Propaganda 23 ch01
From C64 Diskmag Wiki
+----+ |PROPAGANDA ISSUE 23 |PROPAGANDA +----+ +-----------------------+ _______________| Intelligent and | |freethinking journalism| +-----------------------+ . IN THE HEART OF SCENETOWN . Dear readers, It is all back to the roots as I see it. Editing this magazine has been nothing short of a nightmare. Not because of what I have written or the time it has taken - I tend to love that part. No, because all my 64's are dying on me. As most of you know I spend most of the time editing this magazine with focus on the news. I'd say the newschapter takes around 18 hours of effective re- search and editing from scratch. As I started writing the news some week back on my 128D, it just burnt out and re- fused to cooperate. Of course I hadn't saved any of the pages and I sighed as I realized I had to rewrite the damn crap all over again. So I took out an old NTSC-machine that we used in the old days of GENESIS PROJECT and it didn't take long until it proved just as un- reliable. I had to dig deeper into the collection of 64's and 128's I have ga- thered up through the years. I tried ALFATECH/CENSOR'S old machine, I tried the 2nd 64 I bought back in 1987 and 2 more that I don't even know where I got them from. As it all came down, I was down to my last one - my first 64 from 1982. As I took it out of the cupboard I looked at it carefully and was sur- prised about how clean it looked. No marks, no stickers, just one juicy, yellow sticker that JUCKE/GENESIS put there when ANTICHRIST asked me to take over the magazine. PROPAGANDA MACHINE, it said. For a moment I just stood there solemenly and thought "this machine has really done it's share to the scene". I plugged up the machine and my old drive in my livingroom and started writing. Believe me if I was surprised when I started writing and realized this trusty old piece of technology was not freezing on me! So it was back to edit- ing, re-editing and for the past 5 days I have come home from work, locked all doors and controlled the magazine from a comfortable couch. Editing this, I feel a slight sense of satisfaction, back to the roots on the trusty old ma- chine. Heaps of disks are around me, as are papers, small post-it-notes and a glass of pure malt on the rocks. The phone interrupts me every once in a while, but there are only calls from people on the scene as most of my fri- ends gave up when I refused to socialize over the past few days. I am a true scener by heart, I'd say proudly if any- one asked me. Lucky for me that I saved parts of this text though. Because after several days of reliable editing, also this machine froze on me. I would toss and turn in my sleep if I would have to go through such a delicate phase again - I tell you, this is really worse any program MICROSOFT ever made. Regards from Planet Scene, NEWSCOPY Editor PROPAGANDA __________ _________________________ ORGANIZATION ____________ EDITOR.......NEWSCOPY CO-EDITOR..COUNT ZERO _________________________ REPORTERS _________ THE LIST.......COUNT ZERO PUBLIC AFFAIRS.......SIXX PUBLIC AFFAIRS.....WALKER PUBLIC RELATIONS.TRANZIIE WANTED...........INTRUDER _________________________ _________________________ PRODUCTION __________ CODE(C64)...........DEVIL CODE(C64).............GOZ CODE(MAC).....SONIC WURST INTERNET...........MOTLEY FONTS.................SES ICONS...............SCOPE PROPAGRAPH..........SCOPE LOGOS...............SCOPE MUSIC...............ZYRON _________________________ _________________________ DISTRIBUTION ____________ MAIL...............WALKER MAIL...............NEOTEC MAIL.......DERBYSHIRE RAM MAIL.............TRANZIIE MAIL.................SIXX INTERNET.........NEWSCOPY _________________________ ______________________ FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS, ARTICLES, COMPLAINTS AND BACKISSUES. ______________________ PROPAGANDA HOUSE XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX PHONE XXXXXXXXXXXX FAX XXXXXXXXXXXX MOBILE XXXXXXXXXXXX NEWSCOPY@ALGONET.SE ______________________