Filth 02

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Latest revision as of 11:47, 4 August 2010


[edit] about trust

     yohoo and here comes some news     
     about trust!!!                     
   - x-ector have joined weird for 2    
     days, than he rejoined trust!!!    
   - trust have get 3 new members:      
     mad (ex crossway)                  
     alex (ex style)                    
     trans m                            
     all 3 are gfx-mans and swapper     
   - bad boy had stopped swapping       
     and trans m had taken all his      
   - hawk have changet his name in      
     rhythm 'n' blues                   
   - bad boy have changed his addy and  
     went totaly legal!!!               
     hey guyz, we neeeeeeeeed coder!!!  
     please join uz!!!                  
     write to:                          
     trust hq                           
     XXXX XXXXXXX X                     
     XXXX XXXXXXX                       
     and here u will get the new        
     trust memberstatus:                
     alex             gfx-man, swapper  
     bad boy          leader, filth     
     colyn            swapper           
     mad              gfx-man, swapper  
     techno           gfx-man, swapper  
     trans m          gfx-man, little   
                      coder, swapper    
     rhythm 'n' blues musician          
     x-ector          gfx-man, little   
                      coder, swapper    
     and here are the addyz:            
     alex / trust                       
     XXXXXXXXX. XX                      
     XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX                  
     bad boy / trust                    
     XXXXXXXXX. X                       
     XXXX XXXXXXX X                     
     XXXX XXXXXXX                       
     colyn / trust                      
     XX XXX XXXX XX                     
     XXXXX XXXX                         
     XXXX XXXX                          
     mad / trust                        
     XXX XX XX XX - X                   
     XXXX XXXXXX X                      
     XXXX XXXXXXX                       
     techno / trust                     
     X. XXXXXX                          
     XXXX XXXXXX                        
     XXXX XXXXXXX                       
     trans m / trust                    
     XXXX XXXXX                         
     XXXX XXXXXXX                       
     rhythm'n' blues / trust            
     XXX XX XX XX - X                   
     XX XX XXXXXXX                      
     XXXX XXXXXXX                       
     x-ector / trust                    
     XXX XX XX XX - X                   
     XXXX XXXXXXXXXXX                   
     XXXX XXXXXXX                       
     and here is a little messy from    
     hey aslive contact me, coz i       
     haven't u're new addy!!!           
     and now some greetings:            
     ultravox, legend, daniax,          
     mega industries, full force,       
     gax 77, g*p, highlander,           
     tck, triad, extend, lala-soft,     
     cross, megastyle, techno design,   
     judex, knickers, side fx, eagle,   
     cop corporation, powerzone, ozone, 
     accept, softex, demonix, cfa       
     iron-style, ocean, sparks,         
     digitech, zare, the aliens team,   
     radius, hip hop, denity, scream    
     duplex & oracle, vision, lazer,    
     united artists, role, poison,      
     the anicent temple, wow,           
     xentrix, triumwyrat, axend,        
     dualis, cosmix, daniax, class,     
     ruthless, atrix, prestige, opale,  
     stash, pcb, the joker crew,        
     eject, contrast, germans x-large,  
     the guards, cocoon, pulsar, spirit,
     gods of doom, motio, purple dragon,
     side fx, redlight, acid, nation,   
     project x and the big big rest!!!  
              prezz spaze!!!  

[edit] news and rumours

     - the disk mag remark is no longer 
       a mega ind. product, cause 2     
       members of mega ind. joined      
       joined ruthless the maineditor is
       the same person, it's dragnet!   
     - boston sinner and ennic left     
       mega industries and joined       
       ruthless, they all are           
       coming from the netherlands      
     - ghost left ruthless and joined   
       fairlight and was kicked out     
       after 3 days                     
     - first ruthless wanne be only a   
       dutch crew but than they         
       decidet to build up a            
       swedish section                  
     - xtro/royalty was meant to join   
       ruthless but he decide not since 
       he is going to the military      
       service in 2 month!              
     - the official ruthless member-    
       status is:                       
       peter venkman, scopr, duck, curse
       ron, henry, rodney, francois,    
       dea, darkstorm design, svg,      
       scream, xtra-t, boston, sinner,  
       ennic, inxs, grapple, i-man,     
       rainman, alfatech,               
     - the ruthless bulletin bourd is   
       almost finished, still looking   
       for a couple of co-sysops, to    
       help xtra-t out. all u need is   
       a modem, a dedictation and       
       10 minutes a week!, so if u want 
       to be a co-sysop on              
       the ruthless bulletin-bourd,     
       or want any info about it,       
       write to:                        
       the works                        
       X.X.XXX XXXX                     
       XXXX XX XXXXXXXXXX               
     - scratcher and dr. death where    
       kicked out of paramount coz      
       they didn't swap 4 atleast 3     
       month with their contax          
     - sky, ass and tom tailer left afl 
       and joined paramount             
     - wild style of vision joined      
     - gozilla / sire joined paramount  
     - the mega spy from creation was   
       kicked out.                      
     - arc angel / century was kicked   
     - ice-t the tat hq, left the 64 to 
       start (l)amoga coding,           
       checkpoint is now the            
       inofficial tat hq                
     - the tat party will be held in    
       august or september, coz of      
       no good room earlier.            
     - ayatollah / tat changed his      
       name in peewee, but tat will     
       kick him next time.              
     - rough left tat and joined scs    
     - indy (ex-tera) joined century    
     - witty left role and joined/build 
     - tomcat (ex exact) joined vision  
     - the golden dragon left royalty   
       and joined flash inc.            
     - tyhcoon (ex triad) and injun     
       joined light                     
     - deejay left royalty and joined   
     - zone 45 and rizin are in co-op   
     - general, smurf (ex warrant)      
       joined vision                    
     - slagon (ex censor) joined flash  
     - collision is a new group, who    
       consits of members from 3        
       calix, studio3 and tac '2048     
     - style is dead                    
     - style's coder negativ called the 
       other members lamer.             
     - saga changed their name in ocean 
     - joker left nato and joined       
       dom or transcom                  
     - rimtrix, dawsy and ponisher      
       left xentrix and joined g*p      
     - head rock left pioneers and tga's
       so now the cp-op between pioneers
       + the guardian angles is over    
     - headrock joined no tga's his     
       job is:                          
       cracking, coding and gfx!!!      
       he's now the 3th member          
     - role kicked out feezy, witty,    
       slimer,pcnos an iceman           
     - slammer (ex warning) joined      
     - yankee supreeme (ex demons)      
       joined role                      
     - fezzy give bad night calls       
       to cmr of role, coz cmr has      
       kicked him out                   
       (comment from cmr: beware for    
       that guy)                        
     - nation is dead, all members      
       joined abyss                     
     - chaos left trans-x and is        
       searching for a new crew         
     - trans-x prepare a mega co-demo   
     - dense / tera joined holocaust    
     - dan (fresh)joined lazer          
     - collin (g*p) joined x-ray        
     - a new austrian crew is born      
       called a.c.c (austrian cracking  
     - beast rejoined fresh             
     - saxon and chris joined fresh     
     - negativ rejoined chaos           
     - manx / eject joined f4cg         
                prezz spaze             

[edit] last words

     now u have reached the last        
     part of the filth and i will       
     hope u like thiz issue!!!          
     if u don't like it, send me        
     u're reactions and i will see,     
     that i can make it better next     
     and think for the competion:       
     the guy who will send me the most  
     news, addyz and beer tests will    
     get a box of beer!!!               
     and at last some thaks to:         
     digi / ocean                       
     ans / spirit                       
     ghostrider / duplex & oracle       
     womble / xentrix                   
     inxs / ruthless                    
     peter venkman / ruthless           
     cmr / role                         
     tbg / t.g.a's                      
     manx / f4cg                        
     rank 01 / exotic                   
     and all trust members              

[edit] reactions

    and here are some reactions:        
    yohoo, bad boy cool mag!            
    ghostrider / duplex & oracle        
    thiz mag is ok                      
    manx / f4cg                         
    cooles mag!                         
    billy / dualis                      
    yo, bad boy                         
    cool idea with the main menu!!!     
    but don't u think it isn't lame from
    u're gfx-man to rip the turricane   
    logo making it as a trust logo???   
    and the best credeting himself???   
    pri / duplex & oracle               
    dear pri!!                          
    we've kicked pooky as a long period 
    of lamenes!!! next time u will see  
    a new logo, but thiz time           
    i've finished the filth and that    
    i scratched it (fuck)!!! so i must  
    take the old editor (shit!!!)       
    bby / trust                         
    than a letter reached me from a     
    guy called rank 01 / exotic!!       
    and he send me a letter from        
    omg / amok (comes later) and writes 
    yohoo, here's rank 01 / exotic      
    and i wanne say something about     
    the fucking mag sex'n crime #18!    
    a time ago a pisser writes to omg...
    and so he get7s my addy.            
    he changet the addy and put in      
    in the sex'n crime                  
    the addy in sex'n crime was:        
    rank 01 / dle (i left dle)          
    XXXXXXXXXX XX                       
    XXXX XXXXXXXX                       
    but the right addy is:              
    rank 01 / exotic                    
    XXXXXXXXXX XX                       
    XXXX XXXXXXXX                       
    i say: i'm not sure if it is omg    
    who wrotes to me...                 
    by the way, i think i've nerver     
    wrote to sex'n crime                
                             rank 01    
    and here's the letter omg has send  
    to him:                             
    poor lamers!                        
    u're letter was realy funny. u      
    don't know nothing.                 
    1. the f.a.omg never exists         
    excell put all these groups on the  
    list without asking them. crazy     
    was never in. he didn't ask afl + p,
    dominators complained about him     
    as they never where in f.a.omg      
    aswell. also illusion, bonzai,      
    extasy, legend, and nato never where
    in f.a.o. infocome / nato           
    apologised, also marc + antrax      
    of legend are my friends (ask them!)
    2. on the other hand those groups   
    i was in war with are dead (or      
    almost) now. tropic is dead, class  
    is dead, lotus is dead, duck dunn   
    sold his computer, i+t will stop    
    after the pcw-show. legend had no   
    first releases for ages, afl+p      
    splitted up ect.ect...              
    there is nobody left. all decent    
    groups are on my side and belive    
    me, they will kick u're balls       
    if u little mutherfuckers won't     
    3.snacky / g*p always does the best 
    versions. show me better versions   
    of turricane, x-out, vendetta,      
    logo, ballmania, or any other       
    jewel crack. besides, snacky was the
    only cracker in the entry world,    
    who managed  to crack starbytes game
    logo. a part for that he's the #1   
    in all mags.                        
    4.why should i cheat or manipulate  
    the people???                       
    everyone mag chack whatever i say   
    and see: i7m right                  
    5. if i cheat the charts, why       
    should i manipulate the people? if  
    it doesen't matter how people vote  
    as i put g*p on place 1 anyway, why 
    should i manepulate to vote for     
    g*p??? think about it, brainheads!  
    6. learn english first. if u are    
    to stupid to argue around with me,  
    let it be                           
    7. u say u got nothing against g*p, 
    well, why the fuck do ya freak about
    their (well deserved) place in the  
    8. are u guyz sure, u know what     
    u're talking about??? u never had   
    sex with a woman in u're life. poor 
    9.who to fuck are u??? some         
    braindead lamers. u got nothing, but
    a big mouth. i pity u. u don't even 
    get the new warez, so u don't know  
    at all what u're talking about.     
    10.come to venlo. antichrist will   
    beat the shit out of u and i will   
    watch it and laugh. ask any members 
    of g*p or any friend of anichrist   
    thay will tell u i'm not him!!!     
    but u will see...                   
    what do u think about thiz letter???
    send me u're reactions!!!           
              prezz spaze               

[edit] beer tests

     sorry, sux thiz time i've only one 
     beer-test for u (u know what       
     thiz beer-test i7ve get from       
     digi of ocean!!!                   
     the beer called messie and have    
     7,5 % alcohol (very good)          
     he don7t writes something about    
     the price, cause the beer is done  
     in austria and will be exported    
     to britan (normaly u can't get     
     it in austria)                     
     the foam look like lather          
     when u will make the first         
     draught it is good but after thiz  
     it will take u down!!!             
     it's rather bitter.                
     it's only a beer for english       
     points:  4                         
               prezz spaze              

[edit] credits

   and here are some CREDITZ for thiz   
   cooooool mag.                        
   first the cretitz for the INTRO:     
   CODING:              derry of god    
   SOUND:               contex          
   TRUST-LOGO:          turricane char  
   FILTH-LOGO:          bad boy of trust
   SPRITES:             bad boy of trust
   CHARS:               bad boy of trust
   MAIN MENU:                           
   CODING:              derry of god    
   SOUND:               tornado of tgt  
   FLYING GIRL:         ripped from a   
                        lame game by    
                        bad boy of trust
                        (don't know the 
                        name from thiz  
                        game yet!)      
   FILTH-SPRITES:       bad boy of trust
   CHARS:               bad boy of trust
   PICTURE:             bad boy of trust
   TEXT PART:                           
   CODING:              derry of god    
   SOUND:               x-ample         
   FILTH-SPRITES:       bad boy of trust
   CHARS:               bad boy of trust
   THE PICTURE:         bad boy of trust

[edit] contacts

   sorry, when some addyz are wrong     
   or so on, but i have taken the addys 
   from the last issue and the addyz    
   i've get new thiz time, cause        
   u know, i've not anough time!!!      
   also move the stick to see the addyz!
   rank 01 / exotic                     
   XXXXXXXXXX XX                        
   XXXX XXXXXXXX                        
                     for swapping       
   rank 01 / exotic                     
   XXXXXXXXXX XX                        
   XXXX XXXXXXXX                        
   PRI / DUPLEX & ORACLE                
   XXX X - XX XX XX     for swapping hot
   XXXX XXXXXXXXX            stuff      
   XXXX XXXXXXX                         
   NEO / SCREAM                         
   XXX XX XX XX - X     for swapping hot
   XXXX XXX XXXXXXXXXX X  stuff and     
   XXXX XXXXXXX           originales    
   B28 / VISION                         
   XXXXX XXXX XXX   for swapping hot    
   XXXX XXXXXX           stuff          
   IZOR / ZONE 45                       
   XXX XXXX         for swapping hot    
   XXX XX XXXXXX         stuff          
   GORBIE / DUPLEX & ORACLE             
   XXX XX XX XX - X      for swapping   
   XXXX XXXXXXXX         hot stuff      
   XXXX XXXXXXX                         
   X.X.XXX XX         for swapping hot  
   XXXX XXXXXXXXXX         stuff        
   tbg / tga's                          
   XXXXXXX XX        for swapping hot   
   XXXX XXXXXX            stuff         
   VOICE OF DARK / POISON               
   XXXXXXXXXXXX XX        for swapping  
   XXXX XX. XXXXXXXXX     hot stuff     
   rough / scs                          
   XXXXXXXXXXX XX     for swapping hot  
   XXXX XXXXXXXXX          stuff        
   XXXX XXXXXXX                         
   XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX                    
   XXXX XX XXXXXX     for swapping hot  
   XXXXXXXXXX              stuff        
   EINSTEIN / WOW                       
   XXXXXXXXXXX XX       for swapping hot
    XXX XXXXXXXXXX           stuff      
   womble / xentrix                     
   XX, XX XXXXXX XXXXX  for swapping hot
   XXXX X XXXXXX             stuff      
   XX. XXXX                             
   ENERGY / FRESH                       
   X.X.XXX XXX        for swapping hot  
   XXXX XXXXX              stuff        
   X.X.XXX XXX        for swapping hot  
   XXXX XXXX XXXXXXX       stuff        
   XXX XXXX                             
   XX XXXXX                             
   SYLVIO / TRIUMWYRAT                  
   XXXXXX XXX. XX      for swapping hot 
   XXXX XXXXX               stuff       
   WEST BAM / POISON                    
   XXX XX XX XX - X   for swapping hot  
   XXXX XXX XXXXXXXXX      stuff        
   XXXX XXXXXXX                         
   RAGE / AXEND                         
   XXXX             for swapping hot    
   XXX XXXXX             stuff          
   XXXXXXXXXXX XX                       
   XXXX XXXXXX                          
   BILLY / DUALIS                       
   XXX XX XX X - X  for swapping hot    
   XXXXXXXXX XX          stuff          
   XXXX XXXXXXX                         
   danix / class                        
   XXXXXXXXX. XX    for swapping hot    
   XXXX                  stuff          
   WALKER / PARAGON                     
   XXXXXXXXX. XX     for swapping hot   
   XXXXX XXXXXXXXXX       stuff         
   inxs / ruthless                      
   XXXXXXXXX XX      for swapping hot   
   XXXXX XXXXXXXX    ruthless stuff     
   TRIX / BONZAI                        
   XXXXXXXXXXX XX    for swapping hot   
   XXXX XXXXXXXXXXX       stuff         
   DARWIN / PRESTIGE                    
   XXXXX. XX         for swapping hot   
   XXXXX XXXX             stuff         
   TOMAHAWK / PADUA                     
   XX XX. XX XXX     for swapping hot   
   XXXXX XXXXX            stuff         
   MUTANT / STASH                       
   XXXX              for swapping hot   
   XXXXXXXXX. XX          stuff         
   XX XX XX XXXXXX                      
   PHIL / PCB                           
   XXX XXXXXXXXX XX  for swapping hot   
   XXXX XXXXXXX           stuff         
   ENDER / TJC               for        
   XX XX XXXXXXXX - XXXXXXXl swapping   
   XXXXXXX                   hot stuff  
   TIL / EJECT                          
   XXX XX XX XX - X  for swapping hot   
   XXXX XXXXXXXXX XX      stuff         
   XXXX XXXXXXX                         
   FILTH             to get u're addy in
   XXXXXXXXX. X      for news'n roumers 
   XXXX XXXXXXX X    beer-sorts and     
   XXXX XXXXXXX      beer-tests!        
   manx / f4cg                          
   XXXXXXXXXXX XXX XX for swapping hot  
   XXXX XXXXXXXXXX         stuff        
   ONANI / CONTRAST                     
   XX XXXXXXXXXX XX   for swapping hot  
   XXXXX XXXXXXXXX         stuff        
   GI 909 / THE FORCE                   
   XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX  for swapping hot
   XXX XXXXXXX XX            stuff      
   XXXXX XXXXX (XX)                     
   PIN UP                               
   XXX XX XX XX - X     for voting and  
   XXXX XXXXXXXXXXX     to get u're     
   XXXX XXXXXXX         addy in!        
   digi / ocean                         
   XXX XXXXXX XX      for swapping hot  
   XXXX XXXXXXXXX          stuff        
   ross / collision                     
   XX. XX XX          for swapping hot  
   XXXXX XXXXXXXXXX        stuff        
   GERMANS X-LARGE    for swapping hot  
   XXX XX XX XX - X        stuff        
   XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX X                
   XXXX XXXXXXX                         
   NEW ART / TGS                        
   XXX XX XX XX - X   for swapping hot  
   XXXX XXXXXXXX X         stuff        
   XXXX XXXXXXX                         
   MERCHANT / COCOON                    
   XXXXXXXXXX X        only LEGAL stuff 
   XXXX XXXXXX X                        
   XXXX XXXXXXX                         
   trust hq                             
   XXXXXXXXX. X     no swapping         
   XXXX XXXXXXX X      only joining     
   XXXX XXXXXXX                         
   XXXXXXXXX. X                         
   XXXX XXXXXXX X                       
   XXXX XXXXXXX                         
   JESUS / ACID                         
   XXX XX XX XX - X   for swapping hot  
   XXXX XXXXX              stuff        
   XXXX XXXXXXX                         
   ANS / SPIRIT                         
   XXX XX XX XX - X   for swapping hot  
   XXXX XXXXXXXXX X        stuff        
   XXXX XXXXXXX                         
   LORD / RADIUS                        
   XXX XX XX XX - X   for swapping hot  
   XXXX XXXXXX X           stuff        
   XXXX XXXXXXXX                        
   XXX XX XX XX - X   for swapping hot  
   XXXX XXXXXXXXX XX       stuff        
   XXXX XXXXXXX                         
   TOMCAT / DOOM                        
   XXXXXXXXXXXX XX    for swapping hot  
   XXXX XX XXXXXXXXX (X)   stuff        
   XXXXX XXXXXXX                        
      X.X.XXX XXXX        for buying hot
      XXXX XX XXXXXXXXXX  orries, intros
      XXXXXXXXXXX         gfx, music,   
                          wanne be in th
e     +XX.(X)XX.XXXXXX    next adresses 
                          mag. or simpli
                          wanne swap    
      don't write         with ruthless 
      groupnames on the                 
              that's all                
                  prezz spaze!!!        

[edit] editorial

     dear reader!!!                     
     sorry, when thiz issue is a bit    
     lame, but i've finished the        
     2. issue and wanne copy it, but    
     i've copied the wrong disk, so i've
     scratched me the finished issue!!! 
     but next time it will be better!!! 
     now i will say some word to u,     
     cause thiz time i haven't get      
     enough news, beer-tests, addys and 
     so i make a little competion,      
     the guy who will send me the most  
     news'n roumers, reactions, beer-   
     tests and addyz will get a box of  
     send u're things to:               
     XXXXXXXXX. X                       
     XXXX XXXXXXX X                     
     XXXX XXXXXXX                       
     please send nothing to my plk!!!   
     ok, but now let's start!!!         
     prezz spaze!!!                     
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