ArachnoPhobia 04 Spooky Story

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|Editted by:Lizart/Spiders/Dark Crystal|
|Music by:Eco/Acrise & Excess          |

This time we're back, and we have
combined our powers, so beware of me and
the rest of the crew.....
I welcome you in this chapter and I hope
you will enjoy my new story.
This time it's about Richard Luciano,
who has been kidnapped by aliens.
I'll not bother you anymore so start

It was friday and Richard was lying on
his his bed...... then the phone rings
Richard half awake and half sleeping
picks up the phone:"Yes, with me,who is
this?". Richard looked at the clock and
saw that it was 8 o'clock, and that
means that he is late for work!!
Oh NO, and that man on the other side of
the phoneline was probably his boss!!!
"Mr.Luciano, this is your boss speaking,
are you coming to work or what?".
Richard answers with a nervous voice:"Eh
well I was a bit late, because I..".
And before Richard could end his
sentence; the boss said:"Well get here
as fast as possible" and he hang up.
Richard jumped out of bed and put on
some clothes, he made some sandwiches
and put on his coat. When he came at the
car he realises that he forgot his keys,
so he run back into the house and picked
up his keys. He looked at his watch
again; 8:15. He starts the engine and
rushed to work. On the way he drives
like an idiot,with 150 km/h over a small
country road. Than all of a sudden he
gets blinded by light, he losses
control over his car and ends up
against a tree. Richard was unconscious,
so he doesn't notice a strange object
above his head. The object turns out to
be an UFO and takes Richard and his car
into the ship. Then the ship flies away.

Richard wakes up in a strange place. He
didn't recognises the place and starts
to walk, but before he could make one
step he falls on the floor. He tries to
get up but he has great pain and tries
to find out where the pain comes from.
Then he looked at his stomach and
noticed that there's a wound which has
been stitched. He thought that it was
from the car accident so he doesn't pay
attention to the wound itself. After
half an hour he reaches a door that
seems to be the exit. He tries to open
it, but it doesn't work. He begins to
slam on the door and calls for help.
Than the door opens and a strange
creature appears; the creature says:
"Hello, I am your friend.". Richard is
suprised that the creature can talk and
he suddenly begins to realise that he is
on an alien ship. He says: "Hi, I am
Richard Luciano and who are you??".
The creature starts to think and says
this: "Hello, I am your friend.".
Richard understands that this creature
can't talk and he tries to make clear
that he wants out of here. The creature
pushes on a button which appeared when
he reaches for the wall with his hand. A
few seconds later 4 other creatures
arrive and they picked him up and take
him to an object which seems to be a bed
They tie him up and push on a button.
Then the wall besides Richard disappears
and out of there comes a big machine
with some sort of laser on it.
The laser was aimed on Richard and than
the big machine is activated and hits
Richard with full strenght. Richard
can't scream of pain because he was
already unconscious. A few seconds later
the machine charges up again and hits
Richard with another laser. Richard
wakes up with lots of pain and the
machine hits him again with the laser,
the pain get even worse Richard falls
unconscious. This all continues untill
the machine's engine has stopped.

2 Days later....

Richard wakes up with headache and lots
of pain in his chest, legs and arms,
actually everthing hurts.
Richard realizes that the Aliens aren't
friendly at all and they are just using
him for a test or someting like that.
He tries to get up and walks away, he is
quite suprised how easy it goes and he
walks to the "door". He just reaches to
the wall and a button apears. He hits
the button and the door opens, he now
walks away quickly and in complete
A few hours later he finds a real door,
so he goes in. He looks at all kind of
stuff stolen from earth, and a window..
So he looks out of the big window and
sees the earth and the moon,it's a great
view but he must get out of this ship.
Richard looks around again and noticed
that there's an Russian space craft
behind a second door. He has studied a
bit Russian on school so it is readable
for Richard. After a few minutes he
knows how the door opens and he goes in.
The space craft seems to be intact and
Richard finds out how he can get this
thing to work, so he pushses a few
buttons and the space craft is activated
Ofcourse Richard doesn't know how to get
this thing started so he takes his time
and studies the craft for days, maybe
even weeks.
The aliens are ofcourse not stupid and
they have seen all the things the human
did, because this is an intelligence
test. Richard now knows the whole ship
and how it works (a bit). So he starts
the engine and he crashes with an
enormous sound through the huge window.
He now has got to go back to earth and
he is heading for it. Richard hasn't got
any hunger because he found something to
atable in this ship.
In the meanwhile the aliens where quite
bored by all of this and they decided
that the human must die? The are
preparing all the weapons, but at the
moment of shooting it gives a damage
report. The aliens are suprised and
look what is going on. Richard found
out that there was also some weaponary
on board and he now started shooting on
the alien vessel. After four times
shooting the whole alien ship exploded?
Because of the big explosion Richart's
craft gets damaged and rushes to the
earth with an immense speed.
Richard decides to let the ship go
because nothing helps to slow the ship
down or speed it up.

After 2 weeks....

Richard runs out of food.

After 3 weeks

He reaches earth and gets in the
atmospheer and he falls in a ocean,
because he doesn't know how to land.
He tries to swim to the coast and when
he climbs on the fake rocks of steel he
looks at a city of steel and glass, no
people on the street, no beggars, no
tourists and absolutly no garbage.
He is suprised and walks through the
city like a zombie. Richard looks at an
high very building    ^-----------_69
who looks like a      |###########|
big box and he        |###########+-+
tries to get in. +~---~_69+---------++|
The door open whe|.-..-.|_7d_7d_7d_7d_7d_7d_7d_7d_7d_7d++-+
n he comes closer|..-..-|_7d_7d_7d_7d_7d_7d_7d_7d_7d_7d|%%|
and he walks in. |-..-.. --+_7d_7d+----++%|
He couldn't spot |.-..-..-.|_7d_7d|*****|%|
a human yet so   |..-..-..-|_7d_7d|*****|%|
he walks trough. |-..-..-..|_7d_7d|*****|%|
After 1 minute   |.-.+-----+--+-----+%|
he looks in the  |..-|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|%|
face of a women, |-..|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@+-++
who runs away,   |.-.|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|==|
screaming!       |..-|@@@--------@@@|==|
Richard runs     |-..|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|==|
after the women  |.-.|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|==|
but some men     |..-|@@@--------@@@|==|
grasped him so   |-..|@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|==|
he can't       --+---+--------------+--+
continue with purchasing the strange
dressed woman.
The men hold him tight and they bring
him to a sort of ambulance.  In the
ambulance he gets tied up and lies on a
wooden board. Then they arrive at
a clinic and some other men pointed at
him with a laser and he is unconcsious.
After 2 hours he awakes in the clinic
and he now remembers that this was not
the earth as he has left it and that he
is probably in the future.
Then the door openes and a strange
dressed doctor comes in he says; "Hello
I am Doctor Pyslatic, and I am here for
your problems, tell me about it".
Richard reply's: "I am Richard Luciano,
what year is it??". "2264", says the
doctor. Richard was shocked and he hits
the doctor and runs away. He runs
through the clinic and than all of a
sudden he is outside and before he knows
it he falls from the building. Richard
screams and tries to grasp something.
Than he drops on the floor and is
dead immediatly. The doctor runs
downstairs and start to clean up the
mess, they are just robots....

After 5 Days....

Richard wakes up with a terrible pain in
his whole body. He realises that he is
alive, but than he notice that he is on
an alien vessel again and the aliens are
there to do some more tests.
One of the aliens says: "Hello, Mr.
Luciano welcome aboard we brought you
back to live to do some more tests.
"Oh and don't destroy our ship again
because than we will kill the whole
human race........."

                THE END
                THE END

That was a nice story, wasn't it'??
And I hope you've all enjoyed it and
will join me next time, bye

   Yours faithfully,


(eeek!! I am being kidnapped by aliens+)
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