Gamers Guide 18

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. this menu

      - welcome to issue # 18 of -      
         THE TRIAD GAMERS GUIDE         
   1. this menu                         
   2. credits, info and addies          
   3. the games 0-d                     
   4. the games e-l                     
   5. the games m-z                     
   6. reactions                         
   7. from all corners                  
   8. an apology or more                
   - joy l/r for pages                  
   - joy l/r + fire for chapters        
   - shift/lock turns off logo swing    

         THE TRIAD GAMERS GUIDE         
   issue # 18 is delayed. mega delayed! 
 see reactions for details.             
   the testing of games for this issue  
 was done by MR.AMMO, TRANZIIE, WINGO,  
 INCUBUS, ARCON and also by JERRY for   
 the last time.                         
   if your version can't be found here  
 even if you have sent it to us, it     
 means that you sent a non working copy 
 or it will appear in #19.              
   your contributions, be it some short 
 info or a love letter, will greatly    
 appreciated. addresses in chapter 2.   

. credits, info and addies

             - CHAPTER 2 -              
     about the guide, the rules and     
   how to get in touch with the guide   
   - the idea behind the guide, is      
     to give you information of all     
     the different versions released    
     of a game.                         

         THE TRIAD GAMERS GUIDE         
 ------- the well earned credits ------ 
 code        jfk                        
 music       jfk                        
 graphics    jfk + m.                   
             original idea by INJUN INC 
 code        king fisher                
 music       the dungeon master         
 graphics    bismarck                   
 TEXT ED     rico of pretzel logic.     
 EDITORS     jerry and guests           

         THE TRIAD GAMERS GUIDE         
 games are added to the GUIDE as soon   
 as you send them to us. they may stay  
 in THE GUIDE for up to four issues     
 giving all a chance to appear.         
 we want ALL versions in THE GUIDE, but 
 there is no way we can hunt for them.  
 we need YOUR HELP to send them to us.  
 at least we test them, but mostly we   
 also try to play through them. thus we 
 do NOT accept only written reports.    
 versions are listed in order of their  
 length. this was decided after voting  
 open to all the readers.               

         THE TRIAD GAMERS GUIDE         
 here are some rules we use.            
 separate pic, dox or other files are   
 not counted as part of the crack.      
 when pics are left in the game, this   
 is noted for fair comparison.          
 a separate highscore file is noted as  
 an H in the number-of-files column.    
 the length is included in the blocks.  
 added fastloader and some sort of      
 file-chain routine is noted.           
 other extras are noted separately.     

 the symbols used mean .. .   .     .   
 F                - number of files.... 
 -H               - highscore saver.... 
                    added to the game.. 
 -P               - picture in file.... 
 -#               - dox with the crack. 
 -I               - iffl routine....... 
 -F               - fastloader added... 
 A-               - first release...... 
 L                - length in blocks... 
                    h-file included.... 
 C                - number of cheats... 
 -P               - passwords given.... 
 *  indicates +   - something ......... 
 :)     a      +  - something nice .... 
 :(comment on +   - something less nice 

         THE TRIAD GAMERS GUIDE         
 if you think that a crack or even a    
 group is better than the others, it is 
 your OWN business. send your votes to  
 one of the standard mags if you like.  
 if we find a version to be FAR better  
 we may FLASH it to make you note this. 
 the understanding of the game and the  
 play value when adding cheat mode,     
 smart actions like a good iffl routine 
 cleanout of crap-code and so on, could 
 make us add this rare FLASH.           
 however, THE GUIDE does NOT rank the   
 cracks presented.                      

            WHO?  ME?  WHERE?           
 JERRY            editor                
 XXX XX                                 
 XXX XX XXXX                            
 XXXXXX           +XX-XXX-XXXXX         
 only reactions, articles and such.     
 sorry, no more game swopping and i     
 will NOT do any more testing.          
 call THE STUDIO at:                    
 leave your latest news in the special  
 sub for THE GAMERS GUIDE or upload a   
 text file for inclusion in THE GUIDE.  

            WHO?  ME?  WHERE?           
 call      ILLUSION OF REALITY          
           TRIAD WEST COAST HQ          
           sysop - MIDNIGHT MOVER       
 WINGO     XXXXXX XXXXXXXX              
           XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX           
           XXX XX XXXXXXXX     XXXXXX   
 INCUBUS   XXXXX XXXXXXXX               
           XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX            
           XXX XX XXXXXXXXX    XXXXXX   
 ARCON     XXXXXX XXXXXXXXX             
           XXXXXXX XX                   
           XXX XX XXXXXXXXX    XXXXXX   

            WHO?  ME?  WHERE?           
 TRANZIIE  XXXXX XXXXXXX                
           XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X            
           XXX XX XXXXXX       XXXXXX   
 CASH      XXXX XXXXXXXXX               
           XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX           
           XXX XX XXXXXXX      XXXXXX   
 MR.AMMO   XXXX XXXXXX                  
           XXXXXXXX XXX                 
   send your cracks to one of those     
 swoppers and game testers.             

          TRIAD END OF MAY 1993         
 SWEDEN               NORWAY            
   jerry                jfk             
   king fisher          m               
   kravin             HOLLAND           
   tranziie             mr.ammo         
   trident            GERMANY           
   wingo                thunder         
   incubus            AUSTRALIA         
   arcon                slice           
   midnight mover                       

. the games 0-d

             - chapter 3 -              
            the games 0 - d             
   isn´t it a pity that we use so many  
 different languages? it makes it so    
 much harder to tell a funny story.     
   for example, i would have liked to   
 tell you about bellman, the german,    
 the russian, the italian and the goat. 
 now i can´t do that!                   

 the symbols used mean .. .   .     .   
 f                - number of files.... 
 -h               - highscore saver.... 
                    added to the game.. 
 -p               - picture in file.... 
 -#               - dox with the crack. 
 -i               - iffl routine....... 
 -f               - fastloader added... 
 a-               - first release...... 
 l                - length in blocks... 
                    h-file included.... 
 c                - number of cheats... 
 -p               - passwords given.... 
 *  indicates >   - something ......... 
 :)     a      >  - something nice .... 
 :(comment on >   - something less nice 

             text adventures            
   mayhem have released 2 text-adven-   
 tures cracked by met. they are both    
 full disk games.                       
           the adventures are:          
             energem enigma             

 p1        1st division manager      w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 1p  186  --- 
 death     /weasel         1p  196  --- 
 fairlight /bacchus        1   129  --- 
 active    /---            1   132  --- 
 x-factor  /exulans        1   134  --- 
 amnesia   /seal           1   139  --- 
 cli+boyz  /2ny            1   142  --- 
 rebels    /viper          1   152  --- 
 dunex+bru./spikes         1   158  --- 
 digital d./shark          1   167  --- 
 ------------------------ more -------> 

 p2        1st division manager      w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 trc       /cavron         1   170  --- 
 chromance /mr.wax         1   175  --- 
 trance    /mr.mister      1   180  --- 
 deicide   /ministry       1   180  --- 
 extacy    /darkman        1   181  --- 

                aftermath           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 bodycount /morbid        a1    53  --- 

 p1              alderan             w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 section 8 /lcf            2   153  --- 
 chromance /mr.wax         2   161  +2  
 triad     /alfatech       2   164  --- 
 c+b/dwi   /2ny            2   190  +1  
 deicide   /ministry       2   192  +1  
 accuracy  /steve          2   212  +1  
 success   /tss+moren      2   215  +1  
 the 8 extra "levels" are identical to  
 the one in the game. they are meant to 
 be re-defined, but not needed.         
 versions including the 8 levels -----> 

 p2              alderan             w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 epic      /crossfire     10   226  +1  
 sunrise   /vector        11   240  +2  
 hitmen    /lynx          10   280  +1  
 red sector/pb            10   302  --- 
 bronx     /abuse         10   322  +2  
 the 8 extra "levels" are identical to  
 the one in the game. they are meant to 
 be re-defined, but not needed.         

 p1   american tag team wrestling    w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 1p  149  --- 
 fairlight /bacchus        1   112  --- 
 excess    /cst            1   115  --- 
 section 8 /lcf            1   123  --- 
 active    /surfer         1   124  --- 
 deicide   /ministry       1   124  --- 
 elysium   /hein           1   127  --- 
 accuracy  /          1   128  --- 
 ------------------------ more -------> 

 p2   american tag team wrestling    w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 x-rated   /pigeon         1   132  --- 
 chromance /mr.wax         1   133  --- 
 mayhem    /met            1   134  +1  
 epic      /crossfire      1   134  --- 
 amnesia   /wizvis         1   135  --- 
 success   /dannie         1   138  --- 
 vsn+gtx   /dmc            1   139  +2  
 nirvana   /cavron         1   140  --- 

 p1             arnie ii            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 success   /tss            1p  189  +3  
 active    /injun          1 :(142  +4  
 fairlight /bacchus        1   145  +6  
 active    /trasher        1   145  +4  
 triad     /alfatech       1   149  +2  
 mechanix  /mason          1   156  +3  
 excess    /red rock       1   156  +2  
 x-rated   /l´trimm        1   159  +2  
 amnesia   /seal           1   159  +2  
 ----------------------- more --------> 
 :(bugs in graphix as well as in code   

 p2             arnie ii            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 f4cg      /ray            1   160  +3  
 deiside   /ministry       1   165  +3  
 meyhem    /met            1   169  +2  
 trc       /cba            1 :(173  +3  
 rebels    /tuc            1   173  +1  
 bodycount /psycho+veng.   1   175  +2  
 illusion  /sauron+d-ram   1#  178  +2  
 epic+dev. /crossfire      1   192  +2  
 :(crashes unless all weapons selected! 

              art of china           w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 active    /trasher      122 * 702  --- 
 mechanix  /mason        122   707  --- 
 x-rated   /jack alien   122   713  --- 
 rsi/agn   /ob+pb       a124 * 742  --- 
 * translated versions!                 

                 bee 52             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 illusion  /sauron+d-ram  a1h# 167  +4  

                  bolo              new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /bacchus   101% 2i  196  +4  
 fixed to work 100% for us who use      
 professional dos.   vinke vink!  :-)   

 p1              bomber              w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 active    /injun          1    39  --- 
 the force /daniel         1h   47  +1  
 fairlight /bacchus      * 1    51  +1  
 vagabonds /lcf            1    55  +2  
 deicide   /ministry       1    58  +2  
 epic      /crossfire      1    58  +2  
 amnesia   /seal           1    60  +2  
 bronx     /bird           1    60  +1  
 nirvana   /cavron         1    62  +1  
 trance    /underdog       1    64  +1  
 x-rated   /roy            1    68  +1  
 ------------------------ more -------> 
 * music installed by flt               

 p2              bomber              w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 extacy    /darkman        1    70  +1  
 vsn+gtx   /dmc            1    72  +2  
 success   /dannie         1    72  +1  
 accuracy  /          1    75  +1  
 cult      /cliff          1    90  +1  

 p1              bounce              w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 dytec     /lbm            1    64  +2  
 triad     /alfatech       1    65  +1  
 lithium   /avtek          1    66  +2  
 wow       /nantco         1    77  +1  
 vagabonds /mindcrime      1    80  +4  
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 1    81  +2  
 x-factor  /hercules       1    81  +2  
 bodycount /morbid         1    81  --- 
 pride     /ollie          1    82  +3  
 rebels    /tuc            1    86  +2  
 digital d./meatball       1    86  +2  
 ----------------------- more --------> 

 p2              bounce              w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 mayhem    /met            1    87  +2  
 amnesia   /seal           1    91  +3  
 epic+dev. /crossfire      1    92  +2  
 death     /bacillus       1    95  +2  
 no name   /gobus+dr.dos   1    96  +2  
 proxyon   /lobster        1    97  --- 
 excess    /luka           1    99  +2  
 extacy    /darkman        1   100  +2  
 chro/emp  /---            1   114  +2  

                 boxes               w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 dytec     /dodger         1 * 122  --- 
 vision    /ray            1   147  --- 
 chro./dmx /jazzy d       a1   170  +2  
 the game has a built in trainer        
 revealed only in the end sequence!     
 * intro removed, but level editor and  
   info is included                     

 p1              carnage             w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 ill/agn   /derbyshire ram 1p# 186  +2  
 triad     /alfatech       1   111  --- 
 fairlight /bacchus        1   111  --- 
 x-factor  /hercules       1   112  --- 
 entropy   /f.u.d.         1   123  +3  
 vagabonds /mindcrime      1   124  +10 
 pride     /ollie          1   125  +8  
 active    /surfer         1   129  --- 
 extacy    /darkman        1   131  +6  
 chromance /---            1   131  --- 
 ------------------------ more -------> 

 p2              carnage             w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 vision    /ray            2   137  --- 
 bodycount /psycho+veng.   1   140  +4  
 deicide   /ministry       1   140  +1  
 nirvana   /cavron         1   146  +4  
 wow       /sorex          1   148  +9  

           championship squash      new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /bacchus        1    87  --- 
 x-factor  /hercules       1   102  --- 

                circuit             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /alfatech       2i  174  +3p 

 p1          color buster            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /alfatech       2    89  --p 
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 2#  105  +2p 
 bodycount /morbid      v2 1   107  +1p 
 vagabonds /don promillo   2   110  +4p 
 pride     /ollie          2h  110  +3p 
 rebels    /tuc            2   112 *+4p 
 extacy    /darkman        2   113  +3p 
 epic+dev. /crossfire      2   114  +2  
 wow       /nantco         2   114  +2  
 chro/emp  /blockbuster    2 :(117  +2  
 ------------------------ more -------> 
 :(game crashes!                        
 * tuc called it +5.                    

 p2          color buster            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 mayhem    /met            2   120  +2  
 dytec     /lbm            2   123  +2p 
 bodycount /vengeance   v1 1   139  --- 

                 connect 5          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 chromance /warhead       a1h :(95  +1  
           game intro removed           
 :(minor graphix bugs                   

 p1             connection           w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 intruders /dr.pain        1 /  88  --- 
 triad     /alfatech       1    90  +3  
 hitmen    /elektor        1    94 *+3  
 active    /defcon   v2    1    96  +2  
 the force /daniel         1    97  --- 
 dytec     /dodger         1    98  +2  
 active    /surfer   v1    1   101  --- 
 megaunit  /cyke           1   103  +2  
 vagabonds /don promillo   1   104  +3  
 ----------------------- more --------> 
 * note that levelskip is mensioned     
   only in the intro scroller. +3 it is 

 p2             connection           w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 epic      /flower         1   105  +3  
 vsn+gtx   /satan          1   105  +2  
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 1   109  +1  
 trinomic  /spermbird      1   110  --- 
 dunex     /spikes         1   119  +1  
 chro/nei  /---            1   153  --- 

                crazy zue           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 virgo     /phobia+mass   17   401  +4  
 excess    /cst           17   407  +4  

 p1             cue boy              w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /bacchus        1   128  --- 
 triaad    /alfatech       1   128  --- 
 excess    /red rock       1   132  --- 
 active    /trasher        1   142  --- 
 cli+boyz  /2ny            1   143  --- 
 rebels    /caesar         1   154  --- 
 mayhem    /met          :(1   160  --- 
 deicide   /ministry       1   164  --- 
 digital d./shark          1   165  --- 
 trc       /cavron         1   169  --- 
 ------------------------ more -------> 
 :(no crack intro!                      

 p2             cue boy              w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 ill/agn   /d-ram         a1   171  --- 
 chromance /mr.wax      *  1   175  --- 
 extacy    /darkman        1   178  --- 
 dunex+bru./spikes         1   178  --- 
 epic+dev. /crossfire      1   179  --- 
 *  mr wax made a back ground editor    
      to go with this game. cool!       

 seuck          daedalus            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /jerry          1    85  +1  
 amnesia   /seal           1    89  +1  
 bodycount /morbid      :( 1   107  +2  
 active    /t.i.           1   116  +1  
 bronx     /abuse          1   146  +1  
 death     /weasel         1   152  +2  
 deicide   /ministry       1   152  +1  
 the sour pussies and complain-artists  
 should note that the triad version has 
 a so called long intro.  so there!!!   
 :(most weapons shoot only to the right 
   still the editor is left in mem!     

 p1             diamenty            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /sail.+jerry v2 1    78 *+1p 
 light     /spirou         1    83 *+2p 
 triad     /sailor    v1 b 1#   96 *+1  
 excess    /sentinel       1    99  +1  
 sacred    /lcf          b 1    99  +1p 
 tsr       /albatros     b 1    99  --p 
 extacy    /darkamn      b 1   101  +1  
 red sector/double-t     b 1   104 *+1  
 success   /tss            1   104:(+1  
 amnesia   /seal         b 1   105 *+2p 
 epic+dev. /crossfire    b 1   105  +1  
 --------------- more & comments -----> 

 p2             diamenty            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 deicide   /ministry     b 1   106  +1  
 intruders /alien        b 1   124  +1  
 chro/agn  /mr.wax         1   123 *+1  
 * translated                           
 :(tss made a sort of translation only  
   there are some mix-up of the words.  
 b level 100 bugs. chromance (we think) 
   spread a bugged original to the most 
   of the scene. light made a new level 
   100 instead. cool thinking.          

                dr.foster            w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /aktie          1#   83  +4  
 section8  /lcf            1    91  +3  
 ultimate  /poebeljonny    1    99  +2  
 epic      /crossfire      1   103  +2  
 bronx     /bird           1   105  +2  
 x-rated   /roy            1 ? 108  +3  
 lithium   /druid+maverik  1   111  +3  
 success   /moren          1   112  +2:)
 excess    /sentinel       1   115  +3  
 trinomic  /spermbird      1   127  --- 
 :)offers you a sys to be able to watch 
   the end scene.                       
 ? starts in level 3 for some reason!   

                duo wasp            new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 mayhem    /met            1   107  +2  

             dynamite bench          w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 extacy    /darkman        1   123  +1  
 x-rated   /roy            1 :(126  +1  
 epic/emp  /crossfire      1   139  +1  
 :(some minor graphix bugs              

. the games e-l

             - chapter 4 -              
            the games e - l             
   have you noticed how we have started 
 sorting the versions to put the ones   
 first which have the load picture      
 included in the file?                  
   this was made on request so they     
 wouldn´t always look so bad. why not?  
 do you have your own comment on this?  

 the symbols used mean .. .   .     .   
 f                - number of files.... 
 -h               - highscore saver.... 
                    added to the game.. 
 -p               - picture in file.... 
 -#               - dox with the crack. 
 -i               - iffl routine....... 
 -f               - fastloader added... 
 a-               - first release...... 
 l                - length in blocks... 
                    h-file included.... 
 c                - number of cheats... 
 -p               - passwords given.... 
 *  indicates >   - something ......... 
 :)     a      >  - something nice .... 
 :(comment on >   - something less nice 

             final encounter         w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 active    /trasher        1h  182  +1  
 bronx     /abuse          1h  187  +1  
 chro./emp /blockbuster   a1h  197  +2  
 heartbeat /hercules       1h  200  +1  
 dytec     /lbm+proton     1h  202  +2  

              first samurai          w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 proxyon   /annihilator    6   602  +3  
 bodycount /psycho       * 6   630  +3  
 epic      /crossfire     13   637  +2  
 sunrise   /vector        13   643  +3p 
 extacy    /darcman       13   644  +2p 
 red sector/double-t       2i  645  +4  
 vsn+gtx   /dmc            6   651  +4p 
 trance    /mg             6f# 656  +2p 
 * intro scroll and cheat screen not    
   visible on old 64s. loader doesn´t   
   work with p-dos.                     

 p1            fistfighter          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /bachhus        1   147  +2  
 accuracy  /          1   149  --- 
 trc       /cba            1   156  +1  
 triad     /alfatech       1   157  +1  
 deicide   /ministry       1   159  +2  
 f4cg      /ray            1   163  +1  
 mechanix  /mason          1   163  +1  
 sacred    /lcf            1   163  --- 
 active    /trasher        1   164  +2  
 x-rated   /l´trimm        1   166  +1  
 afl 70    /jack alien     1   167  +1  
 ------------------------ more -------> 

 p2            fistfighter          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 success   /tss            1   172  +2  
 excess    /sentinel       1   172  --- 
 bodycount /---            1   173  --- 
 mayhem    /met            1   175  --- 
 epic+dev. /crossfire      1   176  --- 
 ils/agn   /sauron+d-ram   1   187  +1  

 p1            five a row            w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
  --------- load pic included --------  
 trinomic  /spermbird      1h  104  --- 
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 1h  107  --- 
 chromance /mr.wax         1h  108  --- 
 dunex+brut/rcs            1h  108  --- 
 x-rated   /roy            1h  114  --- 
 accuracy  /steve          1h  124  +1  
 paral.+tsr/quetzal        1h  126  +2  
 paralax   /quetzal        1h  127  --- 
 extacy    /darkman        1h  131  +3  
 rsi/vars. /---           a1h  138  --- 
 ------------------------ more -------> 

 p2            five a row            w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
   ------ load pic not included ------  
 vagabonds /don promillo :(1h   72  +1  
 lithium   /druid+maverik  1h   73  +1  
 epic      /crossfire      1h   80  --- 
 bronx     /abuse          1h   92  +1  
 :(saves hi-score in cheat mode         

                  flix               w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 lithium   /d&m            1    25  +2  
 triad     /king fisher    1    25  +1  
 plx+tsr   /rhythm         1    36  +3  
 burp+gulas/holed condom   1    65  +2  

                fly harder          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 elysium   /hain           2hi 361  +3  
 chromance /alex          19h  409  +1p 

               fred´s back          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 tow       /kerouck        11   96  +1  
 red sector/pb+benson     a11  117  +3  
 success   /dannie          1  128  +2  
 cosmos design                          

 p1            frogger´93            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 dytec     /lbm            1hp 115  +2  
 triad     /alfatech       1h   61  +1  
 deicide   /ministry       1h   75  +1  
 pride     /ollie          1h   78  +3  
 excess    /luka           1h   80  +2  
 digital d./meatball       1h   80  +2  
 vagabonds /mindcrime      1h:( 81  +6! 
 wow       /nantco         1h   81  +2  
 ------------------------ more -------> 
 :(saves hi in cheatmode                
 ! dir says +8, but there are only +6!  
   only some minor graphix bugs.        

 p2            frogger´93            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 1h   84  --- 
 amnesia   /seal           1h   86  +3  
 x-factor  /hercules       1h:( 88  +2  
 proxyon   /loobster       1h   90  --! 
 extacy    /darkman        1h:(100  +2  
 epic+dev. /crossfire      1h  102  +2  
 death     /bacillus       1h  114  +2  
 bodycount /vengeance      1h  124  +2  
 ! dir says +1 but there is no cheat!   
 :(saves hi in cheatmode                

              future shock          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 success   /micron         1i  173  --- 
 memory iffl                            

             galactic chaos          w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /bachhus        1    65  +2  
 wow       /nantco         1    79  +2  
 excess    /red rock       1    79  +2  
 pride     /ollie          1    81  +2  
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 1    81  +1  
 dunex+brut/spikes         1    86  +2  
 vagabonds /mindcrime      1    87  +5  
 bronx     /abuse          1    99  +2  
 death     /bacillus       1    99  +2  
 trc       /cavron         1   103  +1  
 scs/agn   /burglar       a1   118  +2  
 no name   /gobus+dr.dos   1   124  +2  
 trance    /mr.misteer     1   147  +1  

               ghost hunt           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 burp+gulas/holed condoom  1    74  --- 

               gladiators            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 vagabonds /mindcrime      1   137  +5  
 dunex+brut/spikes         1   137  +2  
 bodycount /morbid         1   137  +1  
 extacy    /darkman        1   139  +2  
 mayhem    /met            1   139  +1  
 trinomic  /magic          1   146  +2  
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 1#  150  +1  
 excess    /sentinel       1   156  +2  
 mechaniix /dodger         1   164  +3  

              grell & falla         new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 illusion  /sauron+d-ram  a1   152  +3  

                hectic 2             w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 equinoxe  /antifan        1    96  +4  
 triad     /alfatech       1h  100  +3  
 heartbeat /hercules       1   107  +3  
 amnesia   /seal           1   116  +3  
 dytec     /proton         1   117  +2  
 vsn+gtx   /ray            1   119  +4  
 vision    /mayday         1   120  +4  
 scs+mo    /silversurfer   1h  122  +3  
 extacy    /darkman        1h  124  +3  
 sunrise   /vector         1h:(139  +4  
 :(saves hi-score in cheat mode!        

                hirnris              w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 ultimate  /poeplejonny   a1    45  --- 
 extacy    /revenge        1    48  --- 

              holywood cops         new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 beatniks  /---            1   102  +2  
 excess    /red rock       1   161  +1  

              holiday games          w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 success   /burglar       34h  709  --- 
 red sector/darklord      37   769  --- 
 extacy    /darkman     :(37   904  --- 
 active    /trasher       37   908  --- 
 accuracy  /       :(37   918  --- 
 :(major bugs in fishing part. doesn´t  
   occur all the time though.           
 :(crashes at several pplaces           

             i play 3d tennis       new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 epic+dev. /crossfire      5f  366  --- 

 p1    international table tennis    w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 bodycount /psycho         1p  111  --- 
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 1p# 112  --- 
 deicide   /ministry       1p  113  --- 
 digital d./meatball       1p  122  --- 
 ------------------------ more -------> 

 p2    international table tennis    w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 light     /spirou         1    71  --- 
 triad     /alfatech       1    72  --- 
 fairlight /bachhus        1    72  --- 
 x-factor  /hercules       1    77  --- 
 active    /surfer         1    88  --- 
 dunex+brut/spikes         1    91  --- 
 vision    /ray            1    93  --- 
 accuracy  /          1    97  --- 
 gothic d. /static         1   101  --- 
 epic+dev. /crossfire      1   102  --- 
 extacy    /darkman        1   103  --- 
 entropy   /tmb            1   108  --- 
 nirvana   /cavron         1   110  --- 

 p1       international tennis       w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 cult      /neurotics      1p  129  --- 
 the force /daniel         1    79  --- 
 dominators/janec          1    87  --- 
 epic      /mason          1    92  --- 
 tsr       /rythm&passion  1    92  --- 
 rebels    /toc            1    92  --- 
 active    /surfer         1    95  --- 
 mayhem    /met            1    95  --- 
 vsn+gtx   /satan          1    96  --- 
 chromance /mr.wax         1    99  --- 
 ----------------------- more --------> 

 p2       international tennis       w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 heartbeat /hercules       1   100  --- 
 bronx     /bird           1   102  --- 
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 1   108  --- 
 no name   /gobus          1   114  --- 
 sunrise   /---            1   143  --- 

 p1    international truck racing   new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 1p  137  +3  
 extacy    /darkman        1p  138  +1  
 success   /tss          :(1p  140  +2  
 x-rated   /l´trimm        1p  141  +4  
 ils/agn   /sauron+d-ram  a1p  162  +3  
 active    /injun          1    96  +4  
 lithium   /---            1    96  +3  
 fairlight /bachhus        1    98  +8  
 triad     /alfatech       1   108  +1  
 trc       /tba            1   108  --- 
 mechanix  /mason          1   111  +4  
 ------------------------ more -------> 
 :(can´t actually be played!            

 p2    international truck racing   new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 deiside   /ministry       1   114  +3  
 active    /trasher        1   116  +3  
 excess    /sentinel       1   117  --- 
 epic      /crossfire      1   118  --- 
 entropy   /tmb            1   119  --- 
 amnesia   /seal           1   121  +2  
 trinomic  /magic          1   121  +1  
 trance    /mr.mister      1   124  --- 
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 1   137  +3  

           jimmy´s super legue      new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 sacred    /lcef           1   107  --- 
 mayhem    /met            1   124  --- 

                 joshua             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /bachhus        2   133  +2  
 triad     /alfatech       1h  143  +2p 
 x-factor  /hercules       2   153  +3p 
 epic      /crossfire      2   155  +2  
 dytec     /lbm+proton     2   161  +2  
 tsr       /albatros       2   168  --- 
 afl 70    /jack alien     2   177  +3p 
 rsi/agn   /pb            a2   187  +2  
 wartec+bst/peacemaker     2   279  +2  

  legendary deeds/circle of wisdom  new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 extacy    /darkman        1   121  --- 

                lenitive             w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 mechanix  /mason          1   121  --- 
 trance    /---          :(1   134  --- 
 trc       /cavron         1   134  --- 
 excess    /red rock       1   151  +2  
 chro/agn  /alexander      1   160  --- 
 sacred    /lcf            1   171  --- 
 epic+dev. /crossfire      1   176  --- 
 extacy    /darkman        1   193  --- 
 :(version not complete. crashes when   
    - is there a game intro left in -   
         some of these versions?        

. the games m-z

             - chapter 5 -              
            the games m - z             
   i get a feeling that the big sport   
 these days is to do just about         
 anything to avoid using the kernal     
 jump table in loader routines.         
   to gain 6 clock cycles? that doesn´t 
 even give you enough time to smell the 
 aroma of your own fart!                

 the symbols used mean .. .   .     .   
 f                - number of files.... 
 -h               - highscore saver.... 
                    added to the game.. 
 -p               - picture in file.... 
 -#               - dox with the crack. 
 -i               - iffl routine....... 
 -f               - fastloader added... 
 a-               - first release...... 
 l                - length in blocks... 
                    h-file included.... 
 c                - number of cheats... 
 -p               - passwords given.... 
 *  indicates >   - something ......... 
 :)     a      >  - something nice .... 
 :(comment on >   - something less nice 

 p1           magic fields           w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 active    /injun          1h   71  --- 
 lithium   /avtek       :( 1h   76  +2  
 light     /spirou         1h   80  +3  
 excess    /luka           1h   88  +2  
 dyteec    /proton  v2     1h   94  +2  
 amnesia   /seal           1h   98  +4  
 sunrise   /vector         1h:( 98  +3  
 success   /dannie         1h  100  +3  
 dytec     /dodger         1h:(102  +3  
 extacy    /darkman        1h  103  +3  
 ------------------------ more -------> 
 :(saves hi-score in cheat mode         
 :(bugs out!                            

 p2           magic fields           w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 epic+dev. /crossfire      1h:(:(109  +2  
 tsr       /albatros       1h  109  +2  
 scs/emp   /dannie        a1h  147  +3  
 :(saves hi-score in cheat mode         
 :(the cheats are fucked up!            

              magic rufus            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 the force /daniel         1   126  +1  
 par.+tsr  /quetzal        1   129  +2  
 accuracy  /steve          1   130  +1  
 x-factor  /hercules       1   132  +2  
 x-rated   /jack alien v1  1   135  +4  
 dunex+brut/spikes         1   135  +1  
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 1   136:(+1  
 x-rated   /roy        v2  1   138  +1  
 rsi/agn   /termo          1#  146  +1  
 :(crashes if you want un-cheated game. 

             magiers kugel           w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /jerry      *   1h   67  --- 
 the force /daniel         1h   74  --- 
 active    /trasher        1h   81  --- 
 sunrise   /---            1h   82  --- 
 x-rated   /jack alien     1h   82  --- 
 heartbeat /assailant      1h   86  --- 
 extacy    /darkman      :(1h   88  --- 
 hitmen    /lynx           1h   99  --- 
 success   /burglar     *  1h  111  --- 
 scs/emp   /burglar    *  a1h  122  --- 
 * translated from german               
 :(some code removed, the game can´t be 
   played. didn´t testplay! how lame!   

              marble springs        new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /bachhus        2i  119  +11 
 dytec     /dodger         3f  158  +1  
 vision    /x-radical      3   161  +2  
 extacy    /darkman        3   165  +1  
 mechanix  /mason          2i  176  +1  
 tsr       /albatros       3   181  --- 
 trinomic  /magic          3   184  +1  
 epic+dev. /crossfire      3   191  --- 
 rsi/agn   /psychobilly   a3   236  --- 

 p1            masterhead            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 x-rated   /jack alien     1h:(:)111  +2  
 active    /trasher        2   112  +2  
 the force /daniel         1h  113  --- 
 lethargy  /xant           1   114  +3  
 sunrise   /vector    v2   1   114  +1  
 bronx     /bird           1h  115  --- 
 deicide   /ministry       1 :)115  +2  
 mechanix  /mason          1   116  +1  
 bodycount /psycho         1h:)119  +3p?
 ------------------------ more -------> 
 :)intructions translated into english  
 :(saves hi-score even in cheat mode!   

 p2            masterhead            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 section 8 /lcf            1h  121  +2  
 wow       /nantco         1   122  +1  
 sunrise   /argos     v1   1   122  --- 
 elysium   /hein          a1 :)123  +2  
 heartbeat /assailant      1   126  +3  
 :)instructions translated into english 

             mc donald land         new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 elysium   /hain       *  2i   739  +2  
 x-rated   /l´trimm       40   744  +4  
 red sector/count zero    40 :(748  +3  
 afl 70    /jack alien    40   758  +2  
 legend    /powerplant    71   803  +2  
 * cool version except that the loader  
   doesn´t work with professional-dos!  
 :(some levels have graphix bugs and    
   the little man has no contour!       

              mega starforce        new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /alfatech       2i  289  +1  
 red sector/benson       a     386  --- 
 the game has a built in cheat option   

                methodos             w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /king fisher    1   141  +7  
 section 8 /lcf            1   157  +6  
 epic      /chrossfire     1   158  +3  
 excess    /dumper         1   161  +10 
 accuracy  /steve          1   163  +3  
 amnesia   /seal+wizvis    1   170  +7  
 dunex+brut/spikes         1   171  +1  

                minefields          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 active    /injun          1h   79  --- 
 dytec     /proton         1h  105  +2  
 rsi/agn   /pb            a1h  120  --- 

                minefields          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 budycount /vengeance      1    86  --- 

              monster mash          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 mechanix  /mason          1   122  +3  
 entropy   /f.u.d.         1   123  +1  
 epic      /crossfire      1   131  +2  
 virgo     /phobia         1   134  +1  
 excess    /red rock       1   134  --- 
 this is not a seuck game even if it    
 may look that way on the surface.      

               morphicle             w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 x-rated   /roy            1   108  --- 
 extacy    /darkman        1   113  +3  

 p1               munch              w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 active    /injun          1h  113  --- 
 light     /icecube        1h  113  --- 
 triad     /jerry          1h  120  +1  
 deicide   /ministry       1h  123  --- 
 the force /daniel         1h  131  --- 
 x-rated   /roy            1h  131  --- 
 epic      /crossfire      1h  133  --- 
 trance    /pete-nice      1h  134  --- 
 dytec     /lbm            1h  137  --- 
 dunex     /spikes         1h  138  --- 
 chromance /mr.wax         1h  139  --- 
 ------------------------ more -------> 

 p2               munch              w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 1h  141  --- 
 red sector/---            1h  143  --- 
 trc+emp   /actionjacks.  a1h  184  --- 
 these versions without the game intro  
 dominators/exulans        1h  126:)+1  
 vsn+gtx   /dmc            1h  147  --- 
 :)levelskip. cool!                     

 seuck        ninja attack          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 mayhem    /met            1   100  +2  
 bodycount /vengeance   :( 1   132  +2  
 :(too much code removed in one area    
   while the editor is still left in    
 the game. looks just like morbid had   
 done in daedalus. gotcha. hah!  :)     

           nobby the aardvark       new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 illusion  /sauron       a14h  975  +6  

               paranoimia           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 sunrise   /vector         1h  136  +3  

               philippic             w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 burp+gulas/holed condom   1p  131  --- 
 vagabonds /executor       1    86  --- 
 the force /daniel         1    87  --- 
 intruders /dr.pain        1    89  --- 
 megaunit  /fc             1    92  --- 
 deicide   /ministry       1    94  --- 
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 1    99  --- 
 heartbeat /hercules       1   103  --- 
 bronx     /abuse          1   109  --- 

               plutonium             w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /alfatech       1 *  43  --- 
 dytec     /dodger         1 *  63  --- 
 extacy    /darkman        1    74  --- 
 the force /daniel         1    79  --- 
 epic      /crossfire      1    90  --- 
 trinomic  /magic          1    99  --- 
 ultimate  /stuevesant   :(1h  146  --- 
 * game intro in separate file.         
 :(music by groms in crack intro, but   
   no credit for it.                    

               popeye iii            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 accuracy  /          2i  199  +5  
 chromance /ollie          8   199  +2  
 mechanix  /manson         2i  202  +2  
 dunex+brut/spikes        10   211  +2  

                 popper             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 deicide   /ministry       1    45  --- 

                reflect             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /bacchus        1    50  +2  
 bronx     /abuse          1    68  --- 
 tsr       /albatros       1    69  --- 
 no name   /gobus+dr.dos   1    81  +4  
 epic+dev. /crossfire     a1    83  --- 

               robin hood            w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /bacchus        2ip 221  +3  
 rebels    /tuc        v1  4p  257  +2  
 active    /trasher        4   194  +2  
 rebels    /caesar     v2  2h  214  +5  
 vision    /satan          2i  215  +3  
 x-factor  /exulans        4   218  +2  
 trc       /cavron         2i  220  +2  
 dunex+brut/spikes         4   220  +2  
 epic+dev. /crossfire      4   224  +3  
 digital d./shark          4   231  +2  
 deicide   /ministry       4   235  +2  
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 4   238  +2  

                 rowdy               w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /king fisher    1h   95  +2  
 the force /daniel       :(1h:(116  +2  
 dytec     /lbm            1h  118  +3  
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 1h  119  +2  
 dunex+brut/spikes         1h:(120  +2  
 lethargy  /xant           1   121  +5  
 mechanix  /mason          1h:(126  +2  
 success   /burglar        1h  126  +2  
 extacy    /darkman        1h  129  +4  
 scs/dmx   /burglar        1h  184  +2  
 :(saves hi even in cheat mode.         
 :(some minor graphix bugs              

                  snare             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 red sector/psychobilly   a1    77  --- 
 extacy    /darkman        1    79  +2  
 excess    /red rock       1    81  +1  
 tsr       /albatros       1    89  +2  
 mayhem    /met          * 1    91  +1  
 * minor graphix bugs                   

                spheron              w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /bacchus        1   134  +3  
 active    /trasher        1h  136  +3  
 the force /daniel         1h  140  +2  
 paralax   /quetzal        1h:(153  +3  
 epic      /crossfire      1h  153  +2  
 success   /burglar      :(1h# 156  +3  
 dunex     /spikes         1h  157  +2  
 nirvana   /x-radical      1h  167  --- 
 red sector/pb             1   186  --- 
 :(works only when unlimited time is    
 :(crashes after hi-save!               

                starcom             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 chro/agn  /mr.wax+jazzy d.4   145  +3  

               stonophobe           new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 sacred    /lcf            4h  147  +1  
 vision    /satan         a8hf 152  --- 
 success   /moren          2hi 195  +4  

              table tennis          new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 digital d./meatball       1p  122  --- 
 fairlight /bacchus        1    72  --- 
 dunex+brut/spikes         1    91  --- 
 entropy   /tmb            1   108  --- 

 p1            thunder boy           w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 triad     /king fisher    1h   87  +3  
 section 8 /lcf            1h   98  +2  
 the force /daniel         1h  101  +1  
 sunrise   /gotcha (?)     1h  115  +3  
 dytec     /dodger         1h:(124  +2  
 epic      /crossfire      1h  125  +1  
 vagabonds /mindcrime      1h  127  +6  
 dunex+brut/spikes         1h:(137  +2  
 death     /bacillus     :(1   142  +2  
 ------------------------ more -------> 
 :(saves hi-score even in cheat mode!   
 :(lives never go to zero!              

 p2            thunder boy           w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 wow       /nantco         1hp:(137  +2  
 red sector/benson         1hp 138:(+4  
 :(saves hi-score even in cheat mode!   
 :(select level 99, 98 etc and the game 
   fucks up. should have had a limitor. 

                 trolls             new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /watchman       2i  147  +3  
 red sector/breaker        4   163  +3  
 dytec     /lbm            5f  184  +2  

            wild west seymor         w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 1   144  +1  
 x--rated  /roy            1   168  +1  
 red sector/termo          1   175  --- 

              wonder ball            w3 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /ayatollah     10   185  +2  
 epic      /mason          9f  187  +3  
 red sector/double-t      17   188  +3  
 vsn+gtx   /ray            2i  198  +4  
 accuracy  /steve         18   220  +1  
 nirvana   /x-radical      6:( 280  +2  
 rebels    /tuc           16   347  +3  
 cult      /neurotics      5   394  +2  
 :(they say this is iffl???             
   lots of graphix bugs.                
 the vsn+gtx version was listed as 148  
 blox in #16. sorry for the read error! 

 p1    world championship squash    new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 1p# 127  --- 
 success   /tss            1p  129  --- 
 x-rated   /l´trimm        1p  130  --- 
 extacy    /darkman        1p  135  --- 
 excess    /sentinel       1p  140  --- 
 trinomic  /magic          1p  140  --- 
 lithium   /---            1    85  --- 
 fairlight /bacchus        1    87  --- 
 sacred    /lcf            1    94  --- 
 triad     /alfatech       1    96  --- 
 mechanix  /mason          1   101  --- 
 ------------------------ more -------> 

 p2    world championship squash    new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 x-factor  /hercules       1   102  --- 
 active    /surfer         1   105  --- 
 gothic d. /static         1   108  --- 
 amnesia   /seal           1   109  --- 
 sunrise   /vector         1   111  --- 
 mayhem    /met            1   113  --- 
 deicide   /ministry       1   116  --- 
 trc       /action jackson 1   117  --- 
 trance    /---            1   119  --- 
 epic      /jason          1   120  --- 
 illusion  /derbyshire ram 1#  127  --- 
 success   /tss            1   129  --- 
 tsr       /albatros       1   146  --- 

           wrath of the demon       new 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 x-factor  /the company    29 1046  +3  
 illusion  /sauron      *  97 1329  +2  
 * illusion gives you instructions on   
   how to handle the game.              
 version by the company doesn´t work    
 with professional dos.  sigh!          

          wrestling superstars/         
         championship wrestling      w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 fairlight /bacchus        1   128  --- 
 vision    /ray            1   134  +2  
 chromance /mr.wax         1   174  --- 
 accuracy  /     :(   1   176  +5  
 ill/emp   /nme           a1   184  +2  
 nirvana   /cavron         1   184  --- 
 entropy   /tmb            1   188  --- 
 dunex+brut/spikes         1   189  +2  
 :(crashes directly unless you choose   
   to have a look at the end sequense!  

                  wwf 2              w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 vsn+gtx   /dmc            2i  330  +4  
 mechanix  /mason          2i  407  +5:)
 success   /dannie        20   409  +1  
 epic      /crossfire     21   556  --- 
 the force /daniel        21   558  --- 
 legend/tsm/doc+fletch    20#  614  --- 
 :)actually it should be +6!            

                 xpiose              w2 
 group / cracker           f.   l.   c. 
 ill/emp   /tonic          1   123  --- 
 exceess   /cst            1   126  --- 
 phobia    /virgo          1   136  +1  

. reactions

             - chapter 6 -              
             the place for              
      your reactions on the guide.      
          our answers to them.          
      our reactions on happenings.      
             triad sucks                
         (what else is new?)            
             stigs sucks                
             taipan sucks               

   during the last days of april all of 
 a sudden we got summer here in sweden. 
 one day or maybe two days of spring,   
 but then it was fucking summer!        
   i kid you not! during the first week 
 of this, we had the warmest weather of 
 whole of europe. and this is supposed  
 to be a northern country?              
   when we did not have the hottest     
 weather any longer this was not ´cause 
 the temperatures went down here.. .  > 

   my lazyness during the winter now    
 was exposed to the fullest. i just had 
 to cut and trim my fruit trees with    
 no dealys for working with the guide.  
   when this was done, i could not      
 bring myself to work on the computer   
 in this weather. there were days when  
 i didn´t even turn it on.              
   all the time i said to myself and to 
 others that i would do it tomorrow.    
 when i said it i really meant it, but  
 when tomorrow came with the same hot   
 weather, i said: "what´s another day?" 
 and i added yet another one.      -->  

   instead, i just sat there in the     
 grass under the sun pulling up dande-  
 lions or planted potatoes or i was     
 mending things on and around the house 
 or anything else.                      
   i took a trip to the sea to have a   
 dip in saltwater and it was allready   
 warm enough for swimming.              
   i oiled up my 10-gear and went on    
 tours in the neighbourhood. i even     
 worked on my new old car which is a    
 dead giveaway for how desperately i    
 i did anything and everything to avoid 
 working with the guide.                

    important reading for all of you    
           from now on i will           
        test games for the guide.       
   this is the general rule for me. the 
 preasure i put on myself, is so big    
 that i lock up as a result instead.    
   i will only enter the data and edit  
 the text. that is quite a workload as  
 it is.                           jerry 

   the following message was transfered 
 to the studio by mr.ammo for me and    
 triad to read.                         
   however, it was originally posted on 
 the success bbs in the netherlands and 
 thus we were accused of cheating in    
   then we react in public of course.   
   the message is reprinted here letter 
 for letter as it was written except    
 for two obvious typing errors which    
 were corrected.                    --> 

               reactions            tss 
                msg #:6                 
 date   :3.17.93 at 12:59 am            
 from   :---- tss/success ----          
        :---- vise president! ----      
 fuck fuck fuck                         
 have just read the latest gamers guide 
 issue # 17.                            
 i´m really pissed off with those self- 
 proclaimed elite triad.                
 i counted 10 cracks done by me who     
 were not mensioned at all!!!           

               reactions            tss 
 these games were:                      
 all american wrestling                 
 all american basketball                
 color buster                           
 cue boy                                
 first division manager                 
 frogger ´93                            
 int.table tennis                       
 robin hood                             

               reactions            tss 
 i just wonder if they leave these      
 cracks out, to get their own cracks to 
 be the shortest!                       
 i will believe that they can make a    
 very short crack (the intro normally   
 is 4 blks), but how come almost nobody 
 gets to see these crax!                
 perhaps they wont get spreaded?!?!     
 i remember the old days of triad, and  
 they always had the shortest version   
 (also because of the intro), but back  
 then a lot of games didn´t work 100%   
 because of some missing level or       

               reactions            tss 
 well anyway,                           
 i hope that mr.ammo buffers this post  
 so that he can send over to jerry!     
 mad as hell                            

               reactions          jerry 
   the obvious reason that those 10     
 versions didn´t appear in gg #17 was   
 of course that no one in triad had     
 gotten them. 2 of the games appeared,  
 but cracked by dannie.                 
   if tss had bothered to actually read 
 gg #17 he could have noted that out of 
 those 10 games triad had cracked no    
 more than 3. thus his theory that we   
 remove his cracks to make triad look   
 better, falls flat.                    
   besides, when did a crack by tss     
 ever look remarkably better than a     
 triad crack?                           

               reactions          jerry 
   tss doesn´t send his cracks to one   
 single triad member, so how the hell   
 can he expect to get our versions? no  
 wonder he never sees the versions we   
 do. how stupid!                        
   what tss should have done before     
 posting that message was to talk to    
 one of us. mr.ammo is our member in    
 the netherlands and easily accessible. 
 now tss made a fool of himself by      
 jumping to conclusions.                
   there was some additional general    
 complaining, but i assume they were    
 a result of the heat of the moment.    

               reactions          jerry 
   instead of sending off a slagnote as 
 some people in success do, i sent tss  
 a letter stating the facts i had and   
 also 4 disks to show him the triad     
 cracks he said we never did.           
   after a time, tss called me to talk  
 about the matter. he then told me that 
 the success main swopper never had     
 bothered to spread the versions made   
 by tss.                                
   that came as no surprice to me. this 
 guy has done quite a lot to make triad 
 look bad.                              

               reactions          jerry 
   but it doesn´t stop there. i told    
 tss to send us those versions we never 
 got. when we never got them we tried   
 to call him, but found out that his    
 phone was dead. then we contacted that 
 main swopper to have him send us       
 those versions.                        
   normally we don´t bother to hunt for 
 versions. in this case we really       
 wanted to show how wrong tss had been. 
   still 5 weeks later we have not been 
 able to get someone in success to send 
 us those tss versions.                 

               reactions          jerry 
   two times now we have been falsely   
 accused of doing foul things to        
   two times now i have talked directly 
 to success members and everything has  
 been roses and understanding over the  
 phone and afterwards i have been       
 called an asshole or as with tss,      
 zero happens.                          
   people have wondered if triad is in  
 war with success.  we prefere to be    
 cool on this, but i would say that i   
 understand why people ask!             

               reactions             ed 
   the following piece was written for  
 the british corner by derbyshire ram,  
 but since it is a very strong reaction 
 i took the liberty to move it here.    
   over to the old man:).. .   .    .   
   i got a copy of vandalism news from  
 down under yesterday. as you will know 
 by now, the mag has been taken over by 
 the group bodycount.                   

               reactions          d-ram 
   in this mag are some scathing        
 comments regarding other aussies and   
 guys including myself who have been on 
 the scene for a long time.             
   reading between the lines, we are    
 too old to be on the scene, and we are 
 ruining the exsistence of younger      
   one guy in particular who wrote an   
 article in this issue is stigs. he     
 uses particularly foul language to     
 describe his feelings about us older   
 guys, both in europe and australia,    
 not content with that he now    ---->  

               reactions          d-ram 
 involves the families of certain guys  
 in his article to such a degrading     
 extent he should be horse whipped.     
   i would not want to be in his shoes  
 if any tsr members got their hands on  
   vandalism news is supposed to be the 
 oldest exsisting mag in oz. i would    
 honestly have thought that the editor- 
 ial staff would have had more sense    
 than to include his article in their   
 mag. in my opinion, they are equally   
 responsible for the libel comments     
 made.                             -->  

               reactions          d-ram 
   i have never done anyone knowingly   
 any harm. i have been in illusion now  
 for almost 10 months. the average of   
 the other guys in the group is         
 probably 19.  i am 54, but i am        
 accepted by them as just another       
 member, as i was during my 18 month    
 stay in dominators.                    
   i have around 150 contacts on the 64 
 and to the best of my knowledge there  
 are no problems with any of them. yes, 
 i take some ragging about my age and i 
 take it in good part the way in which  
 it is intended, but in mmy 11 years on 
 the 64-scene, i have never seen  --->  

               reactions          d-ram 
 such a foul loud mouthed and arrogant  
 person such as stigs.                  
   these statements come from a mag     
 whose editor calls me and asks for     
 orries, then asks me how to crack them 
 and then asks me for the trainers.     
 thanks pal, some friend you are!       
                     derbyshire ram     
                     25th april 1993.   

               reactions             ed 
   i didn´t see it at first, but now    
 that i have edited the words from      
 derbyshire ram i see how deeply hurt   
 he was. take it from me, it takes a    
 good bit of hurt to make a grown man   
 react so strongly.                     
   i will be 50 this summer. i too am   
 one of the gang except maybe when it   
 comes to girl chasing. not that i      
 wouldn´t want to, mind you, but there  
 are some things we old goats are not   
 supposed to do! :)                     
   way back in 1987 when my group  -->  

               reactions             ed 
 p&p studios was a bogus group to make  
 me more interesting to swop with, my   
 son sergeant pepper wanted to work     
 with me to make it a real group. some  
 time later two other teenagers wanted  
 in and it worked fine.                 
   now and then a car stops by at my    
 house and out comes a gang of censor   
 guys, shaved heads, killer boots and   
 all. another time someone drops by to  
 show off his new love of his life.     
   age does make a difference, but if   
 you see it as a berlin wall, it is all 
 in your restricted mind.         --->  

                reactions            ed 
   i strongly concur in d-ram´s words   
 on the responsibility of an editor of  
 any sort of magazine.                  
   if an article is run without any     
 sort of comment from the staff, we can 
 only assume that it reflects what the  
 mag stands for.                        
   the mags are a great part of todays  
 scene, but if the ever increasing      
 number of them means printing anything 
 just to get something different to     
 print, then more conflicts are only to 
 be expected.                           

                reactions            ed 
   3 or 4 months ago i got a call from  
 oz. one of the two on line was stigs.  
 we had a long nice talk. i know that   
 stigs was fully aware of my greate :)  
 age. i am quite shure that this was no 
 obstacle and that he was taking me     
   my guess is that stigs has something 
 against uptonoogood who is a grownup   
 just like me, d-ram and a few others.  
 instead of dealing with whatever the   
 problem is, he takes the easy way out  
 and attacks the obvious,  the differ-  
 ence in age.                           

   dannie of success found out that     
 taipan had recracked his version of    
 magic fields.                          
   later wingo of triad found that      
 taipan had recracked diamenty made by  
 tss of success! exactly the same cheat 
 code and translation errors.           
   and this is not even the first time  
 taipan are cought with their trousers  
   the cure for this is obvious.  -->   

   taipan is from now on abandoned from 
 the gamer´s guide.                     
   the tragedy of this is that the guy  
 in taipan responsible for it all,      
 actually is a nice guy. the problem is 
 that he just don´t understand the      
 unwritten rules for behaving. believe  
 me, i have tried to tell him.          

. from all corners

             - chapter  7 -             
            from all corners            
               this time:               
               the editor               
             derbyshire ram             

              party corner              
   i was just about to start packing    
 all those files when i reacted on      
 something i heared on the tv. they     
 were talking computers. i moved my ass 
 over to the tv-chair.                  
   there, on the national news, were    
 an unusual long coverage of the tcc-   
 party in gothenburg. bacchus/flt was   
 interviewed as the final touch!        
   hey pal, did you remember to call    
 home asking gunilla to turm on the     
 video recorder?    :)                  

              triad corner              
   not very much has happened in triad  
 since #17. here is what little there   
 is to tell about.                      
 - when vision more and more went stale 
   two of their members joined triad.   
 - first came midnight mover who runs   
   illusion of reality. call triad west 
   at +46-31-980486                     
 - some weeks later cash wanted in too. 
   cash has been around for years as a  
   mega swopper. the others chosing the 
   same name must have been blind.      

              triad corner              
 - scope joined us from vision too, but 
   he didn´t last more than one month   
   in triad. then he decided to join up 
   with his pals in g+p. before that,   
   he made some cute art for the studio 
 - i got a call from someone who said   
   that thunder wanted to work for      
   triad again. i have been exposed to  
   a few pranks over the years, so i    
   didn´t call for a time. however, it  
   was for real and he will do some 64- 
   items for triad. thunder is also     
   working on other projects, so don´t  
   expect too much.                     

              triad corner              
 - for a couple of days or maybe even a 
   week, triad had a supporting member  
   in the usa. at&t cought him in the   
   act and when he refused to give up,  
   they hit him hard.                   
 - two minutes before this went to the  
   presses, tech called and informed us 
   that he is out of it. he is leaving  
   the scene maybe for good, but at     
   least for the summer.                
 - when you read this, most of you have 
   noted that triad didn´t enter the    
   demo compo at the huge tcc-party in  

              triad corner              
 - this was not for lack of wanting.    
   some months ago instead we thought   
   that we would be entering two        
   advanced demos.                      
   however, life being what it is, we   
   should have known better. but don´t  
   worry, the demos will be out when    
   they are ready.                      
 - hopefully before the end of summer   
   we will present a new thing. it may  
   be called a disk filler if you are   
   critical, but at least it it new to  
   the computer world.                  

           australian corner            
 well, hallo people!                    
   here is vengeance of australia. here 
 in australia there are only about 4    
 majour cracking groups.  they are:     
 bodycount, lithium, tsr and paralax.   
 also offence do a little.              
   the guys who do all the cracking are 
 psycho, morbid, maxell, slash, shades, 
 vengeance, the hegg of bodycount,      
 avtek, cruze, roadrunna of offence,    
 maverik of lithium, druid, quetzal of  

           australian corner            
   incubus used to do a bit for tsr,but 
 he has now left the scene.             
   so far in the last couple of months  
 i think that bodycount and lithium     
 have done a great deal of cracks from  
 differn´t crackers, but we can´t       
 forget that paralax have done their    
 share as well.                         
   from what i´ve seen, roadrunna has   
 done nothing, and only the euros in    
 tsr have released any cracks.          
   although the scene in australia is   
 not that great, it has a great   --->  

           australian corner            
 deal of competition in the cracking    
 side. our main problem though, is that 
 only 2 guys really get decent and hot  
   they are uptonogood/tsr and me. (yea 
 i know it looks lame, but it´s true)   
 it seems as uptonogood and myself hand 
 all the orris out to the other groups. 
 we also supply each other so what does 
 it matter anyway ?                     
   psycho of bodycount or roadrunna of  
 offence would be the best quality      
 crackers in my opinion. quetzal would  
 come in close, but he is also an -->   

           australian corner            
 amiga freak, so he doesn´t have much   
 time for the 64 anymore.               
   anyway in the last few weeks, the    
 original situation in australia has    
 gone slack as with the rest of europe  
 with only really 1 full-price-game     
 comming out and that was a lame one    
 anyway. (mc donald land).              
   these days we have aussie game       
 companys again, so soon we will have a 
 great scene for cracking over here.    
 the game companies are...              

           australian corner            
  - exploding head productions.         
  - first blood.                        
  - false motion.                       
   they all consist of ex-sceners so    
 you can understand that these will be  
 quite cool games.                      
   any questions about the aussie scene 
           9 philip avenue              
           montrose tasmania            
           australia 7010               
                                   gb > 

             british corner             
   well here is the news from the u.k.  
 for march 1993, what there is of it.   
   i got a slating from some of the     
 guys over here for not giving them a   
 mension. i do not apologise for this   
 because as far as i am concerned, the  
 guys involved are not exactly active.  
   they come from the groups padua and  
 xentrix. both members based in the u.k.
 from both of the groups are extremely  
   entropy are now begining to make     
 their mark, with three mags. now to -> 

             british corner             
 their credit, the tribune, postmortem  
 and remix, also they are becominng a   
 very active cracking force.            
   talent have yet to release a game    
 this year. they appear to have prob-   
 lems with original, cards and members, 
 but their u.s. board down by law´ is   
 extremely popular with all callers.    
  the popular "budget" software house   
 zeppelin has now ceased to market      
 games for the c64. they are pinning    
 all their hopes onto the pc, this will 
 be a big loss to the u.k. scene.       

             british corner             
   ever heard of e3 of rebels??? well,  
 maybe not as e3, but probably as       
 diamond stud or king rat or even as    
 many as a dozen different aliases.     
   (i like to think that a few now have 
 read reactions in  gg#17! ed.)         
   he is back on the c64, and up to his 
 usual tricks of stirring up the old    
 mud on the scene. no real offence ewan 
 but you can be a pain in the butt at   
   phobia ex. genetix has now found a   
 new group, but the name escapes me.    

             british corner             
   well that is it for march. not a lot 
 has happened i know. let´s move over   
 to april now.                          
               - april -                
   the ancient temple is now in co-op   
 with mayhem.                           
   the mag wtg tribune is not dead as   
 reported in vandalism news. yes        
 gentix is dead, but the wtg crew       
 joined entropy which now runs the mag. 
   hellraiser is back in trc, but has   
 to become active on the scene again.   

             british corner             
   e3, alias trisect whom i mentioned   
 earlier, is said to have left rebels   
 to form yet another group in the u.k.  
 personally i think he is just winding  
 everyone up again.                     
  no more news or changes from the      
 other guys on the u.k. scene. talent   
 still have to crack a game this year   
 which seems very odd to us. neverthe-  
 less, their u.s. bbs down by law is    
 still on line and doing very well.     
   illusion lost their new bbs the      
 doghouse because the sysop got kicked  
 out of his lodgings. it could be --->  

             british corner             
 down for at least 2-3 months.          
               - may -                  
   well here is a start to the news     
 from the u.k.for may. it is not good   
 for illusion. we do not know at the    
 time of writing this, if the group is  
 still alive. as most of you will       
   as most of you will already know,    
 hero and gene got busted at the begin- 
 ning of this week, so the main two     
 public relations guys are now out of   
 the scene, maybe for ever. until we    
 hear something in the u.k., we will -> 

             british corner             
 do what we can to continue with the    
   talent got their first crack out     
 last week in a long time. it was       
 cracked by their new member chrysagon, 
 late of enigma. the game, mega star-   
 force had allready been cracked pal by 
 red sector, but the talent version was 
 fixed for the u.s boards.              
   helraiser late of trc changed his    
 handle to primus and joined the u.k.   
 group mayhem.                          

             british corner             
 17th may 1993.                         
   still no more news on the illusion-  
    for the time being, it looks like   
 mail trading will be the order of the  
 day. we recently got first releases    
 on bee 52, grell & falla and nobby the 
 aardvark as a possible final fling,    
 but who can tell. maybe in a short     
 while things in the group could be     
 back to normal.                        
                     the derbyshire ram 

. an apology or more

             - chapter 8 -              
                   they went thataway > 

         to the others in triad         

           to spirou of light           
   he wrote a long article with details 
 on the tcc-party to be published here  
 since the guide is one of the best     
 spread magz.                           
   sort of late now for it.. .  .   .   

   here i wrote an apology to those of  
 of my contacts who were not getting    
 their games tested.                    
   however, it is no longer needed! i   
 couldn´t afford to go to the great tcc 
 party after all. instead i spent time  
 testing and testing and testing and... 
 i will soon puke on my commy!          


   i better apologize an extra round    
 just in case. i have a nasty habit of  
 fucking up things in the last minute!  
   here i am all alone with my commy at 
 7 am and i have not been to bed yet.   
 i can´t! at the party place they wait  
 for gg#18 to be uploaded to illusion   
 of reality so they can spread it. i    
 still have a few disks to test and     
 then i have to enter the data and -->  

 then i have to pack the shit.          
   lemme see now.. .   . the main is    
 crunched and ready and all the text is 
 done except for this.                  
   hah! someone must have been drunk at 
 our local super market. the price for  
 1,5 liter pepsi bottles was only a     
 little bit more than the price for a   
 45 cc can. you can bet that i have     
 stocked up with pepsi. i´ll go back    
 to buy 10 more today.                  
   i love a huge glass of pepsi with    
 just a drop of tequila for spice.  --> 

   by now maybe i am a bit on the spicy 
 side? i have been editing and testing  
 for 16 hours in a row and i expect     
 another 4-5 hours before this is done  
 and my c24 aprotek modem has cooled    
 down after delivery of the hot:        
    triad gamer´s guide issue # 18.     
   then i will go out on the porch with 
 a mug of tea in hand and just enjoy    
 the new day before i hit the sack for  
 24 hours.                              
   if i am lucky, the neighbours  --->  

 cat will come by to crap in my land    
 among sallad and carrots. then i´ll    
 fucking show him what can be done with 
 water and a hose!                      
   hmm.. .   maybe i pedal down to the  
 tap station or garage or what you call 
 it to buy me an icecream.              
   det är enklare att säga kort och     
 gott att magnum är så förbaskat goood! 

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