Gamers Guide 19

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. this menu

      - welcome to issue # 19 of -      
         THE TRIAD GAMERS GUIDE         
   1. this menu                         
   2. credits, info and addies          
   3. the games 0-d                     
   4. the games e-m                     
   5. the games n-x                     
   6. reactions                         
   7. from all corners                  
   8. testers/testing - cracks          
   - joy l/r for pages                  
   - joy l/r + fire for chapters        
   - shift/lock turns off logo swing    

         THE TRIAD GAMERS GUIDE         
   issue # 19 is even later than usual  
 because of the summer holidays. no one 
 sent their games to us at first.       
   the testing of games for this issue  
 was done by MR.AMMO, TRANZIIE, WINGO,  
 INCUBUS, ARCON, CA$H and JERRY         
   if your version can´t be found here  
 even if you have sent it to us, it     
 means that you sent a non working copy 
 or it will appear in #20.              
   your contributions, be it some short 
 info or a love letter, will greatly    
 appreciated. addresses in chapter 2.   

. credits, info and addies

             - CHAPTER 2 -              
     about the guide, the rules and     
   how to get in touch with the guide   
   - the idea behind the guide, is      
     to give you information of all     
     the different versions released    
     of a game.                         

         THE TRIAD GAMERS GUIDE         
 ------- the well earned credits ------ 
 code        jfk                        
 music       jfk                        
 graphics    jfk + m.                   
             original idea by INJUN INC 
 code        king fisher                
 music       alfatech                   
 graphics    none. layout - jerry       
 TEXT ED     rico of pretzel logic.     
 EDITORS     jerry and guests           

         THE TRIAD GAMERS GUIDE         
 games are added to the GUIDE as soon   
 as you send them to us. they may stay  
 in THE GUIDE for up to four issues     
 giving all a chance to appear.         
 we want ALL versions in THE GUIDE, but 
 there is no way we can hunt for them.  
 we need YOUR HELP to send them to us.  
 at least we test them, but mostly we   
 also try to play through them. thus we 
 do NOT accept only written reports.    
 versions are listed in order of their  
 length. this was decided after voting  
 open to all the readers.               

         THE TRIAD GAMERS GUIDE         
 here are some rules we use.            
 separate pic, dox or other files are   
 not counted as part of the crack.      
 when pics are left in the game, this   
 is noted for fair comparison.          
 a separate highscore file is noted as  
 an H in the number-of-files column.    
 the length is included in the blocks.  
 added fastloader and some sort of      
 file-chain routine is noted.           
 other extras are noted separately.     

 the symbols used mean .. .   .     .   
 F                - number of files.... 
 -H               - highscore saver.... 
                    added to the game.. 
 -P               - picture in file.... 
 -#               - dox with the crack. 
 -I               - iffl routine....... 
 -F               - fastloader added... 
 A-               - first release...... 
 L                - length in blocks... 
                    h-file included.... 
 C                - number of cheats... 
 -P               - passwords given.... 
 *  indicates >   - something ......... 
 :)     a      >  - something nice .... 
 :(comment on >   - something less nice 

         THE TRIAD GAMERS GUIDE         
 if you think that a crack or even a    
 group is better than the others, it is 
 your OWN business. send your votes to  
 one of the standard mags if you like.  
 if we find a version to be FAR better  
 we may FLASH it to make you note this. 
 the understanding of the game and the  
 play value when adding cheat mode,     
 smart actions like a good iffl routine 
 cleanout of crap-code and so on, could 
 make us add this rare FLASH.           
 however, THE GUIDE does NOT rank the   
 cracks presented.                      

            WHO?  ME?  WHERE?           
 JERRY            editor                
 XXX XX                                 
 XXX XX XXXX                            
 XXXXXX           +XX-XXX-XXXXX         
 only reactions, articles and such.     
 sorry, no more game swopping and i     
 will NOT do any more testing.          
 call THE STUDIO at:                    
 leave your latest news in the special  
 sub for THE GAMERS GUIDE or upload a   
 text file for inclusion in THE GUIDE.  

            WHO?  ME?  WHERE?           
 call      ILLUSION OF REALITY          
           TRIAD WEST COAST HQ          
           sysop - MIDNIGHT MOVER       
 WINGO     XXXXXX XXXXXXXX              
           XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX           
           XXX XX XXXXXXXX     XXXXXX   
 ARCON     XXXXXX XXXXXXXXX             
           XXXXXXX XX                   
           XXX XX XXXXXXXXX    XXXXXX   
 TRANZIIE  XXXXX XXXXXXX                
           XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X            
           XXX XX XXXXXX       XXXXXX   

            WHO?  ME?  WHERE?           
 TRANZIIE  XXXXX XXXXXXX                
           XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X            
           XXX XX XXXXXX       XXXXXX   
           XXX XX XXXXXX       XXXXXX   
 MR.AMMO   XXXX XXXXXX                  
           XXXXXXXX XXX                 
    send your cracks to one of those    
             game testers.              

            WHO?  ME?  WHERE?           
 SWOPPING ONLY!                         
 CA$H      XXXX XXXXXXXXX               
           XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX           
           XXX XX XXXXXXX      XXXXXX   
 INCUBUS   XXXXX XXXXXXXX               
           XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX            
           XXX XX XXXXXXXXX    XXXXXX   
   these 2 swoppers will NOT test your  
 games. be sure to understand this so   
 your group sends their cracks also to  
 one of our testers.                    

           TRIAD AUGUST 1993            
 SWEDEN              sailor             
   jerry             incubus            
   king fisher       arcon              
   tdm               midnight mover     
   bismarck          cash               
   kravin            dane               
   tranziie          johan              
   trident           tango              
   wingo             twoflower          
 AUSTRALIA           jfk                
   slice             m                  
 GERMANY           HOLLAND              
   thunder           mr.ammo            

. the games 0-d

             - chapter 3 -              
            the games 0 - d             
    on a sign in the cocktail lounge    
         of a norwegian  hotell,        
           you can read this:           
      ladies are requested not to       
        have children i the bar.        

 the symbols used mean .. .   .     .   
 F                - number of files.... 
 -H               - highscore saver.... 
                    added to the game.. 
 -P               - picture in file.... 
 -#               - dox with the crack. 
 -I               - iffl routine....... 
 -F               - fastloader added... 
 A-               - first release...... 
 L                - length in blocks... 
                    h-file included.... 
 C                - number of cheats... 
 -P               - passwords given.... 
 *  indicates >   - something ......... 
 :)     a      >  - something nice .... 
 :(comment on >   - something less nice 

 p1        1st division manager      w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 success   /silver surfer  1p  168  --- 
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 1p  186  --- 
 death     /weasel         1p  196  --- 
 fairlight /bacchus        1   129  --- 
 active    /---            1   132  --- 
 x-factor  /exulans        1   134  --- 
 atheist   /mekong         1   138  --- 
 amnesia   /seal           1   139  --- 
 cli+boyz  /2ny            1   142  --- 
 rebels    /viper          1   152  --- 
 ------------------------ more -------> 

 p2        1st division manager      w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 dunex+bru./spikes         1   158  --- 
 acrise    /bc             1   161  --- 
 digital d./shark          1   167  --- 
 trc       /cavron         1   170  --- 
 chromance /mr.wax         1   175  --- 
 trance    /mr.mister      1   180  --- 
 deicide   /ministry       1   180  --- 
 extacy    /darkman        1   181  --- 

               acidrunner           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /king fisher    1   101  --- 
 beatnik   /---            1   108  --- 
 jacuzzi   /abuse          1   119  +2  
 daytec    /proton         1   135  +3  

               aikaetsivä           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 topaz     /skapegoat      2i  613  --- 
   this is a text adventure that was    
 never distributed. it turned up on     
 some discarded disks from a software   
   this had been a golden story ifn´it  
 had been a slight snag to it. the      
 fucking game is in finnish! aren´t we  
 all happy and dancing? dancing tango!  

 p1             arnie ii             w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 success   /tss            1p  189  +3  
 active    /injun          1 :(142  +4  
 fairlight /bacchus        1   145  +6  
 active    /trasher        1   145  +4  
 unity     /ravage         1   145  +2  
 triad     /alfatech       1   149  +2  
 mechanix  /mason          1   156  +3  
 excess    /red rock       1   156  +2  
 x-rated   /l´trimm        1   159  +2  
 amnesia   /seal           1   159  +2  
 ----------------------- more --------> 
 :(bugs in graphix as well as in code   

 p2             arnie ii             w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 f4cg      /ray            1   160  +3  
 deiside   /ministry       1   165  +3  
 sacred    /lcf            1   167  +4  
 meyhem    /met            1   169  +2  
 dun+brut  /spikes         1   172  +1  
 trc       /cba            1 :(173  +3  
 rebels    /tuc            1   173  +1  
 bodycount /psycho+veng.   1   175  +2  
 illusion  /sauron+d-ram   1#  178  +2  
 epic+dev. /crossfire      1   192  +2  
 :(crashes unless all weapons selected! 

              art of china           w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 amnesia   /seal           2i  643  --- 
 active    /trasher      122 * 702  --- 
 mechanix  /mason        122   707  --- 
 x-rated   /jack alien   122   713  --- 
 rsi/agn   /ob+pb       A124 * 742  --- 
 * translated versions!                 

                 avoid              new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 burp+gul  /wayne gretzky  1    66  --- 

                 bee 52              w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 atheist   /mekong         1hip202  +6  
 triad     /alfatech    :( 1   134  +3  
 cadgers   /clarence       1   160  +7  
 unity     /ravage         1#  165  +3! 
 illusion  /sauron+d-eam  A1h# 167  +4  
 mayhem    /primus         1   168  +2  
 trc       /cba            1   170  +2  
 amnesia   /seal           1   171  +2  
 extacy    /darkman        1   172  +5  
 proxyon   /annihilator    1   173  +3  
 dunex     /spikes         1   173  +1  
 rebels    /rad            1   175  +5  
 ! is really +4 :(zero mem or spritebug 

             blue encounter         new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 mayhem    /met            1   118  +3  

                  bolo               w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 FAIRLIGHT /BACCHUS :)101% 2i  196  +4  
 genesis p./satan         11   229  +2  
 success   /burglar+moren  2i:(235  +2  
   ------ game intro separate ------    
 triad     /sailor         2i  132  +4  
 :)fixed to work 100% for us who use    
 PROFESSIONAL DOS.   vinke vink!  :-)   
 :(iffl doesn´t work on oceanics drive! 

 p1             bomb squad          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 lithium   /avtek          1    69  --- 
 exile     /assailant      1    78  +1  
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 1    78  --- 
 trc       /jack alien     11   80  +1  
 cadgers   /trooper        1    81  +2  
 rebels    /matt           1    83  --- 
 dytec     /proton         1  :(85  +1  
 amnesia   /seal           1    86  +1  
 sacred    /lcf            1H   88  +1  
 rebels    /rad            1    88  +3  
 ----------------------- more --------> 
      :(soundeffects data missing!      

 p2             bomb squad          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 extacy    /darkman        1    90  +2  
 success   /micron         1    91  +3  
 red sector/double-t       1    91  --- 
 crossline /lynx           1    94  +1  
 slash     /blow           1   103  --- 

                  boom              new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 trance    /twist          1    64  +1  
 trinomic  /magic          1    69  +1  
 jacuzzi   /abuse          1   100  +1  

 p1              bounce              w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 dytec     /lbm            1    64  +2  
 triad     /alfatech       1    65  +1  
 lithium   /avtek          1    66  +2  
 success   /silver surfer  1    76  +2  
 wow       /nantco         1    77  +1  
 vagabonds /mindcrime      1    80  +4  
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 1    81  +2  
 x-factor  /hercules       1    81  +2  
 bodycount /morbid         1    81  --- 
 pride     /ollie          1    82  +3  
 ----------------------- more --------> 

 p2              bounce              w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 rebels    /tuc            1    86  +2  
 digital d./meatball       1    86  +2  
 mayhem    /met            1    87  +2  
 amnesia   /seal           1    91  +3  
 epic+dev. /crossfire      1    92  +2  
 death     /bacillus       1    95  +2  
 no name   /gobus+dr.dos   1    96  +2  
 proxyon   /lobster        1    97  --- 
 excess    /luka           1    99  +2  
 extacy    /darkman        1   100  +2  
 chro/emp  /---            1   114  +2  

                  brix              new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 entropuy  /---            11   32  +1  
 mayhem    /roy            1    47  +1  

               bubble mania         new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 excess    /sentinel       1p  147  +1  

          bundesliga manager 2      new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 talent    /chrysagon     A1   126  --- 

 p1              carnage             w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 cult      /odie           1p  185  --- 
 ill/agn   /derbyshire ram 1p# 186  +2  
 triad     /alfatech       1   111  --- 
 fairlight /bacchus        1   111  --- 
 x-factor  /hercules       1   112  --- 
 success   /silver surfer  1   119  +2  
 entropy   /f.u.d.         1   123  +3  
 vagabonds /mindcrime      1   124  +10 
 pride     /ollie          1   125  +8  
 active    /surfer         1   129  --- 
 ------------------------ more -------> 

 p2              carnage             w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 sacred    /lcf            1#  131:(+12 
 extacy    /darkman        1   131  +6  
 chromance /---            1   131  --- 
 vision    /ray            2   137  --- 
 bodycount /psycho+veng.   1   140  +4  
 deicide   /ministry       1   140  +1  
 nirvana   /cavron         1   146  +4  
 wow       /sorex          1   148  +9  
 :(4 double cheats                      

                 castle             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 elysium   /hein+brush    A1#  113  +2  

           championship squash       w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /bacchus        1    87  --- 
 x-factor  /hercules       1   102  --- 
 gothic d. /static         1   108  --- 

               cheesburger          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 lamerforce/g.u.a.         1    60  +2  

                chemical            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 excess    /luka           1h   38  +2  
 epic/dwi  /crossfire     A1h   87  +1  
 epic´s version bugs                    

                circuit              w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /alfatech       2i  174  +3p 
 genesis p./satan          2ih 217  +2p 

 p1          color buster            w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /alfatech       2    89  --p 
 success   /silver surfer  2    99  +2p 
 sacred    /lcf            2   105  +3p 
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 2#  105  +2p 
 bodycount /morbid      v2 1   107  +1p 
 vagabonds /don promillo   2   110  +4p 
 pride     /ollie          2h  110  +3p 
 rebels    /tuc            2   112 *+4p 
 extacy    /darkman        2   113  +3p 
 epic+dev. /crossfire      2   114  +2  
 wow       /nantco         2   114  +2  
 ------------------------ more -------> 
 * tuc called it +5.                    

 p2          color buster            w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 chro/emp  /blockbuster    2 :(117  +2  
 accuracy  /mustaine       1   120  +2p 
 mayhem    /met            2   120  +2  
 dytec     /lbm            2   123  +2p 
 bodycount /vengeance   v1 1   139  --- 
 :(game crashes!                        

                 colors             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /sailor         1h   54  --- 
 lamerforce/mr.freeze      1h   67  --- 
 trinomic  /magic          1h   77  +1  

                  corya             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 illusion  /sauron         4   251  --p 
   this is a text adventure in 3 parts. 
 the two first parts gives a password   
 to get into the following part. this   
 word is supplied. however, it is       
 probably a very good idea to do the    
 parts in consecutive order.            
   the two first parts were released    
 also under BEATNIK as two separate and 
 runable files.                         

                crazy zue            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 AMNEESIA  /SEAL           2I  251  +4  
 dytec     /proton        17   366  +3! 
 illusion  /d-ram         17   374  +2  
 virgo     /phobia+mass   17   401  +4  
 excess    /cst           17   407  +4  
 ! is actually +4                       

 p1             cue boy              w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 success   /silver surfer  1p  172  --- 
 atheist   /mekong         1p  187  --- 
 fairlight /bacchus        1   128  --- 
 triad     /alfatech       1   128  --- 
 excess    /red rock       1   132  --- 
 active    /trasher        1   142  --- 
 cli+boyz  /2ny            1   143  --- 
 rebels    /caesar         1   154  --- 
 mayhem    /met          :(1   160  --- 
 ------------------------ more -------> 
 :(no crack intro!                      

 p2             cue boy              w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 deicide   /ministry       1   164  --- 
 digital d./shark          1   165  --- 
 trc       /cavron         1   169  --- 
 ill/agn   /d-ram         A1   171  --- 
 chromance /mr.wax      *  1   175  --- 
 extacy    /darkman        1   178  --- 
 dunex+bru./spikes         1   178  --- 
 epic+dev. /crossfire      1   179  --- 
 *  mr wax made a back ground editor    
      to go with this game. cool!       

                cup fotball         new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 talent    /bod            1    79  +1  
 mechanix  /mason          1   142  --- 

               cyborg 2900          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 mechanix  /mason          1   135  --- 
 epic/dwi  /crossfire      1   174  --- 
 crossline /lynx           1   184  --- 

 seuck          daedalus             w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /jerry          1    85  +1  
 amnesia   /seal           1    89  +1  
 atheist   /mekong         1    97  +2  
 bodycount /morbid      :( 1   107  +2  
 active    /t.i.           1   116  +1  
 bronx     /abuse          1   146  +1  
 death     /weasel         1   152  +2  
 deicide   /ministry       1   152  +1  
 the sour pussies and complain-artists  
 should note that the TRIAD version has 
 a so called long intro.  so there!!!   
 :(most weapons shoot only to the right 
   still the editor is left in mem!     

 p1             detonators          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 rsi/emp   /count zero    A1h  203  +2  
           GAME INTRO INCLUDED          
 triad     /sailor         1h  114  +5  
 jacuzzi   /abuse          1h  119 *+4  
 dytec     /dodger         1h  123  +3  
 sacred    /lcf            1h# 128  +3  
 success   /moren          1h  128  +3  
 pandora   /shoot     ***  1h  130  +5  
 elysium   /hain           1h  132 *+2  
 f4cg      /sneaper        1h  137  +3  
 bronx     /nantco         1h  146  +5:(
 trance    /murphy         1h  156  +2  
 mechanix  /mason          1h:(159  +2  
 ---------------- comments & more ----> 

 p2             detonators          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 trinomic  /magic          1h  164  +2  
 excess    /sentinel       1   165:(+3:(
 rebels    /tuc          :(1   169  +2:(
 crossline /lynx           1h  178  +3  
 * HI-saver doesn´t work.               
 :(saves hi-score in cheat mode         
 :(doublecheat (at least one)           
 :(in-game scroller bugs                
 :(bonus counter no stops at timecheat! 
 ***  PANDORA version. double cheat.    
 select one player and you become       
 immortal. the bonus counter don´t stop 
 counting at level 40.                  

                  doom              new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 epic      /crossfire      1    79  --- 

             double breakout        new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 burp      /wayne gretzky  1    49  --- 

                dribbling           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 f4cg      /fen1           5   199  --- 

. the games e-m

             - chapter 4 -              
            the games e - m             
     on a sign in a hotel in zurich,    
       you are told the following:      
     because of the impropriety of      
 entertaining guests of the oposite sex 
  in the bedroom, it is suggested that  
   the lobby be used for this purpose.  

 the symbols used mean .. .   .     .   
 F                - number of files.... 
 -H               - highscore saver.... 
                    added to the game.. 
 -P               - picture in file.... 
 -#               - dox with the crack. 
 -I               - iffl routine....... 
 -F               - fastloader added... 
 A-               - first release...... 
 L                - length in blocks... 
                    h-file included.... 
 C                - number of cheats... 
 -P               - passwords given.... 
 *  indicates >   - something ......... 
 :)     a      >  - something nice .... 
 :(comment on >   - something less nice 

                  eon               new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 elysium   /hain           8   388  +5  
 triad     /king fisher    2i# 414  +4  
 trc       /jack alien     7   467  +5  
 trance    /twist          2i  474  +3  
 genesis p./ray            2i  477  +5  
 rebels    /tuc            9   664  +7  

                 eoroid             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /king fisher    1h   43  --- 
 extacy    /darkman      * 1h   64  --- 
 sacred    /corrosive    * 1h   95  --- 
 * not translated                       

              first samurai          w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 proxyon   /annihilator    6   602  +3  
 bodycount /psycho       * 6   630  +3  
 epic      /crossfire     13   637  +2  
 sunrise   /vector        13   643  +3p 
 extacy    /darcman       13   644  +2p 
 red sector/double-t       2i  645  +4  
 vsn+gtx   /dmc            6   651  +4p 
 trance    /mg             6f# 656  +2p 
 rebels    /e3             -   1ds  +4  
 * intro scroll and cheat screen not    
   visible on old 64s. loader doesn´t   
   work with P-DOS.                     

                fly harder           w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 elysium   /hain           2hi 361  +3  
 syccess   /burglar       17h  396  +1  
 chromance /alex          19h  409  +1p 

                frantic             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 entropy   /---            1   148  +1  

               fred´s back           w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 genesis p./ray             1   94  +3  
 tow       /kerouck        11   96  +1  
 red sector/pb+benson     A11  117  +3  
 success   /dannie          1  128  +2  
 cosmos design                          

 p1            frogger´93            w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 dytec     /lbm            1hp 115  +2  
 triad     /alfatech       1h   61  +1  
 success   /silver surfer  1h   64  +3  
 sacred    /lcf            1h   74  +4  
 deicide   /ministry       1h   75  +1  
 atheist   /mekong         1h   76  +6  
 pride     /ollie          1h   78  +3  
 excess    /luka           1h   80  +2  
 digital d./meatball       1h   80  +2  
 wow       /nantco         1h   81  +2  
 ------------------------ more -------> 

 p2            frogger´93            w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 vagabonds /mindcrime      1h:( 81  +6! 
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 1h   84  --- 
 amnesia   /seal           1h   86  +3  
 x-factor  /hercules       1h:( 88  +2  
 proxyon   /loobster       1h   90  --! 
 extacy    /darkman        1h:(100  +2  
 epic+dev. /crossfire      1h  102  +2  
 death     /bacillus       1h  114  +2  
 bodycount /vengeance      1h  124  +2  
 ! dir says +1 but there is no cheat!   
 :(saves HI in cheatmode                
 ! dir says +8, but there are only +6!  
   only some minor graphix bugs.        

 p1          galactic chaos          w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /bachhus        1    65  +2  
 wow       /nantco         1    79  +2  
 excess    /red rock       1    79  +2  
 pride     /ollie          1    81  +2  
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 1    81  +1  
 dunex+brut/spikes         1    86  +2  
 vagabonds /mindcrime      1    87  +5  
 atheist   /mekong         1    88  +5  
 acrise    /bc             1    94  +1  
 bronx     /abuse          1    99  +2  
 death     /bacillus       1    99  +2  
 ----------------------- more --------> 

 p2          galactic chaos          w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 trc       /cavron         1   103  +1  
 scs/agn   /burglar       A1   118  +2  
 no name   /gobus+dr.dos   1   124  +2  
 trance    /mr.misteer     1   147  +1  

 seuck        galaxis 9199          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 beatnicks /---            1   103  +2  
 rebels    /matt           1   114  +2  
 cadgers   /trooper        1   178  +2  
 trance    /murphy         6   269  +2  
 lamerforce/h.v.b.   !    17   452  --- 
 ! version features intro with complete 
   story, game and the end.             

               gladiators            w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 amnesia   /seal           1   136  +5  
 vagabonds /mindcrime      1   137  +5  
 dunex+brut/spikes         1   137  +2  
 bodycount /morbid         1   137  +1  
 extacy    /darkman        1   139  +2  
 mayhem    /met            1   139  +1  
 trinomic  /magic          1   146  +2  
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 1#  150  +1  
 excess    /sentinel       1   156  +2  
 mechaniix /dodger         1   164  +3  

              grell & falla          w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 atheist   /mekong         1p  167  +7  
 mayhem    /primus         1p  172  +3  
 triad     /alfatech       1   121  +3  
 unity     /ravage         1   132  +1  
 trc       /cba            1   144  +3  
 proxyon   /annihilator    1   151  +2  
 illusion  /sauron+d-ram  A1   152  +3  
 dunex     /spikes         1   154  +1  
 illusion  /sauron+d-ram   1   158  +3  
 extacy    /darkman        1   158  +2  

                hirnris              w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 ultimate  /poeplejonny   A1    45  --- 
 extacy    /revenge        1    48  --- 
 dytec     /lbm            1    49  --- 

                 hit it             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 garbage   /scarab.+mor.   1    31  --- 

              holiday games          w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 success   /burglar       34h  709  --- 
 red sector/darklord      37   769  --- 
 sacred    /lcf           26h  886  --- 
 extacy    /darkman     :(37   904  --- 
 active    /trasher       37   908  --- 
 accuracy  /       :(37   918  --- 
 :(major bugs in fishing part. doesn´t  
   occur all the time though.           
 :(crashes at several places            

 p1    international truck racing    w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 1p  137  +3  
 extacy    /darkman        1p  138  +1  
 unity     /ravage         1p  139  +2  
 success   /tss          :(1p  140  +2  
 x-rated   /l´trimm        1p  141  +4  
 ils/agn   /sauron+d-ram  A1p  162  +3  
 active    /injun          1    96  +4  
 lithium   /---            1    96  +3  
 fairlight /bachhus        1    98  +8  
 triad     /alfatech       1   108  +1  
 trc       /tba            1   108  --- 
 ------------------------ more -------> 
 :(can´t actually be played!            

 p2    international truck racing    w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 mechanix  /mason          1   111  +4  
 deiside   /ministry       1   114  +3  
 active    /trasher        1   116  +3  
 excess    /sentinel       1   117  --- 
 dunex+brut/spikes         1   118  +2  
 epic      /crossfire      1   118  --- 
 entropy   /tmb            1   119  --- 
 amnesia   /seal           1   121  +2  
 trinomic  /magic          1   121  +1  
 trance    /mr.mister      1   124  --- 
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 1   137  +3  

           jimmy´s super legue       w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /watchman       1    94  --- 
 sacred    /lcef           1   107  --- 
 mayhem    /met            1   124  --- 

                 joshua              w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /bachhus        2   133  +2  
 afl 70    /jack alien     1   142  +3p 
 triad     /alfatech       1h  143  +2p 
 x-factor  /hercules       2   153  +3p 
 epic      /crossfire      2   155  +2  
 dytec     /lbm+proton     2   161  +2  
 trc       /cba            1   162  +2  
 tsr       /albatros       2   168  --- 
 afl 70    /jack alien     2   177  +3p 
 slash     /axe            1   182  +1  
 rsi/agn   /pb            A2   187  +2  
 wartec+bst/peacemaker     2   279  +2  

                 koncept            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /sailor         1h   71  +2  
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 1h   81  +2  
 sacred    /lcf            1h   81  +2  
 jacuzzi   /abuse          1h:( 81  +2  
 trance    /twist          1h   82  +2  
 success   /silver surfer  1h   82  +2  
 trc       /cba            1h   82  +2  
 dytec     /lbm            1h   87  +2  
 trinomic  /magic          1h   88  +2  
 mechanix  /mason          1h   88  +2  
 epic/dwi  /crossfire      1h  125  +2  
 :(hi-saver doesn´t work                

                lenitive             w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 mechanix  /mason          1   121  --- 
 trance    /---          :(1   134  --- 
 trc       /cavron         1   134  --- 
 excess    /red rock       1   151  +2  
 chro/agn  /alexander      1   160  --- 
 sacred    /lcf            1   171  --- 
 epic+dev. /crossfire      1   176  --- 
 extacy    /darkman        1   193  --- 
 mayhem    /primus        12   247  --- 
 :(version not complete. crashes when   

              magic colours         new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 lamerforce/mr.freeze      1    43  --- 

 p1           magic fields           w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 active    /injun          1h   71  --- 
 lithium   /avtek       :( 1h   76  +2  
 light     /spirou         1h   80  +3  
 excess    /luka           1h   88  +2  
 sacred    /lcf            1h   92  +3  
 dytec     /proton  v2     1h   94  +2  
 amnesia   /seal           1h   98  +4  
 sunrise   /vector         1h:( 98  +3  
 success   /dannie         1h  100  +3  
 dytec     /dodger  v1     1h:(102  +3  
 ------------------------ more -------> 
 :(saves hi-score in cheat mode         
 :(bugs out!                            

 p2           magic fields           w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 extacy    /darkman        1h  103  +3  
 epic+dev. /crossfire      1h:(:(109  +2  
 tsr       /albatros       1h  109  +2  
 scs/emp   /dannie        A1h  147  +3  
 :(saves hi-score in cheat mode         
 :(the cheats are fucked up!            

                 manager            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 success   /---            1    83  --- 
 game made by old GDG and the graphix   
 looks like it was made in 1986 or so.  
 music by winterberg also points at     
 that time. has this game been in a     
 moth bag till now?                     
 love the winterberg nusic anyway  /ed  

              marble springs         w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /bachhus        2i  119  +11 
 dytec     /dodger         3f  158  +1  
 vision    /x-radical      3   161  +2  
 extacy    /darkman        3   165  +1  
 mechanix  /mason          2i  176  +1  
 tsr       /albatros       3   181  --- 
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 3   183  +1  
 trinomic  /magic          3   184  +1  
 epic+dev. /crossfire      3   191  --- 
 rsi/agn   /psychobilly   A3   236  --- 

 p1            masterhead            w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 x-rated   /jack alien     1h:(:)111  +2  
 active    /trasher        1h:)112  +2  
 the force /daniel         1h  113  --- 
 lethargy  /xant           1   114  +3  
 sunrise   /vector    v2   1   114  +1  
 bronx     /bird           1h  115  --- 
 deicide   /ministry       1 :)115  +2  
 mechanix  /mason          1   116  +1  
 bodycount /psycho         1h:)119  +3p?
 ------------------------ more -------> 
 :)intructions translated into english  
 :(saves hi-score even in cheat mode!   

 p2            masterhead            w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 section 8 /lcf            1h  121  +2  
 wow       /nantco         1   122  +1  
 sunrise   /argos     v1   1   122  --- 
 elysium   /hein          A1 :)123  +2  
 heartbeat /assailant      1   126  +3  
 :)instructions translated into english 

                 matrix             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 talent/dmx/---            1   182  +2  

                  mazer             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 sacred    /lcf            1   131  --- 
 dytec     /lbm            1   133  --- 
 success   /mr.disc        1   148  --- 
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 1   155  --- 
 scs/dwi   /mr.disc       A1   180  --- 
   in the code it says that this game   
 is a preview. anyone of you know       
 martin dahlberg or anders larsson to   
 ask them about ti?                     

             mc donald land          w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 elysium   /hain       *  2i   739  +2  
 x-rated   /l´trimm       40   744  +4  
 red sector/count zero    40 :(748  +3  
 afl 70    /jack alien    40   758  +2  
 cult      /odie          42   791  +1  
 legend    /powerplant    71   803  +2  
 * cool version except that the loader  
   doesn´t work with PROFESSIONAL-DOS!  
 :(some levels have graphix bugs and    
   the little man has no contour!       

 p1           mega starforce         w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 amnesia   /seal           2i  389  --- 
 accuracy  /dj            15   436  +1  
 spirit    /---            -   1ds  +2  
 dytec     /lbm            -   1ds  +2  
         - game intro included -        
 ----------------------- more --------> 
 the game has a built in +2 option      
 versions by spirit and dytec can not   
 be properly judged for their length    
 and number of files.                   

 p2           mega starforce         w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /alfatech       2i  289  +1  
 genesis p./ray            2i  309  +3  
 x-factor  /hercules      13   313  +5  
 trc       /jack alien    13   316  +2  
 mechanix  /mason          2i  319  +2  
 proxyon   /annihilator   13   321  +2  
 success   /silver surfer 13   323  +1  
 sacred    /lcf           13   339  +2  
 extacy    /darkman       13   341  +1  
 sacred    /lcf           13   348  +2  
 red sector/benson       A     386  --- 
 the game has a built in +2 option      

                methodos             w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /king fisher    1   141  +7  
 section 8 /lcf            1   157  +6  
 epic      /chrossfire     1   158  +3  
 excess    /dumper         1   161  +10 
 accuracy  /steve          1   163  +3  
 amnesia   /seal+wizvis    1   170  +7  
 dunex+brut/spikes         1   171  +1  
 gp/emp    /---            1   176  +6  
 cult      /neurotics      1   190  +6  
 the NTSC version fucks on PAL          

                minefields           w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 active    /injun          1h   79  --- 
 fairlight /bacchus        1h   80  +1  
 bodycount /vengeance      1    86  --- 
 atheist   /mekong         1h   88  --- 
 trc       /cba            1h   95  +1  
 extacy    /darkman        1h   98  +1  
 dytec     /proton         1h  105  +2  
 tsr       /provoke        1h  111  --- 
 rsi/agn   /pb            A1h  120  --- 

             miss mind ania         new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 sacred    /lcf            1    70  +1  
 jacuzzi   /abuse          1    89  +1  
 extacy    /darkman   :)   1    91  +1  
   :)the woman is shown naked first :)  

               mision pow           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 bodycount /vengeance      1    80  --- 

                moribund            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 mechanics /iceball       23hf 418:)+4p 
 success   /burglar      A24h  432  +4p 
 epic      /crossfire     25h  470  --- 
 sacred    /lcf         :( 2ih 480* --- 
 success   /mr.disc       24h  480  --- 
 dytec     /proton      :( -h  1ds  +5  
 :)actually +5P!                        
 :(can´t be file copied!                
 * game intro included                  

                 move on            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /sailor         1    74  +1p 
 lithium   /avtek          1#   76  +1  
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 1    87  --- 
 dytec     /lbm            1    89  +1p 
 x-factor  /hercules       1    94  +2p 
 scs/emp   /mr.disc  v1   A1    94  +1  
 extacy    /darkman        1    95  +2p 
 rebels    /rad            1    95  +1  
 exile     /assailant      1    97  +2  
 cadgers   /trooper        1    98  +1p 
 success   /mr.disc  v2    1   104  --- 
 epic      /crossfire      1   122  +1  
 lynx      /crossline      1   126  +1  

. the games n-x

             - chapter 5 -              
            the games n - x             
   in a japanese hotell you could find  
 a sign with the following instructions 
     for using the air conditioner.     
           cools and heates             
 if you want just condition of warm in  
  your room, please control yourself.   

 the symbols used mean .. .   .     .   
 F                - number of files.... 
 -H               - highscore saver.... 
                    added to the game.. 
 -P               - picture in file.... 
 -#               - dox with the crack. 
 -I               - iffl routine....... 
 -F               - fastloader added... 
 A-               - first release...... 
 L                - length in blocks... 
                    h-file included.... 
 C                - number of cheats... 
 -P               - passwords given.... 
 *  indicates >   - something ......... 
 :)     a      >  - something nice .... 
 :(comment on >   - something less nice 

           nobby the aardvark        w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 x-factor  /hercules      10h  732  +5  
 trc       /jack alien    11   794  +4  
 epic      /stephen       12   883  +7  
 success   /micron        11   892  +7  
 illusion  /sauron       A14h  975  +6  

                  orion             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /sailor         1h   74  +2p 
 f4cg      /sneaper        1h   79  +3  
 sacred    /lcf            1h   85  --p 
 success   /silver surfer  1h   90  +1p 
 trc/emp   /xrd+cba       A1h   97  --p 
 crossline /lynx           1h  118  --- 

               paranoimia            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 atheist   /mekong         1h  108  +4  
 sunrise   /vector         1h  136  +3  

                 pile up            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 f4cg      /sneaper        1h  123  +1  
 f4cg/agn  /sneaper       A1h  146  +1  
 pile editor in separate file           

               pinball 64           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 slash     /blow           1    50  +1  

                  plis              new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /sailor         1h  121  +4  
 red sector/count zero     1h  142  +2  
 rsi/emp   /count zero     1h  174  +4  
 this is the first time i am greeted in 
 a game by the coder and not only that! 
 i am the only one greeted! feels grand 
 hey capt´n!  maybe it is time for      
 another coop demo?  :)           JERRY 

                 popper              w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /watchman       1    30  +1  
 atheist   /mekong         1    33  +2  
 deicide   /ministry       1    45  --- 

                p.p.digger          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /sailor         1    28  +1  
 dytec     /dodger         1    47  +2  

              psychic chaos         new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /king fisher    2i  385  +1  
 pandora   /shoot          9h  403  +3  
 f4cg      /sneaper        9   422  +3:)
 red sector/count zero     9f  444  +3  
 success   /silver surfer  9   445  +2  
 trc       /cba            9   455  +2  
 dytec     /lbm           10hf 467  +2  
 illusion  /d-ram       :( 2i  487  --- 
 :)version can be played at half speed! 
 :(not filecopy!                        

   this game was made by PARALYSE and   
 released directly to the scene by them 
   they urge you to spread it and copy  
 the game. there has never been any     
 sort of copy protection on it.         
   then how the hell can it be cracked  
 however generously you interpret the   
 concept of cracking?                   
   if at least anyone of you had made   
 your own level editor, depriving them  
 of some cookies.  shame on you!        

               reversi gti          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 pandora   /shoot           1   17  --- 
 triad     /sailor          1   21  --- 
 trance    /twist           1   31  --- 
 mechanix  /mason           1   31  --- 
 bronx     /nantco          1   32  --- 
 crossline /lynx            1   38  --- 
 lamerforce/arcshvixa       1   39  --- 

               rings´n up           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 afl 70/dmx/---            1   131  +3  
   this is a really old game, only i    
 can´t find it in my archives. anyone   
 have the old name for me?              
  is this what we can expect onwards?   

 p1            robin hood            w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /bacchus        2ip 221  +3  
 atheist   /mekong         2ip 240  +2  
 rebels    /tuc        v1  4p  257  +2  
 active    /trasher        4   194  +2  
 success   /silver surfer  4   208  +2  
 rebels    /caesar     v2  2h  214  +5  
 vision    /satan          2i  215  +3  
 x-factor  /exulans        4   218  +2  
 trc       /cavron         2i  220  +2  
 dunex+brut/spikes         4   220  +2  
 ------------------------ more -------> 

 p2            robin hood            w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 acrise    /bc             4   222  +2  
 epic+dev. /crossfire      4   224  +3  
 digital d./shark          4   231  +2  
 deicide   /ministry       4   235  +2  
 dytec     /dodger       * 4   236  +2  
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 4   238  +2  
 * some minor sprite bugs               

               shellshock           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 illusion  /sauron         1   124  +3  
 success   /silver surfer  1   126  +4  
 jacuzzi   /abuse          1   127  +6  
 red sector/count zero     1   130  +6  
 sacred    /lcf            1   132  +4  
 trc       /cba           A1   139  +3  
 pandora   /attr.+sky    * 1   144  +3  
 * minor graphix bug                    

               sleepwalker          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 elysium   /hain          11   791  +2  
 trc       /jack alien     8   871  +3  
 exile     /assailant      8   901  +3  
 trance    /mr.mister      8   905  --- 
 charged   /centurion     10   931  +5  

                  snare              w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /watchman       1    65  +1  
 red sector/psychobilly   A1    77  --- 
 extacy    /darkman        1    79  +2  
 excess    /red rock       1    81  +1  
 tsr       /albatros       1    89  +2  
 mayhem    /met          * 1    91  +1  
 * minor graphix bugs                   

                space duel          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 afl 70/emp/---           13   385  +2  

               spectipede           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 lamerforce/mr.freeze      1h   74  +2  

               space quiz           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 sacred    /lcf           10   303  --- 
 dytec     /proton        10   316  --- 
 this quiz game is in german. not only  
 that, it requires the exact proper     
 form of the word which may be a        
 problem even for a german.             

                  stix              new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /sailor         1h   65  +1p 
 dytec     /lbm            1h  100  +2  
 crossline /lynx           1h  125  +2  
 trc       /cba            1h  132:(+1  
 :(must select cheat to be able to play 

              table tennis           w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 success   /silver surfer  1p   95  --- 
 digital d./meatball       1p  122  --- 
 fairlight /bacchus        1    72  --- 
 dunex+brut/spikes         1    91  --- 
 sacred    /lcf            1    92  --- 
 entropy   /tmb            1   108  --- 

               think fast           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /sailor         1   107  --- 
 bronx     /nantco      *  2   135  +1  
 dytec     /---            2   139  --- 
 red sector/headhunter     1   141  --- 
 * no return from endsequence           

                tili toli           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 sacred    /lcf           A1    41  --- 
 coders    /lucifer        1    76  --- 
 are CODERS a US group making a direct  
 tili toli?  jamen va faaan är det här? 
              en ringlek? en maträtt?   

                time out            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /bacchus        1i  146  +1  

                 tracer             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 wow       /sorex          1h  102  +5  
 entropy   /---            1   102  +1  
 mayhem    /roy           A1   110  +2  
 rsi/agn   /breaker?       1   124  +2  
 excess    /sentinel   :(  1   131  +2  
 trc       /x-radical      1   134  +3  
 slash     /axe            1   134  +2  
 :(can´t be played & it´s no copy bug!  

                 trolls              w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 atheist   /mekong         4p  156  +2  
 fairlight /watchman       2i  147  +3  
 exile     /assailant      3   156  +2  
 red sector/breaker        4   163  +3  
 extacy    /darkman        4   165  +2  
 citadel   /bacillus       4   168  +3  
 illusion  /sauron+d-ram   4   168  +2  
 dytec     /lbm            5f  184  +2  

                  ugh!               w4 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 seal      /amnesia        2i  340  +2  
 epic      /crossfire   :(51   341  +2  
 success   /micron     v2  2i  364  +6  
 proxyon   /anihilator    54h  365  +2p 
 success   /dannie     v1 54h  373  +3  
 red sector/mo+double t   54   373  +2  
 :(the end file is missing.             

              ultimate event        new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 tsr       /passion        1#   35  --- 

             unpredictaball         new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 burp      /wayne gretzky  1   166  --- 
 you can ssay that again!               

              wonder ball            w4 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 amnesia   /seal           2i  183  +2  
 fairlight /ayatollah     10   185  +2  
 epic      /mason          9f  187  +3  
 red sector/double-t      17   188  +3  
 vsn+gtx   /ray            2i  198  +4  
 accuracy  /steve         18   220  +1  
 nirvana   /x-radical      6:( 280  +2  
 rebels    /tuc           16   347  +3  
 cult      /neurotics      5   394  +2  
 :(they say this is iffl???             
   lots of graphix bugs.                
 the VSN+GTX version was listed as 148  
 blox in #16. sorry for the read error! 

             woody the worm         new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /king fisher    6h  289  +2  
 dytec     /lbm           21h  368  +6  
 genesis p. released a preview of this  
 game as early as in 1991 or are we     

 p1    world championship squash     w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 1p# 127  --- 
 success   /tss            1p  129  --- 
 x-rated   /l´trimm        1p  130  --- 
 extacy    /darkman        1p  135  --- 
 excess    /sentinel       1p  140  --- 
 trinomic  /magic          1p  140  --- 
 lithium   /---            1    85  --- 
 fairlight /bacchus        1    87  --- 
 sacred    /lcf            1    94  --- 
 triad     /alfatech       1    96  --- 
 mechanix  /mason          1   101  --- 
 x-factor  /hercules       1   102  --- 
 ------------------------ more -------> 

 p2    world championship squash     w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 active    /surfer         1   105  --- 
 gothic d. /static         1   108  --- 
 amnesia   /seal           1   109  --- 
 sunrise   /vector         1   111  --- 
 mayhem    /met            1   113  --- 
 deicide   /ministry       1   116  --- 
 trc       /action jackson 1   117  --- 
 accuracy  /mustaine       1   118  --- 
 trance    /---            1   119  --- 
 epic      /jason          1   120  --- 
 dytec     /lbm            1   122  --- 
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 1#  127  --- 
 success   /tss            1   129  --- 
 tsr       /albatros       1   146  --- 

                wozzle              new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /sailor         1h   66  +3p 
 dytec     /lbm          * 2h  116  +2  
 * minor graphix bug.                   
 isn´t this an old game or did we see   
 a preview earlier?                     

           wrath of the demon        w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 x-factor  /the company    29 1046  +3  
 genesis p./satan          19 1114  +3  
 success   /silver surfer  97 1317  +1  
 dytec     /lbm+dodger     97 1324  +2  
 illusion  /sauron      *  97 1329  +2  
 * illusion gives you instructions on   
   how to handle the game.              
 version by the company doesn´t work    
 with PROFESSIONAL DOS.  sigh!          

                 xpiose              w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 ill/emp   /tonic          1   123  --- 
 exceess   /cst            1   126  --- 
 phobia    /virgo          1   136  +1  
 dytec     /lbm            1h  136  +2  

. reactions

             - chapter 6 -              
             the place for              
      your reactions on THE GUIDE.      
          our answers to them.          
      our reactions on happenings.      
         DARKMAN no recracker           
        respond faster, please!         
           call THE STUDIO              
          swastikas in triad            
          one file, please!             
          crap games or not             

              NO RECRACKING             
   we find it important to point out    
 recracking when we run across it.      
   it is equally important to back up   
 innocent people accused of recracking. 
 DARKMAN asked GAMERS GUIDE for help.   
   in issue # 7 of NEWS PRESS, DARKMAN  
 of EXCESS was accused of having        
 recracked POOL SIMULATOR´92 from the   
 REBEL version.                         
   DARKMAN was of course offended and   
 hurt, because all he did was to use    
 the original sent to REBELS by E3.     

              NO RECRACKING             
   "aha!" you may say, "once again the  
 name of E3 appears where there is a    
   right you are. after all, it never   
 really was an original. read in        
 GG # 18!                               
   however, if you read NEWS PRESS #10  
 you will find that REBELS refuses to   
 accept that E3 sent out this game as   
 an original. this is weird since i     
 sent VIPER a copy of the disk where he 
 could find all the information he      
 could possibly need to check it up.    
 the disk looked like this  --------->  

              NO RECRACKING             
         -- !E3/REBELS --  -RBL-        
         0  perplex +4  /rbl prg        
         0  fran.stein+6/rbl prg        
         0  fran.stein !/rbl prg        
         0  kuevar x-prv/rbl prg        
         0  for yowl !e3/rbl prg        
         0  pool 92 org$2000 prg        
            !orrie for yowl!            

              NO RECRACKING             
   in the note are listed the following 
 guys as getting that disk.             
            jason / cosmic pirates      
     :(    static / gothic design       
     :)   incubus / antic               
          bizarre / trance              
     :)   revenge / extacy              
         elegance / enigma              
         kickback / war deal lamers     
   STATIC doesn´t recall that disk, but 
 INCUBUS and REVENGE does remember it.  
 the other four have not been asked by  
 me. if you guys read this and remember 
 that disk or even better, still have > 

              NO RECRACKING             
 a copy of it, i suggest that you let   
 VIPER/REBELS know this.                
   but then again, i most certainly     
 think that it is up to VIPER to get    
 in touch with those guys to verify     
 what the rest of us know.              
   strange that he hasn´t done it       
 already. maybe he prefers not to learn 
 the truth?                             
   and remember. TRIAD has no interest  
 in this. it is DARKMAN/EXCESS who was  
 called a re-cracker and should have an 
 appolgy from VIPER!              JERRY 


   as the editor of THE GUIDE there is  
 one thing i react on and want to       
 complain about.                        
   if you have a reaction or a comment  
 on something involving THE GUIDE i     
 wish that you sent it to me or your    
 TRIAD dealer directly and not a month  
 later or even more.                    
   proof may have been lost or the      
 interest is gone by the time the       
 reaction comes to me if it takes too   


   you could read in GAMERS GUIDE # 18  
 a reaction from DERBYSHIRE RAM on some 
 writings in the aussie mag VANDALISM   
   i stated that the editor of a mag is 
 responsible for the content. if no     
 comment is made to a text, the reader  
 must assume that the text follows the  
 policy of the mag.                     
   following this line of reasoning i   
 have decided to summarize the explana- 
 tion givven to me by VENGANCE instead  
 of entering the whole text.        ->  

   the text in VANDALISM NEWS was the   
 end result of 4 nights of fighting and 
 mad phone calls involving VENGEANCE,   
 STIGS and some TSR-members including   
   in this mess, somehow the name of    
 DERBYSHIRE RAM came up even though he  
 had nothing what so ever to do with    
 the internal australian problems.      
 today, no one understands what really  
   VENGEANCE offers his deepest and     
 sincerest apology to DERBYSHIRE RAM    
 for involving him in this affair.      


          CALL IN YOUR REACTION         
   after GG # 18 was out, i heared that 
 DERBYSHIRE RAM tried to call me to     
 withdraw his item since things were    
 cleared with australia.                
   it was sheer bad luck that i was not 
 in when he called.                     
   a very good method of leaving me     
 information for THE GUIDE is to call   
 THE STUDIO.                            
   if you can´t afford to be a regular  
 caller at THE STUDIO that is fully ok  
 as long as you tell me about it.   ->  

          CALL IN YOUR REACTION         
   THE STUDIO is a friendly BBS and one 
 point of running it is to make it easy 
 for people to get in touch with TRIAD  
 and THE GUIDE.                         
   then of course i can´t expect every  
 user to call once a day. if you call   
 just once every other month, that is   
 allright too.                          
   call, leave me a mess and get lost   
 and it woun´t cost you more than a     
 minute if you do it right.             


                 NO NAZI                
   someone used his eyes, but forgot to 
 connect his brain and that naturally   
 led him astray.                        
   someone noticed that there is a      
 swastica in the logo that swings in    
 issues 15.5 - 18 of THE GUIDE.         
   there is also the anarchy symbol and 
 there are also two fuck-fingers        
 pointed at those two symbols.          
   how that can make anyone fear that   
 TRIAD is pro nazi is beyond me, but i  
 better be VERY clear about this.   ->  

                 NO NAZI                
   that logo was drawn by BISMARCK. he  
 was born in korea by korean parents    
 and very obviously is of another race  
 than the general swede.                
   he knows what it is to be different  
 and he definitely is no racist.        
   then why the hell did he draw that   
 logo the way he did? if you had known  
 BISMARCK or KING FISHER and that bunch 
 of no good mother fucking pains in my  
 ass you would have known that they     
 know nothing better than to tease me.  
   and they do that too.            ->  

                 NO NAZI                
   when i got the code for 15.5 from    
 KING FISHER, there was one version     
 without the swastika. he was not sure  
 i would accept to use the one with the 
   i saw the intention of BISMARCK, so  
 there was no problem. i expected you   
 guys out there to also notice the      
 fuck-finger raised for the swastika.   
   just so you know. as members in      
 TRIAD we have had people from a bundle 
 of countries, cultures and races. no   
 way we could be racists or pro nazi.   


               FILE MANIA               
         howdy folks, this is           
   i´m writing this coz i´m so fucking  
 tired of all these cracks that reaches 
 me in a billion files!                 
   the load picture come in a separate  
 file, the passwords come in a separate 
 file and it wouldn´t surprice me if    
 we one day get the crack-intro in a    
 separate file.....    (well, that has  
 actually been suggested to me! /ed) -> 

               FILE MANIA               
   all this just to make the main-crack 
   it´s of course good to shorten down  
 on the TOTAL file-length, but to cut   
 up the game in different files only    
 makes it longer... and a lot of files  
 might get lost on the way up´n´down    
 the boards and through swappers.       
   so, what i simply want to say is:    

               FILE MANIA               
   if the game intro doesn´t have a     
 space routine to let the player get to 
 the game when he wants to, the cracker 
 of course has to add such a routine.   
 the player should not be forced to     
 wait through the game intro. (nor the  
 game tester! /ed)                      
   of course there are situations when  
 the crack has to be in many files.     
 what i am talking about are the games  
 that basically are single file games   
 which are broken up into several files 

               FILE MANIA               
   there has been a friendly debate     
 on this subject among me, SPIROU,      
 BACCHUS, INJUN INC and others.         
   there are many things to say as well 
 as many things to consider and they    
 don´t all point in one direction.      
   i have some personal views, but for  
 once i will keep them to myself for    
 the time beeing. instead i hope to get 
 some comments from you out there.      


           CRAP GAMES OR NOT          * 
   in PROPAGANDA #10 i found an item    
 by NEWSCOPY that made me react.        
   i called NEWSCOPY who wellcomed my   
 reaction and allowed me to reprint his 
 lines here.                            
 - - ------------------------------ - - 
    most invaluable group right now     
                :(EPIC :(               
         (CROSSFIRE and friends)        

           CRAP GAMES OR NOT          * 
   we don´t intend to rag or slag down  
 at a group, but disastrous attempts    
 the last few months has shown an       
 ability that we find awkward enough    
 for the purpose. (of naming a most     
 invaluable group /ed!)                 
   EPIC have an ugly habit of putting   
 out wicked games of worst quality,     
 preferably 100 at the time, all PAL,   
 all unplayable. not because of the     
 crack itself, but because of the       
 quality of the product.                
   i find myself strolling in questions 
 wether EPIC is really a budgetgroup -> 

           CRAP GAMES OR NOT          * 
 among fine groups like GULAS, BURP,    
 BAD TASTE, TROEP and others, but no.   
   i have no doubts what so ever that   
 EPIC could make it bigtime, but not on 
 these particular grounds.              
   EPIC must be as wellknown as the     
 myth about CROSSFIRE, the man behind a 
 million faces (but still a very nice   
 guy). for their best, and most of all  
 for OUR best, i hope for a quick       
 remedy of the group, their efforts and 
 their humptydumpty attempts to enter   
 the real world.          NEWSCOPY/GP   
                          - - - - - --> 

           CRAP GAMES OR NOT            
   that was the piece from PROPAGANDA.  
   i realize that PROPAGANDA is a mag   
 that is 100% dedicated for the sceners 
 who concentrate on hacking, phreaking  
 and the US board life. thus they live  
 by diffeerent values than i do.        
   if EPIC finds and releases games     
 the others don´t, then i think they do 
 a great job. even if most of them are  
 crappy games, they have a value to     
 some of us. especially us collectors.  
   i have never understood the thing -> 

           CRAP GAMES OR NOT            
 about budget lables. they are never    
 secret, so we know what groups are     
 "hiding" behind those budget labels.   
   then what is the point? i suggest    
 that it is inverted snobbism.          
   by using a budget label to release   
 budget games, the group implies that   
 they normally have such a high class   
 that they just have to use a budget    
 label for some games.                  
   this further implies that those not  
 using a budget lable are groups of     
 lesser class.  smart!             -->  

           CRAP GAMES OR NOT            
   TRIAD has never shared such values.  
 we look at this from another angle.    
   the value of a crack is in how good  
 the job has been done. it is perfectly 
 simple to mess up a fullprice game and 
 then it is a fucking bad job. if you   
 make a good job of a budget game, then 
 it still is a good job. THAT is class. 
   if the game itself is good or bad    
 has no bearing on the crack job. okay, 
 it is generally more fun to make a     
 good crack out of an interesting game, 
 but that rather adds a gold star to a  
 good job on a bad game.           -->  

           CRAP GAMES OR NOT            
   so personally i say: thanx EPIC!     
   this is not an important issue, but  
 it has it´s points.                    
   i am sure that we soon have seen the 
 last fullprice games, measured by the  
 old standards. then all we will get to 
 "crack" are the budget games, and we   
 will have to do it with a smile or we  
 might as well do something else.       

. from all corners

             - chapter  7 -             
            from all corners            
               this time:               
               the editor               

       IN THE CORNER OF YOUR EYE        
     now i leave you,                   
               the past had it´s say    
     you´re all but forgotten,          
               a mote in my heart       
     decisions have been made.          
                      marillion/the web 
   i have had many friends, both in the 
 scene and in my private life. some     
 days ago somebody up there decided to  
 end the life of one of them.           

       IN THE CORNER OF YOUR EYE        
   one of my best friends on the scene, 
 CHARLIE/VARSITY, doesn´t live any more 
   he died in a car accident on may     
 28th while heading for the TCC party   
 in gothenburg, sweden. his girlfriend  
 ANDREA and MR.ALPHA of REBELS were     
 also in the car, but they survived.    
   still, days after having heared the  
 news, i have problems to realize what  
 happened. i feel strange knowing that  
 i will never meet him again, never     
 will read a letter from him again.     
 that he is no more, gone.. .  .        
                 DEAD!                > 

       IN THE CORNER OF YOUR EYE        
   i was contacted by CHRISTIAN years   
 ago, at the very beginning of my       
 computer career. i remember that i was 
 really excited about it, because some  
 time before, i had seen his photo in   
 a paper mag and thought he looked cool 
   i´ve met him three times at parties. 
 the first time at the LIGHT+PHA party  
 in 1992 and he always created positive 
 feelings in me.                        
   we would have met for the fourth     
 time at TCC´93.                        
   instead CHARLEY/VARSITY is dead.   > 

       IN THE CORNER OF YOUR EYE        
   i feel terrible about what has       
 happened, but that must be nothing     
 compared to the feelings of his        
 parents, relatives, ANDREA and         
 MR. ALPHA. if only there was something 
 i could do, but no one can bring back  
 the dead i guess.                      
   CHARLEY reached the age of 20. such  
 a short life, such a brutal end.       
   CHRISTIAN, we will miss you.         

               HOME CORNER              
 :)KILLSQUAD once wanted off the TRIAD  
   member list not to embarras us. now  
   he is back in action. sort of wonder 
   if he consider that TRIAD has sunk   
   to his level or if he has got a new  
   supply of energy.. .   .     .   :)  
 - we have noted that in more than one  
   magazine some people designate       
   themselves as NNNNNNNN/ex TRIAD or   
   that they are described by others as 
   ex TRIAD.                            
 + no doubt that is a compliment, but   
   not always one we appreciate. in --> 

               HOME CORNER              
   one case this was a guy we kicked    
   out because we didn´t want him to be 
   connected with TRIAD.                
 - ALFATECH is soon lost for the 8-bit  
   world. the demo he and KING FISHER   
   are working on will be the last he   
   does on the 64. he is allready busy  
   on the 16-bit game machines with the 
   former heros of CENSOR DESIGN.       
 + when ALFA told me he was leaving the 
   64 scene, he also told me that he    
   really would have been in CENSOR D   
   all the time if it hadn´t been for   
   KING FISHER instead talking him  --> 

               HOME CORNER              
   into joining TRIAD.                  
 + this was total news to me and it had 
   me stunned for a mo. then i felt my  
   face cracking up from ear to ear.    
 :)maybe there is someone out there     
   after all, someone keeping count of  
   the points and evening out the       
   scores towards the afternoon.        
 - in a flash this released a knot      
   within me and i felt peace. a big    
   and warm thanx to ALFATECH, my good  
   buddy and our good buddy!            

               HOME CORNER              
 - we hope you have noticed that the    
   tune in this issue was composed by   
   ALFATECH. it has been used in the    
   intro for THE GUIDE, but it is far   
   too long to be wasted on an intro.   
   here you will hear all of it.        
 - in the very last minute before       
   sending this to the cruncher, four   
   guys in TWILIGHT desided to join     
   TRIAD. the disk magazine ARISE is    
   their work and they will bring it    
   along to continue to produce it.     
 :)the new TRIAD members are:           

               HOME CORNER              
 :)we heared a rumour that LIGHT had an 
   informal meeting in the city of      
 ! you can imagine the level of infor-  
   mality if you learn that GOBLIN from 
   now on will be known as              
                      THE TREE CLIMBER. 
 + another demo is now planned in the   
   series SPIK I FOTEN/(a nail in your  
   foot). this, the third one will have 
   the subtitle -BRUTAL FIAT-!          
 - SPIROU, sysop of FUTURE ZONE left    
   LIGHT to seriously code a game. :)   

               HOME CORNER              
 - ENDURO/FAIRLIGHT is in the army and  
   like everyone else he has discovered 
   that swoping and army service don´t  
   mix well.                            
 :)however, all is not evil in this     
   world. SURFER/ACTIVE is helping him  
   by taking care of some mail.         
 - someone said that BACCHUS/FAIRLIGHT  
   known columnist in swedish computer  
   press was about to get married. they 
   (BACCHUS & girl) even got telegrams  
   and other tokens of grief for a lost 
   brother. however, a marriage is not  
   emedeatly planned.              -->  

               HOME CORNER              
 :)a date that IS set on the other hand 
   is the date when HARLEQUIN/FAIRLIGHT 
   will get married.  may 1st 1994      
 - we hear that STATIC/GOTHIC DESIGN    
   has sold all his 64-gear to start    
   over on the AMIGA. we predict that   
   the sales fugures for champagne will 
   go up in the near future.            
 :(we are sitting on another piece of   
   news, but unfortunatly we are not at 
   liberty to share it with you. but    
   remember, you saw it here first!     
                        the old editor  

    here´s a very small music corner    
      written by otto von bismarck      
 - elastica is a new group from london. 
   justine the lead singer is suedes    
   ex-2nd guitarist and damons(blur)    
   girlfriend. their f1rst single will  
   be released in september.            
 - pearl jams new record will be re-    
   leased at 21 september.              
   some song titles are: blood, buzz,   
   glorified-g and policeman.           

              MUSIC CORNER              
 - metallicas new album is recorded in  
   mexico city.                         
 - nirvanas ´verse chorus verse´ is     
   produced by steve albin and release  
   date is hopefully 21 september.      
   some songs are:                      
   dumb, all apologies, rape me, heart  
   shaped box, frances farmer, serve    
   the servants and penny royaltee.     
   first singel will propobly be ´rape  
   me´ that nirvana wasn´t allowed to   
   play at the mtw awards last year!!   

              MUSIC CORNER              
 - stone roses in the studio again..... 
 - carter usm will change the name of   
   their planed double allbum called    
   "commercial fucking suicide" part1   
   and part2. they are only going to    
   release one cd!!                     
 - did you understand!! that the group  
   clawfinger only consists of  four    
   members not five as they play live.  
   they only hired morten skaug to play 
   drums on some of their cd-songs and  
   also on their live performances.     

              MUSIC CORNER              
 the month biggest misstake: i missed   
 to catch up jfk (wearing a triad t-    
 shirt) at the roskilde festival.       
 the super mario brothers film is going 
 to be real shit!!!                     
 be sure to catch me at the hultsfred   
 festival in sweden at 12-14 augusti.   
 ----------------------->:)*text by ovb 

             IN SOME CORNER             
        someone sent me a disk.         
   on the a-side was the recent demo    
 from BUDS/CREST.                       
   on the b-side were graveyard blues   
 and some single file TCC competition   
 entris. the header said RUNE/HOAXERS,  
 but i don´t swop with him and i don´t  
 have his addy.                         
   whoever you are, you better let me   
 know where to return that disk. else i 
 will use it for skeet practice         

              ON DAH ROAD               
         here is TRANZIIE/TRIAD         
   just bought a ticket to NEW ZEALAND  
 and AUSTRALIA. will take off in        
 december around 12-14th to make a big  
 world tour in the name of TRIAD. (oh,  
 my god!! /ed) the date for my live     
 performance isn´t set yet.             
   i plan to go to australia some days  
 after christmas, hopefully before      
 new year. i promised to teach a good   
 friend to drink like a VIKING! (oh my  
 god!!! /ed)                         -> 

              ON DAH ROAD               
   already mentioned my trip to one of  
 my best friends in the scene. he       
 offered me to stay at his place for    
 some time. david: sure i will!! (oh,   
 my god! hold on to your cab, dave!/ed) 
   i have not seen much about the scene 
 on NEW ZEALAND, but some things have   
 come to my attention. i must say that  
 i liked some of them.                  
   i guess it could be nice to get in   
 contact with some sceners down under,  
 so those NZ dudes that just adores     
 TRIAD, contact me! auklanders prefered 

              ON DAH ROAD               
   to you aussies who can think of      
 having a drinking compo against me,    
 feel free to contact me! (oh god! /ed) 
   send whatever you like to me under:  
 XXER/TRIAD   (not on envelope!)        
 XXXXX XXXXXXX                          
 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X                      
 XXX XX XXXXXX                          
 click this:+XX-XXX-XXXXX               
  as i said, no tourdates are set yet,  
 but i will keep you informed about it  
 as well as my NZ address when i know   
 what it will be.              TRANZIIE 

   you know how you take some things    
 for granted? i did. someone asked me   
 on THE STUDIO what is so special about 
 the yellow brick road.                 
   this comes from the story of the     
 WIZARD OF OZ. i took for granted that  
 everyone knew that story. there have   
 been films made on the story as well   
 as tv series and lots of theater       
   the short of it is, that the heros   
 of the story walk down the yellow      
 brick road leading to the land of oz.  

   the point of this is of course that  
 the australians or aussies call their  
 country for OZ for short.              
   taking this all the way, the yellow  
 brick road is supposed to lead the     
 thoughts to australia. that is the     
 whole of it.                           
   and this leads us over to the report 
 from australia made for THE GUIDE by   
        eehhrr..  .   vengeance i mean! 

              AUSSIE CORNER             
   yooo! back again for this issue of   
   well, when JERRY asked me to do this 
 chapter last time, i didn´t know that  
 he expected a regular item. i must say 
 it´s not only a great honour to do     
 this, but also a pleasure.             
   well firstly the news and stuff like 
   with the occurance of yet another    
 aussie game company, BAD BYTES, things 
 are starting to look good for          
 AUSTRALIA. i have even been asked  ->  

              AUSSIE CORNER             
 to write the demo column for a REAL    
 LIFE 64 magazine.                      
   all i can say is AUSTRALIA will soon 
 i think personally, become one of the  
 bigger scene countrys and one of the   
 more dominating.  (hrmpf! ed)          
   well anyway, some happenings since   
 last time...                           
 - BODYCOUNT the australian sensation :)
   died a cruel death this month with   
   most of the members going to REBELS. 
   those guys were: SHADE, JAZZCAT,     

              AUSSIE CORNER             
 - WITTY and STROBE of LITHIUM also     
   joined REBELS as their main crews.   
 - MORBID/REBELS also joined WOW as he  
   was already in WOM for his music.    
 - EDWIN of BODYCOUNT quit the 64 and   
   sold up. that means that only        
   COLLECTOR and THE HEGG were left in  
   OZ. therefore the group was killed.  
 - MENDRAKE who was kicked from FLT     
   to stay in BODYCOUNT somehow has     
   gone and vanished into thin aiR. so> 

              AUSSIE CORNER             
   after ROY rejoined MAYHEM and really 
   didn´t look like doing anything      
   for BODYCOUNT ever again, nobody     
   was left in BODYCOUNT.               
 - ROADRUNNA/OFFENCE has not cracked a  
   game in about 12 months yet people   
   in oz continue to vote for him.      
 - another guy, QUETZAL/PARALAX has, as 
   it is reported STOPPED cracking for  
   a while in order to work on the      
   AMIGA more and code some.            
 - as for cracking, well the only games 
   from anyone in OZ lately have come   

              AUSSIE CORNER             
   from the now dead BODYCOUNT, REBELS  
   and LITHIUM.                         
 - some new guys started to learn to    
   crack and they have been JAZZCAT of  
   LITHIUM also.                        
 - VANDALISM NEWS became a REBELS mag   
   and if i have my way, it will be     
   done under a CO-OP with SUCCESS,     
   that is if NIGHTSHADE and the other  
   leaders of SUCCESS like the idea.    
   remember nothing is official.        

              AUSSIE CORNER             
   ok thats basically a run down about  
 what has happened lately. let´s see    
 what games are currently being worked  
 on in OZ...                            
 BOLO 2...FIRST BLOOD :                 
   a 2 player tank shoot em´ up which   
 is designed around blowing up bases    
 and killing your other parteners tank. 
 DOZER-the knight...BAD BYTES INC.      
   a monster boy in WONDERLAND CLONE,   
 and this is the story line for it...>  

              AUSSIE CORNER             
   once upon a time in a land far, far  
 away, there was a bold knight called   
   DOZER was tricked by a jealous       
 servant of the king who told him that  
 he COULD have some jewelry from the    
 the king´s treasure chest. this was    
 all a set up and the king stormed in.  
   since DOZER and the king were good   
 MATES the king didn´t have him killed. 
 he just had him DENOUNCED to a jester  
 and stripped of his knighthood.    ->  

              AUSSIE CORNER             
   many years later DOZER heard of the  
 news that the king´s treasure had been 
 stolen by some CRAZY ARAB from a       
 loonie institute who took off on a     
 BUDGET RENT-A-RUG.                     
   the king was aproached by DOZER      
 and the king offered his beautiful     
 DAUGHTERS hand in marrige, if all the  
 treasure was returned along with the   
 CRAZY ARAB.                            
   little to the arabs knowledge, the   
 chest had a hole in it and the KINGS   
 treasure was scattered all over the    
 country side, so DOZER got out his     

              AUSSIE CORNER             
 OLD knights armour and took off in     
   well, thats the story line. as you   
 can see, the game is a collect´m game  
 where you must avoid certain objects   
 to gain a jewel. it is a sort of       
 ADVENTURE game in a way, but more in   
 style of CREATURES 1-2.                
   this game definitely should NOT be   
 missed. it could be the game of this   
 year if it turns out the way it        

              AUSSIE CORNER             
   another game is planned by BAD BYTES 
 it´s a puzzle game and no information  
 had been given yet,but from what it    
 seems its nothing much.                
   from the makers of BOMB SQUAD comes  
 another game. i´m not sure what this   
 is about so i can´t say anything on    
 this game.                             
   i hear also that METRO/ex-TRIAD and  
 now BREEZE is working on a game. only  
 good thoughts come into my mind on     
 this one.                              

              AUSSIE CORNER             
   just a breif run-down on what games  
 are coming out soon. i think most of   
 them are due out in SEPTEMBER or there 
  XXXXXXXXX          -ORIGINALS         

             BRITISH CORNER             
   i opened the door, looked over in    
 the corner, but it was empty.          
   hmm.. .    .    not!  there was a    
 small note from DERBYSHIRE RAM telling 
 me that so little had happened on the  
 isles that he had nothing to write to  
 us about.   pity!                      

. testers/testing - cracks

             - chapter 8 -              
             testing games              
             game  testers              

   the ground rule for games to appear  
 in THE GUIDE is that we get them on    
           this is one rule.            
    everyone can mail their cracks      
   to us, so this is a fair rule to     

   groups who only upload their cracks  
 on a BBS somewhere have themselves to  
 blame. we have no time to scan the     
 boards around the globe. we need that  
 time for testing the games.            
   nor can we afford the phone costs to 
 be on the boards and even less can we  
 afford to DL games to test them.       
   if a group is so high and mighty     
 that they think they are entitled to   
 royal treatment, then what do they     
 need THE GUIDE for anyway?             
   my comment is simple: GET LOST!   -> 

            THE CONFESSION!             
   however, some games that have been   
 sent to us on disk, still have not     
 made it into THE GUIDE. this is all my 
 fault. i, JERRY, am to blame for this, 
 not your TRIAD contact.                
   testing the games can be a hell of a 
 workload. to make it easier for some   
 testers i allowed them to test only    
 part of the stuff they got. on paper   
 all groups would get their games       
 tested i thought.                  ->  

   unfortunatly this was good in theory 
 but not in reality.                    
   if for example ARCON was allowed to  
 skip testing the wares from SCOUTS,    
 then murphys law made sure that he was 
 the only one in TRIAD who got some of  
 the games they cracked.                
   naturally SCOUTS were annoyed and    
 with every right too. i am sorry for   
 this. we will make sure it will not    
 happen again or we may as well stop    
 making THE GUIDE.                      
                         then what? ->  

   INCUBUS and CA$H will swop only and  
 will do no game testing. now you know! 
   JERRY will keep testing a very few   
 of his older contacts. that is all!    
   TRANZIIE, WINGO, ARCON, M and        
 MR.AMMO will test all the games they   

   do you want to help us do a better   
 job? become a TRIAD game tester. call  
 JERRY or write to him. we could need   
 at least two more guys.                

       naturally someone wonders.       
 this discussion has nothing to do with 
  the cracks we were suppossed to have  
    left out of THE GUIDE on purpose.   
 finally 4 disks arrived from TSS with  
   a bundle of games that should have   
   been sent to us by someone, anyone.  
  did we get all the games in question? 
  who cares? enough is enough. TSS and  
      i are back in understanding.      


   obviously people need to be reminded 
 about what a crack really is. i will   
 be extremely basic about it, so there  
 will be no missunderstanding.          
   a company produces games to sell.    
 everyone involved in such a business   
 chain is there to make money, to earn  
 their daily bread.                     
   to prevent the games to be spread in 
 other ways than over the counter, past 
 the cash register, the companies try   
 to make sure the games can´t be copied 
 by the public.                   ----> 

   eliminating the different obstacles  
 meant to stop the public from freely   
 making copies of programs, is called   
   a program treated that way thus is   
 a CRACK!                               
   then how in blazing hell can a       
 program be cracked if it is made and   
 released with the expressed purpose to 
 be freely spread?                      
   the point of making a preeview is to 
 spread it to everyone in the hope  ->  

 that people will like it and buy the   
 complete program.                      
   when people make a program that is   
 public domain, freeware, shareware,    
 cookie ware or similar names, they     
 expressedly want them to be spread.    
   in some cases they do this in the    
 hope that it will bring payment in     
 form of money, cookies or whatever.    
   in none of these cases are the       
 programs protected in any way against  
 free copying and spreading. so how can 
 they be cracked?                       

   in some few cases such a program may 
 have a lot to gain by the sort of      
 improvements usually done by a cracker 
 when he does a crack.                  
   i don´t mind such improvements, but  
 i very much mind calling the result    
 for a crack.                           
   there is no time limit in the game   
 QUARX. you may also skip to the next   
 level if you want to. how can a        
 cracker improve this game other than   
 by adding cheat modes that are not     
 needed or even wanted?                 

   this is why we will not list the     
 "crax" made on QUARX.                  
   this is also why we don´t list       
 previews in THE GUIDE.                 
   this is an opinion and it is public  
 domain. anyone can use it.             

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