at   
 15-18 to be good at english unless he  
 has been able to learn it by using it  
 for real. i know that.                 
   what he must do then is to use a     
 dictionary for the things he is not    
 certain about. it was very obvious     
 that none of them checked even the     
 special hockey terms they used.   ---> 

            talking reactions           
   brush/elysium let me know that the   
 software companies in poland want the  
 games in polish and not in english.    
   that is natural. what i had meant to 
 say was that i think they should make  
 an international version too.          
   the comment surpriced me from        
 another angle. obviously there is a    
 market in poland for making money on   
 64-games. the market must be so big    
 that they don´t bother about selling   
 abroad. maybe time to translate into   
 polish and sell?                 jerry 


             unfair guide ?             
   more than a few of my contacts sent  
 me alien 3 by red sector. all of them  
 pointed out the little note, making    
 sure i wouldn´t miss it.               
   the note ended like this:            
 - now a final one to jerry/triad:      
 - if ya do the guide, do it properly   
 - or let it be. just on the rsi cracks 
 - ya complained or got the cracker     
 - wrong, but you don´t say that some   
 - games listed in yer suckmag are      
 - re-releases.                         

             unfair guide ?             
   i fully agree with count zero that   
 if we do the guide, we should do a     
 good job of it. that attitude is my    
 personal motto and has been for years  
 and that is mirrored in my comment on  
 karamalz cup for example. hah!         
   the rest of what he is saying is     
 pure garbage. he doesn´t know what he  
 is talking about.                      
   we point out all bugs, errors and    
 other things we think are of interest  
 and which we find in a crack. use your 
 eyes and read and you can see that we  
 don´t single out red sector.           

             unfair guide ?             
   if there are more errors in the      
 red sector cracks, how can you blame   
 us for this? we are not doing them.    
 you guys in red sector are doing those 
 cracks. we just find the errors.       
   it is no secret that red sector is   
 in it to make as many first releases   
 as they can. this means that they will 
 not have time to double check that all 
 their cracks work all the way.         
   this is their own decision. they     
 have chosen to make that gamble since  
 they want the fame and fortune this    
 may bring.                             

             unfair guide ?             
   fame brings interest from others.    
 they want to make sure that you don´t  
 get away with misstakes that come from 
 the gamble.                            
   people rather often point out to us  
 if there are bugs and errors in the    
 cracks done by red sector. are we      
 supposed to ignore this ? of course    
 not. we check them out and if that     
 info is right, we use it.              
   don´t get me wrong. people check on  
 all groups, so we are informed about   
 errors in other versions too. we use   
 that info as well of course.       --> 

             unfair guide ?             
   it happens on rare occasions that we 
 credit the wrong cracker for a crack.  
 this mostly comes from a guy making    
 all cracks on a disk except that one.  
 we are sorry for that.                 
   however, another reason may be that  
 some guys do all they can to give us a 
 hard time to find out who did the job. 
 don´t put that one on us.              
   and once again, we have not singled  
 out red sector. i had managed to       
 credit crossfire for a set of cracks   
 done by others. i was informed and i   
 corrected the errors.              --> 

             unfair guide ?             
   crossfire is not one of the most     
 liked guys and even i was a bit mad    
 at him at one time. still he is mature 
 enough to contact me to inform me of   
 the errors so i can correect them in   
 the next guide.                        
   count zero writes a note hoping that 
 i may get it. he doesn´t tell me what  
 was wrong, so those errors will remain 
 in this issue. how hopelessly stupid.  
   it especially pisses me off that he  
 claims that we list also re-releases.  
 i really would like to know what games 
 are re-releases.                  -->  

             unfair guide ?             
   all of us game testers will not get  
 all games released. all of us are not  
 veterans who have seen all games       
 released in the past.                  
   thus, we really would appreciate     
 beeing informed instead of yelled at   
 for reasons that mostly has nothing to 
 do with us.                            
   but you guys in red sector do some   
 of the best intros on the scene, i´ll  
 give you that.                         


             poor ole jerry             
   god keeps an eye on things on behalf 
 of triad. he found the following       
 message posted on wares aquarium:      
 - i read gamers guide the other day    
   and i have some critics:             
 : why is jerry filling the mag with    
   his boring critics about everything? 
   nobody cares what he has in mind     
   anyway. at least i don´t find jerry  
   an interesting person at all...      

             poor ole jerry             
 - i was so bored i almost fell asleep  
   untill i saw a chapter by tranziie   
   that was much better!                
   all of us on the editorial staff of  
 the guide are prepared to do anything  
 to suck up to word rulers like genetic 
   we will give you tranziie in total   
 freedom in a chapter all of his own    
 some day. how about that?              

             poor ole jerry             
   as a reaction on the words by jucke, 
 bacchus of fairlight posteed the       
 following message.                     
 - the guide is what keeps me going.    
   putting efforts in shitty 64 games   
   is not an easy thing when owning an  
   amiga for 5 years and having access  
   to all games on that and a snes.     
 - my position in the guide, is what    
   keeps me going. i won´t threat you,  
   but killing the guide means that i   
   am likely to b history!              


          a mad as hell hibisch         
    note to all the magazine editors    
   once again, this is hibisch of duel. 
 i have during the past years wondered  
 what was the use of a magazine...      
   well i´ve now got the answers!!!     
 * ripping news from other magazines    
 * putting your own group as first in   
   your (cheated) charts                
 * refusing all kind of service such as 
   a "spread the word" service.         

          a mad as hell hibisch         
   it doesn´t cost a shit, but it seems 
 much more easier to ripp news from     
 other real magazines!!!                
   for those who haven´t seen it yet:   
     duel is back since june 1993 !!!   
   in the first two weeks of october i  
 have seen 3 magazines released...      
    the russian roulette / vagabonds    
           splash / accuracy            
            a-head / trance             
                     and guess what???  

          a mad as hell hibisch         
   no one of them was talking about the 
 comeback of duel.                      
   i spread several "read & spread"     
 notes, but... nothing!!!  nobody has   
 taken a look on them, nobody published 
 the text i asked!!!!!!!!!!!!!          
   is it really necessary to fill your  
 vote-sheets, after all, you´ll cheat   
 the charts to be always the first!     
      again... i´m asking you this:     
    print the following pages in your   

          a mad as hell hibisch         
             duel is back!              
  yes! for those who can remember the   
 original "duel", the group was rebuild 
 by hibisch (ex-hitmen/rebels/transcom) 
  under the permission of the original  
    we are looking for every kind of    
       members, so feel welcome!        
  we need coders and grafix-men first!  
  a mega-swapper would be welcome too!  
        (around 80/100 contacts)        

          a mad as hell hibisch         
             duel c64 h.q.              
            hibisch of duel             
            XXXXXXXX XXXXXX             
             XXX XXXXXX  X              
            XXXX  XXXXXXXXX             
 also.. .  .  thc of duel               
              XXXXXX XXXX               
          XXX XXX XXXXXXXX XX           
              XXXX  XXXXX               
                            a commment> 

   in this issue we suck up to anyone,  
 so naturally duel got that space.      
 besides, the guide is here for you     
 too. and you, but not jucke-sucke!     

. from corners all over

             - chapter  7 -             
            from all corners            
               this time:               
               the editor               
             derbyshire ram             

               home corner              
 - ravage and arcon were kicked out of  
   triad for not doing their part of    
   the game testing. this is mainly the 
   reason for issue #21 nearly not to   
   be released at all!                  
 - incubus decided to leave triad to go 
   back to his old friends in antic.    
   he will continue to release photo    
   albums from parties and albums with  
   photos from older collections.       
 - owen from poland has joind the triad 
   fleet of rebels as an artist. there  
   should be some enlightening examples 
   of his talents on this disk.         

            home corner, or?            
 - in mid december, tranziie embarked a 
   plane for a trip to new zeeland      
   where he will stay with relatives.   
 - at the time #21 hits the market, he  
   will however be found in australia,  
   where he will spend a month on a     
   mission aimed at teaching them what  
   it is really about.                  
 - expect people to get pissed off and  
   thereby he will save sydney from the 
   terrible firestorm.                  
 - tranziie - god - power as he would   
   have put it! miss ya allready.. .    

               over to his              
         last report for a while        

           tranziie on board            
 hojum!  am i god or.. .                
 well, on my way to places down under   
 on a ninja hc cruzade to teach them    
 who to obey. my last status report     
 for a jiff.                            
 bacchus says:best mags around:         
 the pulse and gamers  guide            
 we salute you with a schwing!:)        
 -kult = cult, do we have to say more?  
 -bisse says:teddybears #1!             
 just to tease with ovb...friggebo!     

           tranziie on board            
 -last couple of days, better say weeks 
 there has been an internal g+p war on  
 wares aquarium, jucke and motley are   
 fighting to get the #1 spot in         
 the upload chart. :)                   
 this doesn´t mean that any kind of     
 bugdet is upped, last time i´ve seen   
 some real nice releases, yep!:):):):):)   
 -for those who still haven´t got hold  
 of that game that kept you home from   
 school, causing sleepless nights from  
 the closet: kult gives you the chance  
 to down it from some boards :)         

           tranziie on board            
 -the micro-mini 3ad meeting in a       
 one room flat proved that:             
 *  no booze + no phone = no party!   * 
 thanx to telia for such a friendly     
 day, phanx!!:(:(:(                      
 -gatverket says:drop that roadsign!    
 (or else i will use my flashlight!) :) 
 -guess who?                            
 my boards is the best, best, best!     
 (no, it ain´t the yoggi one!)          
 .....meanwhile in jönköping, in a      
 local gurk shop: i love achmed!        

           tranziie on board            
 öh? onkel konkel says that the price   
 for a cd is far too high, drop dead    
 whoever that is responsible!           
 (oh yesp, that´s true!)                
 -jordan claims:we´re not nerds, we     
 are cool duddelidooods!                
 -hcl (saltsyran ni vet!) joined the    
 censor fleet,the neverending crew!     
 -rowdy, back on the streets.           
 what did the military do with you? :)  
 -jucke claims: i am the #1 juggler,    
 it´s true, believe me, plleeeeaaaaase! 

           tranziie on board            
 ...and for those who likes to read     
 the mag that we don´t like to make     
 advert´s for:                          
 bacchus is back back on rinderblutt    
 antipiracy mag, this time as a game    
 tester for the snes.                   
 (bacchus says:i had the flue, but i    
 woun´t share, now i finally had a 1st  
 release on something!)                 
 greedy lins-lus!(linslaous? haha):)    
         makten och härligheten         
                    nu zeee, watch out! 

                over to                 
            the netherlands             

              dutch corner              
                    arnhem mid december 
   well, for the first time in the      
 gamer´s guide you are able to read     
 what´s going on lately on the dutch    
 cracker scene.                         
   i am calypso and i will try to give  
 you the latest news and rumours going  
 round in the netherlands.              
   this the first time i must say that  
 most gossip is based on rumours only   
 as i am not able to check up on all    
 rumours due to time pressure.          

              dutch corner              
   so, over to the dirty work now!      
 - it is said that darkman/extacy has   
   left the scene and so neccy/extacy   
   has taken over the leader ship of    
   the group. as it seems no cracker is 
   left in extacy then.                 
 - a rumour was spread that i, calypso, 
   have joined success! this is not     
   true, as i still remain a member of  
 - the word was spread that a bus with  
   amiga guys is going to the party ->  

              dutch corner              
 > in herning this year, but as it      
   turned out,it was made up by someone 
   who wanted to make a profit out of   
   it! first accused was gorefest, but  
   it was found out, the guilty one was 
   an amiga guy called murdock/legend.  
 - nightshade/success will have a new   
   address from the 15th of december.   
   this will be:                        
                 XXXXXXXXXX X,          
                 XXXX XX XXXXXXX        
                 XXX XXXXXXXXXXX        
   so send only to this adress from the 
   15th of december.                    

              dutch corner              
 - jayce/ex-focus changed his handle    
   into r!b and joined amnesia!         
 - proxyon is dead as zar and gorefest  
   joined trc! syco remains groupless!  
 - sdi/ex-sacred joined afl´70!         
 - accuse is back,current members are   
   ream and nothingface. the chance is  
   that also jiffy will get back!       
   well,that´s all i am able to give you
   from the netherlands this time.      
           till we meet again, calypso  

                over to                 
           the british isles            

             british corner             
                derbyshire october 29th 
   well, it is now the end of october.  
 nothing has appeared in the shops over 
 here, though mayhem in monsterland is  
 due out any day now. that should make  
 a welcome change.                      
   more games are due out during the    
 next few weeks, always assuming that   
 they do actually appear.               
   not much news on the u.k. front      
 really.  the old group xerox is back   
 on the 64 hopefully to code some demos 
 and do some cracking.               -> 

             british corner             
   on the illusion front, things have   
 been happening as most of you will     
 know very well by now. freestyle left  
   freestyle left us because he could   
 not get his own way with the american  
 members of the group. he posted a pre- 
 prepared letter called explanation on  
 most boards and in this letter he gave 
 only his side of the whole saga.       
   he called me a coward because i would
 not voice his opiniions to these guys. 
 i had no axe to grind with either him  
 or the americans. i just did not want  
 to throw them out, but he did.      -> 

             british corner             
   the overall vote was to keep them in 
 and that is how it stays.              
   many magazines are saying that ils   
 will never be the same. this will be   
 nothing to do with freestyle leaving.  
 if it happes, it will be more to do    
 with the lack of software to crack,    
 which we all know is very scarse       
 nowadays. only two games released here 
 since may 6th is not good news to any  
 cracking group.                        
                    the derbyshire ram  
                                more -> 

             british corner             
                derbyshire december 8th 
   well, here is the most recent news   
 from the u.k. scene and also the       
 demise of illusion in recent weeks.    
   joker left mayhem to join the newly  
 re-formed united-artists. it is said   
 that primus will also go with him.     
   this leaves met as virtually the only
 only member left in maayhem.           
   xxx has virtually quit the 64 scene. 
 he is into the consoles in a big way.  

             british corner             
   psygnosis have put back lemmings yet 
 again. now it is due for release in    
 mid january. the games jurassic park   
 and batman returns have been put back  
 considerably also.                     
   phoenix will be releasing quite a    
 few games in early 1994.               
   arsenal from thalamus will now not   
 be released. they have dropped the 64  
 completely. gremlin graphix are said   
 to have done likewise.                 
   at least we did get to see mayhem in 
 monsterland, alien 3 and          -->  

             british corner             
 surburbian commando on the shelves,    
 but this looks like the last release   
 before christmas here.                 
   well, back to the illusion saga. to  
 the best of my knowledge the group     
 died on the 1st of december after a    
 lot of troubles.                       
 1. i quit the group on 26th november   
    for purely personal problems.       
 2. darklord and richie also quit two   
    days after.                         
 3. on the 1st of december grego and -> 

             british corner             
 >  souzie got busted for hacking pbx   
    numbers in the states. i don´t know 
    yet what their fate will be, but it 
    looks bad. i wish them the best of  
    good luck.                          
 4. only members left in the group were 
    sauron, fist, tronic and sodapop.   
    none of these could be contacted in 
    the past four weeks, so it is       
    assumed that the group is dead.     
   i want a break from the group scene  
 for a while to sort out some personal  
 things at home, so for the time being  
 i will continue my activities solo.    

             british corner             
   later i will possibly join a group   
 if the scene picks up over here.       
   i did not join the new group called  
 avantgarde. i was approached and i was 
 interested, but my name was added to   
 the member status before i agreed to   
   no hard feelings. they look to have  
 a good setup going for them, but i     
 must sort out my personal life first.  
                      the derbysire ram 

              over and out              

                no corner               
   we never got the usual chat from     
 vengeance over in tasmania. it seems   
 he has gone into hybernation.          
   we hope to persuade morbid/shazam to 
 take over the aussie corner.           
   we still very much would like to     
 have some german guy to write for us   
 about the german cracker scene. we     
 will help you spiff up the language if 
 that is worrying you.                  

. hey! look at that!

                chapter 8               
          we want you to know!          

      testing, testing.. .   1 2 3      
   the triad gamer´s guide used to have 
 the best coverage of all the various   
 versions released on the cracker scene 
   to keep up with that, we need some   
 more help from people interested in    
 playing games and testing them.        
   we wellcome the assistance from      
 people who like it in the group where  
 they are, while they still feel for    
 making the guide a better magazine.    
   we also wellcome people who want to  
 join the triad fleet of rebels.        

      testing, testing.. .   1 2 3      
   if you want to join triad, it is a   
 real bonus if you live in sweden or in 
 the netherlands where we have active   
   if you just want to participate or   
 if you want to join, it is a definite  
 advantage if you have a modem for fast 
 last minute transfer of your testdata. 
   contact jerry. if you are one of the 
 two who already did contact me, but    
 got no answer, please write again. i   
 managed to misslay your letters.       

                 yoho ??                
   accuse is searching for members who  
 wants to join. if you think you have   
 the spirit for it, write to me or call 
 me for more information.               
              XXXXX XXX XXXX            
              XXXXXXXXXXXX XX           
              XXXX XX XXX               
   please don´t write any handles or    
 groupnames on the mail. also no stamp- 
 cheating. see something from you soon. 

               the studio               
   the studio must have been the last   
 bbs in the world to still run on       
 c-base v2. still i was a legal owner   
 to v3 very early. i suppose i was just 
 lazy or too buzy with other things.    
   now finally the studio runs on v3.2  
 and an 8 meg ram-link.                 
   8 megs is more than enough space for 
 a 64-bbs and the ram-link is faster    
 than an hd. so try it!                 
       the studio +XX-XXX-XXXXX         

   did you know that neotec/rebels is   
 collecting stamps?                     
   did you know that jerry/triad is     
 collecting stamps?                     
   neotec loves animals on stamps, so   
 be sure to cut out all such stamps and 
 enclose them in your next sending. the 
 ostfreisland flying pig is missing in  
 his collection.                        
   jerry would appreciate stamps with   
 all sorts of buildings and houses.     
   if you want your cheated stamps back 
 you know what stamps not to use!       

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