Brutal Recall 10 ch12

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+,-./                              +,-./
01234   some demos were reviewed   01234
56789                              56789
:;<=>       by tch of brutal       :;<=>
?_AB                               ?_AB
CDEF   at the light easter party!  CDEF

and pressent here at the light party,i
have reviewed some old and some fucking
hot demos released here.
i'll start off with the oldies and then
i'll make you come with some of the
hottest reviews ever..

my first target was...

              "hexagone ii"

              by 'babygang'
the intro starts right with making you
mega-cack your pants!!! a cool drawn
baby holds up a gun and shoots at you!!
completed with a sampled gunshoot!!
the rest of the intro contains a nice
but not too shocking logo with a very
cool and devastating line-effect under
it which gives you the letters of the
groupname in some kind of breathing way!
the rest is just some bla bla..
next 'part' contains the worldnotorious
picture of the panther. too bad this one
is far below the standart of the one
done years ago by some loony painter!!
the only difference is that it is done
with some animations so the panther
looks more like some pussycat wanting
its food!!!  the rest of the graphics is
a sort of a ripp-off as the charset was
inspired by flimbo and the rest taken
from the thundercats...
and as always there has to be some old
and ugly part in every demo... yep,this
one is exactly one of those made,but
never released parts!!  the logo was
probably drawn after the painter lost an
eye and the other eye was covered..
the rest of the screen is destroyed by
one of those fld,stretch bla bla scrolls
that are soo old fashioned that they
were lame even 1 year ago...
gladly those guys in france were smart
enough to let a cool part follow a bad
one!  here is something which was never
seen on this machine and it is a dotplot
landscape with hills and so on... the
scape is controllable with a joystick
and therefor it's even better!!
how ninchitsuninjakungfukaratekicking!!
here is just one mega ruling part...
it features a big flag of japan with a
little text part under it. after some
time there appears a rawkickingtrauma
kickboxer practicing his martial arts.
he's still a beginner as he moves a bit
slow but for the rest it is so fucking
cool and great animated...
the music is also one taekwondo ears
piercing japanese song it simply rules!!
yes,it was going too good... here's a
little bit recession of the great parts!
this 'the end' part is good,but doesn't
look that good with some outdated graphs
which are also expanded and sometimes
even flicker like hell,when it does some
weird ugly techtech... this makes you
cry pretty much as the move without
flicker is even 1000 times cooler!!!
also some of the pictures were 'stolen'
and i also had some problems to see what
they were about!!
okay,now for the final words of judgment
for this demo with some great but also
some blurgh parts...
       'hexagone ii' by 'babygang'
code by:ludwig,chocapog,mr.stark.:7.0/10
graphix by:cygnus,christ,wildhawk:6.5/10
           artline dgn,ionix dgn.
           and double density....
musics by:ironcat/trc,harmony pr.:8.0/10
ideas (from the amiga)...........:9.0/10
overall of all these four rates..:7.6/10
just a little note that the musics which
sometimes were converted from the amiga
so it might sound familiar to you.
this demo is pretty good and is above
the average...  maybe if they improve in
the graphics they kick some better but!

just as weather changes,we'll also have
to change as we skip from allround demo
to graphical demo...
here's a little demo done by the guys in
'style designs'.. the demo is called
"fantasia" and i hoped their fantasy was
better then their reality...   but let's
not go too fast...
review review...

the intro isn't really something special
as it is some sort of mix of things seen
before.  therefor it aint too good as
the music is very,maybe even too,strange
and the little graphics in it is nothing
to be over-excided about...
then a real 'part' starts... first there
is some graphic with a music and after
some time there appear some more graphic
with quite a strange style...
this part is not really to write about
to your mummy and so i'll go to the next
one which is at least a bit better...
now the cool graphics reveal themselves
in this picture of a port by sunset.
the colors are great and make it even
more vivid!  the music is the only thing
to make it a bit durable...
these guys really love to have some kind
of a weird style... as long as it has
not been witnessed before it is okay!!
well,here is just a picture without any
meaning to it.. around this picture are
4 triangles flashing after eachother.
music is again strange but nice!
here it's the last part of this graphics
show and they made the right choise to
save a cool picture for the last.  it is
again without any form of logo or photo
but it has something which the other pix
unfortunately missed.  well,this part
contains most of the action in the demo
as in here 8 sprites move around in the
fli-border...  this time the music is
rather groovy!!
      'fantasia' by 'style designs'
code by:sato.....................:2.0/10
graphix by:coroner...............:8.0/10
musics by:groms..................:7.0/10
overall of all these four rates..:7.3/10
the amount of graphix+music+ideas were
multiplied by 2,the code was added and
this number was divided by 7!
most important is ofcourse the graphics,
and that's were you should really judge
the demo...

the last oldie of this month is the cool
graphic demo released by 'extend'...
two of their painters,electric and atte,
have collected some of their pictures
and put them onto eachother...
there is just a little intro infront of
a collection of fli-pictures loaded by
an irq-loader playing a music by page.
when the next picture is loaded a raster
bar appears and now you can press space
to load the next one... it will restart
after the last picture.. when the new
picture is being depacked the music
stops for a while which's quite annoying
after some time...
        'morbid art' by 'extend'
code by:wide.....................:5.0/10
graphix by:electric,atte.........:9.0/10
musics by:page...................:7.0/10
overall of all these four rates..:7.9/10
the overall is counted in the same way
as the previous demo...
the graphics in this demo really kicks
ass although there's one rotten among

*+,-./0  reviews of demos which  *+,-./0
1234567                          1234567
89:;<=>   have been released at  89:;<=>
?_ABCDE                          ?_ABCDE
  FGH       the light party!!      FGH

           "tight" by 'maniax'
as what i had seen from maniax in the
past i wasn't expecting this demo to be
too good.  and my suspicion was right!
it was better than i expected it to be,
but it still wasn't too good...
as intro they used the same old fucking
ugly intro which was probably the first
thing they ever done!!  the graphix gave
me a strange and unpleasant feeling!
the next part was better but because of
the bug it gave me a point to rag on!!
there is a bug! near the moving fli-logo
which really recieves all the atraction!
that's why i talk about the bug and not
about the logo!! a large sideborder
scroll with another bug!! in the charset
there is one corner of the letter fucked
up,haha!!   this is all ones more in a
fucking old style and also the graphics
aren't much to say good about!!
wow! how cool! a logo dycp changer which
replaces an ugly logo by a lame logo!!
the logo down aint hires as it looks
like,but it's fli with over it a big
dycp that dycps so fast that even a f40
looks slow!!   therefor also this part
gets nasty points,which it doesn't realy
deserve entirely as the code is nice!
and now we got the typical part which is
a representive for the entire demo...
ugly graphics and sideborder!!
these are the words which entirely tell
you what this demo is about!!
just for you lamers;the small vector box
is real time,so no fucking animation!!
picture,bla...well,this part has some
nice effects like some spinning sprites
and a nice credits-shower!
heh!? a part with some nice coding that
is different to sideborder!!
i thought i was dreaming,but i wasn't!
well,the graphics are getting better,and
the rest of the screen is filled with
some turning boxes!!
then the dream turned into a nightmare
and the real effect appeared.
the nice turning boxes seemed only part
of the effect!!   now those boxes make
letters which are way too big and it
really doesn't look good!!
still the code is nice so i'll better
shut up!!
heheh! after all that nagging i guess
you wanna know the ratings now,don't ya?
           'tight' by 'maniax'
code by:manopla,cory.............:6.0/10
graphix by:chock.................:4.0/10
musics by:danko,a-man,moon,r-o,..:7.0/10
          johnathan dunn.........
overall of all these four rates..:5.8/10
the overall is:all counted together and
devided by 4!
as you can see,this demo is around what
an average group can release nowadays!!
there are too many looking alike parts
and also graphics are looking incomen to
eachother!!   a nice one was the part
with the moving fli-logo which had the
        IJK    "dreamline"      IJK
     LMNOPQ                  LMNOPQ
     RSTUVW mindlight design RSTUVW
this pretty good graphix demo starts
with an intro! (how cool eh!?) and in
this intro there's some raw code to
accompany the graphix!!!
if you check it out more you'll see that
there's a 2 screen big moving hires-logo
which moves like the swing in the new
corruption outfit!! (know that!?)
there's also a scroll and some other
graphics!  if you see this graphics and
you don't think they're that good,then
don't reset as the rest of the graphics
is far better and nothing is worse!!
just that you know it!!
after space some rasters come up and the
text is telling you to stay were you are
and that's the best thing you can do!!
a scroll takes part of the screen after
it turned black and is giving you some
blabla about the demo... the first logo/
picture really impressed me as it is
really original and very good drawn onto
the screen.  the part loads the next
picture by itself and if you had enough
of the current picture and "space" is
standing in the down-border you can go
to the next one!!  on total there are
6 pictures and they are really worth
your time!!  some are good and some are
a bit worse,but that's always!!
let's get over to the ratings as there's
not much left to tell about the looks of
the demo itself...
    'dreamland' by 'mindlight design'
code by:tango/orbs...............:7.0/10
graphix by:jason/orbs,cop/triad..:7.8/10
musics by:probe/antic,guy shavitt:8.0/10
overall of all these four rates..:7.7/10
overall like with the other graphicdemos
please notice that none of the graphics
is drawn with any advanced fli-editor!!!
all graphics,except for charsets,are
done in hires and therefor much have sum
more respect than those fli pictures!!

XYZÅÄÓ                            XYZÅÄÓ
ÖÜ !"#           "vogue"          ÖÜ !"#
$%&'()                            $%&'()
*+,-./         'the orbs!'        *+,-./
012345                            012345
the intro is quite easy,but looks nice!
two logos some rasters and 2 scrolls!
it is something everybody can do,so it
won't be awarded that much.
this one starts with a really good hires
logo and a wringler dycp over and behind
some rasterlines...  after some time a
nice,but hacky,trailblazer sets foot on
the screen...  this is nice but all done
before so no thrills!!
again some nice graphics. in a box you
see the part of which the graphix are
being shown in some page-system.
also there are some addresses to contact
the guys in orbs!! (yipieyeah!)
that's all for this little demo!
it was quite boring o review it as only
one part had some action in it...
anyway,here are my points...
            'vogue' by 'orbs'
code by:tango....................:4.0/10
graphix by:jason,tango...........:7.5/10
musics by:jeroen tel,harmony prod:7.5/10
overall of all these four rates..:6.0/10

   "venimus,vidimus,vicimus" by 'tpf'
this demo was qualified enough to be
among the shown ones on the big screen.
it didn't win but here's a review of it
the intro is one of those logo here,text
there,flash here,picture there etc...
there's also one big picture at the end.
the first part contains some animated
zoomer and it's too hard to explain the
effect,so you better get your hands on
it if you wanna know how it looks like!
this is one big ugly part...  there are
4 big lores scrolls (16 colors!) which
give the usual bla bla...
the charset aint too good but aint bad
the last part to end with contains some
big bobs of different shapes and move
way too fast!!  it also doesn't look
nice to me at all,so forget about it!!
            'v.v.v.' by 'tpf'
code by:zeldin...................:7.5/10
graphix by:rickmeister...........:6.5/10
musics by:yoda,zyron.............:7.0/10
overall of all these four rates..:7.5/10

just check out the other chapter for the
   reviews of the winning demos of the

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